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#27 Mar 27 2004 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,437 posts
Why do I hear "Hi, I'm Troy MacLure" when ever I look at the OP's avatar??

Don't worry about that voice, just keep ignoring the other voices...........Smiley: sly
#28 Mar 27 2004 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
This thread is so #12.

Katie even has her own number, which is #23.

Are you sure it was #23? I thought that was for the oral sex topics, and Katie was #69 for personal genital hygiene.
#29 Mar 27 2004 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
I find it funny that if you are gay its ok to tell another person that what they are doing, saying, etc is "gay", mean it as a bad thing, but have it come off as a joke.
#30 Mar 28 2004 at 6:17 AM Rating: Default
Wouldn't that be the same thing as one black person calling another black person "*****"?
#31 Mar 28 2004 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
psychojester wrote:
Wouldn't that be the same thing as one black person calling another black person "*****"?

Exactly. It is just as stupid, in the same way that homosexuals referring to each other as "************* and then getting all offended when a het says it is stupid.
#32 Mar 28 2004 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
Exactly. It is just as stupid, in the same way that homosexuals referring to each other as "************* and then getting all offended when a het says it is stupid.

Ok..let me, as a caucasion-american male, go up to another american of african descent and say, "How's it going, *****?" Three guesses on what's gonna happen, and the first two don't count. I'm gonna get my *** beat down like a white boy doing something that stupid should.

The reason black people are comfortable using the term with one another is because it gives them some sembalence of freedom from slavery. Much the same way that gays now use the pink triangle from WWII and call each other ***** and ******.

It's a culteral thing...Being part of an environment...that's the only way I can think to describe it.

But then again...this is something I really don't expect you breeders to understand.
#33 Mar 28 2004 at 11:15 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
psychojester wrote:
is because it gives them some sembalence of freedom from slavery.

Some semblance? So, by the wording of this statement, black people are still enchained by slavery. Hence, the use of the word "*****" as a type of solidarity...a semblance of freedom.

Oy vey. Smiley: rolleyes
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#34 Mar 28 2004 at 12:15 PM Rating: Default
Some semblance? So, by the wording of this statement, black people are still enchained by slavery. Hence, the use of the word "*****" as a type of solidarity...a semblance of freedom.


Once again someone goes reading between lines that aren't there.
On the upside, it does keep me on my toes.

So maybe it was the wrong choice of words. F*cking sue me. I was just simply trying to state GBLT's have the right and freedom to call each other ******, ***** and **** and be offended by the same remark from someone outside their culture in as much as black people have the right and freedom to call each other ***** and be offended by the same statement from someone outside of their culture.

Was going to go on some diatribe about how blacks are enchained in their own slavery, but I could just imagine the debate that would ensue over that.......hmmm, then again. . .

Edited, Sun Mar 28 12:15:45 2004 by psychojester
#35 Mar 28 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
psychojester wrote:
So maybe it was the wrong choice of words. F*cking sue me.

Yes, maybe it was. I'm getting pretty f'ucking sick of the retarded discourse I see on this board everyday. So, sue me.

Was going to go on some diatribe about how blacks are enchained in their own slavery, but I could just imagine the debate that would ensue over that

Well, don't. Although, I can't help but be interested in how ridiculous that argument would be.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#36 Mar 28 2004 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
531 posts
I'd never been off the EQ boards till today, but I realize that this thread is an off-shoot of a thread started by Trunksbrando(credit given) so I figured I should check it out. I noticed this thread and the one started by psychojester, I posted my main points on both threads and figure I'll add them here since they apply.

Trunks had asked why people were offended by being inspect without being asked and thought it was "gay"(obviously meaning lame). I said I wasn't really offended by people inspecting me, but preferred they'd ask first, but was more offended at people using the term gay to mean lame. Trunks later said he was sorry as he didn't mean to offend anyone, and I think that was a great and respectful response. The problem though is people think of gay meaning lame as a parallel eveolution of the word rather than the insensative comment that it is. I'd like people to become more enlightened to the issue, but I know that in a lot of cases, you can lead a fool to culture but can't make them think.

Anyway, this is what I post on the other threads and I figure it applies here so am adding it.

As far as people who are gay using the term gay between themselves with the meaning lame, that is their right. Much like A Jewish person telling Jewish jokes or a Black person calling another black person niger(mispelled on purpose due to an obvious bad word filter. When a person outside the race/religion/sexuality uses the same terms or jokes it is concidered derogitory not just by the peoples the words or jokes were aimed at. Anyone with any sensativity for the group in question will be offended. Reason being that it's wrong to put down any group of people based on a stereo-type, preconception or misconception.

People should be judged based on individual merits and/or faults.

For better or worse, the term niger is the best, or worst example of a term that can be freely used between a group of people, but is highly offensive when used by anyone outside that group. Here is the MSN Encarta Dictionary definition of the word:
nig·ger [ níggər ] (plural nig·gers)noun 1. a taboo term for a black person. 2. a taboo term for a dark-skinned person.
[Late 17th century. Via Spanish negro from Latin niger “black.”]

Word Usage:

This term is arguably the single most offensive racist slur in the English language. The fact that African Americans and other people of color sometimes use this word in reference to themselves does not excuse its present-day use by members of other ethnic groups. Those who persist in using it should remember that their use of the word reflects directly upon them, the users. The terms of choice are African American, black or black person, and person of color.

I highlighted what I felt was the most relevent part relating to the current issue. The term gay to mean lame has the same effect, but the fact that it is so common and freely excepted masks the truth that it is a slur meant to belittle homosexuals.

I said this in another thread and I'll say it here because it applies....

I understand that the term gay with the meaning of lame for the most part isn't aimed specifically at gay people with the intent of harming or disrespecting them, but the fact of the matter is that it does offend them and disrespect them. My point all along is concideration for other people's feelings. Knowing what you know now, why not just use the word LAME to mean lame since you wouldn't be offending anyone that way?

My general belief in life is to do whatever you want as long as you're not hurting anyone(including yourself) or limiting another person's right to do what they want. I'm personally hoping for a world where everyone shows concideration for other people's rights and feelings and we work towards common goals for the benefit of all. I know this may never come to be and that I'm an idealistic fool, but I don't think I'm alone in those thoughts. I also try to live my life treating others the way I myself wish to be treat, with respect and concideration. I may not agree with the lives that everyone else lead, but it is their right to lead those lives in peace. I'm also sure their are people who don't approve of my life for one reason or another, but should respect my right to live as I choose.

Unfortunately people are all judged based on one thing or another, color, nationality, religion, clothes, cars, sexuality, gender, age, income, friends, height, weight, disbilities, you name it, you'll be judged based on SOMETHING. If you want to build a better world though it has to start somewhere, so why not with us?

#37 Mar 28 2004 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
Knowing what you know now, why not just use the word LAME to mean lame since you wouldn't be offending anyone that way?

Because that would be disrespectful towards Mren.
#38 Mar 28 2004 at 4:24 PM Rating: Default
Patrician wrote:
Knowing what you know now, why not just use the word LAME to mean lame since you wouldn't be offending anyone that way?

Because that would be disrespectful towards Mren.

And those with a leg wound or walking impediment. No matter how you phrase it, someone will always be insulted and start yelling "Bigot!".

PC-speak can suck my nuts.
#39 Mar 28 2004 at 4:45 PM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
The word Gay in the context of lame has nothing whatsoever to do with homosexuals except in your deluded mind in the same way 'Peachy' in the context of feeling fine has nothing to do with the flavour of a soft drink.

Your arguement is foolish , purile and downright stupid if you are so offended by a word that means 'Happy' a feel truely sorry for you.

I am so sick of reading your drivel Kerik, your mind is so closed to how other people view the world it is truely astounding. Gay meaning Lame has never, will never and should never have anything thing to do with your sexual orientation DEAL WITH IT!

#40 Mar 28 2004 at 5:57 PM Rating: Good
Patrician wrote:
Quote:Knowing what you know now, why not just use the word LAME to mean lame since you wouldn't be offending anyone that way?

Because that would be disrespectful towards Mren.


He's as lame as this thread is gay.
#41 Mar 28 2004 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
531 posts
You're right Tarv, the word gay does in fact have absolutely nothing to do with my sexual orientation because I happen to be straight, so I deal with that fact quite well in fact.

If gay was used to mean happy, no one would be offended by it. Unfortunately it's not used that way here.

As far as my argument, the only point I'm trying to make is tolerance and respect for all people regardless of their differences. If that point of view is closed to the way other people think in this world then I'll be grateful for that. If that is futile and senseless drivel to you, then you are obviously more a part of the problem than the solution.

I like your signature btw. "Your mind is like a Parachute it only works if it's open." Looks like you're going to hit the ground at deadly speeds then because having an open mind means accepting new ideas and people's differences.
#42 Mar 29 2004 at 12:53 AM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
My mind is very open, i realise people are different but i will not change the words i use in everyday conversation because some stuck up prat decides to take a word COMPLETELY the wrong way.

Why should a gay man find the use of gay = lame? He knows it not aimed at his sexuality, he knows the person saying it is in no way aiming an insult at his sexuality, he also knwos that by objecting he will be seen as a dip$hit for deliberately taking a word out of context.
Look at the threads on Gay marriage if you want my views on gays and fair treatment of everyone regardless of race/sexuality/religious background.
But Fairness and equality does not mean that i have to stop using words that are totally unrelated.
As far as my argument, the only point I'm trying to make is tolerance and respect for all people regardless of their differences.
How can using the word Gay <Lame> be intolerant of gay culture i mean $hit i am sure they have bigger things to worry about. How about they being more tolerant towards my use of language they 'twisted' the word Gay aswell.
#43 Mar 29 2004 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good

hey kerickdaven i appreciate what you said
#44 Mar 29 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
Ok..let me, as a caucasion-american male, go up to another american of african descent and say, "How's it going, *****?" Three guesses on what's gonna happen, and the first two don't count. I'm gonna get my *** beat down like a white boy doing something that stupid should.

Was it Amazon Women on the Moon? Or Kentucky Fried Movie that featured Danger Seeker Dan? The sketch where the white guy puts on his helmet and pads, walks across the tracks, stands in the middle of an "urban" craps game and shouts "******!!!" then takes off running. It is so not PC, but it is one of the funniest things I have ever seen on late night TV. :)
#45 Mar 29 2004 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
i will not change the words i use in everyday conversation because some stuck up prat decides to take a word COMPLETELY the wrong way
You're right, Tarv. You're free to be as offensive as you like.

Stop blaming other people because you insist on being an ***.
#46 Mar 29 2004 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
You want to Have sex with someone of the same sex as you?... No problem.

You want to marry the person you love?...... No problem

You want to believe in God?...... No problem

You want to Vote Republican?..... No problem

You want to tell me how i should talk when you decide to take a word out of context?..... F*ck you.

thats all i have to say.
#47 Mar 29 2004 at 2:00 PM Rating: Good
You're right, Tarv. You're free to be as offensive as you like.

Stop blaming other people because you insist on being an ***.

And a big ol' right back at ya.

Why do homos and asians and chicanos and afros and what ever other f'ucking minority group out there who chooses to be a pain in the *** think that they are the only ones who get to be asses? In the words of my comedic idol, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, and F'UCK YOU!" Hi. I'm a pasty, ghost-lookin cracker-*** ******. You're a dirty, skeeving **** sucker. He's a dog-eating slope. She's a monkey-lipped ghetto yo-ette. Who cares?

At least we're not Jews. Lord have mercy. They killed Jesus.
#48 Mar 29 2004 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
When I'm being an ***, I fully expect to be called on it, like you just did, Moebius.

Sometimes it's worth the risk, sometimes it isn't.

The difference with Tarv is (and you too, at times), when he's an ***, he accuses everyone else of being at fault for it.

Thank you both for helping me illustrate my point.
#49 Mar 29 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
Ok, now, you have crossed the line sir. There are no "at times" about it. I try very hard to be an *** on a regular basis, and only in those brief moments of human frailty do I even attempt to offer up anything helpful!

/over did the caffiene today.
#50 Mar 29 2004 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
I simply try to avoid couching issues in terms of absolutes.

You sir, are an *** at most times (and often an amusing one). I salute you.

Carry on.

not that it's terribly relevent, but I'm not a "sir".
#51 Mar 29 2004 at 11:27 PM Rating: Default
It's pretty obvious that Yanari is not a sir, but a lady of the highest quality. She has to be, because she hates me. Oh wait, I am on the wrong thread, aren't I.
Blast, I thought this was Trunk's "so who do you hate on this forum" thread.

And the Jews didn't kill Yoshua, they just accused Him of sedition and made the wops do it. ( Jesus is His Greek name )
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