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#77 May 14 2004 at 12:04 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Well, I wasn't going to mention your congenitally defective genitals, but since you brought it up, yeah, both of them would make you sad.

C'mon, Coach, gimme your "A" game. Just for once.

#78 May 14 2004 at 12:07 AM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
You're shooting blanks at me here boss. Sorry but I am doing the best I can considering the working materials.

I voted for the other guy.
#79 May 14 2004 at 1:46 AM Rating: Good
Kakar found out that agreeing with me makes you an idiot. Common insult of people who go against me.

I said jumping on the bandwagon made him an idiot, if kakar wants to engage mi mano et mano as you put it, then I could have an ounce of respect for him, but standing behind you and saying "yea, what he said" gains him no respect from me.

I think you like weak targets, because it helps you feel like a man

What does this say about you Rainman?

I chose you, not the other way around; your memory is fairly poor, and we have already covered this. Look...

German Dodge ball??? You couldn't just "teach" the normal dodge ball because that would be too low brow. It is funny that you even try and elevate dodge ball to try and make it seem more grand than it is. Bona-fide sh*t-kicker indeed.

What in the hell is this? Is this some sort of attempt to insult me? Help me out with this rainman, because I am flummoxxed.

As I was growing up the game dodgeball took three people (or a few more) One or two were in the middle, everyone else on the outside. People attempted to hit the ones in the middle with a ball. If you hit a person, you were then in the middle.

German dodge ball- (aka Indian dodge ball or team dodge ball) is meant for large groups and is prototypical of the dodgeball you probably played in school. I can give detailed rules for this game if you would like.

I have been insulted on many fronts in my time, but never has someone come at me from this angle.


At this point you didn't even know the game was on. So give yourself a reality check, and start paying attention, because I may decide to pick up the pace.

I am not here to argue about anything in particular, just to test and see what kind of "game" you bring to the table, not really impressive so far, a total lack of creativity by my standards.

Translated as "I am sure hoping people notice me!" Too bad thundra is here now and you will be relegated to a footnote. Thundra is no genius, but in comparison to you she is Da Vinci.

This really is getting tiresome, bla bla bla nobody notices you, bla bla bla you are not intellegent, bla bla bla.

Your translation is weak at best, I have only been here a short time, and I have already seen this non linear translation bit done a million times. I can't wait to see what you regurgitate up next.

Continued on next post...

#80 May 14 2004 at 1:46 AM Rating: Good
Same as above! Again a total lack of original thought here.

Vague. If you are going to post a 25 inch ****, then please at least be specific on it.

See above, same crap as your last two comments. Again, you seem to only have one or two moves to your game. "Damnit, I just can't hit the slider!"

Your slider breaks into the dirt and bounces into the dug out. Give me something coherent and I will respond. I promise.

This refers to this part I believe I will number it so you can follow this massive complexity that I have created.

Anyway, since you seemed to have missed all of the insults in the previous 4 sentences, I'll run you through the offensive parts.

Thank you. It is a well known fact that I am a little slow

1. Weak, hahaha did Taco just say he was slow? Duh, I think so! This is a tactic that is as common as, umm, well, all of your other tactics for making people look stupid.

First off, I used three question marks after "German dodge ball", this should have been the first sign that this was an insult, as you only need one question mark here.

Really??? I have no clue that was how this was used. Are you sure about this???

This is the same tactic used in 1! Again a total lack of original thought here.

Next I used the words, low brow. As a note to you for the future, I think you should be suspicious any time, anyone says low brow, there is probably an insult to somebody anytime you see these words.

Low brow. Who woulda thunk it.

See above at # 1, same crap as your last two comments. Again, you seem to only have one or two moves to your game. "Damnit, I just can't hit the slider!"

Coherent, I am talking about the weakness in your game, just like a batter in baseball that cannot hit a slider, useless.

I hate to have to spell things out to this level to make you understand. But it is by your request. Being A gym teacher I thought the sport analogy would hit home with you. Oh well.

Continued on next post....
#81 May 14 2004 at 1:47 AM Rating: Good
Actually, when I go for Ice cream that is what I say. Let's go for ice cream, the type of Ice cream is irrelevant.

Sure. You walk up to the baskin robbins clerk and say "gimme some ice cream." Being realistic helps your case, son.

Now you are just being thick, and pissing me off for having to expose you as the fraud you are. It is like making the police run to catch you in a chase, everyone knows that you will be caught, but you just **** the cop off by making him run. Do you understand the similarity here, or will I need to spell this out for you as well, like I have had to do for every comment I have made through this entire arguement, because you can't grasp the concept of comparison.

Anyway lets get back to the point, I lost it there for a minute due to your dimness. Here is the line from your original post.

It is easy to imagine a young overweight totem crying after being beaned in the head during a game of german dodgeball.

Now why did you include the descriptor "german" into this sentence, it adds no value to the overall meaning of the sentence it only shows that you know your **** about dodgeball, thus elevating it to a point where few have thought that dodgeball would ever go, including myself.

Now, you are likening this to ordering ice cream. When you order Ice cream the type of ice cream is extremely important since there are what 21 flavors, so in including a flavor you are adding necessary info to the sales person.

So in the dodgeball example the descriptor adds nothing except to reflect on your knowledge, in the ice cream example it does add value.

Can you see the difference, or should I bludgeon you with it some more.

See, I even have you chuckling. I am here to check out your game, my own is of no consequence.

If I were to go and play basketball with Michael Jordan would you really get to see his A-game? No. This is because I can not push him to it. The same basically applies here.

But you are losing... everyone can see that. Are you going to turn it up after the game, in the shower, with the towel? In hockey we say, "Leave it all on the ice", I'll let you scratch your head about that one too.

The end of your post does not make sense. Pretty much from the part where I claim that you gave me the worst one liner of all time...of which you bungled into saying that since I had seen people like you, I should have seen that exact line before. It was really odd. Moreover due to your inability to navigate the rules of posting here your post was painful to read. I am probably the only person who read it.

Fair enough, I have faultered and I have learned, won't happen again chief. I will clean that up and make it clear to you, as obviously things are whipping past you at a speed for which you have never seen before.

Continued on next post...

Edited, Fri May 14 02:54:59 2004 by Reinman
#82 May 14 2004 at 1:47 AM Rating: Good
This has to be the worst line I have ever had used against me.

If this is the worst line you have ever seen, then how can this be true?

then I have seen it before, as has everyone else on this forum

If you have seen it before then it should be tied for being the worst, yes/no?

lol, hmmm that was fun! Give me some more material Taco!

Fire away rain man. I sure as hell hope you are waiting to pull out the big guns.

I am male, I don't have guns.

Well, there we have it. I am still waiting for anything out of you, to be honest, I did see one post of yours that made me chuckle, please hit me with some of this...

Taken from the spaceship thread:
This is an inferior idea to the one I gave you.

That was a good one, you got anymore? or is that you, spent?
#83 May 14 2004 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
Six individuals being complimented, but what is the common factor?


You did a search on your own name, and every thread that came up mentioned you? Go figure...
#84 May 14 2004 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
Poor Taco,

Trying desperately to prove a point to Thundra using the same old rehashed ******** that you have been trying to pass off as quality flaming since you arrived on these boards.

Taco you are the equivalent of the nerdy kid who keeps getting the **** kicked out of him only to stand up ad fire back with "I am respected, I used to be someone"

Look at how Reinman just keeps throwing more at you and your only response to your ****** replies is

If I were to go and play basketball with Michael Jordan would you really get to see his A-game? No. This is because I can not push him to it. The same basically applies here.

Totem called you on that one, lets see the A game coach. Also, please do try to spare us the "In 2003 I had a great flam thread which makes me better than you" type replies that we have seen so far.

I am just curious if knowing you were once a noted person around here comforts you as your wife gyrates on top of a king size Mr. Good Vibrations in the next room all the while moaning like a two dollar ***** and calling out for a real man.
#85 May 14 2004 at 5:22 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Coach, I've made up a recipe in your honor, what in light of your new job, recent reappearance here at Alla's, and desire to have some new material to work with. As you may or may not know, I enjoy baking (feel free to inject any gratuitous **** jokes you feel are necessary to continue puffing up your pride). My chocolate chip cookies are to die for. However, I needed to break out of my comfort zone and create something new just for you, so without further ado, I present...

Coach's Cookies

1/2 cup a$$hole
1/4 cup packed "I'm an Alla's Board Has-been" brand pubic hair
1/3 cup fertilizer
1 teaspoon no life
3 tablespoons anger
1 1/3 cups all-purpose sour grapes
1/4 cup $5 wine
1/4 cup miniature semisweet no friends and no guild
3 tablespoons sh1tty career move
1 (10 ounce) jar of black, seething hate

1) Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Line baking sheets with asexual mangina.
2) In a large bowl, cream the first four ingredients with your handy Failure at Life mixer and slowly add 1/3 cup of broken *****. Mix in the last five items, excluding the jar of hate.
3) Form the dough into 1 inch balls, so you think you're got a set after your wife emasculated you and roll in the black, seething hate. Place on the prepared cookie sheet, about 1 1/2 inches apart. Use your finger or thumb to press straight down into the center of each ball, making a hole for lonely tears. Neatly fill each cookie with a small amount of tears and menstrual drippings.
4) Bake in preheated oven for 13 to 15 minutes, or until cookies are just beginning to turn red from rage around the edges. Let cookies ***** before eating.



Edited, Fri May 14 09:51:22 2004 by Totem
#86 May 14 2004 at 6:20 AM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Arrivan sounds more and more like Katie every day.
#87 May 14 2004 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Actually coach,

Gen. George G Meade was in command of the Union army at Gettysburg.

Gen. Joseph Hooker lost the battle of Chancellorsville.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
#88 May 14 2004 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
Kakar found out that agreeing with me makes you an idiot. Common insult of people who go against me.

I said jumping on the bandwagon made him an idiot, if kakar wants to engage mi mano et mano as you put it, then I could have an ounce of respect for him, but standing behind you and saying "yea, what he said" gains him no respect from me.

I did nothing of the sort. I just complimented Taco on a witty response. I gave yours a chance. Even those last 4 posted in succession. I really did try. But after dozing off twice just trying to get through them I threw in the towel.

If you have any success at engaging in "mi mano et mano" then it's from boring the other person to death. Congratulations, you win the Yawn Prize. /applaud
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#89 May 14 2004 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
So many detractors, so few friends.

In order to be expedient I am going to number you tools instead of trying to do names.


First to number 3- Damn you must have a hard on to prove that you can hang with the big dogs. I have to let you in on a little secret here, if you post a really long post most people are not going to read it. Hell your post was about me and even I skimmed it.

First of all the picking of Mono et mono was tacky. Maybe next you can correct my grammatical mistakes.

Then you basically talked about my regurgitation, how weak my material is, you did the cut and paste thing, and you did the blah blah blah thing. These are all nice but way overused. Now I admit that when I see something extremely boring I will call it weak, but not in every argument. It has become your mantra though.

Then you commented on my similar use of form on three comments in a row. Could that be that for those three comments I was creating a relative insulting theme? No. That could not be it, I am not clever enough to use such a device.

Now you are just being thick, and pissing me off for having to expose you as the fraud you are.

At least part of this is true, apparently I have pissed you off.

Then you go back to saying that adding in the type of dodgeball to my original description (not even aimed at you) was ludicrous. I disagree. Perhaps the regional differences dictate that you did not call the game I am talking about "German dodge ball" but here in the south we did. I am sorry if this offends your sensiblities, but by using the word "German" I was alluding to an entirely different game as to what we called "Dodgeball." When I was inferring this to #2 I was wanting to be specific. Specificity obviously annoys you.


But you are losing... everyone can see that.

Says who? Do you have a support group sending you IM's to let you know this? If I had a nickel for every dip **** who had proclaimed that they were verbally whipping my *** I could take the summer off.

By the way it is possible to give the worst line I have ever seen, yet still be basically a prototypical anti-taco poster. You are run of the mill, but you laid a particularly nasty and somewhat memorable egg when you referred to yourself as my worst nightmare. Comprende?

I have now concluded my comments about #3, the footnote.

Now about #4-The sockpuppet

"Tacosid is a has been"

"Tacosid only lives in the past"

"Thundra is kicking your ***"

"Totem is kicking your ***"

"Rainman is kicking your ***"

This pretty much sums up that post. I will not take the time to answer someone who does not have the nuts to post against me directly.

Now to what #2-the instigator had to say.

The coach jokes just are not getting to me Totem. I am sorry but while idiots like Rainman make me post at length, the types of posts like the last one you did is just not hitting the mark. I am sorry to disappoint.

It was creative though...better than what most people use against me, it just doesn't get my goat, so to speak.

As for General Hooker...what can I say? You make mistakes when you try to do something from memory at 2am.


Edited, Fri May 14 11:17:35 2004 by Tacosid

Edited, Fri May 14 11:20:00 2004 by Tacosid
I voted for the other guy.
#90 May 14 2004 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
Oh I see we don't need to provide examples anymore, that is nice, much less work.

You are weak, one of the weakest I have encountered who considers himself to be one of the big boys. You have not done a decent job in refuting anything that I have said, your posts have been dry, and sarcasm has been your only weapon. You contradicted yourself countless times, and there was not one of your comments that showed any creativity. As for not reading long posts, that simply reflects on your attention span, or lack thereof.

This will be my last post as I see that you are not much of an opponent, I don't really care what wee KakarSmakar has to say, I have seen your game, and walk away in disappointment. Good luck answering Totems recipe post, there is no comeback to something like that, again proving that you are miles below the "big boys". I know you tried to have a comeback to totems post, but again you failed miserably.

Edited, Fri May 14 11:30:41 2004 by Reinman
#91 May 14 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
Oh I see we don't need to provide examples anymore, that is nice, much less work.

Are you enjoying typing novel length responses? If so then good for you. I politely pointed out that nobody is reading them. Please continue to post as much as you want though.

You are weak, one of the weakest I have encountered who considers himself to be one of the big boys.

How many of the big boys have you gone up against? Even if Thundra, Totem, Smash, Patrician and half of alla's teamed up against you I doubt you would give an inch and admit you were getting creamed. Your type is truly a dime a dozen. People will NEVER come to this forum and pick you out of a crowd to harass. You have no particular flavor. I am not claiming that you are a total waste-hell many past footnotes had some modicum of talent-its just that your brand is common here. Even worse is the fact that you have the curse that prevents you from seeing it.

You have not done a decent job in refuting anything that I have said, your posts have been dry, and sarcasm has been your only weapon.

And you have done a decent job? There is that curse I was talking about. Not to give you the big head, but my dry and sarcastic form is part of what sets me apart from people like you hit that nail right on the head.

You contradicted yourself countless times

Where? Please list these fine points.

and there was not one of your comments that showed any creativity.

This line was made famous by Copernicus. Its called the "Tacosid has no creativity line" If you would like I can insult you in a poem, or in song...

As for not reading long posts, that simply reflects on your attention span, or lack thereof.

It also reflects on the writers ability to read his audience. No one reads long posts here...especially long paragraphs. It is called the "Gbaji-effect"

This will be my last post as I see that you are not much of an opponent,

This is transparent. If you are trying to bow out gracefully you are failing.

I don't really care what wee KakarSmakar has to say,

Of course you don't he does not agree with you and thus he is an idiot right? Not to mention he has no A-game, no creativity, he is boring, and has no talent. Right?

I have seen your game, and walk away in disappointment.

You will be disappointed in every forum you visit then my boy.

Good luck answering Totems recipe post, there is no comeback to something like that, again proving that you are miles below the "big boys".

If you can't beat em, refer to someone you think can.

I know you tried to have a comeback to totems post, but again you failed miserably.

No I did not. The truth is that I have never fully understood totem. He likes to badger me, but will be the first to welcome me back after a haitus. I know that if given a choice he would rather have one Tacosid than 20 Rainmen on this forum, but he has a funny way of showing it.

Totem has once or twice really managed to get under my skin...but the whole coach thing does not do it. I am in no way saying the recipe is not creative...quite the contrary. Moreover I am not saying Totem is not creative...hell in comparison to you he is a freaking Einstein of creativity. All I am saying is that his current stick is not getting me riled. Especially when I already have a sock puppet, a wanna be, and a so called big boy to deal with already.

To #2. I did like the "add one bad career move" part of the recipe though. Nice touch.


Edited, Fri May 14 11:50:50 2004 by Tacosid
I voted for the other guy.
#92 May 14 2004 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
3,458 posts
Can we change the name of this thread to "Increase The Size of Your E-***** In One Boring-*** Thread" ?
#93 May 14 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
I am an enigma. Or *****. I'm not sure which.

#94 May 14 2004 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
Metaphorically speaking, the latter.

I voted for the other guy.
#95 May 14 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
Arrivan is not mine.
#96 May 14 2004 at 11:06 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
All of which brings me to the heart of the matter, Coach. As I am jamming farm implements up your a$$, you're looking over your shoulder crying about the familiar depravity of it all. You pretend to affect a bored and jaded look about you as we go about our business, but I keep seeing a hint of a smile on the corner of your lips.

Coach: What's this?
Totem: A long, thick, veiny lollipop.
Coach: It has a wart on it.
Totem: So?
Coach: If I suck it, will I get warts?
Totem: No.
Coach: Okey dokey. /chortle

And so we progress.

Need more new material? I can go all day...

#97 May 14 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
One more, since you spent the effort in created your own monstosity, I know I said I wouldn't post more, but as I said before, my objective was stalemate. I could keep this going forever, however, I chose, not you, to desist. You see how I am the one in control.

Nice use of the cut and paste technique that you just criticized me for, can you please stop contradicting yourself.

I include examples you say my posts are too long, I don't provide them and you say, please be specific. This is what you call game?

I'll see you around. I am off to play some early 16th century Mongolian Badminton.
#98 May 14 2004 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
This all started out mildly ammusing, but you have all managed to beat a dead horse into a puddle of glue. This pissing contest you have all gotten yourself into has long since degenerated into a game of "I know you are, but what am I?" I think it's fairly obvious that you are all out of material. I believe the cookie recipe was the last bit of it we'll see here. Save yourselves the time, and just call it a stalemate. If that is not acceptable then find a thrid party who is patient enough to read what has become a thread of drivel to decide a winner, because it has become abundantly obvious to everyone not involved that none of you are ready to budge an inch. My suggestion is if you insist on perpetuating this inane banter, at least take a few days off to reload, because as of now you are shooting at each other with the equivilant of verbal B.B. guns.
#99 May 14 2004 at 11:39 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
There’s a smell in the air; the smell of fear. Accompanying this is the aroma of 24 hour old, un-"Scoped" coffee breath, and encrusted Columbian Juan Valdez bean rings at the bottom of countless styrofoam cups which occupy the general vicinity of our plucky PE coach’s work station.

But, mostly it's the smell of fear. Why? Because Coach absolutely knew his only chance of survival in this deathmatch against Totem would be to spend the entire morning, afternoon and early evening in ardent preparation. Coach T., sitting at his desk, stared down at the few remaining drops of coffee left in his cup. He was psyching himself into feeling hardcore. He clenched its cylindrical surface with the same aggression one might apply to the neck of a mole after surfacing from a proud, well kept lawn.

He downed the vile brew, pretending its unsatisfying temperature and taste was like drinking Guinness. However, the time for alcohol consumption had not yet begun. And he realized that. There was difficult work to do first. He took the empty cup and tossed it into the pile on the ground. Slowly he reached for it again, sort of gazing at it with the intensity of a 17 year old Honda owner watching "Pimp My Ride." He then took his thickest, most masculine looking finger-- the one most resembling his defective genitalia --and poked a hole in the bottom of the cup, which created an opening about the size of a piece of puffed rice. He proceeded to cut the rest out, creating a bottomless cup.

He put it up to his mouth as if it was a bull horn, and began rehearsing, "Sir, I am NOT feeling well today and will NOT be able to make it in. That is ALL. Good day SIR!" With a sigh, he tossed the cup back into the pile, and dropped his head to the desk depressingly, wishing he really had the poise and confidence to speak to his boss the same way he could to a white, undecorated wall in the gym teacher's office. He looked back down at the cup and reached for it one more time. With a wry smile, he put it back up to his mouth and asked the pile of wet and mildewy towels nearby if it sounded like he was on old time radio. The realization of his own absurdity, as well as the gallons of coffee he drunk as if it were happy hour, resulted in his hand striking his face with utter contempt for himself, and yelled, "****, Coach! You gotta keep your head IN THE GAME! There is no time for random tom-foolery, this is freaking WAR!"

Coach’s sweaty, shaky hand reached for the phone.

He dials up his boss, Vice-principal Reynolds.

<Ring, ring>!

Coach’s Boss: Good morning, this is Vice-principal Stan Reynolds. How may I help you?

Coach: Good morning Stan, this is Coach Tacosid. Hey, listen, I’m uhhhh, not gonna be able to make it in this morning. I’m really not feeling well.

VP Reynolds: Well, Coach, you've only been here for a couple of months and you already want some time off?

Coach: Yeah. So, uhh, ummm... yeah, sorry about the inconvenience and stuff. I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow...


All the sudden a wave of relief lifted Coach out of his chair as he placed one hand on his heart, the other toward the sky and started singing in a falsetto as if to emulate a choir of angelic voices. The dreadful part was over. Next was the painful part: How to compose a post which rips Totem apart and restore him to past glories?

(to be continued)

#100 May 14 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
I know I said I wouldn't post more, but as I said before, my objective was stalemate.

You said you would not post, but you did. Not That is a contradiction.

I could keep this going forever, however, I chose, not you, to desist. You see how I am the one in control.

Says the guy who keeps posting.

[/quote]Nice use of the cut and paste technique that you just criticized me for, can you please stop contradicting yourself. [/quote]

Re-read what I said about it. I did not criticize you for your use of this style. I just stated that you used it when I was summarizing what you had done. You are grasping here, and you have still not shown me a contradiction while I just showed you one of yours.

Now to #2.

All of which brings me to the heart of the matter, Coach. As I am jamming farm implements up your a$$, you're looking over your shoulder crying about the familiar depravity of it all.

The whole thing is I do not by law have to be offended when someone insults me. When rainman prattles on about contradictions and uncreativity it irks me. When you make a recipe that I actually found relatively amusing it does not.

I could in turn criticize you in like but your answer would simply be "so what?"

Like if I were to comment on your 2000 or so posts to the board "Last" threads. I consider this to be offensive. I would be offended to be grouped with the monkeys that have plagued those threads. But you are openly proud of your participation there and have started such threads for the explicit reason of raising my blood pressure.

There are several other such arguments I could make but simply they would not stick. I will think about insulting you, and if I come up with an appropriate way to do it, I will.

Don't start the stop watch, it was not a promise.

I voted for the other guy.
#101 May 14 2004 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
My last comment did not address the story. I will get to that in a minute.

I voted for the other guy.
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