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#77 Mar 17 2007 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
2,796 posts
Smoking cigarettes is retarded. Go smoke weed, that doesn't physically impude you as much and it's much more enjoyable.
#78 Mar 17 2007 at 7:03 PM Rating: Good
So, I take it impude is a word you mad up when you were stoned?
#79 Mar 17 2007 at 7:04 PM Rating: Good
Ciggs also make an excellent cover for the weed smoking.

"I'm going for a cigarette break" is not a convincing cover for smoking pot if you don't actually smoke cigarettes.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#80 Mar 18 2007 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent
15,512 posts
Omegavegeta wrote:
I enjoy getting paid to not work. Smoking, and the "smoke breaks" I take every hour or two, helps with this.

If saying so actually bothers some of you on the other end of teh internet, well that's just gravy.

Edited, Mar 17th 2007 10:01pm by Omegavegeta

I thought that's what they invented computers for.
#81 Mar 18 2007 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
2,328 posts
I've been smoking for a couple years, first just borrowing friends cigarettes on occasion. This september I started buying packs of my own. I smoke about half a pack a day, though I smoke a pack a day during thie first and last week of each semester because of the increased stress.

I've been considering quitting, because I'm running out of money and because I really don't like smelling like it anymore. I however have an extremly addictive personality (bordering on OCD) and no will power whatsoever.
#82 Mar 18 2007 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Odinohmega wrote:
Smoking cigarettes is retarded. Go smoke weed, that doesn't physically impude you as much and it's much more enjoyable.

It does though, on occasion, mentally impude you...
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#83 Mar 18 2007 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
2,328 posts
Odinohmega wrote:
Smoking cigarettes is retarded. Go smoke weed, that doesn't physically impude you as much and it's much more enjoyable.

Smoking a joint deposits 4 times as much tar on your lungs as a cigarette does.
#84 Mar 18 2007 at 10:30 PM Rating: Default
achileez wrote:

I hate the argument that smoking will shorten your life so you shouldn't do it.
Just about anything pleasant or enjoyable has that capacity.

Anything done to excess is not good.

Never go to excess, but let moderation be your guide.


Everything in excess is opposed to nature.


Clogged with yesterday's excess, the body drags the mind down with it.


Excess generally causes reaction, and produces a change in the opposite direction, whether it be in the seasons, or in individuals, or in governments


I don't personally have anything against smokers; well except for the fact that I don't hire any. People like Smashed don't have any problems engaging in activities the rest of society will have to pick up the bill on.


Cicero Hippocrates Plato and Horace are all dead, we shouldn't listen to them.

Edited, Mar 19th 2007 2:30am by DaimenKain
#85 Mar 19 2007 at 8:06 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Darkuwa wrote:
Odinohmega wrote:
Smoking cigarettes is retarded. Go smoke weed, that doesn't physically impude you as much and it's much more enjoyable.

Smoking a joint deposits 4 times as much tar on your lungs as a cigarette does.

too bad I don't smoke a pack of joints a day..
With the receiver in my hand..
#86 Mar 19 2007 at 8:27 PM Rating: Default
Kelvyquayo the Irrelevant wrote:
Darkuwa wrote:
Odinohmega wrote:
Smoking cigarettes is retarded. Go smoke weed, that doesn't physically impude you as much and it's much more enjoyable.

Smoking a joint deposits 4 times as much tar on your lungs as a cigarette does.

too bad I don't smoke a pack of joints a day..

That's a good point lol.

I could care less if someone is smoking as long as it's not around me, so I agree that smoking shouldn't be allowed in restaurants and such. However, if someone is lighting up I'm not gonna give them a speech about it (especially since I smoke trees anyway), I'll just move or whatever if it's bothering me.

But, I just don't honestly see the attraction. I've tried it before and it just tastes awful, but hey to each his/her own.
#87 Mar 19 2007 at 8:29 PM Rating: Default
borntolandhard wrote:
Wanna know the real reason we smoke? Because it's fun to **** off people like you who demand society conform to their rules. It's fun hearing you spew out your useless facts you read in a magazine and expel them from your mouth while standing on a holier than thou soapbox.

Why do you feel the need to try and infest us with your "live by my rules you dirty smoker" attitudes? I hate you anti-smokers and everything you stand for. The non-smokers are fine, it's you anti pricks that **** me off. Boo hoo, dont smoke outside near a building, cant smoke in a restaurant or bar, cant smoke on a 7 hour plane ride, cant smoke inside privately owned businesses. Can we make additional laws to where if you limit us from doing something that is perfectly legal, we can limit you from opening your f'ing mouths and talking to us like you are a guru on tobacco?

God that would be grand.

We smoke because we can. Why does a dog lick it's balls?

You can't smoke in those places because people who choose not to smoke shouldn't have to be exposed to it in a public place.

Do you really think it's fair for non-smokers to be suffocated on a cramped airplane just because you're too weak to stop for a few hours?
#88 Mar 20 2007 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
301 posts
You can't smoke in those places because people who choose not to smoke shouldn't have to be exposed to it in a public place.

Do you really think it's fair for non-smokers to be suffocated on a cramped airplane just because you're too weak to stop for a few hours?

I don't think you quite grasp the concept of my obviously sarcastic and *******-ish post...

Your "standards" are limiting my FREEDOMS. It is perfectly legal for me to buy a package of cigarettes and to smoke them. However, because of scare tactics, people feel that second hand smoke is harmful (though not a single piece of data can prove this to be accurate)

Do you think it's fair that in a federal republic which promotes democracy, tolerance and freedoms, that I am limited on my freedoms because you simple do not agree?

Don't feed me the health benefits, because quite frankly, no unbiased source will agree with you that second hand smoke is harmful. Hell, they aren't even sure if first hand smoke is as harmful as is portrayed. Obviously the inhalation of carcinogens will lead to faulty lungs (amongst other organs) but they CANNOT directly link it to cancer or emphazima. Why you may ask? Hereditary health concerns are why. Cancer, Emphazima and others are hereditary... so even if you do not smoke you can contract these illnesses/diseases.

Let me put it to you bluntly....

I am 100% for the owners of private businesses telling me I cannot smoke in their buildings. It is their right and their choosing. However, I am not for a state or federal government telling me I cannot smoke inside said private business (even if the owner allows it) or anywhere else for that matter (short of publicaly owned and paid for property). Laws in New York are disgusting. I cannot smoke within 500 feet of ANY building. Ever been to New York, New York? Tell me where 500 feet away from any building will take you... Yeah I'll be butted up against the river leaning over the ledge because there will still be a building 498 feet away.

On the same token, why should I have to conceal something that is perfectly legal to buy and do engage in simply because you do not wish to smell the putrid stench of burning tobacco for 5 minutes?

Until it is PROVEN that smoking, and being a "victim" of second hand smoke actually CAUSES something by themselves.... laws against such things are politically motivated and should be stricken from the books.
#89 Mar 20 2007 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
borntolandhard wrote:
Until it is PROVEN that smoking, and being a "victim" of second hand smoke actually CAUSES something by themselves.... laws against such things are politically motivated and should be stricken from the books.

You don't have a lung to stand on with regards to these arguments.

Passive smoking is harmful. Maybe we can't prove it directly causes cancer, but there is no doubt it is harmful. The only question is "how harmful".

Second, cigarettes stink. Simple as. So other people's freedom not be drowned in stink prevails over your freedom to slowly torture yourself to death.

To be frank, smokers have 0 arguments. Cigarettes are shIt. They are a horrible drug. Nicotine is the fastest addictive substance known to man. Faster than heroin or crack-cocaine. Not only that, but if you injected in your veins the amount of nicotine that's in a cigarette, you would die on the spot. Not only that, but cigarettes don't even give you a high. All they do is negate the withdrawal effects of nicotine, for 45 minutes. Then the withdrawal comes back.

Any "pleasure" you get from smoking is simply curing the withdrawal pangs. That's it. Nothing else in there.

It's not even like pot which at least gives you a high. This doesn't give you anything, except getting back to where non-smokers are.

So, my advie would be not to start arguments about smoking, because you're wrong. You can't justify this piece of legal, pointless poison. I know I'm a total idiot for smoking, and I would never try to jsutify it's a "freedom" and any other *********

Smokers are drug-addicts, simple as.

You can jsutify it any way you want, like all addicts do, but it's not a "freedom".

It's a disease.

And yes, i'm a smoker.

My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#90 Mar 20 2007 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
301 posts

Passive smoking is harmful. Maybe we can't prove it directly causes cancer, but there is no doubt it is harmful. The only question is "how harmful".

Ok, so you can't prove it causes cancer, yet youc an say it's harmful? How exactly is it harmful? I fail to see how secondhand smoke can even be remotely harmful unless you are standing 1 half of an inch away from someone in an uncirculated area. Show me unbiased lab results that second hand smoke is harmful and you can take this round. The problem is... you can't. NOBODY can.

To be frank, smokers have 0 arguments.

really? and what is your argument? wait wait i know..

Cigarettes are ****.

Wow... so you mean to tell me your only argument is a biased point of view? Such a sad state you are in friend.. a sad state indeed.

They are a horrible drug.

cigarettes aren't a drug. perhaps you should learn what a drug is?

Nicotine is the fastest addictive substance known to man.

really? I've known dozens of people who have smoked 1-2 packs daily who quit cold turky... But I have yet to meet a heroince or cocaine junky who can quit the same way.

Not only that, but if you injected in your veins the amount of nicotine that's in a cigarette, you would die on the spot.

what do you think would happen to you if you extracted every bit of caffeine from say.. Mt Dew.. and injected the pure caffeine into your body? same results? your point is moot.

Not only that, but cigarettes don't even give you a high.

so apparently, i should only do things that give me a "high"? Again.. a moot point.

Any "pleasure" you get from smoking is simply curing the withdrawal pangs. That's it. Nothing else in there.

Really? I don't smoke because I withdrawal from it. I smoke because I enjoy the taste, the feeling of the inhalation of the smoke and for the mere fact it calms me down when my high blood pressure acts up. I dunno... I guess you would know more about my body than I would.

It's not even like pot which at least gives you a high. This doesn't give you anything, except getting back to where non-smokers are.

You're right. I'd rather feel drowsy, spend 10 dollars on feeling "good" for 30 minutes, get hungry and eat half a bag of doritos, impair my memory, impair my learning, and basically have ADD as op[posed to smoking a cigarette. Mind you marijuana can contain higher doses of the same carcinogens as tobacco, only... in much higher concentrations. Why advocate something more harmful than tobacco? Doesn't make much sense to me.

Smokers are drug-addicts, simple as.

again, tobacco is not a drug. nor is everyone addicted.

It's a disease.

can you name me a single, solitary thing that is not (by definition) a disease?

Caffeine, vegetarianism, veganism, drinking alcohol once to the point of being impaired, being anti-social, not intaking the daily allowance of all foods by moderation, not burning the fat calories you intake, starring at a computer screen for hours on end.... the list continues. Ever received an X-ray? Uh oh... stop doing so as X-Rays are not on the list of AT LEAST 246 cancer causing substances.

Heaven forbid you've ever been exposed to ANYTHING on this list... you'll surely be another statistic.

Find me 1 person on this earth who does not have a "disease" and I'll show you anything you have ever dreamed to be possible.

Explain to me why George Burns lived to be 100 years old and died of natural causes and someone like Jim Fixx died in his 50's from a heart attack who encouraged avoiding tobacco and leading a "healthy" style of living.

By no means, don't think I believe that cigarette smoking does nothing to you. I've smoked for 10 years and I know the affects it has had on me (decreased prolonged energy, shortness of breath when exercising etc). But do everyone a favor and spare the... tobacco is worse for you than heroine and crack/cocaine, second hand smoke is deadly.

To be frank, smokers have 0 arguments.

I like the taste, it calms my nerves after blood pressure rising incident, it is a legal substance which is sold legally and used legally. There are 3 reasons right there.
#91 Mar 20 2007 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
borntolandhard wrote:
Ok, so you can't prove it causes cancer, yet youc an say it's harmful? How exactly is it harmful?

By containing substances such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide and ammonia. These are just 5 of the 40-odd carcinogens substances found in cigarettes.

Show me unbiased lab results that second hand smoke is harmful and you can take this round. The problem is... you can't. NOBODY can.

Nobody except the Environmental Protection Agency that classified second hand smoke as a (Group A carcinogen). Here.

Or that secondhand smoke causes an estimated 150,000 to 300,000 cases of lower respiratory tract infections in children less than 18 months of age, resulting in 7,500 to 15,000 annual hospitalizations?

cigarettes aren't a drug. perhaps you should learn what a drug is?

Ever heard of nicotine, Einstein?

Or do you smoke nicotine-free cigaretes?

I've known dozens of people who have smoked 1-2 packs daily who quit cold turky... But I have yet to meet a heroince or cocaine junky who can quit the same way.

Good for you. Want to publish that as research, or should we just take it as a fact you know more cigarette-smokers than heroin addicts?

what do you think would happen to you if you extracted every bit of caffeine from say.. Mt Dew.. and injected the pure caffeine into your body?

I don't know. Do you?

I didn't think so.

Second just because something else is as harmful doesn't invalidate the point at all.

I don't smoke because I withdrawal from it.

Yes, you do.

I smoke because I enjoy the taste

No, you merely got used to the taste. Don't tell me that you "enjoyed" the taste of that first cigarette. You coughed. You spat. You kept on going eventhough it tasted like crap. You got used to it.

Do you go breathing car exhaust pipes?

the feeling of the inhalation of the smoke

That's called "suffocation".

for the mere fact it calms me down when my high blood pressure acts up. I dunno... I guess you would know more about my body than I would.

That's called withdrawal symptoms.

I don't know your body better than you, but unlike you, I'm not in denial.

Why advocate something more harmful than tobacco? Doesn't make much sense to me.

I wouldn't expect it to.

Majijuana gives you something.

Nicotine takes what you have away from you, and only by smoking do you get it back.

again, tobacco is not a drug.

Again, nicotine is.

Are you being stupid on purpose?

can you name me a single, solitary thing that is not (by definition) a disease?

Eating. breathing. Walking. Running. I can go on, but what is your fUcking point?

Ever received an X-ray? Uh oh... stop doing so as X-Rays are not on the list of AT LEAST 246 cancer causing substances.

Have you bought a mini X-ray machine that you carry with you at all times so you can give yourself a quick check-up?

I didn't think so.

You do X-ray for medicinal purposes. You smoke cos you're an addict.

Not exactly the same.

Explain to me why George Burns lived to be 100 years old and died of natural causes and someone like Jim Fixx died in his 50's from a heart attack who encouraged avoiding tobacco and leading a "healthy" style of living.

Because different people react to different things.

For every exemple like this you show me, I can show you a casualty list of people that have died prematurely because of cigarettes.

For your next argument, you can tell me about people that play Russian Roulette and are still alive. Statistical anomalies don't constitute any kind of argument.

But do everyone a favor and spare the... tobacco is worse for you than heroine and crack/cocaine, second hand smoke is deadly.

If you had half a neuron left, then maybe you'd realise that's absolutely not what I said. If you have trouble reading and comprehending what these funny letters assembled together mean, then maybe you shouldn't be be discussing things on a forum.

Just a thought.

I like the taste, it calms my nerves after blood pressure rising incident, it is a legal substance which is sold legally and used legally. There are 3 reasons right there.

1) No, you don't. You just got used to it.

2) I don't believe you can't find an alterntive remedy for your blood pressure problems. Did you see a doctor? Did he tell you that the only remedy was cigarettes? If so, then use patches.

3) So are guns. So is anti-freeze for your car. I suggest you start drinking it, since it's sold legally.

Anyway, I couldn't care less if you smoked or not.

I smoke, but I don't go around pretending it's not harmful or that my "freedoms" are being oppresed.

The only thing being oppressed is your addiction, and you should be thankful for that.

Edited, Mar 20th 2007 1:30pm by RedPhoenixxx
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
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