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How will it all end?Follow

#27 Apr 25 2004 at 8:00 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Oh, for heaven's sake. If you have an issue with the Christian concept of God being an "ignorant prick" or an "evil *******", take it up with God, not Kristal for daring to give her opinion honestly. She wasn't trying on convert anyone or condemn anyone; she was giving the Reader's Digest version of the Rapture which -- agree with it or not -- includes the Christian faithful going to heaven and everyone else.. umm.. not going to heaven. Don't we have enough religion bashing sessions on the forums without turning a light hearted and quasi-philosophical thread into another one?

Hell, if the world does end like she says, most of us (including me) are going to feel pretty stupid about it Smiley: wink

I've no idea how the world is going to end, and hopefully it can wait until I'm already cold and in the ground. Then I won't care.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#28 Apr 25 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Water off a duck's back, girl. The knee-jerk response by some here to your simply stated beliefs is more enlightening of their warped view of the world and ourselves than anything else. Strangely, this attitude of theirs uses a much broader paint brush than the one they accuse you of wielding, and displays a vehement close mindedness very much like the muslim fanatics blowing themselves and thousands of innocents up in a misguided and frenzied hate against their own narrow worldview.

Notice they fail to mention Mother Theresa, Pope John Paul, Billy Graham, Dr. Dobson, or any of the vast number of saintly individuals who give a stark contrast to the lie they'd have others like them believe.

Understand that there are others here who believe as you do regardless how vocal they may or may not be and that a quiet, consistent, and gentle, faith driven life is more than an adequate response to the unreasoning hatred seen here and elsewhere by those opposed to your beliefs.

#29 Apr 25 2004 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
I've no idea how the world is going to end, and hopefully it can wait until I'm already cold and in the ground

I think I am the center of the universe, when I die all of you will disappear, better make sure I am ok.

a vehement close mindedness very much like the muslim fanatics blowing themselves and thousands of innocents up in a misguided and frenzied hate against their own narrow worldview

I grew up a christian, but gave it up, based on a lack of evidence. So please don't say I am narrow minded, their story just wasn't believable. Also, if anything, I believe faith is good for people, and religion starts wars. I don't like to see blind acceptance of things that are so proposterous, it's simply to dangerous, like the fanatic muslims. Was this quote above mine or yours?

Oh, one other note, I would never kill anyone for their beliefs. However, I may decide to taunt them in a forum.

Notice they fail to mention Mother Theresa, Pope John Paul, Billy Graham, Dr. Dobson, or any of the vast number of saintly individuals who give a stark contrast to the lie they'd have others like them believe.

Yea, great guys. What is the point? Billy Graham does hog a lot of valuable air time on several channels, could we not replace him with more episodes of sindicated Simpsons.

Understand that there are others here who believe as you do regardless how vocal they may or may not be and that a quiet, consistent, and gentle, faith driven life is more than an adequate response to the unreasoning hatred seen here and elsewhere by those opposed to your beliefs.

If they stay away from my front door step, I will be more accepting.

Don't we have enough religion bashing sessions on the forums without turning a light hearted and quasi-philosophical thread into another one?

I'm still new here, this is my first religion bashing session, I'll let the next one slide, promise.
#30 Apr 25 2004 at 11:08 PM Rating: Default
I think it would take a lot of pollution to entirelly WASTE the whole planet, without reverting to homeostasis.

How can a virus reach every single human being on earth?

Or will we become technically advanced and still be here when the sun goes supernova?

I don't think being technically advanced is a requisate for survival.

I think that humanity will wax and wane, old civilizations will fall and be replaced with new ones. Its happened before, you're naieve to think it won't happen again.

As human beings we certainly have the potential to create world peace, end hunger, colonize your ****, blah blah blah. I believe we're on the waxing end of civilization, the top of the wheel of fortune, and we won't be seeing huge progress. Perhaps our successors in the generations to come will have more luck.

Edited for gross spelling and grammatical errors, while the pretty and delicate spelling and grammatical errors were left behind.

Edited, Mon Apr 26 00:09:11 2004 by Stanlo
#31 Apr 25 2004 at 11:51 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
What part of my post was not plain to you? I believe I made myself lucidly clear. However, in deference to your lack of reading comprehension I will attempt to explain my post to you.

First and foremost, the portion you initially highlighted was describing Tarv as being vehemently close minded since he specifically attacked Kristal for doing nothing more than briefly stating her beliefs. He then went on to include a grossly inaccurate list of actions which he apparently thinks are acceptable to Christians and then had the audacity to blame her for being narrow minded. So, in response to your first point, my post was not aimed at you. Your faith or lack of it is immaterial to the discussion.

Next, you airheadedly missed my point when I offered as living proof (except for Mother T.) of individuals who exemplify the Christian life in direct contradiction to the blanket statement frequently hear about liars, hypocrites, and con men.

Thirdly, Kristal never approached your doorstep. She simply mentioned what she believed on an open access message board. If this place is what you consider your doorstep, you need to get out in the sun a little bit more.

And lastly, nobody is holding you to your promise. If you choose to go after someone, so be it. And that is as it should be for an anonymous OoT board. But understand most of us here have a low tolerance for low reading and comprehension skills, uninformed opinions, and unfunny bullsh1t. If you tend towards any of these attributes, then I suggest you hire a comedic writer, because that's the only thing that'll save you.*


*See Gitslayer as a prime example of this philosophy in action. Rumor has it Billy Crystal ghost writes for him when he's not pontificating on methane mitigation systems.
#32 Apr 26 2004 at 12:49 AM Rating: Good
So, in response to your first point, my post was not aimed at you.

Well then I apologize, I certainly thought that it was. Some of what you said applied to what I had said.

Your faith or lack of it is immaterial to the discussion

You can't call me narrow minded if I grew up within the community, can you? That is why I included this. I would never mention religion, or any of my views on it, unless I was asked, or if it was supporting something else that I was saying, which it was. You pointed out that you were not having a go at me, so this is now immaterial.

Next, you airheadedly missed my point when I offered as living proof (except for Mother T.) of individuals who exemplify the Christian life in direct contradiction to the blanket statement frequently hear about liars, hypocrites, and con men.

My grammer and spelling are terrible, but does this mean that these people prove that all christians are not liars, hypocrites, and con men? I must of missed that, I didn't see that anyone said this. Why state the obvious?

But understand most of us here have a low tolerance for low reading and comprehension skills, uninformed opinions, and unfunny bullsh1t.

Oh, get over yourself! Is this a threat, or just a warning. Are you looking out for my best interests? Well, thanks for the tip.
#33 Apr 26 2004 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
175 posts
Thankyou to Jophiel and Totem for your maturity:)
#34 Apr 26 2004 at 1:08 AM Rating: Good
5,019 posts
How will it all end?

Given the subject of this thread, it's scarcely believable nobody's referenced a certain Robert Frost poem.

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To know that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Personally, I'm gonna go with 'Ice'. I had a Slurpee earlier today. Swear to God, I thought I was gonna fookin' die! I could literally hear the water crystallizing on the back of my eyeballs.
#35 Apr 26 2004 at 1:25 AM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
Its funny that before i wrote anything i made sure i put in "what I believe".........i don't remember putting in that it is what you have to believe. you can believe whatever you want. I don't chastise you for your beliefs, why would you chastise me?
why should i chastise you well i am going to link again the point where you chastised me ok
when Jesus comes back to take those of us
which is where you were saying that i as a non believer no matter how good a person i am are worthy of entering heaven, regardless of wether i believe in heaven or not surely my behaviour is more worthy of making it to 'Heaven' if i do it out of my own conviction than out of fear of punishment by a higher entity.

Thats why the christian church is in my opinion Narrow minded.

Notice they fail to mention Mother Theresa, Pope John Paul, Billy Graham, Dr. Dobson, or any of the vast number of saintly individuals who give a stark contrast to the lie they'd have others like them believe.
I have no idea what your talking about here Totem please eloborate.
Understand that there are others here who believe as you do regardless how vocal they may or may not be and that a quiet, consistent, and gentle, faith driven life is more than an adequate response to the unreasoning hatred seen here and elsewhere by those opposed to your beliefs.
It's not unreasone atually Totem and it's not hatred, it's a attempt to get christians to realise that thier church is doing them a huge disservice my preaching this sort of stuff.

I too live a quiet consistent and gentle family <see the subtle change there> driven life with out condeming people who choose to live differently to 'Hell' because they spend there days off differently to me.

The Only time i have an issue with Christians is when they act all superior to me, as though thier faith in some way makes them a better person.

Have faith, worship some 2000 year old guy that may never have exsisted but don't think your a better human being because of it.

End of my posts on this topic. <apart fromn Totem elaboration if he does one,[quote][/quote] that sure didn't make sence to me.>
#36 Apr 26 2004 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
Since I wasn't the only one who didn't get this.

Notice they fail to mention Mother Theresa, Pope John Paul, Billy Graham, Dr. Dobson, or any of the vast number of saintly individuals who give a stark contrast to the lie they'd have others like them believe.

Who is they? The infidels who try and desecrate the Christian religion?

Next, you airheadedly missed my point when I offered as living proof (except for Mother T.) of individuals who exemplify the Christian life in direct contradiction to the blanket statement frequently hear about liars, hypocrites, and con men.

I really didn't get either of these. There is no need for name calling. Does this say the same thing as what you were saying

Next, you airheadedly missed my point when I offered as living proof (except for Mother T.) of individuals who exemplify the Christian life in direct contradiction to the accusations made against christians, that they are liars, hypocrites, and con men.

#37 Apr 26 2004 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
The end of the world will come when my Horde of Undead Dustbunnies squares off with the Legion of the Wombat.

Edited, Mon Apr 26 05:06:08 2004 by psychojester
#38 Apr 26 2004 at 3:32 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Please, please, PLEASE, PLEASE don't turn this into another "God" thread.

And the world will end when the Cubs face the Red Sox in the World Series, obviously.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#39 Apr 26 2004 at 4:07 AM Rating: Decent
And the world will end when the Cubs face the Red Sox in the World Series, obviously.

Well obviously. How long do you think the world can last with Hell froze over?
#40 Apr 26 2004 at 4:14 AM Rating: Decent
we all will die in our sleep, so if were all sleeping at the same time then the world will end, so i for one am going to remain consious for 18 hours a day for the good of humanity, and i think you should too
#41 Apr 26 2004 at 5:05 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Glad i didnt post on this with my alternate allakhazam accounts:

ChristPuncher or whippingJesus, i mighta gotten some hate :p
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#42 Apr 26 2004 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
Thankyou to Jophiel and Totem for your maturity:)

Bah. ***** that. Mine was more helpful by a factor of 10, simply because it does more to prepare you for what staying here will be like. Those polite bastards (and they always are, trust me.) are trying to scam for a shot of your tits.
#43 Apr 26 2004 at 8:31 AM Rating: Default
how about everybody shut the hell up about the christain thing damnit!
#44 Apr 26 2004 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
how about everybody shut the hell up about the christain thing damnit!

who? the christians or the people moaning about christians?
#45 Apr 26 2004 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
anybody who keeps on dragging out the subject
#46 Apr 26 2004 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
LOL, im with ya there
#47 Apr 26 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
Amen brothah!
#48 Apr 26 2004 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
praise the lord!
#49 Apr 26 2004 at 11:38 AM Rating: Good
Hey, watch it you two, Totem says humor won't be tolerated.
#50 Apr 26 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
It will end when Marvin the Martian finally gets his Illudium (sp) Q-36 Space Modulator fired up... since we obstruct his view of Jupiter.
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