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Is time for Semi pointless pollFollow

#1 Apr 22 2004 at 4:34 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
It's curiosity induced madness time!

Answer the questions, or be obliterated by the comet!

1. What's your favorite color?

2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?

4. Do you like pie?

5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?

7. Can I have a bagel?

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#2 Apr 22 2004 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,817 posts
1. What's your favorite color?

green! no BLUE! ahhhhhhh...

2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?

I don't know..i just found out I was a child.

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?

yes, an Athlon64 3000+

4. Do you like pie?

not usually.

5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?

no, but I have the plastic fork and knife I just ate my burrito with, so i consider myself prepared.

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?

I ran over a duck the other day by mistake and made him flip end-over-end, does that count?

7. Can I have a bagel?

bagels are for ****'s...except when i have mine in the morning before work.

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?

Which personality?
#3 Apr 22 2004 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
1. What's your favorite color?

Blue, I think...followed closely by orange.

2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?

I'm the middle and only girl. Yay!

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?

Two cats, Rod and Todd.

4. Do you like pie?

Some pie, but not hair pie.

5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?

After a few drinks, I might have.

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?

Well, I've dated a lot - does that count?

7. Can I have a bagel?

Of course.

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?


Edited, Thu Apr 22 17:40:28 2004 by Tare
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#4 Apr 22 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
1. What's your favorite color?


2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?

The Oldest of 2

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?


4. Do you like pie?

Yes, Pumpkin is my fav then Cherry, then Apple

5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?

Yes, The day of the Rope is coming

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?


7. Can I have a bagel?

Sure. there is a Noahs right next door. Go and get it....

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?


Edited, Thu Apr 22 17:58:48 2004 by Aadynn Litefoot
#5 Apr 22 2004 at 5:04 PM Rating: Excellent
144 posts
1. What's your favorite color?

I'm partial to Green.

2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?

Just me.

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?

Yes, I have a black lab and a pet crab. Named Patty and Citizen Snips.

4. Do you like pie?


5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?

No, I told them flat out that my loyalty is fleeting.

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?

Every day that I post here. Not going so well though. Sit Empyre, sit!

7. Can I have a bagel?


8. Does your real name start with a vowel?

One of them does.
#6 Apr 22 2004 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
Answer the questions, or be obliterated by the comet!

1. What's your favorite color?
Forest green

2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?
Second of four

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?
Yes two dogs two cats. Our dogs are a great dane and a queensland heeler/sheltie mix. The great dane is a deaf harliquen (black and white). She knows about half a dozen hand signs. The dog who is in my icon has passed away. He was a rhodesian ridgeback-great dane mix. He was a good dog.

Our cats are nicknamed Jesus and Satan. They play-fight all the time when the dogs are outside. Satan always wins. Both are fixed males, but apparently no one told them. Jesus routinely violates our feather duster and Satan has a soft spot in his heart for a particularly soft blanket.

4. Do you like pie?
Yes but I prefer cookies and ice cream. Mmmmm cookies and iiiiiiice cream.

5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?
No sold my soul to Cthulu. Wombats will be driven insane by the shear, unspeakable horror.

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?
No, not in business, but I have tried to train my dogs.

7. Can I have a bagel?
Yes. I would recommend the ones from Montreal.

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?

Can I answer the questions *and* be obliterated by the comet, for 100, Alex?
#7 Apr 22 2004 at 5:34 PM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
Yay!!! non of your polls are pointless KAo Smiley: smile

1. What's your favorite color?
Black <what they invented a darker colour? ... ok that then>

2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?
Youngest of 5.

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?
Sadly no Smiley: oyvey

4. Do you like pie?
English Pie or American pie? or Lady pie?

5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?
Not yet is that in the EULA? do i get a free Smiley: cookie if i do?

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?

Only if you consider Sailors to be animals <many do>

7. Can I have a bagel?
No but you can have a Smiley: cookie

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?
#8 Apr 22 2004 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
1. What's your favorite color?
Apples. No, I mean Green.

2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?
Purple! Gah, I mean Youngest.

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?
Mount Fuji! Sheesh, I'll get the hang of this sooner or later. One Fat (and Phat) Cat.

4. Do you like pie?
Only Chocolate, Pecan, and Coconut.

5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?
HA! The wombats are no match for my legion of undead dust bunnies!

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?
How does one "traing" an animal?

7. Can I have a bagel?
Sure, your pick of onion or dingleberry.

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?
To properly pronounce my name, I would have to cut out your tongue.
#9 Apr 22 2004 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
1. What's your favorite color?

Green, closely followed by blue

2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?

Middle child, and only boy

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?

A yellow lab named Kayla

4. Do you like pie?

You bet your *****

5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?

Not recently

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?


7. Can I have a bagel?

Only if I can have a muffin first

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?

Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#10 Apr 22 2004 at 5:50 PM Rating: Default
It's curiosity induced madness time!

Answer the questions, or be obliterated by the comet!

1. What's your favorite color?


2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?

Oldest of 4.

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?

2 dogs ( lasa & a pit), 2 quaker parakeets, dozen fish, and a hermit crab.

4. Do you like pie?


5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?
yes I have!

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?


7. Can I have a bagel?

No bagels for you!

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?

#11 Apr 22 2004 at 5:58 PM Rating: Good
5,311 posts
1. What's your favorite color?

2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?
Number 8 of 9 (my inner child is the youngest though, so this has caused some conflicts)

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?
Two cats

4. Do you like pie?
Fresh strawberry pie, mmmm

5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?
They haven't yet answered my query about overtime and fringe benefits. It really takes some doing to win my undying loyalty.

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?

7. Can I have a bagel?
Garlic, raisin or plain?

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?
#12 Apr 22 2004 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
1. What's your favorite color?

2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?
Oldest of 7

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?
a ferret

4. Do you like pie?
cake is better

5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?
Yes. The brand still burns.

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?
Does dating Thundra count?

7. Can I have a bagel?
Can I have $5?

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?
#13 Apr 22 2004 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
(1) Blue.
(2) Youngest of two.
(3) Yes. A five year old son.
(4) Sure.
(5) I'm waiting for Cobra's EQ2 wombat system to be finished before answering.
(6) I've babysat, if that's what you're asking.
(7) Hell no. There's some old muffins on top of the microwave though.
(8) Nope.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#14 Apr 22 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
1. What's your favorite color?

2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?
Oldest of 2.

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?
2 dogs, Scooby Doo and Daisy Doo.

4. Do you like pie?
Only if it's in season.

5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?
I don't believe in wombats.

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?

Yes, I have children.

7. Can I have a bagel?
That's not up to me.

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
#15 Apr 22 2004 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
1. What's your favorite color?

Royal Purple.

2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?

oldest of 3 boys.

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?

sadly no longer. lost our dog a few years ago. had a beige shar-pei(sp?) miss her. she was a good family dog.

4. Do you like pie?


5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?

even if i had, i would be sworn to secricy and could not reveal my/our real plans now could i.

oh did i say that out loud.

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?


7. Can I have a bagel?

i dont know can you?

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?

nope starts with an R.
#16 Apr 22 2004 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
1. What's your favorite color?


2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?

I am the 6th of 7, so pretty much a non-existant one.

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?

Yes. I have a small dog I rescued. He likes to dance, bowl and play commando.

4. Do you like pie?

Depends on the pie.

5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?

No, in fact my dog is training an anti-wombat commando group of Jack Russell Terriers in his spare time

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?

No, but I've trained many an animal.

7. Can I have a bagel?

Drop me your address and I will send you half-a-dozen of the best bagels you've ever had. I'd send a dozen, but these buggers are huge, and they'd go stale before you could eat them all.(Seriously, they're award winners.)

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?

Not in English, no.

Edited, Thu Apr 22 21:47:38 2004 by Deathwysh

Edited, Thu Apr 22 21:48:29 2004 by Deathwysh
#17 Apr 23 2004 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
1. What's your favorite color?

2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?

Oldest of three

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?

A dog named Blue.

4. Do you like pie?

Not really but on turkey day a piece of pumpkin is nice.

5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?

No, but then I am not sure what a wombat is, some Aussie thing I think and not much of a threat. I am more worried about the dumbing down of our society.

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?


7. Can I have a bagel?

Sure, why not, or better yet what's your favorite kind?

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?

No, my real name starts with a religion.
#18 Apr 23 2004 at 3:41 AM Rating: Good
2,272 posts
1. What's your favorite color?


2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?

Oldest of 2

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?

Two dogs (husky / wolf mix and jack russel / chihuahua mix) One cat

4. Do you like pie?


5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?

...not on purpose

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?

I used to be in textile in a sense, yes.

7. Can I have a bagel?

I dunno, can you?

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?

#19 Apr 23 2004 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
Jesus Christ not to try and change the subject but I think I have to say that on any scorecard that there is OutcastNecro wins. Talk about a Magelo full of **** I never heard of, granted I have been gone from the game for a year but HOLY ****. Your worst piece of armor has like only 30 AC I bet that many warriors on your server if not all but like 10 dont have your AC, hitpoints, saves etc.

PS what the heck is endurance and what does it do... I know wrong forum but well bite me =P
#20 Apr 23 2004 at 6:24 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
1. What's your favorite color?
Tossup. Red/Yellow/Pink. Such a girl.

2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?
Middle child, oldest girl.

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?
One cat, Kitty.

4. Do you like pie?
Mmmm Pecan pie and Pumpkin pie, yes.

5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?
No, and you can't make me, copper.

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?
I think so. Kitty now responds to "Goddammit" as one of her commands.

7. Can I have a bagel?
Sure. Let's both have one.

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?
#21 Apr 23 2004 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
1. What's your favorite color?
2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?
3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?
4. Do you like pie?
5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?
6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?
7. Can I have a bagel?
8. Does your real name start with a vowel?
#22 Apr 23 2004 at 6:39 AM Rating: Good
Flea wrote:
8. Does your real name start with a vowel?

One of them does.


#23 Apr 23 2004 at 6:41 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
So i was wandering away from FFXI boards and i saw a Kaolian post and thought i would join in.

2.Im the Baby of 3, aka the brat
4.I am an avid fan of pie, in fact i spend a great deal of my free time trying to spread the love of pie.
5.I am founding member of GAWS, Gamer's Against Wombat Servitude. One day they will rise up and and epic battle will ensue. Our uppance will come.
6.I show my slow brother how to not to die in game... does that count? (once again im youngest aka brat)
7.No Bagel for you, your starting to get soft.
8.Is Y a vowel, sometimes? well good thing my name starts with S.

Edited, Fri Apr 23 07:45:51 2004 by bhodisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#24 Apr 23 2004 at 6:47 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
One of them does.

Didn't say "names," silly.
#25 Apr 23 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
1. What's your favorite color?


2. Are you an only child, an eldest child, a youngest child, a tweener, or a non existant one?

3 of 6

3. Do you have a pet? if so, what is it?


4. Do you like pie?

Yupper, but you can keep the spinach brocolli one.

Some pie, but not hair pie.

there is nothing better than properly prepared hair pie, you must have had a bad snatch... errrr I mean a bad patch... damn it I mean bad batch.

5. Have you pleged undying loyalty to the wombat overloards in preperation for the day when they throw off their bonds of servitude and conquer all mankind in a legand inspiring battle for the ages?

Wombats can bite me! they will never succeed.

6. Have you ever worked in the animal trainging buisiness?

I was a platoon sergeant in the service, so yes I have.

7. Can I have a bagel?

Would you like it toasted with butter or cream cheese?

8. Does your real name start with a vowel?

No. Does yours?
#26 Apr 23 2004 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

I don't know..i just found out I was a child.

Everyone's a child, moron.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

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