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Tribute to TacosidFollow

#177 May 15 2004 at 5:53 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Hmmm. No reply from the Coach. I guess he either called a timeout or is having a smoke in the teacher's lounge.

#178 May 15 2004 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
Arrivan: Grow some balls. Post under your own name.

Would that make your pathetic defense rise to the occasion? Then would we see that A-game of yours. The knock-knock jokes were the worst thing I have ever seen you post and considering your posting history that’s saying something.

After all this time posting here Taco your sig should read something more descriptive of what type of lasting impact you have here.


"Proving that even in a pool of sharks **** can still float to the top."

WIth all of this recent attention I have come to conclusion that I am like flypaper for freaks.

Aww poor delusioned Taco. You asked for this thread remember?

Need something to do? I have an idea. Do a search on this forum on the word "Taco" and "Tacosid." Read the entries and summarize my greatness in a thread of its own. Entitle it "Chairman's tribute to Tacosid." Be as eloquent as possible, and don't skimp on the flattery.

Now granted I am not Chairman, but when I saw your hyped up ego and reputation and your current ability to dole out insults, I couldn't help myself. Alas you really are weak has been. At least Smash made me laugh maybe I will go play with him some more. It must be truely horrible to not be worth a sockpuppet's time.

Edited, Sat May 15 08:33:06 2004 by Arrivan
#179 May 15 2004 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
Hmmm. No reply from the Coach. I guess he either called a timeout or is having a smoke in the teacher's lounge.

No. Its called sleep jackass. I realize that you must get off of this forum that you literally check it every twenty minutes to see if I have answered you, but when I last posted at 1:30 I went to bed shortly after that. I just woke up about 45 minutes ago. 45 Minutes you say????? Yes. Believe it or not, checking this forum is not the first thing I do after I open my eyes.

Look, I realize that you think that you are really do a work over job on me here what with the movie scripts and teamwork from about 1/3rd of the current people posting here but the truth is that your insults do not stick because they are not insults but rather entertainment. For Pete's sake Totem I don't even think that you are funny. To be honest I don't really understand you at all.

First you were probably the saddest most laughable EQ player I have every played with. Given take it with a grain of salt that I was Kicked out of SoC, but you never fit in. In a guild of misfits you were the guy who said off handed comments that made little sense and liked to use real life first names in tells. You did classic manuevers such as showing up for a Plain of Sky raid in the middle of a corpse run with no gear. You then proceeded in asking a ton of really ******* stupid questions about every single item we told you dozens of time to pick up because you would need it to get to the next island.

After the second island and about two score of tells to me asking who in the hell was the incompetent naked necromancer was you the middle of the go get your body (good idea!) and log off for the night.

Now of course your response would be that I tried to recruit you for FoS...well, not to rain on your parade there buddy, but I would have taken anyone at that point...especially if they were from SoC. Hell I even tried to recruit Darkuwa.

I won't say that there is no one on this forum that I would not want to go out and have a beer with, but the sad and god's honest truth is that even if you were staying across the street from me for a week, I would go out of the way to avoid you as much as possible. You are a damn weird person who gets off on writing movie script parodies and posting Last-79 Over and over and over again. And what you are like in your Mid forties???

Do you have any kids? I am slightly embarrassed not to remember due to the fact that you used to deluge me with tells, but I am going to guess no. The immaturity factor is too great for such a thing. You probably, in all honesty, need to abandon the massive amount of time you sink into this forum and go out and live like a normal person.

To come here once every couple of months and act like a badass is one thing. To spend hours a day, every day posting hundreds of times a day, on every thread, on multiple forums just is not normal. So, please answer me with a scene from "Porky's" so that you can pat yourself on the back a little more.

When I don't answer its not that I am "scared" of you, but rather that it is a Saturday, its nice outside and I have better things to do than stare at the computer.


Edited, Sun May 16 11:53:39 2004 by Tacosid
I voted for the other guy.
#180 May 15 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
Hey guys! Hey guys! SIX minutes has passed and Totem hasn't answered me!

I guess you give up! I guess you know you are out classed! Hey everybody! Look at me! Look at me! I have made Totem stop posting! I am the end all of end all of creative posters!

Woo hoo for me!!!!!
I voted for the other guy.
#181 May 15 2004 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
First you were probably the saddest most laughable EQ player

lol, Ouch!! Stop being so mean!

You sound like a scorned woman Taco.
#182 May 15 2004 at 10:57 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts

I have reduced Coach to-- get this! --EQ smack! And that folks, was the white flag of surrender you just saw him raise. Coach, oh, I'm sorry, Le Entraîneur, since you so obviously have French ancestory, has truly been reduced to a sniveling, pathetic, mewling shell of his supposed former self.

How sad.


#183 May 15 2004 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
Basically you have no answer.

Basically you know that I am right.

No, his playing ability was not what was on the block there rainman, but rather the person playing the game.

Sure, I lose on this forum. If that makes you happy, then sure. If it makes gives you a hard on to know that you and 5 or 6 others can outwit me the be my guest to have a jerk off session in my honor. But what we won't be seeing is any refute to what I said as it is all gospel. Truth down to the last word.

I was going to sign off by using your real name here totem, but for the life of me I can not remember what you said it was. For as many times as you used mine, I just can't remember. To me you are totem. The guy who posts on the "last" thread and gets off on acting like he is the guy from full metal jacket.

I lose. I really lose.

I voted for the other guy.
#184 May 15 2004 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
lol, Ouch!! Stop being so mean!

You sound like a scorned woman Taco.


And you sound like a cheerleader.

Rah rah rah! Get 'em totem!

I voted for the other guy.
#185 May 15 2004 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good

And you sound like a cheerleader.

Rah rah rah! Get 'em totem!


No, I'm not!
#186 May 15 2004 at 9:56 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Awwwww, Coach, you sound so butt-hurt, like this was personal or sumptin. It wasn't.

After month after month, thread after thread, post after post of listening to you ponitificate about the way it used to be, Bruce Springsteen's "Glory Days" playing in the background, and overuse of the search function to the point it was inop for alot of the time, it was time for a reality check.

As I said elsewhere, it was time to get your complacent, retired gunslinging a$$ off the porch and back in the saddle. Time to **** or get off the pot. Time to fish or cut bait. Time to-- well, you get the picture.

The fact is, Brent, I have no ill will towards you. I had no idea you were sensitive about your new job. I had no idea that actually calling you out would make you angry.

That said, let me address some of your concerns, if for no other reason than a sense of fair play. The reason I posted that you were in the teacher's lounge was because earlier you said you wanted to get back to this in the evening. Well, as luck would have it, I worked the graveyard shift, saw the paltry effort you put forward and regarded it was a down payment on a momentous blast that you'd level towards me as the evening progressed. Obviously that didn't happen, as I posted that a 7-ish in the morning; so to keep your feet to the fire I let you know I wasn't just gonna let you slide as you ahd with Moeb.

I was serious when I said this was a deathmatch and that I wouldn't quit until one of us conceded he'd been beat by the other. And so I kept at you, banging away, making people laugh, and apparently causing you to lose an insufferable amount of face.

Was I a bad EQ player? Possibly, not that that matters. I left the game about the time Kunark came out, so everything about EQ was unfamiliar to me. I had no idea the steps needed to be taken to get into the Planes-- heck, I didn't know how to find my a$$ in PC it was so friggin' dark. Pat'll attest to that. He PLed me through L25. Big deal. I guess if being a no0b in Eq equates to being a bad person, I guess I'm guilty. Oh well. However, your reasons for attempting recruit me and others to ruin SoC seems rather petty and childish; and instead of making me look bad, it reflects poorly on yourself. It's not something I'd be trumpting across an EQ message board were it me.

I'll say this though: Despite you being sore about this little dust-up, you were very generous towards me with your time, equipment, and plats during the brief time I returned to the game. For that I'm grateful.

As for this cheerleading section you claim is assisting me in kicking your teeth in, I have no idea who these people are, with the exception of Git, who has his own history with you. The rest are FFXIers who have been drawn to this section by the rough-and-tumble reputation of us vets. Sadly, they haven't really seen anything worth being afraid of, so when you cropped back up touting your storied past, I decided this was an excellent time to kill several birds with one stone, ie. 1) fixing your little red wagon in terms of getting you to stop resting on your laurels, 2) refuting Thundra's Law of Board Hierarchies, and 3) laying to rest once and for all this never-ceasing quarrel about who is the biggest, baddest motherfoamer on the block.

Ok, about that last portion of that last sentence: I may be the meanest swinging Richard today, right now, but I have no illusions about my place here on this board. Smash could own me, Thundra could own me, Skeet could own me, Pat could own me, Moeb could own me, Kaolian could own me, Flea could own me, Tare could own me, and on any given day you could prolly own me too if you'd just stop being lazy and started developing a work ethic in terms of your writing skills again. I have no lock on creativity, and I know each of those I mentioned have it in them if they simply elected to try.

You admitted I busted your chops. Fine. Those were the stakes of this thread-- determining who could best who in a flame war. So stop pouting, stop telling everyone you're gonna take your ball and go home and be a quitter, and just get busy taking me down the next time. Lord knows I give all you enough material to do that.

Prior to this thread you've pretty much been a good sport, but wow, I had no idea you treasured your reputation around here so highly. Believe me, if any of us left tomorrow the board would continue to operate, no one would break into tears that I or you had left, and things would likely never change. So relax a bit about taking a hit. It happens to all of us at some point. I certainly have taken my lumps on this and on other boards.

Ok? Do we have an understanding here? It's all in good fun. Most of the time.

Good luck to you in the future, Brent/Tacosid/Coach, in particular in respect to teaching, and I hope you'll be willing to haver another go at me again sometime soon.

#187 May 15 2004 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
What's going on here?
#188 May 16 2004 at 12:02 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Tacosid finally admitted he's been bested in a flamewar. He's been utterly and completely humiliated and doesn't think he wants to play with us anymore.

#189 May 16 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
Awwwww, Coach, you sound so butt-hurt, like this was personal or sumptin. It wasn't.

No. Just if we are going to use real life in this then so be it.

After month after month, thread after thread, post after post of listening to you ponitificate about the way it used to be, Bruce Springsteen's "Glory Days" playing in the background, and overuse of the search function to the point it was inop for alot of the time, it was time for a reality check.

This is ********* and one of the things that actually does get a rise out of me. That is why people use it. In fact I rarely mention the past. Its kind of like when being an idiot was hung onto Katielynn...Is she really a total simpleton? No...probably not anyhow, but on this forum we use that. For some reason, for the last two years...(of three I have been posting) anytime I get into it with some simpleton the mantra has become "Tacosid doesn't have it anymore, He is a has been!" Is this true? No. Personally, from someone Thundra considers the best Flamer on this Forum I expected more, but instead you took the argument of the Robpickles of the world.

What can I say? That argument hits a nerve.

As I said elsewhere, it was time to get your complacent, retired gunslinging a$$ off the porch and back in the saddle. Time to **** or get off the pot. Time to fish or cut bait. Time to-- well, you get the picture.

And I had...Hell by the time you even drew your gun I had Moebius, Thundra, Spawned, Arrivan, and Rainman shooting at me. If you want to go one on one sometime that would be swell, but it is kind of weak of you to start in when the odds are already stacked. 5-1 already and you still wanted to use the "Taco is a has been" mantra that has been on this forum since the beginning of time.

I want to know, in the view of my detractors, when I was not a has been. I apparently went to this status directly from Newbie poster. But that is neither here nor there.

The fact is, Brent, I have no ill will towards you. I had no idea you were sensitive about your new job. I had no idea that actually calling you out would make you angry.

No ill will here either in truth. Thing is, if you want to use the sole basis of your flame expertise on my job and the afore to mentioned "has been" motiff, then I was going to have to dig deep. Lines like Live up to the hype or get the **** out generally get you reactions like you saw.

That said, let me address some of your concerns, if for no other reason than a sense of fair play. The reason I posted that you were in the teacher's lounge was because earlier you said you wanted to get back to this in the evening. Well, as luck would have it, I worked the graveyard shift, saw the paltry effort you put forward and regarded it was a down payment on a momentous blast that you'd level towards me as the evening progressed. Obviously that didn't happen, as I posted that a 7-ish in the morning; so to keep your feet to the fire I let you know I wasn't just gonna let you slide as you ahd with Moeb.

That Moe thing was crap. First of all I was the busiest in my life but I will not get into that. Moreover Moe swung his d'ick around like he was the man because I could not do to him in three weeks what it took me a year to do to someone who has a habit of constantly asking for it.

I was serious when I said this was a deathmatch and that I wouldn't quit until one of us conceded he'd been beat by the other. And so I kept at you, banging away, making people laugh, and apparently causing you to lose an insufferable amount of face.

That was just it. I really did not think you were doing anything special. Persistant yes, but nothing special. Trust me that I was much more concerned over Thundra's interest in the thread.

Was I a bad EQ player?

Not the point I cared about.

Possibly, not that that matters. I left the game about the time Kunark came out, so everything about EQ was unfamiliar to me. I had no idea the steps needed to be taken to get into the Planes-- heck, I didn't know how to find my a$$ in PC it was so friggin' dark. Pat'll attest to that. He PLed me through L25. Big deal. I guess if being a no0b in Eq equates to being a bad person, I guess I'm guilty. Oh well. However, your reasons for attempting recruit me and others to ruin SoC seems rather petty and childish; and instead of making me look bad, it reflects poorly on yourself. It's not something I'd be trumpting across an EQ message board were it me.

Ruin SoC? For crying out loud they kicked me out of the guild. And my brother! This subject still rings kinda sore on me, as I spent alot of time recruiting and power leveling the people from this forum, gearing them up...etc... Then when Valkyrie and Patrician get the chance they boot me and most of my "friends" stayed...special thanks to Aegis, Grady, Kiggulak, Israena, Cat, Smoggy, @workslacking, Smasharoo, and the rest who did the FoS thing a second time around.

Good news on that front by the way. Due to incredibly bad leadership, Valkyrie and her cronies have run SoC into the ground. They are officially pulling the plug and guild deleting on May 22nd.

I'll say this though: Despite you being sore about this little dust-up, you were very generous towards me with your time, equipment, and plats during the brief time I returned to the game. For that I'm grateful.

I would do it again. Despite what you think there are no hard feelings. Just fighting fire with fire is all Totem.

As for this cheerleading section you claim is assisting me in kicking your teeth in, I have no idea who these people are, with the exception of Git, who has his own history with you. The rest are FFXIers who have been drawn to this section by the rough-and-tumble reputation of us vets.

You came in after it was already 5-1. I have always had a cadre of secret detraactors that pop up every time someone seriously harasses me. I have an amazing affect on people in this manner.

Sadly, they haven't really seen anything worth being afraid of, so when you cropped back up touting your storied past, I decided this was an excellent time to kill several birds with one stone,

This is not entirely accurate. I dug up the past in refute to Thundras comment about the past. How in the hell would you have answered her there?

ie. 1) fixing your little red wagon in terms of getting you to stop resting on your laurels,

It is urban legend that I have ever done this. There is no proof to be had, just the mantra of my detractors.

2) refuting Thundra's Law of Board Hierarchies, and


3) laying to rest once and for all this never-ceasing quarrel about who is the biggest, baddest motherfoamer on the block.

For the record I doubt it is me. I have qualites, and when I really pay attention to this forum I can be mean, but if you want my opinion who is the meanest most degrading person here then it goes to Smash. He is the only person I have ever gone at it with that has kept me up half the night hitting the refresh button.

Ok, about that last portion of that last sentence: I may be the meanest swinging Richard today, right now, but I have no illusions about my place here on this board. Smash could own me, Thundra could own me, Skeet could own me, Pat could own me, Moeb could own me, Kaolian could own me, Flea could own me, Tare could own me, and on any given day you could prolly own me too if you'd just stop being lazy and started developing a work ethic in terms of your writing skills again. I have no lock on creativity, and I know each of those I mentioned have it in them if they simply elected to try.

Unless I am immenently part of a discussion I check this forum once every few days. That is why I have 500 posts in the last year. I have no work ethic for it because most of this forum bores me now. When I do get into it all I hear is "Tacosid is a has been" It has been the standing arguement for the last two years.

You admitted I busted your chops. Fine. Those were the stakes of this thread-- determining who could best who in a flame war.

A flame war in which you challenged me once you had enough people on your side to field a baseball team.

So stop pouting, stop telling everyone you're gonna take your ball and go home and be a quitter, and just get busy taking me down the next time. Lord knows I give all you enough material to do that.

I will. And I will not do it when 5 or 6 other people are kicking you in the teeth either.

Prior to this thread you've pretty much been a good sport, but wow, I had no idea you treasured your reputation around here so highly.

I don't. Trust me I have more fun posting stupid polls on this forum than I do getting into flame wars. I used to enjoy insulting people more, but now I hear the same mantras every time, and I never, repeat never fight anything less than a 4 on 1.

ieve me, if any of us left tomorrow the board would continue to operate, no one would break into tears that I or you had left, and things would likely never change. So relax a bit about taking a hit. It happens to all of us at some point. I certainly have taken my lumps on this and on other boards.

Your point?

Do we have an understanding here? It's all in good fun. Most of the time.

Sure. All good fun. Not very creative, relatively redundant, and always an attempt at a gang bang...but all good fun.

good luck to you in the future, Brent/Tacosid/Coach, in particular in respect to teaching,

I think you may have read me wrong. You played hard ball, I played hard ball. You did the "Coach" thing, I did the "Retarded Necromancer on the Plane of Sky thing" Nothing personal and no hard feelings.

and I hope you'll be willing to haver another go at me again sometime soon.

Rather the other way around. Feel free to shoot at me at anytime, but if you want my opinion waiting until I am returning fire from half a dozen retards is below you. If you are as good as you claim you are then you should not need team mates. I never do.


Edited, Sun May 16 11:50:02 2004 by Tacosid
I voted for the other guy.
#190 May 16 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
I won't say that there is no one on this forum that I would not want to go out and have a beer with, but the sad and god's honest truth is that even if you were staying across the street from me for a week, I would go out of the way to avoid you as much as possible. You are a damn weird person who gets off on writing movie script parodies and posting Last-79 Over and over and over again. And what you are like in your Mid forties???

I take this back.

I don't do that often as I tend to stick behind things that I say, but I realize that in my zeal to get one up, I said this and I do not mean it.

I voted for the other guy.
#191 May 16 2004 at 7:08 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Ahhh, those other posters attacking you were swinging at you like dizzy kids trying to bat a pinata that was out of reach at a birthday party. You can't really be serious that you think they were instrumental in punching you in the balls, are you? If so, you let yourself get distracted from your more dangerous opponent (me)-- a fatal error on your part.

#192 May 16 2004 at 7:31 PM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
Its the cheerleader effect that makes it like a snowball rolling down hill into an avalanche. Of course I concede you are right, but then again you have never had to do a 6 on 1.

I voted for the other guy.
#193 May 16 2004 at 7:41 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Oh, but I have. And my **** was sore for days.

#194 May 16 2004 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
Is this what they call pillow talk?
#195 May 16 2004 at 8:58 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Yeah, we're in the process of kissing and making up.

#196 May 16 2004 at 9:04 PM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
Boy this thread got way of course.

tribute to Tacosid

I feel Jipped. You guys need to heap some praise on me.

I voted for the other guy.
#197 May 16 2004 at 9:15 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts



Edited, Sun May 16 22:18:24 2004 by Totem
#198 May 16 2004 at 9:16 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Skeeter's gonna accuse me of farming my name again. DDP.


Edited, Sun May 16 22:19:19 2004 by Totem
#199 May 16 2004 at 9:16 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
You kiss real good. How's that?

#200 May 16 2004 at 9:16 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts


Edited, Sun May 16 22:17:43 2004 by Totem
#201 May 16 2004 at 9:18 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Crap. Server's hicupping again. Sorry.

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