sstaurus wrote:
Thundra's posts are of a satirical quality not found much elsewhere.
Thundra's posts are of a satirical quality not found much elsewhere.
It's good to see that at least two of us think so. I'm assuming, of course, that that comment was not intended to be a satire on the poor quality of my satire... if such is the case, I'd like to extend to you a most heartfelt 'Fu[/i]ck you'. But yer smarter than that, so I don't think profanities will be necessary.
It's disappointing, really. It's not as if the underlying meanings of my writing are usually at all subtle or particularly obfuscated by deep allegory and symbolism- I am keenly aware of my audience's intellectual limitations, and therefore create nothing but the most [i]thiny veiled works of satirical absurdity- written at maaaaaybe the sixth grade level.
I'm not criticizing those who actually understand the bulk of my writing and just don't find it clever or entertaining; we all can't be as easily amused as myself. It's simply frustrating to be so limited by my audience. I only wish that I could commingle my 'fart jokes' with an occasional 'less retarded' piece every now and again without being inundated with a room full of blank stares, nervous laughter, and responses which leave no doubt that, for all intents and purposes, my words were but wind in the conkshell that is your head.
Obviously, not all of the blame is be to laid on the shoulders of the retards that post here. It should be noted that the choice of the word '******', in that context, is actually an overly generous euphemism; a word I am tactfully employing in lieu of expressing how I really feel about the posters here.
First, if I wanted a more receptive, educated, and appreciative audience, my time would be better spent baiting crack-whores with vials of meth on a string, and then wrangling, sedating, and assembling the motley crew in the first available tenement, before submitting that roomful of Einsteinian Sophists (relatively speaking) to my rhetorical genius. If my goal is to speak to those likely to understand, I would meet with much greater success thusly. So in a way, I must confess that verbalizing my frustrations here is a lost cause- I am choosing to curse the darkness rather than light a match.
Second, the medium is also to blame. It would quickly become very tiresome if the few of you who 'get it' were to indicate so by responding and posting an acknowledgement that the message was transmitted successfully: "HAHA! I get it! Ur funny!" Yes, that would do wonders for my ego, but would ultimately become annoying, even for me.
There are a few of you that I know 'get it', even if you thought 'it' was presented crudely and amateurishly. Joph, Totem, Tare, Smash, Moe, gbaji, Hippo, Pat, DK, and sstaurus are such people. There are a few others I'm neglecting to mention, I'm sure. Keep in mind, I don't even like half of the people I just mentioned, but I'm sure they'll take comfort knowing that I realize they aren't complete fu[/i]ckwits- which is more than I can say for most of you. Curiously, as an aside, it seems that, with a few notable exceptions, it is only the strong of wit that persevere here.
Hint: This is your cue to respond with- "We get it, you're just not funny" [i]a la trunksbrando. Considering the form most of your replies typically take, it's obvious that for most of you, attempting to read Nancy Drew would be quite the undertaking. It's hard not to sympathize when I realize you really do think you understand me.
The truth is that I pity you. You are living in a 2-dimensional world; a world where the wine is bland and the bread stale, and books are but displays of one's typing skills. What I find more terrifying than your appalling lack of depth is, that even when faced with the gaping intellectual abyss that is your mind, you become bored rather than crestfallen, and you turn to the television, or eachother, or any of the countless other thought-substitutions available to today's society, to be entertained... when you should be reading a book, or discussing something other than the current crop of regurgitated 'Reality T.V.' shows. Some say ignorance is bliss, but I say it's Hell. A Hell that can only be appreciated from afar; and the greater the distance from which one looks upon this Hell, the more terrifying it becomes.
Personally, I **** myself in terror every time I listen to one of you dumb fu[i][/i]cks speak.
This was not a satire.