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#1 Apr 02 2004 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
7,486 posts
i hate all of you, especially totem (who hopefully isnt here to defend himself anymore) and i hate monkies! i love the dead. im whacked out on drugs right now and i feel really sick. LSA is bad, yo.
#2 Apr 02 2004 at 11:32 PM Rating: Good
5,019 posts
I'm jealous. LSA is similar to LSD, or so a little birdie told me.

I still really wanna try hallucinogenics of some kind.

Where did you say you live? Apple Valley? I'm on my way.
#3 Apr 02 2004 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
7,486 posts
believe it or not while in my whacked out stupor i was thinking "i got to tell thundra how great these are, she should really try them". so yeah, its fun, kind of. but you get sick, sort of. i thought i was going to die at like 4 i couldnt breathe. mike sucks because he said i could spend the night but then i couldnt so i had to walk home. i was like "im going to fall in the streets and get run over. i hope i dont die"
#4 Apr 02 2004 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
7,486 posts
but yeah, thats why im whacked out and at home. cause i was gonna crash at mikes.

i think my parents know im whacked out. my pupils are like... the size of montana. and im kind of stumble-eee.

Nina is kind of pissed. she told me drugs are bad and stuff but i was like "no, nina. this is something i want to do and you're going to have to accept that". shes just worried about me, so i should forgive her.
#5 Apr 03 2004 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
7,486 posts
An_angry_hippo: nina, im not myself, please dont be angry at me
An_angry_hippo: i can hardly read the screen
An_angry_hippo: its like moving and stuff
bandgeekcougar14: why is 9am to early?
bandgeekcougar14: what time did you take that ****?
An_angry_hippo: right when i got there
An_angry_hippo: at like 12
An_angry_hippo: and im still majorly whacked out
bandgeekcougar14: then why are you still whacky
An_angry_hippo: because drugs last forever!
An_angry_hippo: i like reached my peak at like 4 or 5 o clocks
An_angry_hippo: and i like... couldnt breathe
An_angry_hippo: i seriously thought i was going to die, i was so sad
An_angry_hippo: because i knew it would crush you
An_angry_hippo: and i dont want you to be hurt
An_angry_hippo: for ahwhile i thought i had chewed my lip off
An_angry_hippo: but im glad im okay
An_angry_hippo: and i stil lhave tthe rest of my life to sped with you
An_angry_hippo: i love you nina
bandgeekcougar14: im glad you are okay too
bandgeekcougar14: so, you think you are gonna do them again?
An_angry_hippo: i dont know
An_angry_hippo: right now its a definite no
An_angry_hippo: mike gave me waaaay too much
An_angry_hippo: i had 8 seeds
An_angry_hippo: 3-10 is how much you have
An_angry_hippo: so i was near the top
An_angry_hippo: and im kind of skinny and stuff, so thats alot
bandgeekcougar14: yea
bandgeekcougar14: so, what did you do at his house while.. whacked out or whatever
An_angry_hippo: well, before i got really whacked out we watched Army of Darkness
An_angry_hippo: then we watched a led zeppelin dvd
An_angry_hippo: then soem alice cooper
An_angry_hippo: then soem more led zeppelin
#6 Apr 03 2004 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
7,486 posts
but yeah, it isnt that great. i mean the world is like floaty, but i didnt see giant hamburgers trying to eat me and stuff.
#7 Apr 03 2004 at 12:18 AM Rating: Good
5,019 posts
Well, Hippo... you've managed to live out one of my fantasies. If you have sex with the all of the Dallas Cowboys before me, I'm going to be seriously pissed.

When you're sober you'll have to explain in greater detail what it was like.And try to hallucinate, dammit.

Btw, don't do drugs. They're bad for you. Jesus hates it when you do drugs.
#8 Apr 03 2004 at 2:46 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
Overlord Thundra wrote:
I still really wanna try hallucinogenics of some kind.

Thundie. I find that hard to believe. I loved the old acid days. What fun. I never had a bad trip once. Why? Because I rule, that's why.
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#9 Apr 03 2004 at 6:32 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Nina is kind of pissed. she told me drugs are bad and stuff but i was like "no, nina. this is something i want to do and you're going to have to accept that". shes just worried about me, so i should forgive her.

What you should do is cut her loose and quit wasting her time.

bandgeekcougar14: i don't understand why you do things that could hurt you?
an_angry_hippo: because true love is selfish!
#10 Apr 03 2004 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
LSD can be okay. Just don't take it with Prozac. Smiley: eek

publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#11 Apr 05 2004 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent
7,486 posts
as a follow up to thundras request...

The feelings were unlike anything i'd ever felt before. think of it like when you discovered ************* but 10x better.

i took these (probably not work safe as i imagine most companies frown upon drug usage). mike gave me 8 of them which i believe was probably too much because i had one hell of a trip.

i was instructed not to eat anything prior to taking them the night before so i drank alot of water in the morning. i went over to mikes house at approximately 12pm. we ground them up (using a borrowed motar and pestle) and then poured some water in it, and then drank the water with the seeds. suprisingly, it didnt taste bad. it wasnt good either, just a grassy taste.

for the first hour or two i experienced a pain in my stomache and felt the need to vomit. mike told me it was in my mind and i didnt "really" have to vomit, so i didnt. my pupils became huge shortly after taking them. after the first half hour i began to feel quite happy. similar to being drunk, but still being lucid.

about two to three hours into it i began to feel pretty trippy. i amused myself by starting at the ceiling while laying down and waving my arms infront of me. i did this for about an hour.

i got increasingly whacked out as time progressed. at about 3:45-4:45 i reached the peak of my trip. i didnt experience much hallucination. the ceiling did seem to move around, though and for some time i thought the world had tipped on its side. i noticed that all the hallucinations stopped when i looked on the tv screen. during this time i also started to have an incredibly difficult time breathing. i felt as if i was being crushed. speaking was impossible. it took all my strength to whisper out "mike", but he was too tripped out himself to hear me. i had to think and exert greath effort just to take shallow breaths. this lasted for about 45 minutes or so. i was still lucid and i thought about a number of things. i pondered how it wouldnt be bad at all to just become a druggy living from high to high and then end up committing suicide by ODing when life became dull. as i mentioned earlier i thought to myself "this must be what its like to die". oddly, i wasnt afraid. i was a bit sad that i wouldnt get to experience alot of things i would have missed, but overall not too dissapointed. i very greatly wanted to just give up on breathing, but i continued on because i knew if i were to die it would absolutely crush nina.

during this time my perception of time was incredibly flawed. what seemed like hours in reality was 2 minutes.

i experienced a deep appreciation for music while on the drugs the entire time. me and mike watched several DVDS.

Army of Darkness (boomstick editon, directors cut disc)
Alice Cooper brutally live
led zeppelin (havent a clue which dvd it was, it wasnt mine)
alice cooper welcome to my nightmare
jimi (hendrix) live at berkley
another led zeppelin dvd of which i do not know the name.

for a portion of the time i was staring at the ceiling with my mouth open, drooling. this chapped my lips, so i pulled some of the dead, dry skin off. i had been chewing on my lip before that and it felt like i had chewed it off after i ripped the tiny bit of skin off.

at around 7:00 me and mike shared a ginger bread pig (not man, pig. dont ask). it tasted really good, but it wasnt much fun to chew. it took me approximately half an hour to eat a piece of ginger bread pig that was small enough to be completely covered by my hand with ease.

at about 7:30 i was still *really* whacked out (couldnt walk straight). i was under the impression i was staying the night at mikes, but apparently mike wasnt, heh. so i walked home (dvds in hand) still quite out of it. as i was walking i got rather sick and vomited off to the side of the road.

after i got home my dad answered the door. i avoided looking him in the eyes said hi, yadda yadda. i then, foolishly, decided to eat a uncle ben's rice bowl. i couldnt eat more than a tiny bit, and spilled it. my dad apparently didnt find this strange. i then went upstairs, said hi to my mom, went in my room, and talked to nina on yahoo messenger. i experienced some hallucinations. i was using a "floating heart" background for the messenger and it seemed as if the hearts were floating towards me. at around 9:30 i logged off because i was still tripping and very exhausted. i then went to sleep.

again, during pretty much the whole time (except for about the first hour) i expereinced feelings that i cannot describe. they were unlike anything i had ever felt before. most of them were pleasent.

i seemed to have periods of intense pleasure and then of intense sickness towards the end of my trip.

im unsure as to if i will take them again or not. i really enjoyed it, but towards the end i was wishing i could just be normal again. i promised nina i wouldnt because when i told her that i had suicidal feelings while i was on them she started crying because she is afraid that if i take them again she might lose me. but to steal (and probably slaughter) a jack hand quote... "i dont get upset about broken promises. i always think 'hey, why did they believe me in the first place'" i imagine if i do take them again it wont be for atleast a month or two, so who knows what will happen. maybe i can convince her it will be fine.

ideally i'd be able to convince her to take them alone with me as i recall that while i was tripping i kept thinking "damn it, i wish mike would leave. i really wonder what ************ feels like while whacked out".

yeah, i probably rambled alot, but its 11 o'clock and im tired, so if you dont like it then you can... well.. ummm... send me a gift basket!

#12 Apr 06 2004 at 1:34 AM Rating: Good
5,019 posts
Hippo, you're supposed to make it sound exciting and exotic. You could have left out the nausea parts, I wouldn't have known. Anybody else ever become nauseated while using hallucinogenics? Is that par for the course?

You say the experience was like ************ but 10 times better, but then you stop mentioning any other positive effects the drug had on you. There certainly wasn't a shortage of vomiting and dying sensations though.

Would you describe the experience as 'euphoric'? Like an endorphin high? Emotional high? Giddy high? Exhaustion high?

And aside from the world tilting and the heart floating, you didn't have any other visual symptoms? Did you ever consciously forget that what you were seeing were hallucinations? Did they scare you?

From the way you described it, it sounds as if you had oxygen deprivation sickness, or a really bad case of motion sickness. Obviously, that's probably not the case.

#13 Apr 06 2004 at 2:27 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
You say the experience was like ************ but 10 times better, but then you stop mentioning any other positive effects the drug had on you.

Well, since ************ is only surpassed in euphoria by oral sex, I'd have to think that the effects are pretty one-sided in favor of the pros. Pfft, upset stomach and Alice Cooper aren't that bad.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#14 Apr 06 2004 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

Hippo, you're supposed to make it sound exciting and exotic. You could have left out the nausea parts, I wouldn't have known. Anybody else ever become nauseated while using hallucinogenics? Is that par for the course?

Unfortunately, yes. Even mild hallucingens often cause nausea, if not outright vomiting. Peyote, if you can get a hold of any (which is pretty hard to be honest, but you're much closer to where it grows in the wild) is by far the smoothest transition from "normal" to hallucinating trance-like state. Mushrooms would probably be next. Quarter ounce of shrooms and 16 ounces of orange juice in a blender is a good Saturday at Disneyland. DMT doesn't cause nausia, but it is fairly likely to kill you if you make a small mistake in dosage and really isn't for the novice. LSD, synth Mescaline, PCP, Ketamine, and pretty much any other even vaguely hallucinegenic substance is almost gauranteed to end up with you vomiting.


You say the experience was like ************ but 10 times better, but then you stop mentioning any other positive effects the drug had on you. There certainly wasn't a shortage of vomiting and dying sensations though.

Would you describe the experience as 'euphoric'? Like an endorphin high? Emotional high? Giddy high? Exhaustion high?

Endorphin high is the closest you'll get to describing it, I thik. That feeling of Satori you had. It's like that, but for a longer period of time, and noticably artificial. That is, you're clearly aware you're chemically altered. Well, I allways am, at least. While this has the posative of preventing "After School Special" "I can fly off the roof!!!" deaths, it does have the down side of not ever allowing a *true* hallucinengic total experience.

With the exception possibly of DMT, which again is dangerous and not something to explore cassually. Not that it's likely you could get hold of any anyway.


And aside from the world tilting and the heart floating, you didn't have any other visual symptoms? Did you ever consciously forget that what you were seeing were hallucinations? Did they scare you?

You never forget that they're halucinations, but that doesn't stop from occasionally scaring you. Sometimes quite badly. The term "Bad Trip" ussually pertains to that as opposed to overdosing.


From the way you described it, it sounds as if you had oxygen deprivation sickness, or a really bad case of motion sickness. Obviously, that's probably not the case.

Get some mushrooms and find out. They're harmless and so much less likely to be altered with, say, embalming fluid or whatnot than LSD is. They're non-addictive and to overdose you'd have to ingest over a pound which you probably couldn't afford anyway.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#15 Apr 06 2004 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
7,486 posts
i left out the positive effects because i know that effort to describe the sensations i felt would be a lost cause. they were like nothing i've ever felt and i highly doubt i canrreplicate any of them without drugs. i used the ************ comparison because you cant explain to someone what ************ feels like, to know you have to actually experience it.

towards beggining of my trip i felt somewhat giddy, similar to having had a couple of drinks or so.

later into it i experienced sensations that i just cant describe. needless to say they were wonderful. i also got a real kick out of just laying down and waving my hands infront of me. i didnt expereince trails or anything, but it was really fun.

towards the middle of the trip the sensations were overpowering and i was unable to move. im inclined to believe this was caused by having a rather high dose considering my relativly light weight (i weigh 140, i took 8 seeds. mike weighs approximately 200-220. he took 8, possibly 7 as he believes he lost one while grinding them). in the middle i wasnt really giddy, but more along the lines of "holy ****, this kicks ***" as opposed to "tee hee. he said butt"

towards the end the sensations lingered (but gradually lessened, as you would imagine) but the giddyness returned at the same time so my attitude was "holy ****, this kicks ***. oh, and he said butt, tee hee"

i also didnt vomit much. it was maybe 30 seconds off to the side of the road and i was done, and felt considerably better (but smelled considerably as i got some on my sweat shirt). seeing as i took them on an empty stomache the vomit was also almost completely liquid (plus a tiny bit of ginger pig). i believe the walking combined with the food was the only cause of it, as i felt fine after the initial hour or so until in the middle of my 5-10 minute walk home.

during the entire time i was quite aware that everything that happened was not "real". i was made a little paranoid by the drugs (which is why i was "sure" my dad knew), but i wasnt conciously aware of it. i just had a tendency to completely over analyze things.

to give you an idea of how different the sensations are, i pulled a piece of skin that was dried out, but still attached (resulting in a very small amount of bleeding). im sure you've done this atleast once or twice. well, when i felt the area with my tongue it translated to thinking i had chewed my lip off.

all in all i must say it was a *very* positive experience and the slight nausea (which was a relativly small amount of the experience and went away fairly quickly, returning only when i was pretty far in to coming down off of them) was more than worth it.

the nice thing about what i took ( ) is that they are legal to buy, sell, and possess. ingesting them may be illegal if done for the explicit purpose of getting whacked out, im not sure but i would hope you would do them at home or some other enviroment where you are likely to stay put and not get into trouble.

yeah, i rambled again, but my excuse this time is its waaay too early in the morning and im getting used to the spring break "sleep till 11" to the school day "get up at 5:30" thingy.
#16 Apr 06 2004 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
5,019 posts
Thank you both for the info.

I'm definitely going to have to try some shrooms, if only to purge myself of this nagging curiousity.

Edited, Tue Apr 6 21:47:41 2004 by Thundra
#17 Apr 08 2004 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
You did Morning Glory seeds?! Yuk - too much negative outweighs the positive...
#18 Apr 08 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
Overlord Thundra wrote:
Thank you both for the info.I'm definitely going to have to try some shrooms, if only to purge myself of this nagging curiousity.

I'll tell a few of my stories too. Now, I am well and truly out of the drug phase, although I won't deny that we have a small amount of pot around the house right now, but in the grand scheme of things, pot doesn't even count.

I experimented a fair bit with drugs back in the day and my suggestion to you would be to try shrooms, then acid, then ecstasy - in that order. It's a gradual escalation and it's fun. Shrooms will make you laugh your *** off, and no hangover the next day (except I always feel like I smoked a pack of cigarettes the day after... and I don't smoke). Acid can be tricky, but it's worth it just for the colors, the sights and the experience of it all. Ecstasy will allow you to go all night, have a great time and sleep well after. I can remember getting into my bed one night after taking E and just loving my bed. I mean loving it. The cool sheets, the softness of my pillow....I feel a sense of true happiness, because of my bed. Says it all, really.

Happy poppin' and droppin', Thundra. Hey, maybe I'll bring you some shrooms when I come to California in May. Smiley: grin

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#19 Apr 08 2004 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
RCMP Headquarters
1200 Vanier Parkway
Ottawa, ON K1A 0R2
General Inquiries: 613-993-7267
TTY only: 613-993-3887
Public Relations: 613-993-3032 ; 613-993-2331

You are soooooo... busted! Smiley: lol
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#20 Apr 08 2004 at 11:53 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
Jophiel wrote:
You are soooooo... busted!

Smiley: laugh If they want to drive the four days from Ontario to come and get me, they are free to do it. I think I'd be rather popular in prison! Yay!

Edit: How could I have forgotten to mention that the Mary J I have in my house is for medicinal purposes only? Silly me. So forgetful. Smiley: wink

Edited, Thu Apr 8 12:55:51 2004 by Tare
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
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