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Tribute to TacosidFollow

#1 May 13 2004 at 7:23 AM Rating: Default
Tacosid made a quick name for himself here on Alla’s boards as a pompous arrogant prick. Lets look into the origins of such a man, shall we?

Taco’s arrogance comes from needing to be the center of attention. Many have suggested that this stems from his traumatic past. As a young boy he was repeatedly *** raped by a circus monkey named Bobo while the performing midgets watched, all the while ************ and taking turns giving the cat blowjobs.

Taco takes pleasure in flaming new members of the board and flaunting his vast fourth grader intellect.

Many people have a good deal of respect for Taco for his low number of posts over the years. I too would like to say I respect you for keeping you post count low, as the message boards are usually ripe with the inane dribble of the “special” crowd.
#2 May 13 2004 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
^^^ OTST
#3 May 13 2004 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
4,396 posts
Nice to see my name in the morning. On the other hand the person posting didnt have the balls to put their name on their mediocre work.

I voted for the other guy.
#4 May 13 2004 at 10:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
What? It's Arrivan! You know Arrivan, right? Huh?

Yeah.. whatever.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#5 May 13 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Jeepers. Talk about unoriginal thinking! The syntax, vocabulary, sentence structure, and content is all you, Coach. At least you could have built a foundation of a few posts before you started auto-fellating, but nope-- you went right to work bent over like a true contortionist. Good job on punching yourself in the balls.

Go back to peeking in on the boys showering, Coach. Leave the sockpuppetry to others who at least have the gumption to put some effort into it.

#6 May 13 2004 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Holy hell! Tacosid is Craig T. Nelson?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#7 May 13 2004 at 10:40 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Strange, but true. Coach is just another has-been both in the entertainment field and the business of flaming people. First he made TV shows and now he just makes bad puppets. Sheesh. At the very least he could have made an anagram of his name or something.

#8 May 13 2004 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
4,396 posts
I will stick to my comment made some months ago that the last sock puppet I had on this forum was Fabpickles. That was close to two years ago.

I take it you were picked on during Gym class eh Totem? You have alot of pent up anger relating to the subject. It is easy to imagine a young overweight totem crying after being beaned in the head during a game of german dodgeball. I take it that after you took the 9th grade requirement, you went back to taking band...right?

Some people play football, some people play the clarinet and march on the field.


Edited, Thu May 13 12:04:15 2004 by Tacosid
I voted for the other guy.
#9 May 13 2004 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
crying after being beaned in the head during a game of german dodgeball

German Dodge ball??? You couldn't just "teach" the normal dodge ball because that would be too low brow. It is funny that you even try and elevate dodge ball to try and make it seem more grand than it is. Bona-fide ****-kicker indeed.
#10 May 13 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
3,458 posts
Friar Reinman wrote:
crying after being beaned in the head during a game of german dodgeball

German Dodge ball??? You couldn't just "teach" the normal dodge ball because that would be too low brow. It is funny that you even try and elevate dodge ball to try and make it seem more grand than it is. Bona-fide ****-kicker indeed.

beat me to it..... What the hell is the difference between Dodgeball and German Dodgeball?
#11 May 13 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
4,396 posts
German Dodge ball??? You couldn't just "teach" the normal dodge ball because that would be too low brow. It is funny that you even try and elevate dodge ball to try and make it seem more grand than it is. Bona-fide sh*t-kicker indeed.

What in the hell is this? Is this some sort of attempt to insult me? Help me out with this rainman, because I am flummoxxed.

As I was growing up the game dodgeball took three people (or a few more) One or two were in the middle, everyone else on the outside. People attempted to hit the ones in the middle with a ball. If you hit a person, you were then in the middle.

German dodge ball- (aka Indian dodge ball or team dodge ball) is meant for large groups and is prototypical of the dodgeball you probably played in school. I can give detailed rules for this game if you would like.

I have been insulted on many fronts in my time, but never has someone come at me from this angle.

I voted for the other guy.
#12 May 13 2004 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
we just used to line up people on opposite sides and started throwing balls. if you hit someone they were "out" and had to sit in the middle until a teammate came and tagged them. if you caught someones ball, they were out and had to go to the middle as well. what the heck kind of dodgeball were we playing?

this was in junior high though..can't remember much more. i remember our gym teacher was a pedophile (although not gay i don't believe...used to favor girls). he liked to grab your arm and squeeze real hard though while making a weird straining face and try to make you feel like he was in control.

i will agree with one thing (and realize its a stereotype), but gym teachers (in my experience) are weird.
#13 May 13 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
German Dodge ball??? You couldn't just "teach" the normal dodge ball because that would be too low brow. It is funny that you even try and elevate dodge ball to try and make it seem more grand than it is. Bona-fide sh*t-kicker indeed.

What in the hell is this? Is this some sort of attempt to insult me? Help me out with this rainman, because I am flummoxxed.

As I was growing up the game dodgeball took three people (or a few more) One or two were in the middle, everyone else on the outside. People attempted to hit the ones in the middle with a ball. If you hit a person, you were then in the middle.

German dodge ball- (aka Indian dodge ball or team dodge ball) is meant for large groups and is prototypical of the dodgeball you probably played in school. I can give detailed rules for this game if you would like.

I have been insulted on many fronts in my time, but never has someone come at me from this angle.

Yes, this is an attempt to insult you. I only do so because because you consider yourself some sort of badass and you have the reputation of preying on the new posters, well, I am a new poster. I believe in striking back first.

Anyway, since you seemed to have missed all of the insults in the previous 4 sentences, I'll run you through the offensive parts.

First off, I used three question marks after "German dodge ball", this should have been the first sign that this was an insult, as you only need one question mark here.

Next I put the word "teach" in quotations to infer that gym is not really a serious subject, which it is not.

Next I used the words, low brow. As a note to you for the future, I think you should be suspicious any time, anyone says low brow, there is probably an insult to somebody anytime you see these words.

Then I came right out and insulted you by saying that even in talking about dodge ball you try and elevate your trade my making dodge ball sound technical. It is analogous to Empyre talking about his 6-axis robots and lasers, however, you are talking about dodge ball, and that is just pathetic.

Then I mocked you statement of being a ****-kicker from the other thread, because I have seen nothing out of you worthy to give you such an auspicious title.

Seemed pretty clear really, keep trying, you'll catch up.

I have been insulted on many fronts in my time, but never has someone come at me from this angle.

I will take any opening, and cause a massive gaping wound, so get used to being totally unprepared for my attacks. As you have just stated, I am like nothing you have ever encountered before, yes I am your worst nightmare.

lol, hmmm that was fun! Give me some more material Taco!
#14 May 13 2004 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
4,396 posts
Yes, this is an attempt to insult you.

Glad you clarified this for myself and the rest of the posters.

I only do so because because you consider yourself some sort of badass and you have the reputation of preying on the new posters, well, I am a new poster. I believe in striking back first.

Find one reference where I have commented that I like to pray on new posters. You can look but you will not find it. The reason you have heard it is because others say it. Others say it because I excel in making the intellectually inferior shine in their own unique way. Unfortunately with you my skills are unneeded as you are making yourself look like a tool as is.

Anyway, since you seemed to have missed all of the insults in the previous 4 sentences, I'll run you through the offensive parts.

Thank you. It is a well known fact that I am a little slow.

First off, I used three question marks after "German dodge ball", this should have been the first sign that this was an insult, as you only need one question mark here.

Really??? I have no clue that was how this was used. Are you sure about this???

Next I put the word "teach" in quotations to infer that gym is not really a serious subject, which it is not.

Ever wonder why obesity is on the rise? For the record I do not teach "Gym" by the way. This last school year I taught Weight training and Health in high school. I suppose health is not a serious subject either eh Rainman?

Next I used the words, low brow. As a note to you for the future, I think you should be suspicious any time, anyone says low brow, there is probably an insult to somebody anytime you see these words.

Low brow. Who woulda thunk it.

Then I came right out and insulted you by saying that even in talking about dodge ball you try and elevate your trade my making dodge ball sound technical.[

By giving the game a specific name I was setting it apart from a different version of dodgeball ******** When you go to Baskin Robbins do you go to the counter and say you would like an order of "Ice Cream" or do you let the counter worker know what kind you would like. It kinda goes the same way here. Please forgive me for being specific. In the future I will try to be as vague as possible.

It is analogous to Empyre talking about his 6-axis robots and lasers, however, you are talking about dodge ball, and that is just pathetic.

Since when am I talking about Dodgeball? Hell all I did was make a snide, somewhat joking comment to Totem about a game and situation I am sure he would understand. In your desperation to get me to notice you, you took the opportunity to attempt to come up with a half assed insult over it. I will admit that I have noticed you though now, but don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.

Then I mocked you statement of being a sh*t-kicker from the other thread, because I have seen nothing out of you worthy to give you such an auspicious title.

Yet you went out of your way to make sure that the footnote you made in the thread about Moe and myself was exploited into something bigger. I appreciate that you are attempting to highlight what you consider to be your mad typing skills, but I think you should probably take your game back to the minor leagues for a while. Using German Dodge Ball as the base of an insulting post while creative, lacks any real punch.

Seemed pretty clear really, keep trying, you'll catch up.

Ding ding ding!!! You are only the 500th person to use this line in an argument with me! Your creativity is astounding. If you would like a list of other cliches used against me in the last three years please send a SASE and a check for 5.95 to the Tacosid Fan Club.

I will take any opening,


and cause a massive gaping wound, so get used to being totally unprepared for my attacks.

Haha. Perhaps your next attack can come at me in another language...that would surprise me. Or maybe you can get Allakhazam himself to start a thread in your honor insulting me...that too would have appeal. But really, and I don't mean to rain on your parade here as you are obviously getting off on this...but unless you can come up with some material that is much better than what you have already shown, then I have seen it before, as has everyone else on this forum.

As you have just stated, I am like nothing you have ever encountered before, yes I am your worst nightmare.

This has to be the worst line I have ever had used against me. First of all i did not state that you are like nothing I have encountered before. Quite the contrary, you are very much like a dozen or more people I have encountered in this forum. I did state that you came at me from a different angle, but you missed the fact that I was actually insulting you there. Also the use of "What the hell is this?" while I chose not to use three question marks, it too was meant in a sarcastic, "I can believe this putz is actually trying to insult me here" tone.

lol, hmmm that was fun! Give me some more material Taco!

Fire away rain man. I sure as hell hope you are waiting to pull out the big guns.


Edited, Thu May 13 13:57:34 2004 by Tacosid
I voted for the other guy.
#15 May 13 2004 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
1,577 posts
Holy **** dude, I think you may be on to something. Just blatently attack someone for no apparent ******* reason.

He's not the only one that preys on new posters :P, if your gonna pick on one, pick on the whole A-team Smash, Skeet, Taco and all the others that have been here forever. Now I'm not defending them or their actions (cause I'm one of the newbs picked on) but deal with it. It will continue to happen no matter what.

You can't beat them and you dont have to join them. If you can't handle the ***-whooping, get your *** back in the kitchen
#16 May 13 2004 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
3,458 posts
Uh-oh Reinman! Thum thars is fitin' werdz!
#17 May 13 2004 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
You can't beat them

This is the wisest thing said by someone other than myself on this forum.

I will state that the trio you mentioned...Smash, Skeet and myself do not at any time work as a team. Quite the contrary on most occasions.

I voted for the other guy.
#18 May 13 2004 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,577 posts
Edited for content.

Edited, Thu May 13 16:16:30 2004 by Warf
#19 May 13 2004 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,577 posts
I wouldn't say that "beating you" is atop my list of things to do. Basically what I was trying to say was just dealing with the older members of the board. If you can't handle the criticism then go away.

Basically the nice thing about this forum (as stated by spawned) you can just tell people to **** off and be done with it.
#20 May 13 2004 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,577 posts

Well they FINALLY showed up, and one was edited.

Edited, Thu May 13 16:18:05 2004 by Warf
#21 May 13 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
You were a little more polite in the second post. I prefer that one.

I voted for the other guy.
#22 May 13 2004 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,577 posts
LOL Just stating what the normal method is. It's not quite how I handle things :P I think I have yet to really tell someone to **** off, even on this board.

And I'm kinnda miffed on the fact that it took like 20+ min for those posts to show up. Oh well I'll edit the first one.
#23 May 13 2004 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
I will get back to you when I have the time Taco, as your response requires more thought than dealing with this other moron. Which brings me to you Warf...

What makes more sense is just putting up with it. It's not like the can attack you personally unless they live next door to you......

Basically what I was trying to say was just dealing with the older members of the board. If you can't handle the criticism then go away.

So you are saying that you are inferior to all of the veteran posters here and you have no chance of winning a single argument. I am more optimistic than that, in fact winning is not really my goal here. I have yet to see anyone "win" an argument here, stalemate is my goal.

Anyway, Warf, thanks for letting everyone know, that you are weak and that everyone can abuse you at will, and that you will not even put up a struggle!

Oh yea, and Warf, one more thing, Fu[b][/b]ck You!
#24 May 13 2004 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
*Shameless post count buffer*

Yeah, I did it, what are you gonna do about it?

#25 May 13 2004 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
I will get back to you when I have the time Taco, as your response requires more thought than dealing with this other moron. Which brings me to you Warf...

Translation: I just got thoroughly owned by Tacosid, so now while I lick my wounds and desperately search for something witty to post to regain some of my damaged ego, I'll attack an easier target.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#26 May 13 2004 at 3:35 PM Rating: Good
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