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Happy International womens day!Follow

#152 Mar 18 2004 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,817 posts
moebius wrote:
I want you to have your minutes back, too. It might have saved me from being subjected to you.

that's probably not near as bad as what you subject yourself to when you look into the mirror every day. I'd tackle that one first as its bound to cause some pretty extreme chemical imbalances one day..if it hasn't already.

twizted wrote:
I call it my "I'm a racist idiot who got souindly beaten"... plan.

lol. you could possibly beat me in any sort of way. all you've done is tagged along the end of everyone elses comments along the way in an attempt to get noticed. i actually feel sorry for you...some people find social acceptance by going out and meeting people..other people *coughLIKEYOUcough* use denial and the internet.

EDIT: aww, what...possay hurt so much you gotta rate down the post? truth hurt? and I'M the child. Smiley: rolleyes

Edited, Thu Mar 18 15:52:46 2004 by Empyre
#153 Mar 18 2004 at 4:42 PM Rating: Default
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Hi, my name is...James, and I am not a Circle-Jerker. In fact I don't jerk anyone off (except myself, of course). Is this wrong? Do I need help? Can I have some more free coffee and doughnuts?
#154 Mar 18 2004 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
wtf are you:

1) talking about and
2) trying to get at?

if its the fact you found my first name, then "aren't you the little detective"..its not like its not all over this site, or anywhere you can get through links I provide on this site. if you wanted to, you could even find out where i lived without too much trouble at all. you could come over for a beer and a baseball bat.

Smiley: rolleyes another rocket-scientist.

Edited, Thu Mar 18 16:47:46 2004 by Empyre
#155 Mar 18 2004 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Oh, whoops. I forgot that we have to specifically quote and label anything that we reply to.

Skeeter wrote:
I should start CJA, Circle Jerk-less Anonymous.

My post had absolutely nothing to do with you, Empyre. It was in response to Skeet's mention of CJA. I used the name James since that's the first name of my internet persona and not my own real name. I posted with the support-group scenes from "Fight Club" dancing merrily through my head.
#156 Mar 18 2004 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
then i must sincerely apologize. this thread has me completely on the defense and I suppose I was wrong to come at you. my name is James, however.. Smiley: disappointed I'm not beneath apologizing when I am wrong though.
#157 Mar 18 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Hi, my name is... Smith

/quickly looks over to Empyre to see if he guessed right

I mean Jones!

/does a fast check at Empyre

Errr, Brown! Jackson? Worjkofski? Pennington! Al-Saheeb!!

Ok, I give up. Whatcher last name, James? I'm not too good at guessing games.

#158 Mar 18 2004 at 5:32 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
hahahah...actually my name is Lautridenaire Duchouvsky. but you were close.
#159 Mar 18 2004 at 7:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Empyre wrote:
hahahah...actually my name is Lautridenaire Duchouvsky. but you were close.

IIRC, that translates into "Extraordinarily Large Douche".
#160 Mar 18 2004 at 7:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Debalic wrote:
Oh, whoops. I forgot that we have to specifically quote and label anything that we reply to.

Skeeter wrote:I should start CJA, Circle Jerk-less Anonymous.

My post had absolutely nothing to do with you, Empyre. It was in response to Skeet's mention of CJA. I used the name James since that's the first name of my internet persona and not my own real name. I posted with the support-group scenes from "Fight Club" dancing merrily through my head.

Ok, now it's your turn to cry.
#161 Mar 18 2004 at 7:17 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
The Great Empyre wrote:
I'm not beneath apologizing when I am wrong though.

Let me know when I should look for mine then eh?
#162 Mar 18 2004 at 7:30 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
kaolian wrote:
Let me know when I should look for mine then eh?

use some of that logic will ya and look at who wronged who. anyone else reading can see it. (except maybe skeet and a few others). I even pointed it out in detail to you in the other thread. one word could better you. humble.
#163 Mar 18 2004 at 8:17 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Maybe it's just me, and indeed I could be biased, but it seems to me that the only one here that thinks Empyre is the wronged party here is... wait for it... Empyre!

You ****** up. You got called on it. Don't try to turn this into some "oh but everyone else was doing it", "oh no they did it to me first so that makes it ok" ******** that makes it everyone elses fault that Empyre posted what he did. YOU wrote it. YOU hit submit. Why won't you claim responsability for your actions?

A simple "gee, you're right, that was insensitive, I'll remove it and save it for someone elses thread" would have done the trick. Hell, maybe I would have even admitted that I was initially perhaps a bit harsh, but you feel such an answer was beneath you.

Since we're not getting anywhere here, let's have a vote? Who here thinks empyre was the wronged party? Just a simple yes or no, no repercussions either way. Jsut for the record.
#164 Mar 18 2004 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Don't be too quick to state public opinion, Empyre. You're the one making asinine remarks in his thread. While he may have overreacted somewhat, you're the one making a federal case out of defending yourself. In another FC allusion, you need to master the art of letting that which does not matter truly slide.

And if you think that your rep on this board matters, then you're really lost. Say it ain't so, Jim!
#165 Mar 18 2004 at 8:56 PM Rating: Good
Debalic wrote:
Don't be too quick to state public opinion, Empyre.

He must have meant "the rest of the forum" when he wrote "and a few others".

Empyre wrote:
use some of that logic will ya and look at who wronged who. anyone else reading can see it. (except maybe skeet and a few others).

Let's look at this closely Empyre.

I think you are a moron. Ok, maybe I don't count, in that case, Twizted thinks you are a moron as well.

He doesn't count either?

Ok, how about Kao?







I have a better way of doing this, somebody get me a forum roster, that sums up everybody on here who thinks Empyre is a moron.
#166 Mar 18 2004 at 10:18 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
kaolian wrote:
You @#%^ed up. You got called on it. Don't try to turn this into some "oh but everyone else was doing it", "oh no they did it to me first so that makes it ok" bullsh*t that makes it everyone elses fault that Empyre posted what he did. YOU wrote it. YOU hit submit. Why won't you claim responsability for your actions?

ok kao...let me put it out here for everyone in black and white.

this is what I posted:

empyre wrote:
When is 13 year old racist wigger day?

in which you responded:

kaolian wrote:
So let me get this straight. You equate the veneration of hormone/stupidity induced ravings of barely post-pubescent crackpots on the same level of importance as the continuing, well documented, recognized and important issue of gender equality? Maybe you were going for sarcasm there, but you sure came off as an @#%^.


kaolian wrote:
Maybe it's just me, but I happen to find certain racial slurs offensive. Maybe I shouldnt, seeing as I am a white male with no real experiance with racial predjudice directed at my person, but they do annoy me none the less. If that is your intent, then you ahve suceeded admirably at your appointed task. If not, well maybe think before you post? Up to you.

the REASON you got up in arms (and you being the one getting up in arms) is for a reason that makes NO FREAKING SENSE WHATSOEVER. this leads one to believe you were biased against me to begin didnt matter what I said. "vote" if you may, but responses as of late should show that the only ones that want to get involved here are the ones that think everyones business is their business as well (the flamers)..this particular issue is between you and me, and you freakin started it chump. you selectively called me out among anyone else and made this whole thing. I had nothing against you until the only responsible one here is you.

deballic wrote:
Don't be too quick to state public opinion, Empyre. You're the one making asinine remarks in his thread. While he may have overreacted somewhat, you're the one making a federal case out of defending yourself. In another FC allusion, you need to master the art of letting that which does not matter truly slide.

And if you think that your rep on this board matters, then you're really lost. Say it ain't so, Jim!

its not a federal case when someone defends themselves from an attack. I'd do it to his face if he was standing in front of me. I (unlike some) don't care about popularity on a messageboard...I'm simply defending an attack against myself..wheres the harm in that?

skeeter wrote:
I have a better way of doing this, somebody get me a forum roster, that sums up everybody on here who thinks Empyre is a moron.

says you...and the handful of others (including your gf) out of the boards population. the only difference here skeeter is that the only ones that are going to say anything are the ones that are attacking...noone else gives a rats **** and are probably wishing people would cut this stupid crap out and use the board for posting meaningful crap.

you may think i'm a moron skeet (and whoever else)..and thats fine. but if you think noone here thinks YOUR a moron, you've got a huge think coming. you just can't stand that I will come back to every childish freaking attack you throw my way.

why don't you create a few hundred more sock puppets and respond to kao's votes...then get together and make one of his meaningless polls (of which he claims NEVER to post) and vote yourself some sort of cool person so you can sleep tonight.

On a final note. you'll notice in the past few days, I have only responded to attacks. in every other case, I have kept to myself. skeeter, you and twizted have been the main ones "fueling the fire". Even when you posted things "hinting" towards me but not stating my name I kept from posting. You morons kept bringing me back into this, so if anyones "responsible" its you. you don't want to hear from me defending myself, DONT FREAKING ATTACK AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT..its not rocket science. but we all know you can't keep from doing that.

Edited, Thu Mar 18 22:31:15 2004 by Empyre
#167 Mar 18 2004 at 10:39 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
I actually think Empyre is starting to do a better job of arguing my side of the issue than I am. Keep it up.
#168 Mar 18 2004 at 10:46 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Normally I wouldn't take a stand on this since it's in my best interest to keep the pot boiling, but in truth, when Empyre wrote that line about when will it be 13 year old wigger day, I took it for what he's been claiming it was all along-- a joke on himself. I saw it as him using self depreciating humor by mocking what we know is not true-- that he is 13 and that he is a wigger. From there it degenerated into a lengthy series of nyah nyah posts.

I have to commend Empyre for being willing to use himself as a target for his own jokes, even though after all this he may very well be less inclined to do so after the bashing he's been taking.

Lighten up people. It's a message board.

#169 Mar 18 2004 at 10:49 PM Rating: Excellent
1,817 posts
whatever kao..and whatever to whoever else wants to attack. its beyond internet polls, votes that noone responds to and whatever else you guys are using for justification.

knock yourselves out...i'm done wasting time trying to show you whats in front of your face. so you keep on trying to convince everyone i'm racist, skeeter and co. can keep going on about how much of a moron I am and the rest can keep wasting their time reading the garbage.

anyone that knows me personally (some that are even reading this right now) know who and how I truly am and thats all that really matters to me. I'm truly sorry to myself for thinking that any of you (and i dont mean everyone, but the parties involved in this mess) can understand or listen to reason otherwise.

so act like the cowards you are and post the flames on me knowing I'm not gonna come back defending myself...and rest happy your doing it from behind a computer screen.

EDIT: thanks totem...i really appreciate it, but its a lost cause.

Edited, Thu Mar 18 22:51:47 2004 by Empyre
#170 Mar 19 2004 at 4:19 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts


Congradulations, women of the world! Keep up the good fight!
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#171 Mar 19 2004 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
I also read Empyre's post as a light hearted joke, lacking in malice beyond mocking himself.

Don't apologise Empyre, no need. Don't argue either. You are not very good at arguing.
#172 Mar 19 2004 at 7:37 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
This is just for the record, since this thread isn't the first time it's been hinted at(and I'm sure it won't be the last)that just because I happen to date Skeeter I am somehow an extension of his thoughts, beliefs, personas, etc. We are actually two different people, and not much alike. This doesn't impede us getting along.

I have stayed away from many a thread where I would chime in for support(like I would for Kao, Moe, Tare, or back in the day Angua or Merri)just because I want to avoid that ^%$#@! Whenever I break down and decide to go ahead and 'stand by my man' <---sarcasm it's because I think something is idiotic/worthy of comment. If Skeeter thinks so too, well bully him.
#173 Mar 19 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,437 posts
'stand by my man'

Anyone else with a Blues Brothers scene/song stuck in their heads ?
#174 Mar 19 2004 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
/steering this back on topic

RACK all you chick's racks!

Double rack boobs, ******** bazungas, jugs, knockers, love pillows, udders, epeen warmers, and breastesses.

#175 Mar 19 2004 at 12:38 PM Rating: Excellent
1,817 posts
totem wrote:
epeen warmers

Smiley: laugh
#176 Mar 19 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
8,507 posts
Dread Lord Kaolian wrote:
Happy 5th annual International womens day to all the forum denizins of the female type!

I just can't believe this turned into a 4 page thread.
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