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#1 Jun 17 2004 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
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Panel: No Iraq link to 9/11

Bush Reasserts Hussein-Al Qaeda Link

You might have to register to read them :/
#2 Jun 17 2004 at 5:40 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
trickybeck the Sly wrote:
Panel: No Iraq link to 9/11

Bush Reasserts Hussein-Al Qaeda Link

You might have to register to read them :/

Ok. I'll ask this again (how many freaking times do I need to do this?):

Why are those to statements counter to eachother?

Why can't Iraq have ties without being linked to 9/11?

/e slams head against wall....
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#3 Jun 17 2004 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
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12,636 posts
Maybe you should actually read it:

WASHINGTON -- The independent commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks emphatically disputed Wednesday that Saddam Hussein had any significant ties to Al Qaeda, rejecting one of the Bush administration's major arguments for the war in Iraq.

Just says "emphatically disputed Wednesday that Saddam Hussein had any significant ties to Al Qaeda." Nothing about 9/11 in that.
#4 Jun 17 2004 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
trickybeck the Sly wrote:
Maybe you should actually read it:

WASHINGTON -- The independent commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks emphatically disputed Wednesday that Saddam Hussein had any significant ties to Al Qaeda, rejecting one of the Bush administration's major arguments for the war in Iraq.

Just says "emphatically disputed Wednesday that Saddam Hussein had any significant ties to Al Qaeda." Nothing about 9/11 in that.

Then why did you write it such that your "point" was the panel saying that there was no link between Iraq and 9/11, and your "counterpoint was that Bush reasserts Hussein-Al Queda link?

Isn't that misleading? Aren't you now doing the exact same thing I'm accusing the media of doing?

It sure looks like you are trying to make the reader assume that a disagreement over whether Iraq had connections/ties/whatever with Al-queda, and the extent of those ties is somehow related to whether or not Iraq was involved with 9/11.

Again. Why even mention 9/11 in your post if that's not what you were talking about?

Madness. You're doing it and don't even realize it.

Edited, Thu Jun 17 19:06:00 2004 by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#5 Jun 17 2004 at 6:15 PM Rating: Good
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#6 Jun 17 2004 at 6:17 PM Rating: Good
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Then why did you write it such that your "point"

Actually, I never said which point was mine. I thought I'd post two contrary points and let people discuss them, but apparently you weren't up for that.
#7 Jun 17 2004 at 6:42 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
trickybeck the Sly wrote:
Then why did you write it such that your "point"

Actually, I never said which point was mine. I thought I'd post two contrary points and let people discuss them, but apparently you weren't up for that.

I'm certainly up for it. However, I'm not going to register to a site just to read one story.

Point/counterpoint assumes that there are two differing points. If you'd just included quotes of what the two points were, it would have helped. Including links that you don't have to register to in order to read would help more.

Here's my response though (based on what you have quoted). Note that the 9/11 panel said there were no "signifcant" ties between Iraq and Al-queda. Remember, their job is to investigate stuff related to 9/11, not Iraq. "Significant ties" in that context is essentially determining whether Iraq was related enough to have had anything to do with 9/11. They don't. They didn't. No one ever said they did.

While they don't have significant ties in relation to 9/11. Iraq certainly did have "ties" to them (and the panel confirms this since they didn't say there were "no ties", just no "significant ties"). That's all the administration ever said. What this really does is confirm the administrations statements, not deny them. What part of the Administrations statements is wrong? Was Cheney wrong when he said that top level Iraqi officials met with Al-queda? Nope. Was Cheney wrong about the member of Al-queda that fled to Iraq during the Afghanistan war? Nope.

Of course, it's a matter of interpretation. But unless the administration said: "Iraq supplied weapons and money to Al-queda", or "Iraq helped Al-queda plan 9/11", or something like that, then I still don't see a contradiction. The only contradiction is between the reality (Iraq and Al-queda were only minorly related), and the assumption's you've made based on the administrations statements (Meetings between Iraq and Al-queda must mean that they were in bed together and planning everything together). That's your incorrect assumption. It's not anything the administration actually said.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#8 Jun 17 2004 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
6,730 posts
trickybeck you really shouldn't bother arguing with gbaji. His opinions are as imobile as a wall. If god came down from on high, proclaimed all politics and all religions as moot and decreed we should all live in happiness and harmony with each other before asending back to the heavens, gbaji would argue the definition of "moot" if only because he was such an ardent republican.
#9 Jun 18 2004 at 6:17 AM Rating: Default
30,086 posts
The administration uses imaginary "links" to Al Queda to assosiate Iraq with 911. That's why reportes ask the question 90 times and force Bush to say "We didn't say there was a connection between Saddam and 911..BUT THERE WAS A CONNECTION WITH AL QUEDA!! DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS, PEOPLE!!! WHERE THERE'S SMOKE THERE'S FIRE!!!"

It's an assanine ******** thing that makes them appear to be liars to the people who coudln't discern (by careful design, of course) that they weren't referring to 911.

It's just one more thing that's going to lose them the election.

I can't wait until November.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#10 Jun 18 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:
The administration uses imaginary "links" to Al Queda to assosiate Iraq with 911. That's why reportes ask the question 90 times and force Bush to say "We didn't say there was a connection between Saddam and 911..BUT THERE WAS A CONNECTION WITH AL QUEDA!! DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS, PEOPLE!!! WHERE THERE'S SMOKE THERE'S FIRE!!!"

So you are saying that it's impossible for Iraq to have connections with Al-queda and not be involved in the 9/11 attacks?

Isn't that the flawed logic I've been arguing against this whole time? And here you are unabashedly saying it again! Unbelievable...

Look. When one side of an argument is spending all their time saying: "We didn't say that", it's a pretty good bet that the other side is arguing a strawman.

Draw your own conclusions folks. The administration says that they never claimed that Iraq was connected to 9/11. No one can seem to find any statement by them saying Iraq was connected to 9/11. The Panel confirms the administrations position that Iraq was not related to 9/11. And somehow the Dems are still trying to argue some kind of wrongdoing?

The *only* inconsistency here is between the facts and the imaginary strawman argument dreamed up by the Dems. Just accept that you were wrong and move on...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#11 Jun 18 2004 at 5:22 PM Rating: Default

my last troll post of the day im sorry. i got sunburnt on my shoulders, and it itches so bad i have to drink the itchiness away. anyway.

gbaji, just to let you know, i come to this forum because i know im pretty much inferior to the most of yall that post here, on a written level at least. some people can type away, but couldnt smack talk or think this **** up fast enough for normal discussion. I can, just I don't ever have a lot of ammo. So i come here, to belittle myself with the help of others, so that one day my pain can help me be a more well rounded person.

YOU... i personally think you come here because you are of that certain type that needs the extended inner monologue, internet explorer, and the time it takes to make a post. you remind of some people in my life i've met that have absolutely no awareness of what comes out of their mouth, but will fight to the death to argue, even if they can't hear their own words.
#12 Jun 18 2004 at 5:24 PM Rating: Default
30,086 posts

So you are saying that it's impossible for Iraq to have connections with Al-queda and not be involved in the 9/11 attacks?

No, learn how to read. I'm saying the administration is clearly, intentionaly, playing on the fears of the average 10 second soundbite consumer to attempt to foster the impression that there's a link between Iraq and 911.

Continually, persietently. This is why reporters continually ask them straight out the question, to which they answer either "I'm not saying there's any evidence of that" or whatever. Which is fine. No one is arguing they've stated a connection between Iraq and 911.

The point is that they are intentionally putting that rehtoric into the public consumption trough. It's not a mistake. The sheer volume of rhetoric involving linking Al Queda and Iraq is far to massive for it to be a casual thing they mention occasionaly.

Cheney's having tee shirts made, I hear.

The reason people point out over and over that there is no link between Iraq and 911 is that PEOPLE THINK THERE IS. Not because anyone thinks the administration has claimed it.

No one cares if they haven't said it, they've done everything concivably possilbe to communicate it without stating it because they realize that would be a blatant lie.

Look at the polling data about how many Americans think Iraq was directly responsible for 911. That didn't happen accidentaly.

What you're arguing about is the press and the left debunking a COMMON belief among the average person that's been fostered by the administration. If you want to argue that it's just happenstance that people came to that conclusion on their own in spite of no one in the administration making any such claims, have a good time.

That's my point. It's irrelevant to me if anyone in the adminstration said there was a link between Iraq and 911. I don't beleive they have. The issue for me, is that MOST PEOPLE belive they have. The more times I see Bush or Cheney on TV saying there was never a link and that they never said ther was a link is the more times I can hear the average person thinking "they lied to me, they said there was"

That's all I want out of the issue. For the administration to keep stating that there was never a link and they never claimed there was one.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#13 Jun 18 2004 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:
No one is arguing they've stated a connection between Iraq and 911.

Um. Actually. Quite a few people are. Just see the "Liberal Slant in the media" thread Smash. It's right there in black and white.

Unless you're suggesing that CNN doens't count as "anyone"?

The point is that they are intentionally putting that rehtoric into the public consumption trough. It's not a mistake. The sheer volume of rhetoric involving linking Al Queda and Iraq is far to massive for it to be a casual thing they mention occasionaly.

Sure. They wanted to make sure that people understood how Iraq fit into the war on terror. It's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation Smash. The masses equate terrorism to 9/11 and Al-queda. I'm reasonably certain that if the government had made mention of the IRA as a terrorist group during the months after 9/11, there would be lots of people who would think that the IRA was behind 9/11 as well. Hmmm... IRA. Just one letter why of "Iraq"! OMG! A connection...

But it's the media that determines how that is presented. It's overwhelmingly the media that has fostered the idea that Iraq was somehow connected to 9/11. No one in the administration made that claim. The media did. They did it by posing questions like: "Was Iraq related to 9/11?". The public doens't hear the answer. They hear the fact that someone asked the question. That's all the media.

The reason people point out over and over that there is no link between Iraq and 911 is that PEOPLE THINK THERE IS. Not because anyone thinks the administration has claimed it.

Again. They think that because the media spent a year postulating and asking over and over about the possibility, even after the zillionth time they were told that Iraq wasn't responsible. Are you suggesting that the Bush adminisration somehow controls the media? If that's the case, then how come that same media is now slaming them because there *isn't* a connection between Iraq and 9/11?

The obvious conclusion is that the media did this one all by themselves. They've gotten so into the habit of slipping editorials into the news that they created the idea of the connection, and now are creating the idea that the connection was inferred by the administration. Somehow, they miss the fac that they dreamed it up all by themselves.

That's my point. It's irrelevant to me if anyone in the adminstration said there was a link between Iraq and 911. I don't beleive they have. The issue for me, is that MOST PEOPLE belive they have. The more times I see Bush or Cheney on TV saying there was never a link and that they never said ther was a link is the more times I can hear the average person thinking "they lied to me, they said there was"

That's all I want out of the issue. For the administration to keep stating that there was never a link and they never claimed there was one.

Yes. And so does the media. Hence the liberal slant. They can't resist the opportunity to imply that the administration is lying, even when you, I, and everyone else knows that it isn't true. They ask the questions because they *know* that they've already put the idea that the administration connected Iraq and 9/11 into the minds of the people, and now they can create another story by pointing out to the gullible people that it really isn't true afterall.

The "liars" here are the media. Pure and simple. Not Bush. Not Cheney. The media. They've chosen sides. It's obvious to everyone but those who are already on the left (who think that it's impartial to have a media that does nothing but slam the right).
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#14 Jun 18 2004 at 7:46 PM Rating: Default
30,086 posts
It's not the media's fault that the administration intentionally tried to doster the impression that Iraqi's flew the 911 planes.

It's not a "dammed if you do/don't" situation in the slightest. This administration wanted the idea in people's heads that Iraq was tied to 911. They got it. Now they get teh consequences fo the media beating the drum that it isn't true.

You reap what you sow.

No slant there.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#15 Jun 18 2004 at 8:18 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Interestingly enough, Git provided this link:

It's a graduate thesis on the war on Iraq and how we got there. According to the researchers, it's the first and only study of it's kind that catalogs all the events and the order in which they happened. One interesting bit:

Largio also discovered that it was the media that initiated discussions about Iraq, introducing ideas before the administration and congressional leaders did about the intentions of that country and its leader. The media also “brought the idea that Iraq may be connected to the 9-11 incident to the forefront, asking questions of the officials on the topic and printing articles about the possibility.”

King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#16 Jun 18 2004 at 10:43 PM Rating: Default
30,086 posts
The officials did nothing to disabuse the media of that perception.

It's very simple. Had the administration wanted to make crystal clear that Iraq wasn't involved in 911 they could easily have done so. Instead they did the polar opposite in every way save for blatantly lying. Cheney on meet the press STILL wouldn't acknowledge there was no link in September '03 after polls showed 70 percent of the people in the US belived there was a link.

MR. RUSSERT: The Washington Post asked the American people about Saddam Hussein, and this is what they said: 69 percent said he was involved in the September 11 attacks. Are you surprised by that?

VICE PRES. CHENEY: No. I think it’s not surprising that people make that connection.

MR. RUSSERT: But is there a connection?

VICE PRES. CHENEY: We don’t know. You and I talked about this two years ago. I can remember you asking me this question just a few days after the original attack. At the time I said no, we didn’t have any evidence of that. Subsequent to that, we’ve learned a couple of things. We learned more and more that there was a relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda that stretched back through most of the decade of the ’90s, that it involved training, for example, on BW and CW, that al-Qaeda sent personnel to Baghdad to get trained on the systems that are involved. The Iraqis providing bomb-making expertise and advice to the al-Qaeda organization.

We know, for example, in connection with the original World Trade Center bombing in ’93 that one of the bombers was Iraqi, returned to Iraq after the attack of ’93. And we’ve learned subsequent to that, since we went into Baghdad and got into the intelligence files, that this individual probably also received financing from the Iraqi government as well as safe haven.

Now, is there a connection between the Iraqi government and the original World Trade Center bombing in ’93? We know, as I say, that one of the perpetrators of that act did, in fact, receive support from the Iraqi government after the fact. With respect to 9/11, of course, we’ve had the story that’s been public out there. The Czechs alleged that Mohamed Atta, the lead attacker, met in Prague with a senior Iraqi intelligence official five months before the attack, but we’ve never been able to develop anymore of that yet either in terms of confirming it or discrediting it. We just don’t know.

MR. RUSSERT: We could establish a direct link between the hijackers of September 11 and Saudi Arabia.

VICE PRES. CHENEY: We know that many of the attackers were Saudi. There was also an Egyptian in the bunch. It doesn’t mean those governments had anything to do with that attack. That’s a different proposition than saying the Iraqi government and the Iraqi intelligent service has a relationship with al-Qaeda that developed throughout the decade of the ’90s. That was clearly official policy

Hard to get around that. It's not ambiguos. It's a clear play to not rule out a connection, because at the time it was good for the administration.

Now it's time to pay the piper.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#17 Jun 19 2004 at 10:48 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Pay what piper though? Are you saying that it is the responsibilty of the office of the President to make absolute statements to the media about a connection when they didn't know all the facts?

Cheney said: "We don't know". One could then argue that the whole point of the 9/11 commission (among other things) was to find out for sure. Now, you are blasting the administration for not disavowing any connection because today, the commission formed in part to find out if there was a connection has ruled that there wasn't.

What if he'd done what you asked Smash? What if he'd said: "We're positive that there was no connection between the Iraqi government and the 9/11 attacks". Then what if the commission had found a connection?

You are in effect demanding that the government know the correct answer to a question before the people assembled to find out that answer have had a chance to do their work.

He had three ways to answer that question Smash. He could say that there was a connection. He could say there was not a connection. Or he could say that they didn't know if there was a conection. He chose the latter statement. Please explain to me how it's dishonest in any way to say you don't know something when you, in fact, don't know?

If they'd known at the time, they wouldn't have needed a 9/11 commission to find out. It's a stunning example of over-accusation to blame them for not giving an absolute and correct answer beforehand. But you'll do it anyway I suppose...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#18 Jun 20 2004 at 3:39 AM Rating: Default
30,086 posts
Lay off the crack. The correct answer to the question was and is "There is no evidence at this time to indicate Iraq was involved in 911. At all, period. If we uncover such evidence we'll let the public know at that time"

Let me say again, it doesn't matter to me at all. Be as much of an apologist for the Administration as you'd like. The people who will feel betrayed are the people who thought the administration had stated there was a connection. They arrived at that state (70 precent of people in September '03) because of what the administration said. If there was a media bias it would have to exist on every single press outlet in the country, particularly places like Fox News and the Rush Limbaugh Show, both of whom's viewers/listeners were MORE likely to find a link. Those who listened to NPR were LESS likely to find a link.

If that's because the administration poorly communicated the lack of a connection, then it's their fault.

If it's because they intentionally fostered the idea that there was one, then it's their fault.

No where in this equation does the media suddenly become responsible.

Edited, Sun Jun 20 04:54:00 2004 by Smasharoo

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#19 Jun 21 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:
Lay off the crack. The correct answer to the question was and is "There is no evidence at this time to indicate Iraq was involved in 911. At all, period. If we uncover such evidence we'll let the public know at that time"

Um... They tried that Smash. The media wouldn't let the idea go.

Heck. From your own quote:

We don't know. You and I talked about this two years ago. I can remember you asking me this question just a few days after the original attack. At the time I said no, we didn't have any evidence of that. Subsequent to that, we've learned a couple of things. We learned more and more that there was a relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda that stretched back through most of the decade of the '90s, that it involved training, for example, on BW and CW, that al-Qaeda sent personnel to Baghdad to get trained on the systems that are involved. The Iraqis providing bomb-making expertise and advice to the al-Qaeda organization.

Now. Let's review the timeline:

1. 9/11 attacks occur

2. Media asks if Iraq is connected to the attacks.

3. Administration says that "there's no evidence of a connection"

4. 2 years later, polls show many people believe there is a connection, even though the administration said *exactly* what you say they should have said.

5. At that time, the media again asks about this connection. Presumably, they know about the meetings between Iraqi officials and senior Al-queda members. Cheney can't exactly deny those happened can he? He has to acknowledge those meetings and mention them.

Riddle me this batman: If the administration started out saying there was no evidence of a connection, yet two years later "the people" believe that there is, where did they get that idea?

It can't be from this interview because the polls were done *before* this. As far as we can tell, the last "official" comment on this was exactlywhat you say they should have said: "There is no evidence of a connection between Iraq and the 9/11 attacks".

Find me something the administration did between their first statement and the polls that would make people believe what the polls showed, and you might have a case. If you can't, then your accusation is pure speculation at best.

It's not about being an applogist Smash. I'm not trying to coverup or lessen some wrongdoing by the administration. I happen to thing that (in your own worlds) there is no evidence that the administration made any statements about a possible Iraq-9/11 link that could be responsible for the public believe that one did, in fact, exist.

Lots of people believe in UFOs smash. Should I conclude from the fact that the VP of the US doesn't go on TV and debunk the idea as a confirmation that space aliens are abducting people? You're making the same argument here. You're saying that because people believed something *despite* the government saying there was no evidence of it that the government is somehow complicit in that belief.

I'm sorry. It's not the government's job to tell me what to think and believe. I'm actually quite glad of this. They *shouldn't* be telling me such things. They should just give me the facts (which they did) and let me come to my own conclusions (which they did). The fact that many people came to the wrong connclusion is not the governments fault. In fact, it *should not* be their fault. If we make it their fault, then we set a dangerous precident about what power the government should have over the information people recieve. Should they have debunked every op-ed piece that argued a connection? Isn't that censorship of a sorts? The people are "free" to be decieved by the press. That's one of the strengths of our system. It is most certainly *not* the responsibility of the government to prevent me from making an incorrect decision about something.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#20 Jun 21 2004 at 3:27 PM Rating: Default
30,086 posts
Look, I'm not arguing this any longer. If it's your contention that the administration never attempted to imply such a leak, fine.

The right wing media put the story foward on their own, whatever makes you happy.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#21 Jun 21 2004 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
644 posts
Look. When one side of an argument is spending all their time saying: "We didn't say that", it's a pretty good bet that the other side is arguing a strawman.

Not the ******* strawman again! Jesus, get some new material. Next thing you'll be arguing about HP's versus AC again.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machin ery of night.
#22 Jun 21 2004 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent


#23 Jun 21 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Default
30,086 posts

Not the @#%^ing strawman again! Jesus, get some new material. Next thing you'll be arguing about HP's versus AC again.

I never should have taught him that term.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#24 Jun 21 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:

Not the @#%^ing strawman again! Jesus, get some new material. Next thing you'll be arguing about HP's versus AC again.

I never should have taught him that term.

Hmmm... Considering that I was doing competitive debate when you were still in gradeschool, I highly doubt it.

Um... Can you at least make an effort to respond to the content of the post instead of resorting to personal attacks? I know you've done nothing but dig yourself into a hole, but you could at least try...

Kinda too bad when your own quote debunks your own argument though, right? Guess you should have maybe read it a bit more closely. Amaturish mistake really.

So. How's finding some reason other then media hype as to why that poll showed so many people connecting Iraq and 9/11 coming? I'm sure you can find *something* to link the administration to it. Afterall. They only officially stated that there was no evidence of any such connection. Surely, they must have used some kind of secret subliminal messages or something to convince people of the opposite...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#25 Jun 21 2004 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
644 posts
What's a gbaji/Smash discussion like? It's like two ships passing in the night.

First of all, the quote that gbaji is so adamatly using contains only the phrase he want's to use. However, examine the whole section. Particularly...

Now, is there a connection between the Iraqi government and the original World Trade Center bombing in ’93? We know, as I say, that one of the perpetrators of that act did, in fact, receive support from the Iraqi government after the fact. With respect to 9/11, of course, we’ve had the story that’s been public out there. The Czechs alleged that Mohamed Atta, the lead attacker, met in Prague with a senior Iraqi intelligence official five months before the attack, but we’ve never been able to develop anymore of that yet either in terms of confirming it or discrediting it. We just don’t know.

It's an ambigous statement. Even though it's qualified at the end with a "we just don't know", it still leads one to think about the possibility of collusion between Iraq and Al-Queada. The mere hint of impropriety is enough to plant the seed that Iraq had something to do with 9-11. Now you can ***** that people aren't examining the whole quote, but the fact of the matter is that Cheney didn't decide willy nilly to throw that Czech intel out there without a firm grasp of the possible meanings behind it.

Second. It is quite clear that the Administration either helped foster through either innuendo or hints that 9-11 hijackers had dealings with Saddam. Here's a quick example of tying the two ideas into one in a rather clever fashion:

With nuclear arms or a full ******* of chemical and biological weapons, Saddam Hussein could resume his ambitions of conquest in the Middle East and create deadly havoc in that region. And this Congress and the America people must recognize another threat. Evidence from intelligence sources, secret communications, and statements by people now in custody reveal that Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of al Qaeda. Secretly, and without fingerprints, he could provide one of his hidden weapons to terrorists, or help them develop their own.

Before September the 11th, many in the world believed that Saddam Hussein could be contained. But chemical agents, lethal viruses and shadowy terrorist networks are not easily contained. Imagine those 19 hijackers with other weapons and other plans -- this time armed by Saddam Hussein. It would take one vial, one canister, one crate slipped into this country to bring a day of horror like none we have ever known. We will do everything in our power to make sure that that day never comes.

From the 2003 State of the Union Address. No, he doesn't come out and say that Hussein had something to do with 9-11, but he sure paints a pretty picture for someone not listening quite carefully enough.

In one way, gbaji, you're correct. The media drove the idea that Saddam was connected with 9-11, but the Administration gave them them keys. They didn't come up with the idea themselves. That's not how the media works. The idea, through innuendo and I'm sure a number of off the record remarks, was planted and fostered by Bush and his Administration. It was further propagated by the conservative talk radio movement (your buddy's Rush and Sean Hannity).

All you really have to do is throw out the possiblity in a haphazard fashion and then watch the fireworks. Bush, Cheney, and others have linked Osama and Saddam, effective linking the 9-11 events and Iraq.


I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machin ery of night.
#26 Jun 21 2004 at 9:38 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Ok. I can buy that for a dollar. Certainly, the Bush administration "cashed in" on the concern after 9/11 to help push their agenda in Iraq. Heck. I've said that myself on several occasions. I just don't think it's that shocking of a thing. Find me a politician who doesn't take advantage of recent events to push something. Can't do it? Not surprising. Also kinda meaningless to make the accusation.

My problem is with the twisting around of the issue. It's a cause/effect issue really. 9/11 creates a heightened sense of concern about terrorism, and the administration then looks at Iraq and sees in it the potential for more lethal attacks in the future.

Does that mean they are related? Sure. But in the other direction. 9/11 changed the political landscape, in exactly the way the Russians testing their firt A-bomb did. It showed citizens in the US that they could be attacked. It showed they that they were not safe. More importantly, it showed every terrorist in the world that the US *could* be attacked. It was a reasonable and prudent assumption that there would be more attacks as a result. So yeah. They're related in that 9/11 makes the potential for organized terrorist attacks against us more likely, and Iraq has the potential to provide terrorists with weapons to use.

It certainly changed the way the administration had to look at Iraq. This was no longer just a rogue state with a ruler who had dreams of traditional conquest. This was a state with the ability to build WMD (I'm not even going to debate whether they had them at the time since that's irrelevant), the will to use those weapons, a marked hatred for the US, connections to a number of different terrorist groups with whom they shared a hatred of the US if nothing else, and a political environment in which more terrorists might wish to make larger attacks against US soil.

Look at it another way: Wouldn't it have been nearly criminal in the face of what we knew about Iraq to pretend that this potential threat simply didn't exist? Should you play down their connections with terrorism? Remember, the same foggy understanding of terrorism and terrorist groups that fostered the confusion about 9/11 and Iraq in the first place still exists. If you start insisting that Iraq really had nothing at all to do with 9/11, some people would think that means that Iraq isn't a threat. After all, if they assume that 9/11 == Al-queda == Terrorism, they'll make the obvious (and equally flawed) assumption that if Iraq isn't connected with 9/11, then they aren't connected with terrorism. While would result in a reduction of support for the war also for the wrong reasons.

You're arguing that the government should have actively dissuaded people from supporting an action that the administration felt was important. Doesn't that seem a bit silly? If X percent of the people are going to make their mind up for the wrong reasons anyway, you may as well have them agreeing with you then disagreeing. I think it was more expedience then anything.

So yeah. If you want to argue that they didn't go out of their way to debunk every single person who implied that Iraq was related to 9/11, fine. I'll grant you that. But (as I said earlier) I don't feel it's the government's job to do that. It's our jobs as citizens to be informed and be able to look at the information we are given and make a decision. I saw the same news reports as everyone else in the country. Oddly, not once did I *ever* think that Iraq was behind 9/11 in any way. I never saw anyone in the administration say they were, and I never saw any substantiated evidence that even suggested it. It's not my fault that 40% (or whatever the figure was) of the US population is too dumb to be able to figure something out that was inherently obvious to anyone with a modicrum of intelligence. It's also not the US government's fault (although you could argue that our public school system is to blame for not teaching critical thinking at all, and that's funded by the government, but that's another issue).

People are dumb. It's really just that simple. Trying to pin the blame on the administration for decieving them, when all the administration did was not walk over, slap them silly and make them see the facts that were right in front of them is ridiculous. I do not expect my government to think for people. I don't want my government to think for the people. And for anyone who thinks they were decieved, you need to start thinking for yourself instead of letting the local talking heads think for you.

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