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Trunks is GayFollow

#1 Mar 28 2004 at 3:22 AM Rating: Default
See Trunks? The term can be highly offensive. While yes, it has unfortunately evolved into a term meaining a multitude of things, it is still derogitory. Would you be less offended if I had said Trunks is Lame? Trunks is Stupid? More than likely yes. That word now has a derogitory status because it is part of human nature to harm. For some innane banal reason, we strive to get under each other's skin. Hence, since saying someone is lame or stupid no longer packs the same punch, Amercian society had to look in a new direction. And since a lot of homophobic people become offended by being called gay, the word gay has taken on yet another meaning.

Trunks, while I find it amusing that you are yet another subscriber in believing "Everyone is created straight because some archaic book says so," I am glad to hear (if you are being honest) that you do, at least to some modecum degree, respect enough of other people's discions to leave well enough alone.

As a gay man, I do use "gay" in much the same way, but then again...I use it exclusively with my gay friends, and gay-friendly friends. (Yes, I do have some friends that are not-so-gay-friendly, but they don't know I'm gay.)

Okay...that bit is over.

How can people NOT classify gay rights movements as civil rights movements? As one person posted (my appologies for not having sources), this is what MLK Jr fought for. Not just for people of color to have the same rights, but for EVERYONE to have the same rights. We all live on the same god-forsaken planet. We all toil day-to-day with virtually the same bullsh*t. Granted, some people, like Trunks, doesn't know the meaning of having to go out for 8hrs a day, 40hrs a week to bust your hump for a paycheck that JUST covers you living expenses, but nonetheless we are here together. Anyone who is a recipiant of the original civil rights, and is offended by the new movement of civil rights is a selfish hipocrite.

There is more I wanted to say on this thread, but I am just so goddamned frustrated I can barely see straight.
#2 Mar 28 2004 at 4:03 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
No no. Trunk is not gay, Thundra and I are gay. We came out of the closet tonight in celebration of all that is fabulous and glam. And psycho, dear, those shoes you're wearing are just divine! To die for!

#3 Mar 28 2004 at 4:19 AM Rating: Default
Why thank you gurl! I saw them in the mall and was like "OH-MY-GAWD! Those are fab-u-lous!"

PS: On sale too! ;)
#4 Mar 28 2004 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
4,563 posts
So this post is not about DBZ?

Cause everyone knows Gohan is the pillow bitter of that crew.
#5 Mar 28 2004 at 8:47 AM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
Trunks is gay

Trunks posts are gay

hmmmm seems to me that the term gay has two different contexts, or are you saying trunks posts are having sexual intercourse with other male posts?

I believe that Trunks's origianl statement was that 'if people objected to people inspecting them while at the same time bragging about thier gear in /ooc' that thier stance was gay. That wasn't a pop at homosexuals it was a pop at narrow-mindedness which in his opinion was gay in the context of lame / stupid.
Just because you have a hangup about a commonly used word shouldn't mean we have to stop using it.
As a gay man, I do use "gay" in much the same way, but then again...I use it exclusively with my gay friends, and gay-friendly friends. (Yes, I do have some friends that are not-so-gay-friendly, but they don't know I'm gay.)
But you object if a teenager uses it in a non gay relate forum?

Psycho = Hypocrite

#6 Mar 28 2004 at 10:23 AM Rating: Default
But you object if a teenager uses it in a non gay relate forum?

Where do you see that I stated as such? My phrasing was:
The term can be highly offensive.

Key phrase being "CAN BE." I never stated that it is, or it was. IF you had actually read and comprehended what was originally posted in the EQ Main forum, you would understand my point of view.
#7 Mar 28 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
How about if I state "Arguing over this is so white of you"?

P.S. It's gay to be offended about that.
#8 Mar 28 2004 at 10:36 AM Rating: Default
How about if I state "Arguing over this is so white of you"?

P.S. It's gay to be offended about that.

Uhhh...was this SUPPOSED to make sense? Or do you always just spout out some meaningless bullsh*t from time to time?
#9 Mar 28 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
Key phrase being "CAN BE." I never stated that it is, or it was. IF you had actually read and comprehended what was originally posted in the EQ Main forum, you would understand my point of view.
I did read the post in EQmain and all i saw was people flaming a kid for saying that a persons attitude was gay. They took the word in the wrong context and continued to flame after he made an appology.

psycho wrote:
As a gay man, I do use "gay" in much the same way, but then again...I use it exclusively with my gay friends, and gay-friendly friends. (Yes, I do have some friends that are not-so-gay-friendly, but they don't know I'm gay.)
When you then object to someone else using the word in the same way as you THAT is hypocritical period.

Edited, Sun Mar 28 12:06:08 2004 by tarv
#10 Mar 28 2004 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Uhhh...was this SUPPOSED to make sense? Or do you always just spout out some meaningless bullsh*t from time to time?
Yes, and yes.
#11 Mar 28 2004 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
psycho, she is assuming something about you (that you are white) using it as derogatory slang (just like calling somebody gay) and seeing if it offends you.

You're gay if you don't understand that.
#12 Mar 28 2004 at 12:06 PM Rating: Good
Goddamn Tarv...your shallowness ceases to amaze me. If you had a f*cking brain you would comprehend that I'm not objecting to him using the term...just that he needs to learn it CAN be a derogitory statement and should be more conscious of how he uses it.

But then again, most of yall seem to have your heads stuck so far up either your own or someone else's *** that you can't see the true light of day
#13 Mar 28 2004 at 12:06 PM Rating: Excellent
How can people NOT classify gay rights movements as civil rights movements?

1. Because you have no outward physical appearance (skin color or natural sexual orientation) that defines you as different and there fore are not always recognizeable as being gay.
2. You have not been oppressed by society for hundreds of years based on #1.
3. You have the same rights as anyone else in this country if you so choose to participate as everyone else.
4. Your "differences" are assumed to be by choice by a good portion of society that defines the laws of our country which to them means that you can choose not to be gay, so your civil rights are only violated by your conscious decision.
5. If you being gay is a genetic condition, the only thing holding you back from participating in society as "normal" is your lack of willingness or inability as an individual to adapt as a human being into "mainstream" society.

So in short and in my opinion - there are no Gay Rights that are being violated. However enough of the gay population has influenced the cultural and societal media of the Country that the Gay Agenda is being utilized to propogate the idea that Gays are truly a race? another sex? Oh wait, gays can be any race, from any culture, any religion, and either sex, so what is it about gays that makes you truly different? Sexual Preference. Explain to me please what rights are being violated. And please don't use the marriage issue we have beat that dead horse into dog food enough already.
#14 Mar 28 2004 at 12:36 PM Rating: Default
This is gonna be fun...

1. Because you have no outward physical appearance (skin color or natural sexual orientation) that defines you as different and there fore are not always recognizeable as being gay.

For the are right. But then again, that truly only applies to the masculine gay men and lipstick lesbians. There is no way you can't tell me you've seen a diesel **** or flaming queen and just didn't KNOW.

2. You have not been oppressed by society for hundreds of years based on #1.

How much more wrong can you be? First off, since when was there a required time limit on oppression? Second, if GBLT's weren't oppressed, why the f*ck would we be having this conversation?

3. You have the same rights as anyone else in this country if you so choose to participate as everyone else.

Riiiiight. So if we have the same rights as everyone, then why is gay marriage a controversy? I mean, you said it yourself...we have the same rights.

4. Your "differences" are assumed to be by choice by a good portion of society that defines the laws of our country which to them means that you can choose not to be gay, so your civil rights are only violated by your conscious decision.
5. If you being gay is a genetic condition, the only thing holding you back from participating in society as "normal" is your lack of willingness or inability as an individual to adapt as a human being into "mainstream" society.

I won't even comment on this for a couple of reasons.
1) Assumptions are the mother of all f*ck-ups.
2) I don't even have an opinion on whether homosexuality is genetic or choice. I personally don't give a sh*t. Be who the f*ck you want to be and be kind to your fellow man.

Though, I would like for you to please define what "normal" is outside of christian propaganda and force-fed media hype.
#15 Mar 28 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts

This thread has been hijacked to gossip about Thundra and my upcoming nuptuals, people. If any gayness is going to be discussed it is going to have to do with my absolutely delicious wedding dress!


Pay attention!


#16 Mar 28 2004 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
Who's your best man Totem?

/wink wink
#17 Mar 28 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
I had you down as 'Maid of Honour' Skeet
#18 Mar 28 2004 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
psychojester wrote:
Though, I would like for you to please define what "normal" is outside of christian propaganda and force-fed media hype.

As has already been stated in another thread; homosexuality is by its very nature abnormal. Note I didn't say "evil" or "unacceptable" or in any way objectionable...but abnormal it is. The prime purpose of human sexuality is, as with all animals, to ensure the perpetuation of the species. Lesbians and gay men can't reproduce, ergo their sexuality- while perfectly acceptable in a modern society -can't be considered normal.

Try not to get all bent out of shape about it. Overly sensitive gay men and lesbians seem to have this need to force the larger het majority to say "You're JUST like us!!", and "Gay/Lesbian sex is a natural, intended part of human sexuality". Well, it isn't. It should be accepted as part of any progressive thinking society, but please don't play with words and try to make it seem like it's what nature intended when it gave men c*cks and women vaginas.

EDIT: As has already been stated by *me* in another thread...didn't want to appear as if I was fobbing it off on someone else.

Edited, Sun Mar 28 13:59:00 2004 by WorkFell
#19 Mar 28 2004 at 2:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Since you're not man enough to actually reply to all the points I'll just take that too mean that you agree with my assumptions.

Though, I would like for you to please define what "normal" is outside of christian propaganda and force-fed media hype.

Let me see in another thread about gayness someone stated a statistic I think that was Leainy (sp?) that 8.5% of people are *****. Which means that 91.5% of people are "normal" or at least heterosexual, because some of them may be pedeophiles, into beastiality, polygamists etc... however out of the other 91.5% of people that like to have sex with the opposite sex, that is what I define as "normal".

But if you want the dictionaries definition: Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical. See dictionaries are our friend.

For the are right. But then again, that truly only applies to the masculine gay men and lipstick lesbians. There is no way you can't tell me you've seen a diesel **** or flaming queen and just didn't KNOW.

Actually I have seen some people I would assume to be "a diesel **** or flaming queen" then I met their husband or wife and boy was I wrong. Stereotyping people based on what they look like is not nice or right.

How much more wrong can you be?
Well, since I'm not wrong, I guess a whole lot more?
First off, since when was there a required time limit on oppression?
First off People with same sex preference are not oppressed. Their pushing acceptance of their lifestyle into mainstream society is meeting opposition and now they use "oppression" and lack of "civil rights" as a strategy to force their lifestyle to acceptance.

Second, if GBLT's weren't oppressed, why the f*ck would we be having this conversation?
We are having this conversation because of the false pretenses that people such as yourself are trying to use to get attention to have your lifestyle accepted as normal. As long as you think you are normal why don't you conform to societies rules while outside and in public then live your private life in your home, much like most "normal" people do. Next question to you is, why are you accepting Transgendereds into your fold and not other sub cultures or "alternative lifestyles"? Transgendered and/or cross dressers (which fit into the transgendered catagory) are not bi or even gay.

Riiiiight. So if we have the same rights as everyone, then why is gay marriage a controversy? I mean, you said it yourself...we have the same rights.

Yes, I have said it myself... in other threads, you have the same right to marry a person of the opposite sex just as anyone else does. Marriage was not always about love, and 100% compatibility or even about sex. Marriage has been about having children, raising children, and ensuring each others survival. Do we have to go through all this again just for your sake? If so look up the other threads that discuss this.

You are right about one thing though...
This is gonna be fun...

#20 Mar 28 2004 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Workfell, if your definition of normal means in common with the majority, then you're correct.

If your definition of normal is broadened to acknowledge a population will always be comprised of heterosexuals and homosexuals (and those inbetween), that is correct too. You can call it "playing with words", but that's innacurate.

If it's not natural, why do a certain percentage of most animal species exhibit homosexual behavior?

I'm not bent out of shape about it. Some of us are just trying to raise the collective consciousness about these issues our ever changing society is struggling with. After all, everyone wants to be heard, understood and valued. That's a worthwhile goal to work for.

Not so many years ago, we weren't able to have such open debates. That's progress in my book. Smiley: twocents

corrected spelling

Edited, Sun Mar 28 17:54:52 2004 by Yanari
#21 Mar 28 2004 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
Among myriad military victories, Alexander the Great conquered an eliete core of troops called the Sacred Band of Thebes, which were all homosexual lovers. Line of reasoning being: you may forsake your country or your honor but never your lover.

So there was at least a time in history in which homosexuality was not, in fact, oppressed. This obviously means we can oppress the hell out of them now! Smiley: lol

Oh and Alex may have had his way with men, too, see for example:

I watch the History Channel...yay for me!
#22 Mar 28 2004 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
531 posts
As far as people who are gay using the term gay between themselves with the meaning lame, that is their right. Much like A Jewish person telling Jewish jokes or a Black person calling another black person niger(mispelled on purpose due to bad word filter). When a person outside the race/religion/sexuality uses the same terms or jokes it is concidered derogitory not just by the peoples the words or jokes were aimed at. Anyone with any sensativity for the group in question will be offended. Reason being that it's wrong to put down any group of people based on a stereo-type, preconception or misconception.

People should be judged based on individual merits and/or faults.

For better or worse, the term niger is the best, or worst example of a term that can be freely used between a group of people, but is highly offensive when used by anyone outside that group. Here is the MSN Encarta Dictionary definition of the word:
nig·ger [ níggər ] (plural nig·gers)noun 1. a taboo term for a black person. 2. a taboo term for a dark-skinned person.
[Late 17th century. Via Spanish negro from Latin niger “black.”]

Word Usage:

This term is arguably the single most offensive racist slur in the English language. The fact that African Americans and other people of color sometimes use this word in reference to themselves does not excuse its present-day use by members of other ethnic groups. Those who persist in using it should remember that their use of the word reflects directly upon them, the users. The terms of choice are African American, black or black person, and person of color.

I highlighted what I felt was the most relevent part relating to the current issue. The term gay to mean lame has the same effect, but the fact that it is so common and freely excepted masks the truth that it is a slur meant to belittle homosexuals.

I said this in another thread and I'll say it here because it applies....

I understand that the term gay with the meaning of lame for the most part isn't aimed specifically at gay people with the intent of harming or disrespecting them, but the fact of the matter is that it does offend them and disrespect them. My point all along is concideration for other people's feelings. Knowing what you know now, why not just use the word LAME to mean lame since you wouldn't be offending anyone that way?

My general belief in life is to do whatever you want as long as you're not hurting anyone(including yourself) or limiting another person's right to do what they want. I'm personally hoping for a world where everyone shows concideration for other people's rights and feelings and we work towards common goals for the benefit of all. I know this may never come to be and that I'm an idealistic fool, but I don't think I'm alone in those thoughts. I also try to live my life treating others the way I myself wish to be treat, with respect and concideration. I may not agree with the lives that everyone else lead, but it is their right to lead those lives in peace. I'm also sure their are people who don't approve of my life for one reason or another, but should respect my right to live as I choose.

Unfortunately people are all judged based on one thing or another, color, nationality, religion, clothes, cars, sexuality, gender, age, income, friends, height, weight, disbilities, you name it, you'll be judged based on SOMETHING. If you want to build a better world though it has to start somewhere, so why not with us?

Edited, Sun Mar 28 16:04:27 2004 by KerikDaven
#23 Mar 28 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
Stok wrote:
Yes, I have said it myself... in other threads, you have the same right to marry a person of the opposite sex just as anyone else does. Marriage was not always about love, and 100% compatibility or even about sex. Marriage has been about having children, raising children, and ensuring each others survival. Do we have to go through all this again just for your sake? If so look up the other threads that discuss this.

You are right about one thing though...
This is gonna be fun...

Romans used marriage as a means of cementing political ties. Agustus Ceaser was perhaps the master of this.

US law allows married partners to not testify against each other.

To simply present "Marriage == chidren" and ignore all the counteragruments heretofor argued is about as valid as saying: "gun control is all about murder".

Please don't tell me what my marriage is all about. It is complex enough as it is. My wife tells me it means she can force me to ware a sweater-vest at least once a month - a figure which through careful negotiation I have managed to reduce to twice per year. Although the line of reasoning that its all about children may in fact reduce my sweater-vest waring to at least once per year, I doubt it would get me far as it would seem to annul our union as we have no children and are taking active steps to keep it that way. Of course, some here would claim I risk my immortal soul and will be cast by God into a burning lake of fire for spilling my seed against the express commands of a book thousands of years old, I think I'll just try to keep it simple for now.
#24 Mar 28 2004 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
Yanari wrote:
If it's not natural, why do a certain percentage of most animal species exhibit homosexual behavior?
Edited, Sun Mar 28 14:58:45 2004 by Yanari

That statement would be more accurate if it was "If it's not natural, why is it that a small percentage of most animal species exhibit homosexual behavior".

In my opinion (and it is an opinion), an even more accurate statement would be "If it's natural, why is it that homosexuality, when present in other species, is always confined to a small percentage of said species?"

If there were examples of life on earth where homosexuality was prevalent, or even running along 50-50 lines, I'd be comfortable in saying it was "normal". But in every species where it is manifested, it's always confined to an extremely small minority.

I guess I'm just very black-and-white when it comes to language. I mean, a spoon is called a spoon because, at some point in time, someone looked at this curved thingy for scooping food into our mouths and said, "Spoon!". By the same token, "normal" means "what is the norm" and abnormal means "what is not the norm", and I think homosexuality definitely is not the norm. Ergo, it's not normal. That doesn't mean it isn't completely acceptable in our society.

The word normal, in this case, is used as a definition, not a judgement, and doesn't need to be redefined.
#25 Mar 28 2004 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
The points you empasis are those you feel are the most significant.

I find it significant that there is always a segment of a population that exhibits homosexual behavior.

You find the distribution to be the most significant point.

#26 Mar 28 2004 at 6:45 PM Rating: Excellent
To simply present "Marriage == chidren" and ignore all the counteragruments heretofor argued is about as valid as saying: "gun control is all about murder".

If marriage = children and that was the only variable in which we where arguing then there would be no discussion. However if I where to list out numerous benefits and shortcomings of marriage then this would be a gbajiesque type of thread. Now if you want to bring your marital life into this discussion I will sit back and read how your wife runs the show instead of you being in an equal relationship with her. Back to the issue of this thread though... I'm well aware of why marriages where used by the upper crust of old civilizations, those acts of marriage are about as relevant to this discussion as your sweater vest is.

BTW Gun control is about preventing murder. :)

I find it significant that there is always a segment of a population that exhibits homosexual behavior.

I find it significant also, but that is their right to chose their sexual preference.
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