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best comedy shows ever no doubtFollow

#1 Apr 06 2004 at 8:35 PM Rating: Default
#2 Apr 06 2004 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
Do you only ever come here to post "best of" threads? Does it bother you to be so predictable and boring?

Just checkin'.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#3 Apr 06 2004 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
Let's have a "What's the best insult to say to pericolo" thread!

This one looks like a good place to do it!

#4 Apr 07 2004 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
781 posts
Faulty Towers... The Goodies... Flying Circus... The Kenny Everett Show... Black Adder... The Young Ones...

Got to love great British comedy... So I would have to say that the two examples in the original post are far from the funniest ever, no doubt.
#5 Apr 07 2004 at 5:25 AM Rating: Default
Scrubs :D
#6 Apr 07 2004 at 5:36 AM Rating: Default
133 posts
Mr. Show with Bob and David.
#7 Apr 07 2004 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
Does anyone remember Soap?
#8 Apr 07 2004 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent

Saturdaynightlive, In living color(jim carrey!!) family guy, simpsons, seinfield.
#9 Apr 07 2004 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
Red Dwarf

Are you Being Served

King of Queens

Will and Grace




#10 Apr 07 2004 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Who's Line Is It Anyway?

*edit: Oops, forgot to add my avatar... MST3K

Edited, Wed Apr 7 13:48:58 2004 by Nadenu
#11 Apr 07 2004 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Red Dwarf

Open all Hours

Drop the dead donkey

Black Adder

Least funny: south park... sorry i just don't get it, only the dude who dies each episode is remotely entertaining.
#12 Apr 07 2004 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent

south park is a great show, its funny as hell. also if there is ever a major debate going on in the world, the war in iraq, burning music, racial and gay rights debate. they turn it into some veyr funny stuff.
#13 Apr 07 2004 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
trunksbrando wrote:
south park is a great show, its funny as hell. also if there is ever a major debate going on in the world, the war in iraq, burning music, racial and gay rights debate. they turn it into some veyr funny stuff.

South Park is a great show. It's funny as hell. Also, if there is ever a major debate going on in the world, like the war in Iraq, burning music, racial gay rights debates, they turn it into some very funny stuff.

C'mon least try, man.
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#14 Apr 07 2004 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
I would have to say Nightline. Ted Koppel makes me laugh so hard I peed my pants once.

#15 Apr 07 2004 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,257 posts
You have to go with al those old ones, you know whats going to happen and they still crack you up every time.

I think they all be done Fawlty Towers, Red Dwarf, Black Adder all of em, The Young Ones and the rest all fit the description.

But you all forgot Porridge, how could you ...

(and on a side note, those old Bob Newhart tapes are a sure fired way to set me off any day .. I mean can anybody listen to those and not end up crying ?)

9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

#16 Apr 07 2004 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
Probably the funniest thing ever preformed as a "show" in my opinion was the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio program (not the TV show - God that was aweful).

I find South Park funny, but it seems it would be local humor. Last episode I saw, Stan became depressed after loosing the girl and he became a "goth" which are really sad kids who dress in black, write the same bad poetry, etc, but the humor is that they insult others by calling them "conformists". Now, this was really funny to me because I knew the goths at my high school - and they had these kids down to a tee. The cane one of the kids in South Park affected was just the classic touch.

But it would not have been funny at all if I hadn't gone to my high school.

I imagine some humor about boarding school is lost on those of us who didn't attend.
#17 Apr 07 2004 at 5:24 PM Rating: Good
*edit: Oops, forgot to add my avatar... MST3K

No way man! 2000 was WAY more entertaining.
#18 Apr 08 2004 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
I find "The Office" frikkin funny.
#19 Apr 08 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
My Mother the Car

(put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!)
#20 Apr 08 2004 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
I see your My Mother the Car and raise you a Small Wonder.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#21 Apr 08 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Well I see your Small Wonder, and raise you a The State.

I miss that show.

A few people from Reno 911 came from "The State", Trudy did, the gay one with short pants did, and the guy that pepersprayed the gay officer was in "The State".

One of my favorite skits was "The Jew, The Italian, and The Red Haired Gay"

The Jew, The Italian, and The Red Head Gay
David (Jew), Ken (Italian) and Kevin (Red head Gay): The Jew, the Italian and the Red Head Gay, we all live together on Avenue A, we have zany adventures from day to day.

David: The Jew!

Ken: The Italian!

Kevin: And the Red Head Gay!

David: Come on Ken, it's the end of the month. We need the money for the rent, where's the money?

Ken: Oh, I'm sorry Dave, I spent it all on pasta. I'm gonna make a big tomato sauce.

Kevin: Oh, I would help you with that Ken, but I'm busy picking out these pretty curtain patterns for the apartment.

David: Fine, I'm gonna go get some bagels, I guess.

Kevin: Okay. Toodleoo schnookums!

Ken: All right Dave, Ariverderchi!

Ken, David, and Kevin: The Jew, the Italian and the Red Head Gay, we all live together on Avenue A, we each see the world in our own way.

David: The Jew!

Ken: The Italian!

Gay: And the Red--Head--ha--Gaaaaaaaaaay!!!

(great 70's disco music)

Whole Cast in ridiculous costumes: The Red Head Gaaaay, the red head gaaaay, the red head gaaaaaay. The red head gay!

Or another clasic.

Boy in Barn
(Mike B. walks into a classroom)

Mr. Malport (Mike S): Hello Bill.

Bill (Mike B.): Hi. Sorry I'm late.

Mr. Malport: Aren't you forgetting something Bill?

Bill: Uhhh...

Mr. Malport: The door, Bill. You left the door open. Were you raised in a barn?

Class: Haha! Were you raised in a barn? Haha!

(Bill runs out of classroom)

Joe: He was. He was raised in a barn. Aahhhh!

(Bill runs home to barn)

Mom (Kerri): Bill, what are you doing home from school? And what are you doing with the door?

Dad (Ken): Billy, that door is to stay open at all times. You know that. Now, what, I say what is going on here?

Bill: Everyone at school makes fun of me because I'm different. Because I'm barnfolk.

Mom: Well, barnfolk are different.

Dad: First of all, we live in a barn. And we smell real bad from all the filthy animals.

Bill: I just wanna be normal.

Mom: Huh! (slaps Bill) Go to your room!

Dad: Clean it up, it looks like a pigsty.

Bill: It is a pigsty!

Dad: Don't, I say, don't talk back!

(returns on horseback after a thinking in his room for a while)
Bill: You're right. I'm not the one with the problem. They are. I'm going back to school!

(at school)
Mr. Malport: Bill, the door.

Bill: What about it?

Mr. Malport: Close it!

Bill: Hey teach, closin' doors ain't my way.

Mr. Malport: Why, were you raised--

Bill: IN A BARN?? Yes I was. And I am proud of it! I'm barnfolk, Mr. Malport, and your fancy door-closing ways will never change that. Being barnfolk may not mean a whole lot to people like you, but to me it means sleeping with a pig instead of in a bed. It means eating dinner out of a--

Ben (in drag, of course): Trough. Instead of off the table. I was raised in a barn too, Bill.

Todd: Me too.

Kevin: I was raised on a houseboat in Spain. But, I guess that's not really appropriate.

Mr. Malport: You're right Bill. We've learned a very valuable lesson today. We're one class. We should all get along as equals. Except for Tom, his parents are coal miners.

Class: Haha! Your parents are coal miners! Haha!

No offense if you were raised in a barn, or if your parents were coal miners, just sayin' it was funny is all.
#22 Apr 08 2004 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
Well I see your Small Wonder, and raise you a The State.

I miss that show.

A few people from Reno 911 came from "The State", Trudy did, the gay one with short pants did, and the guy that pepersprayed the gay officer was in "The State".

One of my favorite skits was "The Jew, The Italian, and The Red Haired Gay"

The Jew, The Italian, and The Red Head Gay
David (Jew), Ken (Italian) and Kevin (Red head Gay): The Jew, the Italian and the Red Head Gay, we all live together on Avenue A, we have zany adventures from day to day.

David: The Jew!

Ken: The Italian!

Kevin: And the Red Head Gay!

David: Come on Ken, it's the end of the month. We need the money for the rent, where's the money?

Ken: Oh, I'm sorry Dave, I spent it all on pasta. I'm gonna make a big tomato sauce.

Kevin: Oh, I would help you with that Ken, but I'm busy picking out these pretty curtain patterns for the apartment.

David: Fine, I'm gonna go get some bagels, I guess.

Kevin: Okay. Toodleoo schnookums!

Ken: All right Dave, Ariverderchi!

Ken, David, and Kevin: The Jew, the Italian and the Red Head Gay, we all live together on Avenue A, we each see the world in our own way.

David: The Jew!

Ken: The Italian!

Gay: And the Red--Head--ha--Gaaaaaaaaaay!!!

(great 70's disco music)

Whole Cast in ridiculous costumes: The Red Head Gaaaay, the red head gaaaay, the red head gaaaaaay. The red head gay!

Or another clasic.

Boy in Barn
(Mike B. walks into a classroom)

Mr. Malport (Mike S): Hello Bill.

Bill (Mike B.): Hi. Sorry I'm late.

Mr. Malport: Aren't you forgetting something Bill?

Bill: Uhhh...

Mr. Malport: The door, Bill. You left the door open. Were you raised in a barn?

Class: Haha! Were you raised in a barn? Haha!

(Bill runs out of classroom)

Joe: He was. He was raised in a barn. Aahhhh!

(Bill runs home to barn)

Mom (Kerri): Bill, what are you doing home from school? And what are you doing with the door?

Dad (Ken): Billy, that door is to stay open at all times. You know that. Now, what, I say what is going on here?

Bill: Everyone at school makes fun of me because I'm different. Because I'm barnfolk.

Mom: Well, barnfolk are different.

Dad: First of all, we live in a barn. And we smell real bad from all the filthy animals.

Bill: I just wanna be normal.

Mom: Huh! (slaps Bill) Go to your room!

Dad: Clean it up, it looks like a pigsty.

Bill: It is a pigsty!

Dad: Don't, I say, don't talk back!

(returns on horseback after a thinking in his room for a while)
Bill: You're right. I'm not the one with the problem. They are. I'm going back to school!

(at school)
Mr. Malport: Bill, the door.

Bill: What about it?

Mr. Malport: Close it!

Bill: Hey teach, closin' doors ain't my way.

Mr. Malport: Why, were you raised--

Bill: IN A BARN?? Yes I was. And I am proud of it! I'm barnfolk, Mr. Malport, and your fancy door-closing ways will never change that. Being barnfolk may not mean a whole lot to people like you, but to me it means sleeping with a pig instead of in a bed. It means eating dinner out of a--

Ben (in drag, of course): Trough. Instead of off the table. I was raised in a barn too, Bill.

Todd: Me too.

Kevin: I was raised on a houseboat in Spain. But, I guess that's not really appropriate.

Mr. Malport: You're right Bill. We've learned a very valuable lesson today. We're one class. We should all get along as equals. Except for Tom, his parents are coal miners.

Class: Haha! Your parents are coal miners! Haha!

No offense if you were raised in a barn, or if your parents were coal miners, just sayin' it was funny is all.
#23 Apr 08 2004 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
This is just my opinion, of course, but for anything to be put on a "best ever no doubt" list, it's got to withstand the test of time.

It's pretty amazing how comedies we think are absolutely hilarious now are painfully dated just a few years down the road.

#24 Apr 08 2004 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
Cant forget M*A*S*H
#25 Apr 08 2004 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Nobody's chimed in with the Simpson's? That's funny stuff.
South Park would be 2nd.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
#26 Apr 08 2004 at 7:46 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Master Aadynn Litefoot wrote:
Red Dwarf

Are you Being Served

King of Queens

Will and Grace





Try reading next time Smiley: smile

Edited, Thu Apr 8 21:02:01 2004 by TwiztidSamurai
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

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