Have to love working for a major corporation that observes exactly three major holidays a year. (unless your high level management) This memorial day weekend will be spent working till 10pm every night. (including Monday) What is this world coming to?
Just about every service profession out there will be working through the weekend and on Monday as well, a lot of them much later than you.
But I suppose you've never eaten at a restaurant or ordered pizza on a holiday. Or stayed in a hotel. Or called the police, watched television, used electricity, become sick and needed medical care, or stopped into a convenience store to buy a case of beer. Lucky you.
Different jobs, different times, different days off. A consideration when you are looking for employment.
I'll think about "poor" you the next time my evening plans have been trashed so I can have the joy of working late, or when I get called in on my "normal" days off.
I would not work at all, if I was not so fond of eating on a regular basis, and so pleased to have a roof over my head.
A side note: Last time I tried to roast something that was not dead, I had a terrible fight on my hands. Let me tell you, I learned that lesson!
I promise not to cook and eat any war veterens, hows that?
Cows, cows are fair game. I have a longstanding grudge against all cowkind stemming from the "incident" at my 1st grade dairy field trip. No mercy will be shown to the bovine hoards.
Posted:May 29 2004 at 1:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) No **** genius? Will the earth continue to rotate around the sun over the weekend? What about the rivers? Will they continue to flow to the sea? Any other keen observations you care to share with us?
Different jobs, different times, different days off. A consideration when you are looking for employment.
You work in some sort of job placement profession don't you? Otherwise how could any normal citizen gain such detailed insight into the way employment works?
Warmaverick it was called a joke. Where in my post did I even say dont eat meat. In fact technically even vegetarians are murderers, what makes them worst is they eat a lot of their food live, oh the cruelty. Also if I was serious I would of made some points instead of a one liner, since it is hard to make a point if you dont make any points.
i have a very similar feeling, i also include pigs,chickens,ducks,geese, all the animals they make hot dogs out of,deer, elk,dog and platypus (result of a traggic accident at the last ark cparty that noah threw(man, i'm old))