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#1 Feb 01 2004 at 8:38 PM Rating: Good
2,272 posts
Anything good during the show was ruined when Justin Gimperlake came out.
#2 Feb 01 2004 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know if it was just my tv. But whenever one of those POS singers came out my tv started to fuzz... hmm...
#3 Feb 01 2004 at 8:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Well, you must have missed it where Janet's tit decided it was a little snug in that top......

#4 Feb 01 2004 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts

I guess she'll be a bit late to the press conference to discuss why her homosexual child molesting brother is not the homosexual child molester everybody knows he is while she fixes her attire.

Just wait-- I'm now moving up my timetable for Britney doing **** by 4 years. I predict she'll be getting nailed by Ron Jeremy in 6 months to get back at Timberlake for his uncalled for "personal attack" on her skankiness, errr, popularity.

Too funny. That Jackson family-- what a bunch of cards! We have Bubbles, Jermaine the towelhead, Michaelette and his "Jesus juice," Tito (need anything be said about him?), the other ***** sistah who appears to be Jacko's twin, and the rest of the freaks in that family doing everything they can to remain in the spotlight. And now Janet is doing a free strip tease on national TV.


#5 Feb 01 2004 at 9:48 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
It was all planned before the show even got underway.

That was the "surprise guest" that was promised. <rollseyes> Greaaaaaaaaaaat. For a surprise guest I get to see some female Jehovah Witness' tit. An unattractive one at that...

UnRACK MTV and unRACK CBS. They suck. Revoke their broadcasting license.

#6 Feb 01 2004 at 10:39 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
That little "blooper" was the only thing that made the Halftime Show bearable. P. Diddy was cool, Nelly is cool, Kid Rock is awesome, but the boob was the only thing that salvaged Justin Timberlake.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#7 Feb 01 2004 at 10:55 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
You have *got* to be kidding, right? Piddles, Kid White Trash, and Michael, errr, Janet Jackson, and who? Oh, that's right, Nellie (as in Furtado?). These so-called entertainers are cool? Man, I'd like some of that dope you're smoking, cuz let a man who's not stoned on meth laced Columbian Red tell you what the real score is: They suck donkey d1ck. They blow.

The only good thing is that the NFL has already released a press statement saying MTV will never do another Halftime Show.

Thank goodness. Too bad they were two hours too late.

Lemme give you a tip. Go buy yourself a Pink Floyd album.
#8 Feb 01 2004 at 11:06 PM Rating: Excellent
The man who started it all!
1,635 posts
Yeah I'm not normally a prude, but the S&M, leather, bump and grind show seemed out of place for a family show like the Superbowl. What moron thought that was in any way appropriate?
#9 Feb 01 2004 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
The heads of CBS, apparently. And people say we're chaste about sex in public, compared to some Europeans...
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#10 Feb 02 2004 at 12:17 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
The JJ portion of the show looked like outtakes from Moulon Rouge with all those freaks wearing vinyl, dudes wearing corsets, and fishnet stockinged women stomping all over the stage.

Note to you ladies: Stockings-- while us men like to see them on you in the bedroom --tend make you look fat since it squeezes all the skin and stuff up out the top. As a general rule, it's not a good idea to wear it to a Super Bowl show where 100 million people are going to think you are chubby!

Ending the show with her pierced nipple and a barbell holding the sun-looking thing on to her tit hanging out-- hey Janet! Have you heard of something called a breast lift?!? Yeah, that sealed her fate as the Shemp of the Women of Pop: Britney, Xtina, Madonna, and now Janet.

Welcome to the Hell where now everybody knows you and rest of your Jackson family are media whores.


#11 Feb 02 2004 at 1:17 AM Rating: Good
321 posts
I think I saw a nipple piercing on janet,but I think Janet has something incommon with each other. they both like kids.
#12 Feb 02 2004 at 1:19 AM Rating: Good
321 posts
oh when Justin was going to take the bra part of janet off, a streaker decided to run into the field. so many bored people missed the boob. I'd rather see the boob than the streaker.
#13 Feb 02 2004 at 2:01 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Totem, I am a huge Floyd fan, a huge fan of old rock in general. I was just saying that in comparison to Timberlake, PDiddy and Nelly were good. And some of Kid White Trash's stuff isn't bad. But the boob made the day. Poor children everywhere are scared for life, hehe.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#14 Feb 02 2004 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
644 posts
I couldn't bear to watch the halftime show, but I did turn it back just as Janet's top got pulled off...

On a total aside... Jim Rome sucks. His show is predictable, his interviews lackluster (with the Chrissy Everett thing exception), and his whole persona is aggravating in a completely unlikeable way. ******* fruitcakes calling in with scripted calls that simply copy other callers with scripted calls doesn't do a whole lot for me.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machin ery of night.
#15 Feb 02 2004 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
You guys were all duped! That wasn't Janet, that was *michael's* tit you were oggling! Actually, I guess I'm not *positive* it was Mike. Is there any way to tell them apart?

#16 Feb 02 2004 at 10:04 AM Rating: Excellent
491 posts
/agree on Jim Rome

What's up with the folks calling with a prepared rant about whatever they think Rome would like them to say.
#17 Feb 02 2004 at 10:06 AM Rating: Excellent
491 posts
Sure you can tell Mike and Janet apart. Janet is a black female and Mike is a white female.
#18 Feb 02 2004 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
I like Kid Rock personally, but then, I'm white trash. /shrug

Not a big fan of the rest of them though, but seeing Janet's boobies is fine with me, personally. But, being it's a nationally televised game with lots of kids watching, maybe not the best idea.

My biggest complaint was the commercials. The best ones were the AOL with the American Chopper guys, and they were probably only appreciated by those who watch the show. How many times did we have to watch the drugs for the erectile disfunction? Jaysus, do that many men have a hard time getting it up?
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#19 Feb 02 2004 at 10:36 AM Rating: Excellent
491 posts
Worst than the limp d*ck ads was Budweiser, shoving the drink responsibly stuff down our throats. Don't get me wrong I'm all for DD's and not letting your kids get trashed and high and putting them behind the wheel of the 2004 Ford GT. But damn, what happened to the ads with chicks in bathing suits and tight tops and nipples poking out while they enjoyed a nice tasty adult beverage? I know that's not real life or the best role models for kids to follow but damn how about a little good clean fun for a change.

More boobs, less lecturing!
#20 Feb 02 2004 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
If Janet Jackson wants to bare all in the pages of Ebony or Jet magazine that's fine with me. It's her nasty National Geographical a$$ that's getting exposed for every pimp and crack dealer to whack off to, but don't pull that **** on national TV-- especially during one of the most watched events during the year.

After all, I grew up looking at aboringine women with their tits hanging down around their knees. How else is a 10 year old boy going to discover what the female body looks like? That doesn't mean I want to see it while I'm eating buffalo wings and stuffed jalapeno peppers...

I suppose we should have known it was coming. After all, Kid Hillbilly was singing the strippers anthem (bang-de-bang,boogey-boogey-up-jumped-the-boogey...). The only thing missing was Axl Rose singing Welcome to the Jungle.

It just confirms what I already knew-- MTV sucks, the Jacksons suck, and boy bands suck.

Class dismissed.

#21 Feb 02 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Justin's "apology" was amusing though:
"I am sorry if anyone was offended by the wardrobe malfunction during the halftime performance at the Super Bowl," he said. "It was not intentional and is regrettable."

"Wardrobe malfunction"? Smiley: rolleyes
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#22 Feb 02 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Ya, it's akin to a parachute malfunction, only ol' Justin and Janet didn't have a reserve, so they augered in after that horrrrrible performance.

I've done some thinking about just what it is that offends me so much about this whole affair and I've come to the conclusion that just like the Michael Jackson thing and the OJ Simpson trial it is the smug assumption that these celebrities believe they can fool us, the watching public. And, if in the rare moment when we, the watching public, actually calls them on their bad behavior, they smugly believe that a fake smile and false apology will mollify us.

The frightening thing is, most of the time they are absolutely correct.

It's enough for me that I'd like to see all of Hollywood and the rest of these psuedo-celebrities slowly tortured with no mercy or recourse. They just wait in line for their turn, where they are slowly branded, gored, lit on fire, mutilated, or have their eyes gouged out with a rusty spoon.

If you make a movie which doesn't please me, put the actors, director, producers, and financial backers in the line.

If you make a rap album, stand in line please. You will get your turn eventually.

If you need a laugh track for a sit-com, get in line.

You get the idea.

#23 Feb 02 2004 at 5:02 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Wait a minute! They're trying to claim that boob pop thing was an accident? Yeah... Right.

Actually, I kinda feel sorry for Justin Timberlake. Not that I care about the kid or anything, but one of the advantages of DVR is that I could rewind the thing and watch it in slo-mo over and over (ok, just once you knuckleheads!).

It was *very* clear. They're standing there. The song ends. Justin has this kinda look of dread in his face (you could tell he was talked into doing this), as he very deliberately reached over and pulled off a panel on Janet's top that was very obviously designed to do exactly what it did (velcro?). He did it almost gingerly like he was afraid to actually touch her breast while ripping off the panel.

Um... Janet was wearing a gold pastie with a tassel. That was not a pierced nipple with a chain. It was very clearly rigged. I'm still not sure at all what the hell they were thinking, but somebody planned that.

Like I said though. I kinda do feel sorry for Justin. It *really* looked like he didn't want to be any part of that stunt. I can only imagine some exec told him to do it as part of the show. Again though, I have no idea what sort of crack those MTV guys were smoking to think that was a good idea.

And yeah. The show sucked for the most part too. Not that I mind chicks in leather boots and stockings, but even hedonist me thinks that's not the right look for a football game. Should have been hotties in bikinis or something if they were going for the sex approach. It was just bad.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#24 Feb 02 2004 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
Um... Janet was wearing a gold pastie with a tassel. That was not a pierced nipple with a chain.

Go here quote]Um... Janet was wearing a gold pastie with a tassel. /quote]

Look closely.

I don't generally watch the halftime show, unless there's someone in particular I want to see (like U2 a couple years ago). So I missed all the festivities. Which is just as well as I don't really like today's R&B/Hip-hop/Rap music or subculture (yes, I'm old). But what did you expect? Look at the line-up they had! You can't expect these performer's to come out and be anything other than what they have continually shown themselves to be in the past.

Was it planned? Who cares?

I'm tired. Think I'll go have a beer.

#25 Feb 02 2004 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
It was a pewter/silvery sun-looking thing with the center empty so the areola could be seen underneath. The barbell through the nipple is what was holding it in place.

Just to be clear, this is NWS, so don't open this in front of your boss. Unless he leers and chuckles under his breath like this: "Heh heh. Heh heh. Heh heh. Would you like a toostsie roll little girl? Reach into my pocket... Heh heh. Heh heh."

#26 Feb 02 2004 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Yeah. I went back and looked at that link after posting. That's really odd. I paused the damn thing and looked at it pretty closely at the time (on a big plasma screen). Me and my roomate were both pretty satisfied at the time that you couldn't actually see any nipple but it was designed so that when you saw it quickly you might think you did. I was also almost positive that the bit where the nipple would be was higher up then in that drudge picture, and there was definately something that looked like a tassle hanging down.

Dunno. I could have been smoking crack. It's not like I spent a half hour examining it. I just rewound it, paused it, and looked at it for about 30 seconds or so. I'm not saying that drudge came up with a doctored photo or anything. It's just that it really didn't look like that to me when I saw it. Of course some of that could have been me thinking that no one would be stupid enough to actually do that on live TV. It was so obviously deliberate that I may have just seen the metal and assumed it covered the whole nipple. I wasn't exactly in a perfect state of mind at that point in the game either... :)
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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