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#102 Apr 11 2004 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
The difference is that I don't expect immediate and unliateral "magical" change. You do. Or at least you imply you do.

How about you define what you would consider a success first, and then I'll give you a timeline as to when to expect it. I find it amusing that no matter how may times someone says to you: "Don't expect immediate results", or "This will take a long time", you come back with something like: "See! You didn't give us immediate results! You lied to us...".

And you say I'm arguing against you with stuff you never said? How about you show me where Bush said that we would have totally stabilized Iraq and be out of the country by today? If you can't do that, then you can't claim to have been "lied to" about the conflict. Yet you do it anyway...

Yet more hypocracy.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#103 Apr 11 2004 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

The difference is that I don't expect immediate and unliateral "magical" change. You do. Or at least you imply you do.

Nope, I imply no such thing. Pathetic partisan hackery at it's finest.


How about you define what you would consider a success first, and then I'll give you a timeline as to when to expect it.

You allready provided the timeline. July. Now you refuse to provide a standard of measurement. Amazing. Almost as if you just wanted to aviod having to measure the progress thusfar by putting it off to a later date, then when asked how you measuer the progress at that later date, which again, was your idea.

You have no clue.

Imagine that.


I find it amusing that no matter how may times someone says to you: "Don't expect immediate results", or "This will take a long time", you come back with something like: "See! You didn't give us immediate results! You lied to us...".

No, I think when the Administrations says something clearly. Like that the capture of Saddam will lessen insurgency and then the opposite happens that's a problem. I don't expect immediate results.

I expect a plan that has some standard of results in a given timeframe. Lack of such a plan or way to measure progress is, in itself, a massive failure. It provides Iraqi's and the rest of the world no way to understand our intent or measure our sucess in Iraq. Lack of such a plan says that "we will do whatever we wish and everything we do is part of our plan and is a success"

You know, the way you view the war. Everything that happens is a sucess, part of a plan, and a good idea for Iraq, America and the World. Regardless of what it is.

Because you're a partisan hack who simply cannot set conditions for what you expect to happen which means one of two things:

1)You have absolutely no understanding of our mission in Iraq, which is fine, but then stop pretending you're not completely ignorant of it.

2)You have no intrest in what actually happens in Iraq and regardless of the outcome you'll view it as a sucess. In which case stop wasting everyone's time by replying to my posts with laughable propaganda laden arguments devoid of any fact.


And you say I'm arguing against you with stuff you never said?

It's the only way you can argue. I understand it's not a fair fight unless I'm handicapped in some way and I feel for you there. I mean were our debates a horse race they'd clearly have to through a few hundred extra pounds on me to give you a chacne, but what you're doing would be not telling me where the track was.

We need to think of someway to handicap the arguments so that your standards are much, much lower than mine so it's closer to equal. I'll try to think of somehting to do that.


How about you show me where Bush said that we would have totally stabilized Iraq and be out of the country by today?

What the hell are you babbling about? Who said anything about being tottally stablized and out of the country by today? Oh, wait, I forgot, your imaginary opponenet in this debate.

I belive I will start calling him Buddy.

Damn, Buddy said that Bush said we'd be out of Iraq by now? Wow. That Buddy is crazy.


If you can't do that, then you can't claim to have been "lied to" about the conflict. Yet you do it anyway...

Yet more hypocracy.

Hypocracy, indeed. Where's the quote where I say I was lied to about not being out of a completely stable Iraq by today?

Oh wait, it' doesn't EXIST!!

Damn. Maybe Buddy said it.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#104 Apr 11 2004 at 11:48 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Two words Smash: "Mission Accomplished".

How many times have you pointed to something happening in Iraq and used those words? Each time, you are "implying" that our mission was supposed to already be accomplished (of course, you'll conveniently forget *which* mission), and therefore that any negative event is evidence of some failure.

Your own words damn you Smash.

Do you really have such a simplistic view of the world as to assume that anyone can accurately predict exactly how much time any given step in the peace process in Iraq will take? When solving a problem like this, you don't set specific dates to achieve specific results. You set dates to complete specific actions, which are designed to bring about specific results. How long it takes for those actions to work is almost impossible to forsee. You outline a series of steps to take. You follow those steps. If it takes you a bit longer to get from step 2 to step 3, you don't just give up on that step and move right to 4. Doing so will definately cause whatever you're doing to fail.

Again. Let me outline the differences between you and me. You sit on the sidelines and observe someone else's decisions. You look for any flaw and fault, or even any potential flaw and fault. You then proclaim that plan to be a failure before even giving it an opportunity to succeed. My "wait till July" statement highlights this. You are already arguing that a new governmet wont work, but it hasn't even been put in place yet. It's bad enough that you start critisizing the administratoin because our military was not brought home the day after the "war" was won, but now you are critisizing them for "failures" (which are based solely on your criteria) which haven't even happened yet. Not even have they not happened yet, we haven't even taken the step that *might* fail.

I believe that the placement of a new government in Iraq will be a turning point. That does not mean that everything will magically and immediately get better. Midway was the "turning point" of the Pacific Theatre in WW2, yet the fast majority of US casualties in that theatre occured after that battle. But if we don't do this, and we don't do it right, we will lose in Iraq. It will be a significant achievment. I'm willing to let our elected officials move forward with it and give it a chance of succeeding. You, on the otherhand want to concemn it before it's even been done.

I'm just curious what exactly your point is anyway? Other then fearmongering, I don't see anything here. Look. We're all aware of what's going on in Iraq. We all know the stakes. I'm all for honest discussion of the issues in Iraq. But all you do is argue the whole situation as though we've already failed. In the face of that, any opposing arguement is going to appear like partisanship. You leave no room in your position for anything else. You don't discuss or argue based on any kind of assessment of the situation. You aren't arguing the situation, you are arguing the people in it. You are arguing against Bush, and against his administrations. Nothing else.

But I'm partisan? You've got to be kidding Smash. If you were any more left, you'd be off the screen. I don't see how it's partisan to argue the issues, but not partisan to do nothing but make attacks against an administration while refusing to discuss those issues. Think about that for a moment...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#105 Apr 12 2004 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

Two words Smash: "Mission Accomplished".

How many times have you pointed to something happening in Iraq and used those words? Each time, you are "implying" that our mission was supposed to already be accomplished (of course, you'll conveniently forget *which* mission), and therefore that any negative event is evidence of some failure.

No, I was implying that it was probably a bad idea for the Commander in Cheif to have his staff print up a sign saying Mission Accomplished for when he landed on an Air Craft Carrier in a flight suit.


Your own words damn you Smash.

Are you really that slow? I'm constantly stunned at how many times it seems that you might have a reasonable ability to grasp simple concepts and then it turns out that I'm wrong. I should know better by now.

My point was that this:

Was silly ******** and if it was taken seriously then Iraq's been a massive failure.

President Bush Announces Combat Operations in Iraq Have Ended

The words of the White House my freind.

Offical ones. Glad to know there aren't any combat operations going on these days in Iraq. That'd be troubling.

Do you really have such a simplistic view of the world as to assume that anyone can accurately predict exactly how much time any given step in the peace process in Iraq will take?
No, but I think that we can certainly set standards to measure it's sucess or failure.

For example I think if we established a peacefull democratic Iraq tommorw and sent all the troops home and Iraq in a week became the second largest economic and political power on the globe and out close ally that it would be a sucess.

Alternately, I think if the situation in Iraq is the same as it is today in 1,000 years that'd be a failure.

Somewhere in between those two ludicrous extremes lie our expectations of how the process will evolve in Iraq. If those expectations are met it's a sucess, if not it's a failure.

Do you really have such a simplistic view of the peace process in Iraq that you think THERE SHOULD BE ABSOLUTELY NO STANDARD AT ALL OF PROGRESS??

Christ, talk about fantasy land. That's a new level, even for you. We won't set any timeframe, we won't set any goals we want to accomplish and we'll claim that everything that happens is all part of the s33krit master plan for the good of freedom.

Is that about what your theory is?


When solving a problem like this, you don't set specific dates to achieve specific results. You set dates to complete specific actions, which are designed to bring about specific results. How long it takes for those actions to work is almost impossible to forsee. You outline a series of steps to take. You follow those steps. If it takes you a bit longer to get from step 2 to step 3, you don't just give up on that step and move right to 4. Doing so will definately cause whatever you're doing to fail.

Why is June 30th set in stone then?

Oh yeah, I forgot the Republican National Convention is in August so it's importnat to have that squared away before then. Unimporatnt who we had power over to or if anything actually changes. So long as we get it done in time for a speech.


Again. Let me outline the differences between you and me. You sit on the sidelines and observe someone else's decisions. You look for any flaw and fault, or even any potential flaw and fault. You then proclaim that plan to be a failure before even giving it an opportunity to succeed. My "wait till July" statement highlights this. You are already arguing that a new governmet wont work, but it hasn't even been put in place yet.

Indeed. See, I make it clear what I think WILL happen as opposed to stating what HAS happened. It's a lot harder, trust me.


It's bad enough that you start critisizing the administratoin because our military was not brought home the day after the "war" was won, but now you are critisizing them for "failures" (which are based solely on your criteria) which haven't even happened yet. Not even have they not happened yet, we haven't even taken the step that *might* fail.

What day was the "war" won again? Because there's going to be a lot of Troops who were just told they weren't returning home when they were supposed to be to fight one who will be surprised that it's been won allready.


I believe that the placement of a new government in Iraq will be a turning point. That does not mean that everything will magically and immediately get better. Midway was the "turning point" of the Pacific Theatre in WW2, yet the fast majority of US casualties in that theatre occured after that battle. But if we don't do this, and we don't do it right, we will lose in Iraq. It will be a significant achievment. I'm willing to let our elected officials move forward with it and give it a chance of succeeding. You, on the otherhand want to concemn it before it's even been done.

Because it's a mindbogglingly poorly planned transfer. I'm not willing to put the lives of American's at risk by placing them in the hands of the people who have proven they don't have a grasp on the social dynamic of Iraq at all.

If you think it will be a turning point, what exactly will it be turning away from?

Everything is going great now, in your oppinion, so I would imagine the status quo can barely be improved upon. Or are you saying things are a failure now, but this will fix them?

Surely not.


I'm just curious what exactly your point is anyway? Other then fearmongering, I don't see anything here. Look. We're all aware of what's going on in Iraq. We all know the stakes. I'm all for honest discussion of the issues in Iraq. But all you do is argue the whole situation as though we've already failed. In the face of that, any opposing arguement is going to appear like partisanship. You leave no room in your position for anything else. You don't discuss or argue based on any kind of assessment of the situation. You aren't arguing the situation, you are arguing the people in it. You are arguing against Bush, and against his administrations. Nothing else.

I'm arguing that we should not have put troops in this vulnerable position where they are being killed every day. The manner of the troops being put in harms way in this war is UNIQUE in American history. UNIQUE. That's a problem.

I'm arguing that we didn't commit sufficent troops to Iraq to allow for adequate force protection of US troops or Iraqi civillians.

I'm arguing that our continued prescence in Iraq will require at least double the amount of troops who are there presently, be they Iraqi nationals, UN troops, or more US troops or some combination of the three.

I'm arguing that the long term future of Iraq is, at this moment in time, more likely than not to be that of a fundematalist Islamic state hostile to US intrests.

I'm arguing that we've CREATED terrorists that otherwise would not have engaged in that activity by our actions in Iraq.

I'm arguing that we've REMOVED RESOURCES from attacking terror groups like Al Qeda and allocated them to nation building in Iraq. To our great peril.


But I'm partisan? You've got to be kidding Smash. If you were any more left, you'd be off the screen.

You know, that's really not accurate. I'm exceptionally liberal to the point of whackoness on SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC issues. Not military ones. I'm not an anti-war person. In any way shape or form. Never have been, never will be. I didn't spend more than a decade in public service working to make killing people who dislike the US a more efficent process because I think war is bad.

I'm not a pacafist, I'm not afraid of sending US troops into harms way.

I DO however think it's a bad idea to send children to die to accomplish something that could be accomplished by other means.

And I think that's what happened in Iraq. Not only that, but it's clear that more than anytime in history, Iraq was a carefully planned "TV war" that was in large part a gigantic bloody glory filled flag waving campaign ad for Bush & Co.

That's ok, that's their perogative. At least be honest about it, though, if you're a Bush supporter. Part of the push to rush to Baghdad was tactical, but a much larger part of it was PR related.


I don't see how it's partisan to argue the issues, but not partisan to do nothing but make attacks against an administration while refusing to discuss those issues. Think about that for a moment...

When you decide to raise an issue to discuss, give me a call and we'll discuss it. Haven't seen one come from you yet, though. All I've seen is you stating over and over that it's impossible to measure sucess or failure in Iraq in any way shape or form and that we should just trust the government (which is kind of neat to see from a Supply Sider) and have faith.

Pardon me if I don't share your level of blind belief in the current DoD administration.

Start bringing up some issues.

One at a time and we'll discuss them.

Whenever you're ready. One at a time now, so we don't get confused.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#106 Apr 12 2004 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Oh, wait, I forgot, your imaginary opponenet in this debate.

I belive I will start calling him Buddy.

The ghost of Clinton's dog perhaps?
#107 Apr 12 2004 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:

Two words Smash: "Mission Accomplished".

How many times have you pointed to something happening in Iraq and used those words? Each time, you are "implying" that our mission was supposed to already be accomplished (of course, you'll conveniently forget *which* mission), and therefore that any negative event is evidence of some failure.

No, I was implying that it was probably a bad idea for the Commander in Cheif to have his staff print up a sign saying Mission Accomplished for when he landed on an Air Craft Carrier in a flight suit.

Why is that? Are you saying that a Commander in Chief cannot congratulate his soldiers? Um... The "Operation" was "Operation Iraqi Freedom". It's "goal" was to defeat Saddam's military and topple his regime. Those goals were achieved. That military victory was achieved. By many standards of measurement, it was one of if not the most stunning military victory in the last century.

So you're saying that all those folks who celebrated VE day when Berlin was taken shouldn't have done that. After all, we spend decades rebuilding Germany after that war Smash. We should not have congratulated our military on a victory? How silly is that?

That's my point. You either mistakenly or deliberately assume "mission accomplished" meant something that it clearly did not. It was a congratulatory message to the troops after winning a major military campaign. Why do you keep trying to expand it's meaning to something beyond that?

Smasharoo wrote:

My point was that this:

Was silly ******** and if it was taken seriously then Iraq's been a massive failure.

President Bush Announces Combat Operations in Iraq Have Ended

The words of the White House my freind.

Offical ones. Glad to know there aren't any combat operations going on these days in Iraq. That'd be troubling.

Ah. So you learned all that from reading a headline on a press report about a US aircraft carrier? Where's the data Smash? Oh. That's right, if it's more confusing then a single sentence, you don't understand it.

I'll say it again. Bush was talking about a specific military operation. That operation was completeted. He was also speaking specifically to the troops of that aircraft carrier. That does not preclude any additional operations that will be needed, and it certainly was not a promise that no other US soldiers would die in the future.

Here's the speech in total if you want to read it:

There's lots of talk about how much more work there is to do. In Afghanistan and in Iraq. Um... It's also very clear that his talk about troops "returning home" was aimed specifically to the crew of that ship (which did return home).

Once again though, you'll happily take statements out of context and use them to imply a meaning they never had. Your whole argument is based on nothing more then this kind of faulty logic and deliberate misinterpretation.

Again. Find me a quote where Bush says we're completely done with Iraq and wont have to keep any troops stationed there anymore. You can't? Gee... I wonder why that is.

See. I can find tons of official statements that say things like: "We're going to be there until the Iraqi's can govern themselves", and "We'll leave when Iraq is a free nation". Sure. Those are nice platitudes, but the meaning is pretty clear. Anyone who thought that Bush was claiming we'd be leaving the day after we defeated the Iraqi military was fooling themselves. No such promise was ever made, and indeed it would take just a smideon of common sense to know how unrealistic that expectation would be.

Smasharoo wrote:
Do you really have such a simplistic view of the world as to assume that anyone can accurately predict exactly how much time any given step in the peace process in Iraq will take?

No, but I think that we can certainly set standards to measure it's sucess or failure.[/quote]

Ah. So rebuilding public services isn't "success"? Repairing electricity lines and water mains isn't "progress"? At issue is that you are only looking at the setbacks, and not what's being done.

I agree that I don't know what their timeline is either. However, the fact that I'm not aware of the timetable does not mean that one doesn't exist, and it does not mean that nothing positive is being accomplished. You assume so. I don't. I don't believe that this is something where one day we'll suddenly see a huge result. It's going to be gradual progress made over time that eventually results in something good (hopefully). The very nature of the job makes it very difficult to point to any one thing and say quantitatively that this bit right here was a "victory". More like each bit is a tiny step in the right direction.

For example I think if we established a peacefull democratic Iraq tommorw and sent all the troops home and Iraq in a week became the second largest economic and political power on the globe and out close ally that it would be a sucess.

Alternately, I think if the situation in Iraq is the same as it is today in 1,000 years that'd be a failure.

Somewhere in between those two ludicrous extremes lie our expectations of how the process will evolve in Iraq. If those expectations are met it's a sucess, if not it's a failure.

Ok fine. But you're the one posting criticisms of the work being done in Iraq. It would seem to me that you need to define first what you'd consider a "success", right? How can you argue we aren't accomplishing anything if you can't define what would be a reasonable level of accomplishment? Sure. We can easily agree on the far bounds of the issue, but where's your "comfort zone". What level of success would you be happy with in Iraq?

Even barring that, I think that maybe an estimate as to how long we can wait before a lack of progress is seen as a "failure" is in order. I just personally believe that we can't possibly see what the results of the new government will be until *after* it's taken control. Sure. We can speculate on what will happen. But neither you, nor I can say with absolute certainty what exactly will happen after that date.

Thus. While I can't tell you exactly when we can stop and look around and see if we're moving in the right direction or not. I can, with some confidence say that doing so right now is too early. We must wait at least until after July, since that would be the absolute earliest possible time to know for sure if the result will be positive. Everything up until then is pure speculation.

That July date will be a turning point. One way or another. In the months that follow, we should be able to start to see a trend. However, increases or decreases in violence does not mean that things are going badly though. That's an overly simplistic view. It's the type of violence, and the perception of the general public that will matter. If the public believes that their government is "right", then no amount of violence on the side of the extremists will matter. Over time, they'll only make themselves less and less popular. If, however, the public sides with the extremists against the new government, then that will be an indication that we're failing.

I just think that until those conditions are reached, we can't possibly make any assessment. Understand?

So, you want to know my "standards of success in Iraq". If, 6 months after the new government takes power, the Iraqi people as a whole side with that government instead of any extremist groups, then that will be a sign that the new government will succeed. I'm sure we'll see signs one way or the other leading up to that, but I'd put 6 months as a conservative time frame for being able to make any kind of assessment as to the direction this is going to go.

I certainly think shouting failure before the new government has even taken power is just totally wrong. There's simply no measuring stick to use right now. We can measure goals in terms of things like public services rebuilt. But that does not tell us what will happen long term. The only measuring stick we do have is how close we are getting to turning over power to that new government. After that happens, we'll have to wait to see...

Edited, Mon Apr 12 19:52:54 2004 by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#108 Apr 12 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
I guess you can't come up with a single issue.

That's too bad. It's not fun for me to win by default again, I'd have thought you could have come up with ONE. I guess not.

Bush: "Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors of the USS Abraham Lincoln, my fellow Americans, major combat operations in Iraq have ended. "

May, 2003.

Yeah I was real confused.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#109 Apr 12 2004 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

So you're saying that all those folks who celebrated VE day when Berlin was taken shouldn't have done that.

No, I'm saying we shouldn't have celebrated VE day a week after D-Day.

That's what this was the equivilent of doing.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#110 Apr 12 2004 at 7:27 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:

So you're saying that all those folks who celebrated VE day when Berlin was taken shouldn't have done that.

No, I'm saying we shouldn't have celebrated VE day a week after D-Day.

That's what this was the equivilent of doing.

No. The "Mission Accomplished" event occured after the fall of Bagdad and the defeat of the Iraqi military. The parallel is exactly the same as a VE day celebration Smash.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#111 Apr 12 2004 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

No. The "Mission Accomplished" event occured after the fall of Bagdad and the defeat of the Iraqi military. The parallel is exactly the same as a VE day celebration Smash.

No. One, it's not a parallel at all, considering it's not even vaguely a simmilar situation. Two, we had an overwhelming number of people on the ground to secure Germany.

It's an abysmially bad metaphor. Pathatic really as an attempt to liken Iraq to a moral, justified and inevitible war against a tyrant who threatened all of Europe.

I claim Goodwins you talentless ****.

Edited, Mon Apr 12 20:33:12 2004 by Smasharoo

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#112 Apr 12 2004 at 7:49 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:

No. The "Mission Accomplished" event occured after the fall of Bagdad and the defeat of the Iraqi military. The parallel is exactly the same as a VE day celebration Smash.

No. One, it's not a parallel at all, considering it's not even vaguely a simmilar situation. Two, we had an overwhelming number of people on the ground to secure Germany.

It's an abysmially bad metaphor. Pathatic really as an attempt to liken Iraq to a moral, justified and inevitible war against a tyrant who threatened all of Europe.

I claim Goodwins you talentless ****.

Bah! You can't claim Goodwin's. I didn't make any comparison between the nature of Iraq to the ****'s (oh crap! I've mentioned ****'s. Now I've done it...). I'm only presenting an historical case for celebrating a military victory even though there's a significant amount of work still left to be done. Heck. We celebrated VE day while there was still an active war going on in the Pacific. How many thousands of US soldiers died in WW2 *after* the VE day celebration? Does that invalidate the fact that it was an accomplishment?

I'm just pointing out the inherent flaw in the whole logic of your "mission accomplished" argument Smash. Nothing more. Heck. I agree with you that we should have commited more troops to securing Iraq. But I recognize that those are two completely different operations, with completely different sets of requirements and goals. They are related only in that we can't start on this phase until we finished the last one (or "accomplished the mission" if you will). In exactly the same way that we could not start working on securing and rebuilding Germany until after we defeated its military. I don't see how you can say the analogy is invalid. It's *exactly* the same.

The only real difference is that social politics have changed in the last 40 years or so, and honestly, nationalism never took very strong roots in the Middle East in the first place. In Germany, for the most part, everyone there already had the idea that they were "Germans", and followed along with whatever government authority was present. In Iraq (and most of the Middle East), it's all about factions and which one has power at the moment. That always makes it much harder to establish a single authority that everyone can connect with and accept. But that's a completely different issue then whether or not we legitimately "accomplished" the military objectives of Operation Iraqi Freedom. We did. Resoundingly.

Edited, Mon Apr 12 20:49:48 2004 by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#113 Apr 12 2004 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

We celebrated VE day while there was still an active war going on in the Pacific.

We didn't celebrate VJ day the day we celebrated VE day, did we?


'm just pointing out the inherent flaw in the whole logic of your "mission accomplished" argument Smash.

Haven't seen the flaw yet. What would it be exactly? "Major combat operations are over in Iraq." Not real confusing. Where's the logical flaw?

Bush didn't say "We captured Baghdad and that's great."

He said "Major Combat Operations are Over." Then hundreds of more US troops died and thousands of Iraqis.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#114 Apr 12 2004 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:

We celebrated VE day while there was still an active war going on in the Pacific.

We didn't celebrate VJ day the day we celebrated VE day, did we?

Sure. In exactly the way we haven't yet celebrated "Iraqi self-rule day" either.

Thanks for proving my point btw.

Smasharoo wrote:

'm just pointing out the inherent flaw in the whole logic of your "mission accomplished" argument Smash.

Haven't seen the flaw yet. What would it be exactly? "Major combat operations are over in Iraq." Not real confusing. Where's the logical flaw?

Bush didn't say "We captured Baghdad and that's great."

He said "Major Combat Operations are Over." Then hundreds of more US troops died and thousands of Iraqis.

Um... Are we still ordering airstrikes on Iraqi infrastructure and command and control centers? Are we still rolling tanks in and fighting pitched battles against enemy military units?

C'mon Smash. That's a weak argument even coming from you. I don't think even the most pessimistic liberal would call what's going on in Iraq "Major military operations". They're "peacekeeping operations". That's not to say that there's no danger in a peacekeeping operation though. But that's all relative. Our technolocal advantages have made the "major military operations" much safer. Historically, you'd lose the bulk of your forces taking an area, and then a small amount holding it. But we're so good at the military part that we're losing more holding it instead. Would it be more to your liking if we'd lost 100,000 men taking Bagdad so that the 600ish we've lost since that time would seem minor in comparison? That's really what this is about if you stop and think about it.

And it's still flawed logic Smash. Regardless of the incredibly small number of US lives lost, the actual military victory over Iraq's armies was the "major military operation". Trying to twist that definition around to make a point is really weak. Can you please come up with something better then that?

Edited, Mon Apr 12 21:17:28 2004 by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#115 Apr 12 2004 at 8:31 PM Rating: Default
I'm pretty sure the Romans had the same problems with those people. They fear change in that part of the world these kind of things are natural. They will do anything to weaken your resolve because quite simply if they had their way we'd have another Taliban on our hands. Thank god for each and every troop bringing society and culture to such savage lands.

And if I were president I'd tell them that if the number of peacekeepers dying to keep peace in your land is double that of combat operations to siege it then your people will be judged as barborous. I would H-Bomb you into submission just like we had to nuke the Japanese. Terror ends! If these people thought for one second that their families would be vaporized for acting like a bunch of savage beasts they would stop.

Edited, Mon Apr 12 21:32:35 2004 by Lefein
#116 Apr 12 2004 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
You don't cancel leaves, preventing soldiers from going home, and begin planning ot bring more troops in country if you're not involved in "Major Combat Operations."

Or if you do, that's just as much of a problem.

Have it your way.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#117 Apr 12 2004 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
How's that one issue coming along, by the way?

Still haven't seen that yet. Just you blowing every Republican apologist in sight.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#118 Apr 12 2004 at 8:58 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Lefein wrote:
And if I were president I'd tell them that if the number of peacekeepers dying to keep peace in your land is double that of combat operations to siege it then your people will be judged as barborous. I would H-Bomb you into submission just like we had to nuke the Japanese. Terror ends! If these people thought for one second that their families would be vaporized for acting like a bunch of savage beasts they would stop.

Hmm... Um. That's a bit far to the other side here (see! I am moderate. Really!).

It's also an incredibly simplistic view as well. It's not the majority of the civilian population that's causing problems. It's a small number of agitators who have the goal of causing unrest. They can seize on the smallest amount of displeasure and amplify it.

It's really simple. You have a band of folks who want to cause unrest. You get a few of your people to start talking to the rest of the community, bringing up legitimate issues, with a bit of a spin. You get those otherwise moderate civilians to stage a protest, march, or some other "peaceful" demonstration. Then you have the rest of your group join them, but start doing anything from throwing bricks from the crowd to firing weapons.

End result is a response that's designed to give the appearance of the police/military/whatever using force against peaceful civilians.

It's an old trick. Heck. We had hundreds of groups of agitators here in the US who'd do that during the Civil Rights movement for no other reason then they thought their "cause" would get better press if the evil government got involved in an altercation with a group of "peaceful demonstrators". Why is anyone surprised at these types of things happening in Iraq?

The solution is not being heavy handed. The solution is to weather the attacks, while maintaining order. Long term, you fix the problems that is causing the "peaceful" demonstrations in the first place. This is a combination of getting the right message out to the people, and in the case of Iraq actually restoring order, fixing industry, getting jobs back for the people, etc. You'll note that in the civil rights movement, once the majority of the "moderate" people were satisfied that their issues were being taken seriously, they stopped demonstrating. Once they stopped, the agitators had no one to hide behind so they stoppped as well. The same (hopefully) will be true in Iraq. Once the moderate people are satisfied that their concerns are being met, they'll stop protesting. Once that happens, the agitators either go away, or have no one to hide behind anymore and are easily found and eliminated.

This is why I say that we cannot and will not see improvement until after the new government takes control. Until then, there is so much uncertainty that it's easy for the agitators to get the rest of the population riled up. Again. That's not to say that there wont still be problems after that point, but there's no way to expect improvement *before* that new government takes power.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#119 Apr 12 2004 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

It's not the majority of the civilian population that's causing problems. It's a small number of agitators who have the goal of causing unrest.

That's a ludicrously extreme right wing view not even vaguely close to any objective reality that's been reported anywhere but the White House.

Were it the case, I think a lot of people would have lot less of a problem of with the war.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#120 Apr 12 2004 at 9:09 PM Rating: Default
Oh I know that doesnt represent the majority of Iraqis at all. I also realize that we're having these problems mainly in just three or four cities. Still the threat of being H bombed might galvanize the general populous to bring the troublemakers to justice. After all, if people were burning and torturing people in your neighborhood you would turn them in plain and simple. Well sadly these people get away with criminal activity all the time and little gets done about it. The average normal iraqi fearing vaporization would become *much more active in their community* so to speak. Which is really what needs to happen there.

and I value one American soldier above any number of people who would carry out or condone such vile acts on peacekeepers or anyone else for that matter.

Edited, Mon Apr 12 22:16:20 2004 by Lefein
#121 Apr 12 2004 at 9:22 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:

It's not the majority of the civilian population that's causing problems. It's a small number of agitators who have the goal of causing unrest.

That's a ludicrously extreme right wing view not even vaguely close to any objective reality that's been reported anywhere but the White House.

Prove it. Show me some statistics or poll data. Heck. Anything that shows that anywhere close to half (majority, right?) of the Iraqi population is causing the unrest in that nation. If it's been "reported", then you should have no problem finding the data to support your statement, right?

Were it the case, I think a lot of people would have lot less of a problem of with the war.

No. The case is the extreme left wing who have made it their mission to convince everyone that they should have a "problem with the war", so they foster the idea that everyone in Iraq hates the US. It's the cart before the horse Smash. You start out from day one saying the Iraqi's want nothing but for us to leave, and then continue to insist that's true day after day. The reality is quite different.

Again. Feel free to prove me wrong. Not with rhetoric. Not with innuendo. Show me a poll. Or statistics. Anything that supports your position.

EDIT: So you're basically saying that if you can't find proof that the majority of the people in Iraq are causing the problems (unrest), then a lot less people in the US should have a problem with the war, right? So if you can't find that proof, you'll stop agitating about it? Dunno. Maybe I read you wrong. That seemed like what you were saying though...

Edited, Mon Apr 12 22:24:09 2004 by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#122 Apr 12 2004 at 9:31 PM Rating: Default
The Left of this country never got over Vietnam. They glorify days of dancing in circles and burning bras to protest the establishment. Well now it's thrity years later and they are the establishment. Every war is a vietnam because as they all well know that throwing flowers and money at the world solves everything. It's okay to own 5 mansions and tax the "wealthy" of this country (does 200k a year really make you wealthy?) Seeing as how most businesses in america are privately held and owned such taxation policy only serves to strengthen big business that can afford the tax burden. But that doesnt matter because with our politically correct educational system wealth is easily defined as "someone who makes more than me" with no concept of economic ramifications of socialistic class warfare ideas either. When America does pull out of Iraq and another Talibahn takes over in Iraq we can definitely say we avoided a Vietnam.. and caused another Afghanistan. For all of you who can't stomach the violence we probably will pull out of Iraq before a true peace could be brought to that land. It's to appease people that know nothing about resolve and have let the bitter taste in their mouth from Vietnam guide them to irrational decisions about what the world really needs.. That's leadership. The kind of leadership we were looked up to after World War2 for having. Would you rather let the UN dictate our foreign policy? Read up on the Iraqi Oil for food scham!

Edited, Mon Apr 12 22:30:19 2004 by Lefein
#123 Apr 13 2004 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
I would H-Bomb you into submission just like we had to nuke the Japanese. Terror ends! If these people thought for one second that their families would be vaporized for acting like a bunch of savage beasts they would stop.

That's been my contention all along. Similar to Ripley's in Aliens. And not just Iraq, go for the entire Middle East. They're all crazy for living out in the desert. Fuse it all in to a giant sheet of glass. I don't care. I live in the woods like a proper monkey should.
#124 Apr 13 2004 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

So you're basically saying that if you can't find proof that the majority of the people in Iraq are causing the problems (unrest), then a lot less people in the US should have a problem with the war, right? So if you can't find that proof, you'll stop agitating about it? Dunno. Maybe I read you wrong. That seemed like what you were saying though...

You're the one who made the statement, but I'm the one who has to prove the opposite.

How typical.

Here's the thing, the burden of proof isn't on me. I'm not the one making ludicrous comments stating that the Iraqi people WANTED to be CONQUORED AND OCCUPIED.

That's you.

But I agree, let's see your facts or I guess you're just as amazingly full of **** as you constantly and desperately accuse me of being as you lose point after factual point.

Where's the facts, sport?

It'd be a charming change of pace to see you post one.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#125 Apr 13 2004 at 3:04 AM Rating: Decent
Debalic wrote:
I would H-Bomb you into submission just like we had to nuke the Japanese. Terror ends! If these people thought for one second that their families would be vaporized for acting like a bunch of savage beasts they would stop.

That's been my contention all along. Similar to Ripley's in Aliens. And not just Iraq, go for the entire Middle East. They're all crazy for living out in the desert. Fuse it all in to a giant sheet of glass. I don't care. I live in the woods like a proper monkey should.

BAH, I live in the desert, um dont ask Dalliance bout this one kay <wink>
#126 Apr 13 2004 at 6:19 AM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:
So you're basically saying that if you can't find proof that the majority of the people in Iraq are causing the problems (unrest), then a lot less people in the US should have a problem with the war, right? So if you can't find that proof, you'll stop agitating about it? Dunno. Maybe I read you wrong. That seemed like what you were saying though...

You're the one who made the statement, but I'm the one who has to prove the opposite.

How typical.

Here's the thing, the burden of proof isn't on me. I'm not the one making ludicrous comments stating that the Iraqi people WANTED to be CONQUORED AND OCCUPIED./quote]

First off. I'm not saying they wanted to be "conquered and occupied". Those are your words. They wanted to have Saddam's regime removed from power. They want a governent they can call their own. They want a government that wont be like the ones they've had before. Huge difference there Smash.

Second: You are wrong. The burden of proof is on you. You are the one criticising the current administrations handling of Iraq. Not me. Who started this thread Smash? Who started the half dozen other threads basically saying the same thing? Me? Nope. You.

The government says that it's a small number of insurgents in Iraq who are causing trouble.

The press says that it's a small number of insurgents in Iraq who are causing trouble.

Everyone I've talked to about Iraq (like soldiers who've rotated out) have said it's a small number of insurgents in Iraq who are causing trouble.

Every credible expert on the subject has said that it's a small number of insurgents in Iraq who are causing trouble.

I don't have to prove the "generally accepted truth" Smash. You're the one running up and proclaiming that the administration is lying and trying to decieve everyone about what's "really going on in Iraq'. Therefore, the burden of proof is on you. Not me. I don't have to prove the status quo. You have to prove that it's not true.

Look. If you really want, I'm sure I could pull out a dozen links to a number of reports that agree with me. And not partisan sources either. Major news outlets, statements by government officials, quotes from Iraqi leaders, etc. What do you have to support your position? A firm belief? A few crazy hard-core left wing sites with nothing but speculation to go on? Innuendo? Implication? What? You keep making claims about how "wrong" what we're doing is, but you can't support anything you say.

You're literally about a half step away from a conspiracy theorist Smash. You have just as much evidence to support your arguments (ie: none). They only difference is that you may actually end up being right about what happens in Iraq. But it's my firm belief that we won't fail in Iraq if we follow the current plan. We'll fail if we lose resolve. We'll fail if we listen to people like you who try to scare the American public into thinking we're doomed to failure. We'll fail if we don't push through this next important phase. If we back off now, or show any weakness, that will signal the insurgents in Iraq that they are winning. That will tell the average Iraqi that we're not going to protect them from the other factions. That will make them suspect that when the dust settles they might not have a piece of the pie. That will make faction fighting become a reality and cause the whole thing to unravel.

Why can't you see this? Any hint of uncertainty will spell doom in this situation. But you and your leftist friends are falling right into it. Oh sure. In the end, you'll have the luxury of "being right". But you'll have caused the very thing you claim you want to avoid. For someone who claims to have worked in intelligence and to have a degree in sociology, you are really horrible at reading situations and people. Iraq is a powderkeg right now. But what will light the fuse is indecision. Backing off, right now, would be the absolute worse thing to do.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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