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Happy International womens day!Follow

#28 Mar 12 2004 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
I only WISH that was my sock I'm sure Kaolian has already done some sniffing and seen its not my sock puppet. I agree with most of what that person said tho..I wouldn't go so far as the straight up insults tho because I am beyond letting anyone on this board instigate me to anger again.

it SHOULD be a reality check though. Kaolian...your not a bad guy but your a serious hypocrite. not that any of the rest of you/us are not either, but you should clean up your own back yard before you go knocking on your neighbors door.

enough said. hopefully you all can be a little humble and admit your not God's gift to the world. I've done nothing on this board to deserve the crap some of you have dealt me...other people *coughskeetercough* have done some far greater, more blatant and obvious hijacks, dumb posts and whatever else you have accused me of..for some reason you just feel i'm an easy target.

maybe i am, but truth and honesty is a far better ally. enjoy yourselves. I serious hope suckup is a new poster and not a sock puppet..or whoevers they are shows themselves for who they they are seeing a little truth as well.


suckup wrote:
Just incase any of you got the idea Mr. Kao got me banned.

are you fer real? OMG! immature is that? if this is true then you guys can have your wish and I won't post here anymore...i've had my fill of inflated headed people who think mod powers on a messageboard somehow make them 1337 in my life. geesh...way to ruin a good board. banning for stating an opinion that a mod gets poosay hurt over...whats next?

Edited, Fri Mar 12 20:09:31 2004 by Empyre
#29 Mar 12 2004 at 8:35 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
[****************** are no "lines" in writing, nor a messageboard. especially an "out of topic" eq message board.

let me reiterate "pansy"

suck it up.

Edited Because: I got what I needed to say, out. So I will no longer post.

Just incase any of you got the idea Mr. Kao got me banned.


Gee it takes real balls to come to a message board, toss a few insults off, then run away and hide. Bet you got a real kick out of it huh? No ones ever gonna figure out it's you right? laugh it up jackass. You picked the wrong person to **** with.

edit: Empyre read the last paragraph it wrote again. It's trying the old "i'm not going to post again because I r teh winz!" routine. I didn't get him banned. I'm not going to get him banned. I am going to destroy the little **** myself.

Edited, Fri Mar 12 20:37:17 2004 by Kaolian
#30 Mar 12 2004 at 11:38 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
thats why I said IF..just in case what they were saying was something less than honest...i try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

Edited, Fri Mar 12 23:37:17 2004 by Empyre
#31 Mar 13 2004 at 12:27 AM Rating: Good
Oohh oohh can you do empyre next?
#32 Mar 13 2004 at 1:01 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Oooo boy, Kao is going to unleash his fury!

/runs and hides
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#33 Mar 13 2004 at 3:05 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
/raises his hand

I'm the one who labeled Empyre a 13 year old wigger, although subsequent posts have made me reconsider that position. I now am of the belief he is 15.


#34 Mar 13 2004 at 7:04 AM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
Oohh oohh can you do empyre next?

this is not ghey **** with audience participation..but thanks for asking. next!
#35 Mar 13 2004 at 8:54 AM Rating: Excellent
Empyre wrote:
enough said. hopefully you all can be a little humble and admit your not God's gift to the world. I've done nothing on this board to deserve the crap some of you have dealt me...other people *coughskeetercough* have done some far greater, more blatant and obvious hijacks, dumb posts and whatever else you have accused me of..for some reason you just feel i'm an easy target.

Whoa whoa, how did I get involved in this? Resolve your issues with Kao and then bring my name up again, I don't want you to spread your forces thin, heck, I'm surprised you have the brain power to breathe, and type semi-literate sentences.

*Break from reading to breathe*

Ok, don't take the sissy way out of things, I wasn't treated any different than you when I made a moronic post, I got yelled at by Mren for various things, Kao has killed a couple of my puppets, I've been flamed, laughed at, just about everything that has happened to you and more has happened to me, you are responsible for your own actions. There isn't some Angelic force keeping me here, keeping me liked by some, and indifferent to others, my status here, what ever it is, is all derived from me, and the posts I've made.

Don't fu'cking try to drag me into your world of racist views sprinkled with ill-manners and ideas barely thought out other than "What do I know, I'm just a 13 year old racist wigger,huh huh huh huh huh "

*Breathe again*

Long story short, you are a moron, you make moronic posts, I don't know of anybody that likes you, have a nice day.

Smiley: grin

#36 Mar 13 2004 at 12:46 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Well isn't this interesting. Suckup is Pum. The same ******* rat ******* that spams the forum all the time. That did so in the SWG forum this morning. The same person that keeps coming back despite warning after warning. Well guess what ******! I have your IP address and the gloves are off. I am going to destroy you. Have a nice ******* day!

Pum has been active on these IP ranges in case anyone feels like playing along. He was also responsable for the Itchybum sockpuppet.

There is a verizon address I am also looking into.

Edited, Sat Mar 13 12:57:11 2004 by Kaolian
#37 Mar 13 2004 at 1:38 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
I have to second what Skeeter said at the top of this thread. Every day is International Women's Day. Why would that be? Simple-- they own half the money and all the pu55y in the world. If they haven't figured out how to turn that to their advantage and become Dictator-For-Life, then I'm not about to tell them how...

#38 Mar 13 2004 at 2:30 PM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
I'd have to third that sentiment, Totem. shhhh, don't tell them the secret!

Hey Skeet, what's with the picture-assault of late? Where do you find those pictoral gems?

Edited, Sat Mar 13 14:31:00 2004 by TwiztidSamurai
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#39 Mar 13 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
1,075 posts

Seeing these two threads at the top together made me laugh:

"Happy International womens day!" Dread Lord Kaolian

"Yankee ***** Mother-in-Law from HELL!!!!!" The Glorious Cherrabwyn
#40 Mar 13 2004 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
skeeter wrote:
Whoa whoa, how did I get involved in this? Resolve your issues with Kao and then bring my name up again, I don't want you to spread your forces thin, heck, I'm surprised you have the brain power to breathe, and type semi-literate sentences.

how did you get involved in this? hmm...iono, maybe the random stabs you take at me here and there. maybe the fact you do things considered "moronic" as well. maybe people have just seen them enough from you that they've grown tired of pointing them out. I never said you beside being flamed...i'm just saying that whatever people justification people are using for flaming me is about as solid as my crap after drinking a gallon of milk and a 5th of vodka.

Long story short, you are a moron, you make moronic posts, I don't know of anybody that likes you,

once it wouldn't take anyone but a few minutes flipping through thread pages to find a handful of gems you've posted that recieved nothing more than the broad scope of silence and an occasional cricket chirp. whether anyone likes me on here is irrelevant, you see..wanna know why little buddy? cuz I (DUN-DUN-DUUUUUUUNN) have friends in REAL LIFE!! lol...pains me to see people assume there is no life beyond the internet...sad little being.
#41 Mar 13 2004 at 7:01 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Empyre, you are barking up the wrong tree my friend. If you think that everybody who posts here has no life outside of these forums you are sadly mistaken.

Here's a hint; don't insult two of the most respected (Kao) and psychotic (Skeet) members of the forum. That can only lead to bad things. With that out of the way, don't say I didn't warn you. Fire away. I'll bring the spatula to scrape up whats left of you after you get squashed.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#42 Mar 13 2004 at 7:21 PM Rating: Good
also two of the most savy computer people here, if not the two most savy ones, take a look at the link that Kao put up their about Itchybum and see just who did what and how in that thread.

Still rather suprised that Kao didnt really stick it to his cable company, I dont doubt for a minute that he could have.
#43 Mar 13 2004 at 8:16 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
I have to second what Skeeter said at the top of this thread. Every day is International Women's Day. Why would that be? Simple-- they own half the money and all the pu55y in the world. If they haven't figured out how to turn that to their advantage and become Dictator-For-Life, then I'm not about to tell them how...

God that is such an obvious statement it exhausts me to evenZZzzzzzzz

By the way, we pwn you all already. And you love it.
#44 Mar 13 2004 at 8:28 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
and if all that can get you hard comes from behind a monitor and keyboard good luck finding satisfaction with anything else in life.

for matters of decency and the sanity of the rest of the board I'll stop posting in this thread now..this bores me and sickens me anyhow.

whatever people justification people are using for flaming me is about as solid as my crap after drinking a gallon of milk and a 5th of vodka.

And yet I rally.
Empyre, I sincerely don't say this as anything but the most loving advice. Quit showing your age. It's one thing to act childish and inane with tongue firmly planted in cheek, but quite another to broadcast your weaknesses, and your argumentative 'daggers' (so to speak) reek of early teens. In any debate, acknowledging your lack of experience is akin to helping aim the gun that's leveled on your forehead.

You're right when you say that the forum has no bearing on real life, but your serious lack of skill in proving yourself as worthy of respect will... at least on yours.
#45 Mar 13 2004 at 10:37 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
Empyre, you are barking up the wrong tree my friend. If you think that everybody who posts here has no life outside of these forums you are sadly mistaken.

well its a good thing I didnt say everyone in this forum...and probably a pretty bad thing (and not surprising) thing that YOU assumed that without passing reading comprehension first.

Here's a hint; don't insult two of the most respected (Kao) and psychotic (Skeet) members of the forum. That can only lead to bad things. With that out of the way, don't say I didn't warn you. Fire away. I'll bring the spatula to scrape up whats left of you after you get squashed.

here a hint: get a clue. someone could be president for all I care...they come at me, i'm coming back. plain and simple. i don't cower in corners and let people walk on me. warning taken..and laughed at.

And yet I rally.

one would figure you would..especially considering this had NOTHING to do with you.

Empyre, I sincerely don't say this as anything but the most loving advice. Quit showing your age. It's one thing to act childish and inane with tongue firmly planted in cheek, but quite another to broadcast your weaknesses, and your argumentative 'daggers' (so to speak) reek of early teens. In any debate, acknowledging your lack of experience is akin to helping aim the gun that's leveled on your forehead.

so i'm showing my age eh? early teens? quite the level of perception you have there flea. don't ever try to become a shrink, or any other profession that involves analysing something...because you truly stink at it. you couldn't have hit the nail farther from the head. if you even took the time to weed through some posts, you could find exactly how old I was and what I did for a living...but I see you'd rather open your mouth and show your ignorance instead.

bravo on coming to the aid of a skeeter in distress. its..uh..sweet.
#46 Mar 13 2004 at 10:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Twizted wrote:
Hey Skeet, what's with the picture-assault of late? Where do you find those pictoral gems?

Like this you mean?

My little secret, didn't even think people were looking at them, makes me laugh though, and that's good enough.

#47 Mar 13 2004 at 10:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Empire wrote:
I never said you beside being flamed...i'm just saying that whatever people justification people are using for flaming me is about as solid as my crap after drinking a gallon of milk and a 5th of vodka.

Holy Mother Mary that's awful.

Do you read what you post? Jesus Christ that snippit is AWFUL! It is so horrible it's seriously making me cuss right now, I can't read that enough times it's so funny.

Let's read it together shall we?

"I never said you beside being flamed"

Another gem;

"i'm just saying that whatever people justification people are using for flaming me.... blablabla"

I mean really, read that, I hope to God you see what is wrong there, I don't care if you fix it, just seeing you type "Whoops, I see how God-awful my posts are" will make me gain a smidget of hope for you yet. I haven't gotten to the ******** that your posts are about, just how you are expressing your *********

And I thought the Sheriff of Rottingham had speaking problems, ****.


#48 Mar 13 2004 at 11:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Empire wrote:
here a hint: get a clue. someone could be president for all I care...they come at me, i'm coming back. plain and simple. i don't cower in corners and let people walk on me. warning taken..and laughed at.


You forgot one option you used before, and it's also one I'd wish you'd use again:

Run away and only post in the Main EQ forum.

There is a huge difference between not letting people step all over you and realizing when you've been beat, sorry to let you know, you lost before you even started this.

Go ahead though, carry on, it couldn't be that you are wrong, oh dear God no, it's everybody else on this forum, we're all very wrong and just jealous of you, we all envy you Empire, please forgive us for not seeing past the misspellings, horrible grammar, and ideas that are trivial to 10 year olds to see the real, all wonderful, fabulous you.

Jesus loves you.

#49 Mar 13 2004 at 11:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Empire wrote:
so i'm showing my age eh? early teens? quite the level of perception you have there flea.

Ok, so age was the wrong thing to say, I'm sure she meant to say "mental age", and she even exaggerated it for you as to not embarrass you too much.

if you even took the time to weed through some posts, you could find exactly how old I was and what I did for a living

Why the **** would anybody want to know that? Guess what?? You know what people say to who you really are and what you do and what your age is?

Who cares?

bravo on coming to the aid of a skeeter in distress. its..uh..sweet.

First, she wasn't coming to my aid, heck, she hardly ever reads what I post here (something along the lines of "why buy the milk when she gets the cow for free"), taking a close look at it she just realizes how much of a moron you are, and decided to speak her mind about it.

Secondly, Distress??????? Wha???? Against you??!!?!?!


Oh, please, stop it, you're killing me.

Even Jeffy isn't scared of you.
#50 Mar 13 2004 at 11:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Well isn't this interesting. Suckup is Pum. The same @#%^ing rat ******* that spams the forum all the time. That did so in the SWG forum this morning. The same person that keeps coming back despite warning after warning. Well guess what @#%^er! I have your IP address and the gloves are off. I am going to destroy you. Have a nice @#%^ing day!

Pum has been active on these IP ranges in case anyone feels like playing along. He was also responsable for the Itchybum sockpuppet.

There is a verizon address I am also looking into. seems to be active right now, but I can't get a response from the other one.

Up late, Flea is asleep, nothin' else to do....

Hey, I found where he eats.

#51 Mar 14 2004 at 3:43 AM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
yes skeeter. we can all make typos. its nice that you are mature enough to resort to exploiting typos as a come-back. uhh...good one.. :/

as for the other part being "gross"? grow've posted far more disgusting things. like the fact you and flea "do it" *shudder* enough to give one nightmares, and I don't even know the extent of your ugliness...or hers.

and nice try..i never "left this forum"...especially not running scared from any of you retards flaming me. you see, when things get busy at work..i shift my priorities a little. I'm pretty sure if you read back all parties involved in previous drama came to a cease fire before I ever left...moron. it takes a real man to make up scenarios to flame something with when they have nothing. get ****** daydreamer award.

Secondly, Distress??????? Wha???? Against you??!!?!?!

well what was it then? she certainly wasn't in this arguement...she responded in response to what I was saying to have been known to create sock puppets to aid you when things come down on you..why is that so hard to assume?

go ahead in your own world full of all the pretty little pictures with sayings photoshopped onto them. because its just oh so cool. not to mention many cross the lines of either offensive or just plain mean. but lucky for you people are just selective about who they flame about things like that.

you see the problem here is...your flaming me because I won't give up. you've got a little (whether known or not) conquest staged to argue with people over the internet until they give which case you proclaim loudly (when they are no longer around to read it) that "you're the winner"..and if they return you claim they ran from you last time. all the while making up or embelishing everything from minor details to what the person is thinking.

must be hard to be so messed up in the head that this is the only world you can feel you have control over...and even then its only by manipulating it as far as people will allow. its probably easier on the internet tho..then the other person can't reach out and smack you for acting like an idiot.
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