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Happy International womens day!Follow

#1 Mar 08 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Happy 5th annual International womens day to all the forum denizins of the female type!
#2 Mar 08 2004 at 6:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Everyday is womens day.

What? Don't look at me that way, you know it's true.

#3 Mar 08 2004 at 6:38 PM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts

Thanks Kao! I knew it was my day to shine!!!

Smiley: grin
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#4 Mar 08 2004 at 9:25 PM Rating: Good
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Shine on, you crazy diamond.
#5 Mar 11 2004 at 1:22 PM Rating: Excellent
1,702 posts
Guess everyone DOES have his -- or her, in this case -- day.

#6 Mar 11 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Do I get a bike?

Can it look like this?
#7 Mar 11 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
If there are presents involved here, I want one of these for "Man Day".
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#8 Mar 11 2004 at 4:06 PM Rating: Excellent
1,817 posts
When is 13 year old racist wigger day?
#9 Mar 11 2004 at 6:12 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
The Great Empyre wrote:
When is 13 year old racist wigger day?

So let me get this straight. You equate the veneration of hormone/stupidity induced ravings of barely post-pubescent crackpots on the same level of importance as the continuing, well documented, recognized and important issue of gender equality? Maybe you were going for sarcasm there, but you sure came off as an *******.
#10 Mar 11 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Excellent
1,817 posts
kaolian wrote:
So let me get this straight. You equate the veneration of hormone/stupidity induced ravings of barely post-pubescent crackpots on the same level of importance as the continuing, well documented, recognized and important issue of gender equality?

well duh. (what exactly did you just say?)

kaolian wrote:
Maybe you were going for sarcasm there, but you sure came off as an @#%^.

ah..thats right, because sarcasm is absolutely a no-no in this forum. you people just don't know WHAT you want. post smart, f@ck you! (can't you take a joke), <insert sarcastic post here>, wait no, this is serious..geesh, get a therapist.
#11 Mar 11 2004 at 6:34 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
The Great Empyre wrote:

ah..thats right, because sarcasm is absolutely a no-no in this forum.

Your grasp of the fine art of sarcasm is obviously lacking the requisite dry humor component. Try harder.

edit: why the **** is a[b][/b]sshole on the swear filter?

Edited, Thu Mar 11 18:35:50 2004 by Kaolian
#12 Mar 11 2004 at 6:41 PM Rating: Excellent
1,817 posts
kaolian wrote:
Your grasp of the fine art of sarcasm is obviously lacking the requisite dry humor component. Try harder.

ah, I see. so now sarcasm, humor and post content has an established set of criteria in order to qualify said post as such. if your the ultimate judge here, care to show us all a list of this criteria? or if your not, point me in the direction of he/she that is? The link for posting (pre)requisites seems to be missing from any of the alla pages...or at least its a lot more general and liberal than you are implying.

or are you just saying that if you don't like someone nothing they say will ever please you? o_O
#13 Mar 11 2004 at 7:50 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
The Great Empyre wrote:

ah, I see. so now sarcasm, humor and post content has an established set of criteria in order to qualify said post as such. if your the ultimate judge here, care to show us all a list of this criteria? or if your not, point me in the direction of he/she that is? The link for posting (pre)requisites seems to be missing from any of the alla pages...or at least its a lot more general and liberal than you are implying.

or are you just saying that if you don't like someone nothing they say will ever please you? o_O

In your case might I suggest adding [sarcasm] [/sarcasm] tags to your attempts? Just a thought. Of course, seeing how you have had such glowing sucess with racially derived humor here in the past, I have no doubt that you'll figure it out eventually.

Maybe it's just me, but I happen to find certain racial slurs offensive. Maybe I shouldnt, seeing as I am a white male with no real experiance with racial predjudice directed at my person, but they do annoy me none the less. If that is your intent, then you ahve suceeded admirably at your appointed task. If not, well maybe think before you post? Up to you.

Edited, Thu Mar 11 19:51:22 2004 by Kaolian
#14 Mar 11 2004 at 11:13 PM Rating: Good
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
The Great Empyre wrote:
When is 13 year old racist wigger day?

Every day, I guess, since you're still alive.
#15 Mar 12 2004 at 1:19 AM Rating: Excellent
1,817 posts
Maybe it's just me, but I happen to find certain racial slurs offensive. Maybe I shouldnt, seeing as I am a white male with no real experiance with racial predjudice directed at my person, but they do annoy me none the less. If that is your intent, then you ahve suceeded admirably at your appointed task. If not, well maybe think before you post? Up to you.

then talk to your "Colleagues" here...they are the ones that came up with that not me. of course your blind to that because they laugh when you post all the information you get when you sniff an IP (or whatever it is you do), post useless polls and other such stuff.

I find it pathetic that people on here (not-so-much you but you sometimes as well) play popularity contests, flame-fests and other "I'm better than you" contests then turn around and preach to us about the morals of a good human being. If your such an honest person offended by all that is un-pure and a strong candidate for equal rights, then take a good look in the mirror and I'll stand in the corner while he who is without guilt casts the first stone. Guru my ***.

You all wanted me to play Mr. Not-so-serious and "lighten up" that I do your still not happy. How does it feel to be angry little people with nothing better (for sake of ability or other) to do than to talk smack to people on messageboards? Bravo! your a cyber gang..and if all that can get you hard comes from behind a monitor and keyboard good luck finding satisfaction with anything else in life.

Every day, I guess, since you're still alive.

yay! but does this now mean you too are plucking the strings of the offensive post harp? koalian, maybe you can tell him (or her?) too how simply hurt this makes you feel that they are polluting a thread on womens rights with such offensive blabber? or was this just some sore attempt to make people think you were some sort of sensitive man that believes in the positive expression of thought while maintaining the discipline of equal rights to all and avoiding anything offensive..

..unless the mood swings you otherwise. eh...but does it really matter? Smiley: disappointed your such a saint.
#16 Mar 12 2004 at 1:27 AM Rating: Excellent
1,817 posts
for matters of decency and the sanity of the rest of the board I'll stop posting in this thread now..this bores me and sickens me anyhow.
#17 Mar 12 2004 at 1:54 AM Rating: Excellent
Empyre wrote:
for matters of decency and the sanity of the rest of the board I'll stop posting in this forum now..your all wittier than me and are way morer smarterer than me anyhow. Smiley: drool2

#18 Mar 12 2004 at 2:12 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Empyre wrote:
for matters of decency and the sanity of the rest of the board I'll stop posting in this thread now..this bores me and sickens me anyhow.

psst... Kao...

Hey, maybe if you attack him on every thread, he'll just leave us alone? Leave the forum? Man, that'd be the day...

Empyre wrote:
How does it feel to be angry little people with nothing better (for sake of ability or other) to do than to talk smack to people on messageboards?


I don't know, you tell me.


Hey, I like those tags, think I'll use 'em from now on
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#19 Mar 12 2004 at 4:00 AM Rating: Excellent
#20 Mar 12 2004 at 4:43 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
They didn't chose to post it in my thread. You did. And you will please note for the record that I do object when I see something particularily offensive posted, or take more direct action to ensure that such things do not occur again. Some threads I stay out of entirely because it just becomes a massive flame fest with no purpose. If others post such materials in a thread I start, I jump on them too. It's not my job to police all the other threads, and for the most part, people here can hold their own so I don't usually need to intervene.

Why do I post here? to interact with interesting people, post things that are hopefully interesting and or funny, and to occasionally get rid of spammers and 0utwarz idiots. I'm not your ******* babysitter.

Hell, I'm not perfect, but at least I don't go out of my way to incite racial controversy at every opertunity. I also have not, ever, to my knowledge posted a racial slur here or knowingly used one in any social interaction. I have said things against scientologists, because I think theya re all, as a whole idiots. Oh, and I do have a thing against communists and certian branches of socialism.

As to my guru status, I like to think I ave earned that for helping various people with computer problems over the 4 years I have been here.

What have you done to deserve sage status?

Every day, I guess, since you're still alive.

Ok, good point. Debalic, don't do that in my threads. It makes Empyre cry.

I like to think I have been pretty consistant in my views over the years, and I really try to avoid hypocracy. When I have chosen to take a stand on the issue, I do so with clarity. When I decide not to, I usually rate up the side that I feel is in the right. Historically when such discussions come into one of my threads, I say something about it.

Attacking my integrety on this issue is quite frankly offensive and ill advised. In the past we have not had a problem, and I would hate for one to come out of this. Please consider your options and resultant concequinces carefuly before you respond.

Thank you.
#21 Mar 12 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
threat noted. fear not present. however...your arguement is STILL lacking substance. I merely asked a simple question in relation to a label GIVEN to me. and there wasn't a single piece of racial ANYTHING in it.

however, you seemed to have blown right by the post by twizted above mine that was quite a huge poke at women altogether. selective hatred, double standard or whatever it need to get off my case. only once in the history of my time on this board have i said anything even close to racist. and the statement was a frustration i had with an aspect of a race I am a part of.

since then and before you've had idiots coming on here blatantly making serious pokes at women, blacks, you name it...and not ONCE did I ever see you say anything.

i don't deny your smart...or you've been helpful to many. but what your doing here is assuming something of me from what people have posted about me without (obviously) doing any investigation as to its accuracy. your arguement here is that i'm being racist. so where am i being racist? seriously read every post in this thread alone and tell me your arguement has substance.

i'm not trying to argue here...i'm being realistic. get off my back, because your riding it on grounds of the popular flammage you say you try so hard to avoid.

EDIT: what have i done to deserve sage? I was guru at one time...i used to be helpful too until a bunch of internet cowards decided I was a good target for flamefest. a lot of you are your own worst enemies.

Edited, Fri Mar 12 17:43:58 2004 by Empyre
#22 Mar 12 2004 at 6:53 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
The Great umpyre wrote:
threat noted. fear not, present. arguement is STILL lacking substance. I merely asked a stupid question in relation to a label GIVEN to me. and there wasn't a single piece of racial ANYTHING in it.

Fine. whatever. Don't do that in my threads. To whoever gave him that label. Don't do that in my threads.


however, you seemed to have blown right by the post by twizted above mine that was quite a huge poke at women altogether.

Had not clicked on the link. For the record twisted, that was also offensive. Don't post that in my thread.


and not ONCE did I ever see you say anything.

Then you must have missed it. I have in the past. I can probably dig up some examples too if you really want to be that petty about it. recall if you will what happened to the tokenblack sockpuppet orrigionally.


your arguement here is that i'm being racist. so where am i being racist? seriously read every post in this thread alone and tell me your arguement has substance.

No, my argument here is don't post that kind of crap in my threads. You have done it before too. it is annoying. Stop it.


i'm not trying to argue here...i'm being realistic. get off my back, because your riding it on grounds of the popular flammage you say you try so hard to avoid.

I merely replied to refute your attacks on my character. I don't flame to be popular. I usually only flame when someone does something specifically to annoy me. Your post annoyed me, intentionally or not. I was origionally annoyed mostly because I thought you were implying people here in the forum were the label you mentioned. It was unclear you were directing it at yourself. Perhaps the thread where that first came up is fresh in your mind still. To me, I do not even remember it except vaguely. Maybe I was to harsh? i don't know. the fact stands that it was unneccessary at the time, and I would ask that you not do so again.
#23 Mar 12 2004 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Kaolian wrote:
Ok, good point. Debalic, don't do that in my threads. It makes Empyre cry.

Nuts, and I was going to post that before you even responded to him.

/smack Empyre...dont' be such a jackass.

/smack Kaolian...don't let jackasses bait you.

Smiley: twocents
#25 Mar 12 2004 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
lol I wouldnt guess you were Kaolin's sock puppet but Empyre and I think we have a winner =)
#26 Mar 12 2004 at 7:51 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
There are lines, and one was just crossed. So be it.
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