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We support equality except at work!Follow

#202 Nov 13 2013 at 8:36 PM Rating: Excellent
What criteria do we use to make that determination?

Ability, for the most part. Gays can do any jobs straights can.

As I stated earlier, a logical criteria is to examine the broad socio-economic condition of the group in question and determine if some specific discriminatory action(s) is affecting that condition to a sufficient degree to result in a significant and clear disadvantage for that group.

I don't think too many gays are being discriminated against in the work place on the left coasts & in most of those states, its illegal to do so. Its those other states that are the problem. Those states that used to put up the "NO N*GGERS!" signs had to be legally told they couldn't do that & now EDNA tries to do the same thing in regards to homosexuals. I get that if you're a churchey origination you can use your religious justification for being a bigot as reason to either not hire or fire someone, but that shouldn't extend to the broader workforce. Separation of Church & State, Pursuit of life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness, etc.

Historically, we have been able to show this for religious affiliation, and for sex, and for race. Thus, over time, we've added each of those to a short list of criteria which cannot be used to discriminate. That's the criteria we use. The problem is that when you try to apply that criteria to sexual orientation, it doesn't work.

If "ability to do the job" is the reason we've decided its not ok to discriminate against one's religion, gender, or race; how does that not work for sexual orientation?

There is not very clear and significant differences in socio-economic status that can be tied directly and purely to sexual orientation. Certainly not when compared to other groups for which we allow discrimination (such as short people, as I mentioned earlier). There must be some objective threshold of "harm" at which we decide is sufficient to justify prohibiting discrimination, and sexual orientation doesn't meet it.

I think its pretty harmful for the gay person who is fired once his bigot of a boss finds out he's gay. Just as its harmful for the Muslim who's fired because his boss finds out he's muslim. Neither being muslim, nor gay, has any effect on one's ability to do a job so you shouldn't be able to be fired for being either.

That's why we should not add them to the list. It's not about liking or disliking homosexuals. It's about homosexuals simply not being disadvantaged sufficiently within our society to justify this special protection. Again, you're all free to disagree, but if you do, then you have to actually make the case that they are sufficiently disadvantaged. And to do that, you have to first show their degree of overall disadvantage and then show that this is greater than any other currently unprotected group and thus they require special protection. If you can't do that, but still argue for them to be granted special protection, then your position is not based on any objective criteria but rather some form of preference for a given group. Which is a **** poor way to do things IMO.

I'm fairly certain anyone whom thinks it should be ok to discriminate based upon sexual orientation dislikes homosexuals, or is pandering for the votes of people that do. The person who is not hired or fired because their boss dislikes homosexuals is sufficiently disadvantaged, even if the overall rate of disenfranchisement across the country isn't high enough for your standards. Protecting a homosexual's right to work isn't a "special" protection, its equal protection. If you really think thats wrong, well, you're an *******.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#203 Nov 13 2013 at 9:40 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts

Aripyanfar wrote:
Almalieque wrote:

Jophiel wrote:
Given that ENDA is about giving homosexuals equal protection as blacks, Hispanics, women, Jewish people, disabled people, etc comparing them to those groups is 100% appropriate.

Having not read ENDA, I would argue that is a terrible argument. How about giving homosexuals equal protection as HUMANS. It then becomes all inclusive. Simply cherry picking certain groups not only creates inaccuracy, but exclusion, which is why we continue to have these same arguments throughout time with different groups. Ok, ok, ok... women can work. ok, ok, ok, black people can work... gosh! ok, ok, ok, homosexual people can work.. Again, wasting people's time and causing people to unnecessarily suffer while people decide to get off their fourth point of contact.

No matter how much you want to disagree, discrimination against someone's sex is not the same as discrimination against someone's skin color which is not the same as discriminating against someone's sexuality which is not the same as discriminating against someone's height and weight, so forth and so on. There are situations where it is acceptable to discriminate against one thing and not another. Likewise, there are scenarios where discrimination against any is unacceptable.

Ok, this is hella late, but I can't let it pass, or even wait to see if this was sufficiently answered by other posters. Anti discrimination laws ARE about giving minority groups equal protection as HUMANS. It's what they're all about. Their raison d'être.

That's what I said, thanks for re-iterating my point. Maybe you should read all of my posts.

Aripyanfar wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Republicans don't want them around, Democrats want everyone to accept them. Conceptually, they are the same.

You guys get a lot of comfort out of equivalency arguments, don't you?

I assume that you are being facetious as your whole argument is a false equivalency.

As previously stated, every person has the right to have their own feelings, good, bad or indifferent. The issue becomes when your feelings affect others, i.e. not hiring someone based off of their sexuality. So, when you are trying to force people to have certain feelings towards a group, it's no different than trying to force people to have certain feelings towards a group.

It's NOT about forcing you to have different feelings about people. It's about forcing you to have different ACTIONS towards some people, in LIMITED circumstances.

Edit: probably should have read the whole thread first. Smiley: glare

Speed skating is cool, yeah! Woo! Uh.

Edited, Nov 13th 2013 7:47pm by Aripyanfar

That's what I said.

Belkira wrote:
No one can be forced to have "feelings" toward a group. That's ridiculous. You can just enact laws that protect groups from discrimination.

You're joking right? Prejudice and bigotry can be taught if there exists sufficient amount of ignorance. It's one thing to end discrimination on hiring homosexuals. It's another thing to label people as bigots and homophobes if they disagree with homosexuality.
#204 Nov 13 2013 at 9:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Almalieque wrote:
Belkira wrote:
No one can be forced to have "feelings" toward a group. That's ridiculous. You can just enact laws that protect groups from discrimination.

You're joking right? Prejudice and bigotry can be taught if there exists sufficient amount of ignorance. It's one thing to end discrimination on hiring homosexuals. It's another thing to label people as bigots and homophobes if they disagree with homosexuality.

You're right, prejudice and bigotry can be taught. My statement was poorly worded. I forgot I was talking to you, and one has to completely spell out a thought because you are incapable of having a conversation like a normal person.

No one can be forced to have "feelings" toward a group through a law that was enacted to keep employers from discriminating against a minority. That's ridiculous. You can just enact laws that protect groups from discrimination.

Is that better...?

Edited, Nov 13th 2013 9:59pm by Belkira
#205 Nov 13 2013 at 10:00 PM Rating: Excellent
You're joking right? Prejudice and bigotry can be taught if there exists sufficient amount of ignorance. It's one thing to end discrimination on hiring homosexuals. It's another thing to label people as bigots and homophobes if they disagree with homosexuality.

Using your religion to justify your bigotry doesn't not make you a bigot. "Disagreeing" with the homosexual lifestyle = bigotry. Disagreeing with black culture = racism.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#206 Nov 13 2013 at 10:19 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Here in the south, ice is what you put in your tea. Get your skates out of my tea.
#207 Nov 13 2013 at 10:40 PM Rating: Good
Nadenu wrote:
Here in the south, ice is what you put in your tea. Get your skates out of my tea.

In Hawaii, ice is what you smoke to **** your teeth up and get high.
#208 Nov 13 2013 at 10:49 PM Rating: Excellent
4,141 posts
In the Seven Kingdoms, Ice is half of a song.
Dandruffshampoo wrote:
Curses, beaten by Professor stupidopo-opo.
Annabella, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
Stupidmonkey is more organized than a bag of raccoons.
#209 Nov 14 2013 at 1:11 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Belkira wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Belkira wrote:
No one can be forced to have "feelings" toward a group. That's ridiculous. You can just enact laws that protect groups from discrimination.

You're joking right? Prejudice and bigotry can be taught if there exists sufficient amount of ignorance. It's one thing to end discrimination on hiring homosexuals. It's another thing to label people as bigots and homophobes if they disagree with homosexuality.

You're right, prejudice and bigotry can be taught. My statement was poorly worded. I forgot I was talking to you, and one has to completely spell out a thought because you are incapable of having a conversation like a normal person.

No one can be forced to have "feelings" toward a group through a law that was enacted to keep employers from discriminating against a minority. That's ridiculous. You can just enact laws that protect groups from discrimination.

Is that better...?

Edited, Nov 13th 2013 9:59pm by Belkira

You misread/misinterpret my comment, made a statement that I never argued against and when I replied with the assumption that you understood my comment, you attacked me as being abnormal. My point wasn't that these laws are forcing people to change their feelings. I even emphasized that in the very post you quoted by stating that they are two completely different things. At this point, you're just talking for the sake of talking. That is very unlike you.

Omegavegeta wrote:

Using your religion to justify your bigotry doesn't not make you a bigot.

I didn't mention anything about religion.

OmegaVegeta wrote:
"Disagreeing" with the homosexual lifestyle = bigotry.

Not by definition of the word bigotry. If you're using a made up definition, maybe. We've gone down this road several times.

Omega wrote:
Disagreeing with black culture = racism.

Read above. Not by the definition of the word. Racism is the belief that one race is inherently inferior to another race. You simply not agreeing with racial stereotypes is not racism because choosing to follow or not follow those racial stereotypes does not define your race. Under your theory, every man who prefers NASCAR over NBA, Country over Rap music, have mostly all white friends, married a white woman, etc. is a racist, regardless of their race. That's pretty bold and ignorant claim.

#210 Nov 14 2013 at 4:21 AM Rating: Good
Samira wrote:
Let's all get naked and scream "false equivalency!" at each other for a few hours.

At least then we'd be naked.

I tried it, but it wasn't long before I got cold and the neighbours started complaining.
#211 Nov 14 2013 at 7:29 AM Rating: Excellent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Kavekk wrote:
Samira wrote:
Let's all get naked and scream "false equivalency!" at each other for a few hours.

At least then we'd be naked.

I tried it, but it wasn't long before I got cold and the neighbours started complaining.

You weren't instructed to go outside.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#212 Nov 14 2013 at 9:02 AM Rating: Excellent
2,010 posts
I read through the first page, and couldn't get through much more of Gbaji's drivel. It's sad that the religious teaching that I have chosen to follow has been so perverted and twisted to justify such hatred when that (especially at THIS time of the season) is the exact opposite of the message Christianity teaches.

Many individuals believe that homosexuality is a sin and thus its perfectly within their religious rights to choose not to associate with people who engage in homosexuality.

No, it's not. In fact, we're supposed to love and accept even those who we think are 'sinners'. We are free to make our own choices, but we cannot in good conscience just reject another human being because something about them makes us uncomfortable. That is NOT the lesson we were supposed to take from Christ's sacrifice.

At one point in time, homosexuality was considered aberrant sexual behavior and was illegal, just as @#%^philia is considered aberrant sexual behavior and is illegal today. We cannot therefore assume that at some point in the future, there wont be a group of forward thinking progressive people on an internet forum bashing backwards thinking conservative people because even though we've finally realized that sex with children isn't aberrant (and got the AMA to officially declare it so), and finally stopped jailing people for it, there are still some people who think what they're doing is morally wrong and will discriminate against them.

This has got to stop. No matter how many parallels you try to draw between two consenting adults sharing an experience together and an adult brutally forcing themselves on a minor who doesn't even understand what is going on (and cannot give consent), you still end up looking like an idiot because the two are not the same. This, and bestiality, are so far removed from homosexuality it's not even funny.

(how can he claim to be promoting morality when he's employing people who engage in immoral behavior?).

You promote morality by living a kind and moral life. That means accepting your fellow human being and helping them to be the best they can be, regardless of their own personal choices. Refusing to hire someone because they are gay makes him look like a bigot. It doesn't make him look like a moral man or a hero, and it doesn't make him look like someone who is serious about spreading the message of love and compassion like we are supposed to.

It's reprehensible to say that there should be a point at which we allow normal social interactions to punish/reward behavior we agree or disagree with rather than attempting to force compliance via legislation?

You want to punish people for being gay? What injury did you suffer? What injury did ANYONE suffer? Not your job to judge anyone on their lifestyle choices. Equal protection under the law is not the same as a religious belief, and the two need to be separated. You can't deny someone a living just because who they give themselves to at night makes you uncomfortable (and you need to seriously think about why that makes you so uncomfortable instead of hiding behind religion).

You go too far, Gbaji, and you really need to become more educated. The ability to manipulate words on a forum after proofreading a post ten times doesn't make you an intelligent man.

It's the message you send that will be remembered, not the way you said it. No matter how eloquently arrange your words, you still sound like a complete douchebag.
#213 Nov 14 2013 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Torrence wrote:
No matter how eloquently arrange your words, you still sound like a complete douchebag.

Lots of words making poor assumptions with bad examples isn't my idea of eloquence.

He's pretty good on accuracy though. Typos per word ratio is very low.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#214 Nov 14 2013 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
Elinda wrote:
You weren't instructed to go outside.

I tried being instructed to do things, but it wasn't long before I ran out of places to keep the bodies.

Do you know, I just got a tube of polos and they're all broken. It's like a packet of mint dust, pretty much. Just goes to show, life is a weary procession of disappointments until you just wish everyone else was dead.

ETA: Woah, there, Torrence. For an awful moment there, I thought gbaji had gotten guru.

Edited, Nov 14th 2013 3:43pm by Kavekk
#215 Nov 14 2013 at 10:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Torrence wrote:
I read through the first page, and couldn't get through much more of Gbaji's drivel. It's sad that the religious teaching that I have chosen to follow has been so perverted and twisted to justify such hatred when that (especially at THIS time of the season) is the exact opposite of the message Christianity teaches.
On the bright side at least a majority of mainstream Christians would agree with you on this. Maybe after 50 years of watching our religion slowly but surely move to the right it's finally time for some semblance of balance to return.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#216 Nov 14 2013 at 11:22 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
Torrence wrote:
I read through the first page, and couldn't get through much more of Gbaji's drivel. It's sad that the religious teaching that I have chosen to follow has been so perverted and twisted to justify such hatred when that (especially at THIS time of the season) is the exact opposite of the message Christianity teaches.
On the bright side at least a majority of mainstream Christians would agree with you on this. Maybe after 50 years of watching our religion slowly but surely move to the right it's finally time for some semblance of balance to return.
Either that or follow in north western Europe's footsteps and start abandoning religion altogether.
#217 Nov 14 2013 at 11:30 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
someproteinguy wrote:
Torrence wrote:
I read through the first page, and couldn't get through much more of Gbaji's drivel. It's sad that the religious teaching that I have chosen to follow has been so perverted and twisted to justify such hatred when that (especially at THIS time of the season) is the exact opposite of the message Christianity teaches.
On the bright side at least a majority of mainstream Christians would agree with you on this. Maybe after 50 years of watching our religion slowly but surely move to the right it's finally time for some semblance of balance to return.
Either that or follow in north western Europe's footsteps and start abandoning religion altogether.
We're not that crazy.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#218 Nov 14 2013 at 11:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Alma wrote:
Read above. Not by the definition of the word. Racism is the belief that one race is inherently inferior to another race.

That's one of the definitions. So is this: 3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

You simply not agreeing with racial stereotypes is not racism because choosing to follow or not follow those racial stereotypes does not define your race. Under your theory, every man who prefers NASCAR over NBA, Country over Rap music, have mostly all white friends, married a white woman, etc. is a racist, regardless of their race. That's pretty bold and ignorant claim.

Nah, that's just you over-reaching with false equivalencies again. You disagree with the homosexual lifestyle in general as you perceive it, but are a coward & won't say why, which makes you ignorant & most likely a homophobe. A person of another race that disagrees with black culture, in general, is most likely a racist. I prefer punk rock to Rap, but I'm not so ignorant to say that rap music is evil & is ruining black youth. I prefer baseball to basketball, but not because more white people play the former rather than the latter. I married a japanese american, but that doesn't mean I hate white woman.

You might love the musical stylings of Cher, but since you disagree with the homosexual lifestyle you're still a homophobe. Gays make you uncomfortable. The thought of them using the same changing areas freaks you the **** out. That's your problem dude, not there's. You'll never convince me that your right to be comfortable in a bathroom trumps the right of a homosexual to use the same one that you're in, because that's GAY.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#219 Nov 14 2013 at 4:17 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Omega wrote:

That's one of the definitions. So is this: 3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Disagreeing with a racial stereotype is not hatred or intolerance. wrote:
lack of toleration; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc.

It is very feasible to disagree with something while tolerating and/or respecting it's existence. I disagree with many of the social practices conducted in the middle east, but I respect them, especially if I'm in the middle east.

omega wrote:
Nah, that's just you over-reaching with false equivalencies again.

No, that's you realizing your ignorance. There is no such thing as "black life style". What you have are racial stereotypes that are usually tied to the one's culture. Not following any one of those stereotypes do not change your race, because they are not bound to a race. Therefore, not agreeing with any of those stereotypes would not make you racist.

Omega wrote:
You disagree with the homosexual lifestyle in general as you perceive it, but are a coward & won't say why, which makes you ignorant & most likely a homophobe.

Page 14. I have literally gone in depth. Your refusal to accept it is not my problem. We have gone down this several times. Page 14, year 2009, California prop 8 debate. If you really care, go look it up. I gave you enough information to narrow it down within minutes.

Omega wrote:
A person of another race that disagrees with black culture, in general, is most likely a racist.
I think you are confusing the word prejudice with racist. Define black culture and give me an example of a person who respectfully disagrees with it and is seen as racist. Remember, I'm not denying racist people exist, just pointing out the fact that people can have contrary feelings to another group and still respect that group. Ironically, when YOU refuse to accept someone's contrary belief without placing malicious labels on them, you are no different.

Omega wrote:
I prefer punk rock to Rap, but I'm not so ignorant to say that rap music is evil & is ruining black youth. I prefer baseball to basketball, but not because more white people play the former rather than the latter. I married a japanese american, but that doesn't mean I hate white woman.

According to your own statement, you do. You disagree with black culture, so therefore a racist. Your statement on rap music, although falsely blanketed, displays a sense of tolerance and respect which are the key tools to allow someone to disagree with someone's lifestyle and not be a bigot. Your refusal to accept the possibility of the same being true with homosexuality is ironically bigotry in itself. That's like me calling you a racist because you don't prefer black women, rap music, Tyler Perry movies, basketball, etc. Black people make you uncomfortable.

Omega wrote:
You might love the musical stylings of Cher, but since you disagree with the homosexual lifestyle you're still a homophobe. Gays make you uncomfortable. The thought of them using the same changing areas freaks you the @#%^ out. That's your problem dude, not there's. You'll never convince me that your right to be comfortable in a bathroom trumps the right of a homosexual to use the same one that you're in, because that's GAY.

Page 14 dude. Maybe you overlooked my co-ed statement, which completely contradicts that statement. Don't think for a second that your bigotry will affect me.
#220 Nov 14 2013 at 5:54 PM Rating: Excellent
What about the homosexual lifestyle do you disagree with? Be specific.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#221Almalieque, Posted: Nov 14 2013 at 8:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Page 14, California Prop 8 thread, year 2009.. All of the details are there. Anything else will be a 2-liner. We've discussed this so many times, that you're simply using this as a distraction to avoid admitting your own ignorance and inaccuracy. You stated that disagreeing with black lifestyle = racism. So, please define "black lifestyle" and provide an example of a person who tolerably disagrees with it and is still considered a racist.
#222 Nov 14 2013 at 10:36 PM Rating: Excellent
15,952 posts
What Torrence said in his big post.

Also: I think it's ok for people to believe homosexuality is a sin, and to put in effort trying to save homosexual's souls. BUT I think that If you want to save homosexual's souls, you shouldn't do that by refusing to work with them, or hire them, or by harassing them at work or elsewhere. Refusing to accept your homosexual relatives is also the wrong way to try and save them. Bringing up their sexuality is often is also not going to save their souls. The best you can do is be a shining example of the religious life, being open, welcoming, loving and giving. If you are a beautiful enough person yourself, then sinners may be interested in finding out more about the materials that motivate you. Remember, it is NOT for humans to Judge who gets into heaven and who goes to hell, or who achieves Nirvana. God is the only one that knows another's soul. The only one who can judge if they are full of grace or not. We humans CANNOT judge the state of another soul based on their behavior. Even rapists, murderers, adulterers. We might see a sin, but it is GOD'S realm to accept or reject a soul. Here on Earth our own soul is our only purview. Reaching out and saving other people is done entirely by example. We cannot impose salvation on other people.
#223 Nov 14 2013 at 11:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Anything else will be a 2-liner.

Gimme the two liner on why you disagree with the homosexual lifestyle, then. In the past, you wrote a bunch of stuff that you thought explained that. I re-iterated what I got out of that to you, you said that's not what you meant by what you wrote & we've gone back & forth since. I've told you that people who "disagree with the homosexual lifestyle" may not be bigots if they do so for religious reasons, even if I think that's just a lame excuse, & you've said that's not why you do. I can't really tell if you're a homophobe or not until you give me a clear & concise answer on that. You refuse to do so, I call you a coward, & think that you're probably a homophobe. The onus is on you to prove otherwise & you have never, ever, done so.

You are the living definition of a bigot. You refuse to accept a contrary belief to your belief on homosexuality without maliciously labeling someone.

Because I think it's ridiculous to "disagree" with how another person "is" (their race, religion, gender, & sexual orientation) & even more ridiculous to support legislation that restricts people from doing things they have the ability to do based upon their race, religion, gender, & sexual orientation. I think furries are weird, but I'm not going to support legislation banning furry sex (Sodomy is illegal in a few states to this day). Nobody who claims to be tolerant towards gays would've been against the repeal of DADT, especially when you add what your silly reasoning was, lol.

I disagree with a lot of ways that people live their lives, yet I tolerate and respect them.

I don't think gay dudes on this forum think you tolerate or respect them when you're against equal rights for them.

"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#224Almalieque, Posted: Nov 15 2013 at 2:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Thanks for proving my point. I've always said that I have personal opinions against SSM, but support it. I also said that I'm against not hiring people because of their sexuality. We agree on majority of the topics in reference homosexuality, but because we don't agree 100%, you maliciously label me. That is the classic definition of a bigot. If everyone don't fully agree with you 100%, then they are x,y and z.
#225 Nov 15 2013 at 3:07 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
It's funny to use the bible to say homosexuality is a sin when it also says that black skin is a curse from God.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#226 Nov 15 2013 at 5:06 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Arip wrote:
The best you can do is be a shining example of the religious life, being open, welcoming, loving and giving. If you are a beautiful enough person yourself, then sinners may be interested in finding out more about the materials that motivate you.

This is something that most religious people that I've seen/know fail to comprehend. When you try to push your beliefs onto others, you actually push people away. When you live your life as an example, people will imitate.
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