any way you wrap Julie Andrews, she's a hottie.
For real. On my list of women I wish I'd met in their 20's she's right up there. A friend of mine maintains that she got topless in some movie or other but I'll be damned if I can remember which one. Anyone know?
Also, isn't there some commercial where a woman goes into a laundrymat, kicks her habit and walks out in sprayed on shorts
and a tight tee shirt. She looked pretty good in her penguin getup, but I dunno, my deviant tendencies are partially documented already in this thread.
Now that I think of it, I've never seen a real nun that was hot. Maybe it's that whole married to god thing. Long distance relationships really suck so maybe that's it. I dunno, I had a small session with Dr. Bombay so I'm prolly being extra inane with this.