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I've been gone a lot, so....Follow

#1 Mar 08 2004 at 7:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Here is a list of people who suck, please do something about your suckyness should you find yourself on this list.

tarv - You should be called "Wheel chair" because you are all over Mrens ***.

Deathwysh - I see where you are going with this, but sorry to break it to you, making sucky post after post isn't going to make somebody fulfill your Death"wysh", it will just make people wish that somebody would.

Alienone - Maybe too early to call this one, since I think you just got here from EQ, but, I'll go ahead and call it now, though you have the advantage of being able to change now and have your suckyness blamed on you being the "new poster", 'cause we know that we're all supposed to hate the new posters right?

flishtaco - I've only read a couple of your posts, you seem like you really want to be taken seriously, and with a name like that, who could resist!

Grimfar - suck

Grimmers - suck, plus the name reminds me of Grimace, I hate that guy.

Yanari - suck

trunksbrando - suck, but you have the advantage of making me think of a funny south park episode.

Empyre - I probably shouldn't have listed you here, I think you are sucky with out any hope of ever changing.

The Dutch - Just because

If you feel you may suck, but don't see your name on this list, it could mean that you suck so much, I didn't even think it would help to call you out on it because even after becoming aware that you suck you probably would continue to suck.

Note: the reasons given after your name, explaining why you suck, those may or may not be all of the reasons you suck, it's just that I'm hungry, and I have a class to go to, so I can't go on with all of the reasons, just know that you suck.

#2 Mar 08 2004 at 10:07 PM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
Smiley: laugh

There's the Skeeter we know and love!

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#3 Mar 08 2004 at 10:08 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
/peers in the direction of the originator of this thread

Tacosid, dat you?

#4 Mar 08 2004 at 11:03 PM Rating: Excellent
/peers in the direction of the originator of this thread

Tacosid, dat you?


^^ OTST Smiley: laugh
#5 Mar 08 2004 at 11:03 PM Rating: Excellent
*Love that Dr. Pepper*

Edited, Fri May 21 18:10:03 2004 by Skeeter
#6 Mar 09 2004 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
Deathwysh - I see where you are going with this, but sorry to break it to you, making sucky post after post isn't going to make somebody fulfill your Death"wysh", it will just make people wish that somebody would.

Going with what exactly? I can hardly be accused of making post after post, as I've been on these boards for about 4 years, and have less than 200 posts.

I don't actually have a deathwish. Its just a nickname I once had, and the current name of my shaman.

I'd like to tell you how much you suck as well, but I have such a hard time telling you apart from so many of the other insignificant twats I see here that I really can't distinguish you from the crowd. Sorry.

#7 Mar 09 2004 at 1:49 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
Deathwysh wrote:
I'd like to tell you how much you suck as well, but I have such a hard time telling you apart from so many of the other insignificant twats I see here that I really can't distinguish you from the crowd.

Care to name names, Deathwysh? Skeeter was ballsy enough to do it!! Smiley: sly
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#8 Mar 09 2004 at 1:57 AM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
tarv - You should be called "Wheel chair" because you are all over Mrens ***.

Sorry Skeet it's just he is funnier and scarier than you, i doubt that you would be calling we 'Sucky' if i was posting the same about you. besides i think i have posted maybe 5 times about Mrens and usually it was to a poster who got here by mistake after i was on the recieveing end of a double barrel the first time i was here.

more to the point i am married and don't do *** sorry.
#9 Mar 09 2004 at 1:59 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
Can we still call you "Wheels" though, Tarv? Pleeeaasse?

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#10 Mar 09 2004 at 2:20 AM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
suppose so Tare if it makes you happy Smiley: smile i could change my login to it but i don't know if you can, or you could hyjack all my post crank me upto 3.01 and i could be Tarv , the wheel.
#11 Mar 09 2004 at 4:12 AM Rating: Excellent
Deathwysh wrote:
I'd like to tell you how much you suck as well, but I have such small balls, and yours are so huge. Here are my balls .. and here are yours 00 Poopoo caca peepee. Doody shmoody doo, caca pee. Pppttptpt blah caca poopoo. Sorry.


#12 Mar 09 2004 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
Care to name names, Deathwysh? Skeeter was ballsy enough to do it!!

Ballys? You really think its ballsy to bust someone's chops on a message board?

Hmmm, small things impress some folks I guess.

It would be difficult for me to name all the insignificant twats, their very insignificance precludes it. At this point though, at least I've taken notice of Skeeter.

On the other hand I can list significant people on this board, that have impressed me for good or ill. It's early and the pain meds are just kicking in, so I may leave some names out and as such I reserve the right to amend this list as needed.

Kaolian, Gbaji, Jophiel, Totem, Patrician, Tacosid, Moebius, Thundra. If you're not on this list (and note, I don't include myself on it) you're pretty insignificant. Oh, add Smash to the significant list.

As for Skeeter, well I think he (she? /shrug)is pretty well named. As I understand it 'skeeter' is a colloquialism used by southerners for a small, annoying, disease carrying parasite. Appropriate.

Edited, Tue Mar 9 09:14:14 2004 by Deathwysh
#13 Mar 09 2004 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
8,507 posts
Yay for hating the new guy..oh wait that's me.

Oh least I'm getting noticed.
#14 Mar 09 2004 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent

Alright, so thanks Skeet for your opinion though who didnt get told they suck? anybody we actually care about to say they dont suck?
#15 Mar 09 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
16,160 posts

Death scores a direct hit! Heheh. For name smack that one slipped between the ribs and cut some flesh.

As for the abbreviations, you might want to explain what those mean for the rest of the board, Skeet. I get 'em, but then I hang out on TOT and Smackbat quite a bit (even though it takes me a while sometimes to figure them out). Lol, I can see it now, future threads will consist of posts like this...

GFY, and GYJOMF 'cuz IAMANIDIOTs like QS forgot to FTFY and RTT!

#16 Mar 09 2004 at 12:33 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
Deathwysh wrote:
Ballys? You really think its ballsy to bust someone's chops on a message board?

Nah, I just think to name names is a bold gesture. So few have done it here. I can only think of one other. Thundra, baby, where are you?

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#17 Mar 09 2004 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I wasn't listed, so I must be beyond help. Oh well, it's been one of those days.
#18 Mar 09 2004 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
491 posts

My ex-wife always said I sucked, and I never cared what that b*tch thought, and I was f*cking her.

So I can't really see myself trying to be less sucky for Skeeter.
#19 Mar 09 2004 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Man, I'm just relieved that Skeet doesn't think I suck. Especiallyt considering he hasn't said a nice word about me since I started posting here. Maybe, deep down, he really likes me!

Wishful thinking. /sigh
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#20 Mar 09 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Deathwysh wrote:
Ballys? You really think its ballsy to bust someone's chops on a message board?

I'm not trying to bust anybody's chops, I'm providing a public service to the board. Don't get all butt-hurt because somebody you've never met on a message board said you suck, if you ask me, that's pretty pathetic.

I can hardly be accused of making post after post, as I've been on these boards for about 4 years, and have less than 200 posts.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'd say that you have made post after post for about 190-ish posts. When you make a post, then later make another, then another at a later time, wouldn't that be post after post after post?

It would be difficult for me to name all the insignificant twats, their very insignificance precludes it. At this point though, at least I've taken notice of Skeeter.

So you're saying that there are many posters here that are so insignificant that they don't even get on the "insignificant list"? I've heard of a similar list, I think it went something like this:

Skeeter wrote:
If you feel you may suck, but don't see your name on this list, it could mean that you suck so much, I didn't even think it would help to call you out on it because even after becoming aware that you suck you probably would continue to suck.

Not only do you suck, but you are unoriginal in your sucking, at least the other people on my list suck in a way I've never seen before, you manage to suck by taking thoughts and/or ideas and regurgitating them into a massive conundrum of self contradicting crap, summed up best by just one word; Suck.

Alienone wrote:
Yay for hating the new guy..oh wait that's me.

Oh least I'm getting noticed.

Nah, I don't hate you, posters that have been here for years making idiotic posts haven't managed to get on my hate list, I'm not even sure if I've read anything you have posted yet.

Totem wrote:

Death scores a direct hit! Heheh. For name smack that one slipped between the ribs and cut some flesh.

You'll have to excuse my buddy Totem here, it seemed to me at first he was serious about these types of comments, but now I think he gets it, I see now that he offers these words of encouragement to lame posters such as Deathwysh to prod them into taking a crack at me some more. I have to say that the whole "Skeeter meaning Mosquito" thing was brought up a long time ago, by me actually, but it's ok, just further strengthens my theory of your ability to "create suck".

Totem wrote:
As for the abbreviations, you might want to explain what those mean for the rest of the board, Skeet. I get 'em, but then I hang out on TOT and Smackbat quite a bit (even though it takes me a while sometimes to figure them out). Lol, I can see it now, future threads will consist of posts like this...

GFY, and GYJOMF 'cuz IAMANIDIOTs like QS forgot to FTFY and RTT!

Nah, I had to figure them out by myself, why should they get the easy way out? If they ever figure them all out here we'd be in a huge CZ here, and we don't want that now do we? Smiley: wink2

trunksbrando wrote:
Alright, so thanks Skeet for your opinion though who didnt get told they suck? anybody we actually care about to say they dont suck?

Anybody not on my list, unless that person sucks so much they weren't worthy of getting on my list.

I think at the last meeting we had, it was decided that things were too boring around here when I was nice, so that hinders my ability to make any nice remarks about posters here, also, wouldn't want to get accused of making another CJ now would I?

Twisted wrote:
Man, I'm just relieved that Skeet doesn't think I suck. Especiallyt considering he hasn't said a nice word about me since I started posting here. Maybe, deep down, he really likes me!

Wishful thinking. /sigh

What do you mean I haven't said a nice word about you? I fixed your name didn't I? Plus, I'm pretty sure I have said something nice, because you started posting here during my "nice phase", just before I recruited from the Main EQ board, I'm pretty sure I said something nice to you in the "Introduce yourself you damn noob" thread. (actual name of thread may vary)

Nadenu wrote:
I wasn't listed, so I must be beyond help. Oh well, it's been one of those days.

Ok, I'm feeling nice today, so for you, I'll add you to my sucky list, there, feel better?
#21 Mar 09 2004 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Skeeter the Charming wrote:
Ok, I'm feeling nice today, so for you, I'll add you to my sucky list, there, feel better?


/looks for the pitcher of margaritas...
#22 Mar 09 2004 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
You see, Skeeter, you have failed to go about this the correct way. You need to lambaste everyone, not individuals by name. In order for it to be truly effective, you must then make outlandish claims to your power as a disintegrator of the less talented. The only way you can really f'uck it up is by not showing up for a week at a time and letting people grow to thinking you are weak and lacking credibility.
#23 Mar 09 2004 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good

Edited, Tue Mar 9 16:38:52 2004 by MoebiusLord
#24 Mar 09 2004 at 4:35 PM Rating: Excellent
*double post*

Edited, Tue Mar 9 16:35:45 2004 by Skeeter
#25 Mar 09 2004 at 4:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Moe wrote:
The only way you can really f'uck it up is by not showing up for a week at a time and letting people grow to thinking you are weak and lacking credibility.

I can do that by posting everyday, that's easy.

Getting the great Katie to make a thread saying how much she misses me, try as I might, I haven't been able to do that.


Tacosid 1

Skeet 0

Smiley: cry
#26 Mar 09 2004 at 5:10 PM Rating: Default
1,817 posts
sigh...ironic your name is "skeeter", as it sometimes used in places as a slang term for mosquito. and annoying bug that just wont go away no matter how many times you swat at it. then one day you smack it and kill it, but then here comes another one to take its place.

your cries for attention are weak..nothing anyone says will make you stop or go away, so have fun and laugh at have the defense your computer and internet connection provide for this self glorifying crusade to prove you are cool (or whatever it is your trying to prove). every once in a while you might even pick up a fan or two. but in the end, your still just an annoying "skeeter"...theres many more and you wont be the last.
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