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#52 Apr 21 2004 at 8:42 AM Rating: Good
Smasharoo wrote:
Oh, I don't know, something arbitrary like having the ability to survive outside the womb would be a good start.

Wow. Sometimes you can be an unmitigated moron, can't you. So, until then it's just a parasite? Some spare lump of tissue as it were? LOL Good one.
Flea wrote:
It seems fascinating to me that the same conservative-minded folk that are dead set against abortions are also for gun rights, and the death penalty. I guess life is only precious later.

I am guessing you meant early, but regardless, the death penalty is a punishment for a crime committed precluding a person from ever re-entering society in a positive way. Nothing to do with economics in my view. And guns are for hunting & self defense. Quite simple really.
#53 Apr 21 2004 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Moe, I had something to say, really, but just thinking of having to justify my opinion, a useless exercise, made me sleepy. I think instead I'll go get some coffee.
#54 Apr 21 2004 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
168 posts
Hmm. So for you, the murder of unborn children is a fiscally responsible one. Nice to know.

No, it's a morally responsible one as well. If a woman would consider getting an abortion, state-funded or otherwise, it's obvious she doesn't want the child. However if state-funded abortions are not available she may choose to have the kid because she can't afford (or refuses to pay for, as the case may be) an abortion.

Ideally the kid would be offered for adoption in this case, but the reality is, once the guilt factor sets in most women are not willing to give up their children whether they have any business raising them or not. So we end up with another state dependent living in a less-than-healthy environment, probably without a father in the home and a mom who never wanted them in the first place.

I never claimed it was an issue to be taken lightly. I am a conservative on many issues but unlike many conservatives I *can* think for myself and see where the religious psychobabble is eclipsing common sense. This is one of those times.
#55 Apr 21 2004 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
I never claimed it was an issue to be taken lightly. I am a conservative on many issues but unlike many conservatives I *can* think for myself and see where the religious psychobabble is eclipsing common sense. This is one of those times.

Let me get this straight, because I really don't want to poorly characterize your position.

1) Abortion is fiscally responsible.
2) Abortion is morally responsible.
3) The child's life is inconsequential.
4) The child's life is paramount.

Common sense dictates that there are more important factors than that a living, fealing, hearing, potentially great human being would be snuffed in the process?
Common sense dictates that it is better to kill a child than to have to pay for it?
Common sense dictates that the voiceless shall remain so?

Did I get that wrong?

You're very right. This is not an easy subject. But not every conservative you meet is really very worried about religious psycho babble (/raises hand), and not every pro life person you meet is a conservative, or even a moderate for that matter. It boils down to whether or not you believe that a mother's choice, her free will choice, is of greater importance than the potential inside a living human being.

But this isn't an abortion discussion. :)
#56 Apr 21 2004 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

Wow. Sometimes you can be an unmitigated moron, can't you. So, until then it's just a parasite? Some spare lump of tissue as it were? LOL Good one.

Yes, that's exactly right.

If you knew that an embryo could be kept alive, but would never mature from it's current state would you afford it the rights and protections of a person? Why not?

Why not give each sperm the rights of a person? What's the diffrence? A one month old embryo has no conciousness, no ability to sustain itself outside of the womb. There's nothing that differntiates it from head lice at that point.

Sorry if that disturbs your romantic notions of assigning an arbtrary event as the "beggining" of life, but there's nothing particularly miraculous about RNA replication that wouldn't apply to an insect.

Conciousness on the other hand is a signifigant event.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#57 Apr 21 2004 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
168 posts
1) Abortion is fiscally responsible.

In cases where raising a child is cost-prohibitive, yes.

2) Abortion is morally responsible.

In cases where a child would be living not only well below the poverty line but in a seriously dysfunctional family including a mother who has no desire to raise a child, yes.

3) The child's life is inconsequential.
4) The child's life is paramount.

Nice propaganda, you should be a lobbyist.

An embryo in the first trimester is not a "child." A potential child, sure, but it is not capable of living outside the womb, period. Some women are just not ready to be a mother at certain times in their lives -- or ever, in some cases -- and while I suppose they could do as animals do and eat their young when they are incapable of caring for them, I'm fairly certain aborting a fetus which is not only not self aware but also cannot feel pain (or very little, maybe along the lines of a single-celled organism) is the more humane choice.

Smasharoo wrote:
Oh, I don't know, something arbitrary like having the ability to survive outside the womb would be a good start.

Wow. Sometimes you can be an unmitigated moron, can't you. So, until then it's just a parasite? Some spare lump of tissue as it were? LOL Good one

Technically, yes it is. It's certainly not a symbiote as it contributes nothing to the mother, and clearly it's not a host. Parasites are generally foreign to the host's body, however, whereas a fetus is not. Still not sure what this has to do with your argument.

#58 Apr 21 2004 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
Why not give each sperm the rights of a person? What's the diffrence? A one month old embryo has no conciousness, no ability to sustain itself outside of the womb. There's nothing that differntiates it from head lice at that point.

Sorry if that disturbs your romantic notions of assigning an arbtrary event as the "beggining" of life, but there's nothing particularly miraculous about RNA replication that wouldn't apply to an insect.

Conciousness on the other hand is a signifigant event.

So at what point is conciousness gained? When the baby breathes air for the first time he/she suddenly (miraculously) gains some lvl of conciousness?

So you are against late term abortions then? Clearly these "lumps of flesh no different than head lice" are a viable human at this point. Oh wait no because they have not yet been born. Well at least not all the way. Everything but their head is dragged out of the Mother's body before they stick the vacuum tube in the back of the skull to suck out his/her brain. Your right it's not a life its a choice.

It seems fascinating to me that the same conservative-minded folk that are dead set against abortions are also for gun rights, and the death penalty. I guess life is only precious later.

The difference with abortion and the death penalty is that the person being put to death made a decsion at some point that put them strapped to the electric chair or gurney awaiting their lethal injection. What crime did that baby commit? What astonishes me is that the abortion crowd is normally against the death penalty. What are you saying? The life of a convicted murderer is more valueable than that of an innocent child?

I am not quite sure how you link gun rights and abortion? Guns dont kill people the person behind the gun kills people. BTW we humans have been killing each other loooooong before the advent of guns.

Here's another point for the gun control fanatics. If you got your way and guns were outlawed in this country who do you think you would be taking the guns away from? For some reason I have a hard time envisioning your local criminal coming down to turn his gun in. The only thing you would be doing is taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citzens and setting up an extremely lucrative gun smuggling operation for some enterprising criminals. Good Idea.
#59 Apr 21 2004 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
Woot. Guns control AND abortion AND the death penalty in the same thread. Topics 2, 4 and 5. This could be a long one....

Edited, Wed Apr 21 11:07:22 2004 by Patrician
#60 Apr 21 2004 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
P.S. God doesn't exist.
#61 Apr 21 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Good god, where's my violin?
#62 Apr 21 2004 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

So at what point is conciousness gained? When the baby breathes air for the first time he/she suddenly (miraculously) gains some lvl of conciousness?

Probably after that, actually, but I'm not going to quibble. Sure, when they breathe air they're a human.


So you are against late term abortions then?

That's kind of vague. I'm against abortions where the unborn thing could survive on it's own outside of the womb.


Clearly these "lumps of flesh no different than head lice" are a viable human at this point.

No, it's only CLEAR to people who believe it because someone told them to. To anyone examining the issue objectively it's not clear at all.


Oh wait no because they have not yet been born. Well at least not all the way. Everything but their head is dragged out of the Mother's body before they stick the vacuum tube in the back of the skull to suck out his/her brain. Your right it's not a life its a choice.

Sure it's a life. So is head lice. It's not a Human life.


The difference with abortion and the death penalty is that the person being put to death made a decsion at some point that put them strapped to the electric chair or gurney awaiting their lethal injection.


The diffrence is that a group of people decided they did something worthy of death. Time and again it's been shown that people are sentnced to death who are completely innocent. In a simpleton's world of "everyone found guilty is guilty" the death penalty would be fine. In the REAL WORLD of mistakes and predjudices it's an abomination.


What crime did that baby commit? What astonishes me is that the abortion crowd is normally against the death penalty. What are you saying? The life of a convicted murderer is more valueable than that of an innocent child?

We're saying that human life is intrinsically valuable. As opposd to saying that something that can be seen with the human eye has the same rights as a woman.


I am not quite sure how you link gun rights and abortion? Guns dont kill people the person behind the gun kills people. BTW we humans have been killing each other loooooong before the advent of guns.

That's ********* Nuclear weapons don't kill people, the person who sets them off does.

Yet we controll who gets to do that, don't we. That "guns don't kill people" argument is immediately ludicrous to anyone who doesn't want it to be true.


Here's another point for the gun control fanatics. If you got your way and guns were outlawed in this country who do you think you would be taking the guns away from?

People who will use them to kill or injure other people.


For some reason I have a hard time envisioning your local criminal coming down to turn his gun in.

For some reason, mo-ron you're missing the very simple point that PEOPLE AREN'T BORN CRIMINALS. Most gun related homicides occur with legally owned guns and are perpetrated by the legal owners.


The only thing you would be doing is taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citzens and setting up an extremely lucrative gun smuggling operation for some enterprising criminals. Good Idea.

Why would there be a market at all? You just said that guns didn't make killing anyone any easier, they were just a method. Why wouldn't the criminals pick up boards with nails in them?

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#63 Apr 21 2004 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
I wont even justify your responses to my questions on the abortion issue as it is beyond my comprehension how a person can see a baby one second as a human life but the second before just a lump of valueless flesh.

The diffrence is that a group of people decided they did something worthy of death. Time and again it's been shown that people are sentnced to death who are completely innocent. In a simpleton's world of "everyone found guilty is guilty" the death penalty would be fine. In the REAL WORLD of mistakes and predjudices it's an abomination.

Time and again? is it really time and again? how many of the people that have been put to death in this country has it been proven they were innocent after the fact? You make it sound as if it is a daily occurance. And I never said that the justice system does not make mistakes no human endevour is infallable.

We're saying that human life is intrinsically valuable. As opposd to saying that something that can be seen with the human eye has the same rights as a woman.

I dont even know what you are saying here.. I get the first sentence but I am lost on the second one.

That's bullsh*t. Nuclear weapons don't kill people, the person who sets them off does.

Yet we controll who gets to do that, don't we. That "guns don't kill people" argument is immediately ludicrous to anyone who doesn't want it to be true.

Hmm small differance between owning a hand gun or rifle/shotgun and owning a WMD. Just a small difference.

For some reason, mo-ron you're missing the very simple point that PEOPLE AREN'T BORN CRIMINALS. Most gun related homicides occur with legally owned guns and are perpetrated by the legal owners.

I am going to address this statement in 2 parts as they are seemingly 2 different topics.

1. people arent born criminals... so your saying that a normally law abiding citizen sees a gun or owns a gun legally and suddenly the fact that he/she owns or has access to this weapon drives them to commit crimes? So it is the gun's fault. That if the gun were not there this criminal act would not have occured somehow. Hmm I didnt know that crime was invented at the same time as guns. That's an interesting factiod.

2. I think that you maybe manipulating the stats here a little Smash. There probably are more homocides commited with legally owned guns by the fact most homocides are commited by a familly member or a friend in the heat of passion. If you look at the stats far more crimes are stopped by citizens who legally own guns than there are crimes committed with guns. Like a rate of almost 4:1. The other thing I dont understand is you act as if these crimes would stop if guns were outlawed. (refer to above paragraph)

One other point. I have read a fair number of posts on this board and you are regarded with some of the others as an intelligent well spoken person as far as I can tell. It seems odd to me that someone of your supposed inteligence would stoop to name calling and yelling (the bold I assume is you yelling) during a debate.
#64 Apr 21 2004 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
I wont even justify your responses to my questions on the abortion issue as it is beyond my comprehension how a person can see a baby one second as a human life but the second before just a lump of valueless flesh.

Allow me to translate:

I'm ****** and have no answer to that argument so I'll ignore it.


Time and again? is it really time and again? how many of the people that have been put to death in this country has it been proven they were innocent after the fact? You make it sound as if it is a daily occurance.

How many innocent people being mudered would be ok with you, exactly?

Let me know wha tthe number is and I'll check and see if the statistics are in your favor or not.


And I never said that the justice system does not make mistakes no human endevour is infallable.

Which is exactly why the justice system shouldn't be meteing out sentances it can't reverse or commute if it realizes there was an error.


I dont even know what you are saying here.. I get the first sentence but I am lost on the second one.

I'll try to use smaller words.

Me say that you is want to give rights to thing that too small to see that same as you give to girl.

How was that?


Hmm small differance between owning a hand gun or rifle/shotgun and owning a WMD. Just a small difference.

No diffrence in terms of your argument.

Hmm, none at all.


Either selling people weapons that are created solely for killing other people is wrong or it isn't. You're saying it isn't. Break out the nukes!


I am going to address this statement in 2 parts as they are seemingly 2 different topics.

1. people arent born criminals... so your saying that a normally law abiding citizen sees a gun or owns a gun legally and suddenly the fact that he/she owns or has access to this weapon drives them to commit crimes? So it is the gun's fault. That if the gun were not there this criminal act would not have occured somehow. Hmm I didnt know that crime was invented at the same time as guns. That's an interesting factiod.

I'm saying that it's a whole hell of a lot easier to kill or injure someone with a gun than it is with a pointy stick.

Of the children killed at Colombine five years ago, probably one of them would have died if guns weren't involved. So yes, it is an intresting factoid.

Go explain to the parents of the dead children how the guns were no big deal.

So for the children after the first one, if the guns weren't there, the criminal act would not have occured.


2. I think that you maybe manipulating the stats here a little Smash. There probably are more homocides commited with legally owned guns by the fact most homocides are commited by a familly member or a friend in the heat of passion. If you look at the stats far more crimes are stopped by citizens who legally own guns than there are crimes committed with guns. Like a rate of almost 4:1. The other thing I dont understand is you act as if these crimes would stop if guns were outlawed. (refer to above paragraph)

In every single case, countries with tougher gun laws than us have lower homicide rates per capita than us.

Every case.

So yes, I think it's a little difficult to act as if these crimes would continue if guns weren't more plentiful than people in this country by afactor of 100.


One other point. I have read a fair number of posts on this board and you are regarded with some of the others as an intelligent well spoken person as far as I can tell. It seems odd to me that someone of your supposed inteligence would stoop to name calling and yelling (the bold I assume is you yelling) during a debate.

I only stoop to it when it's clear to me that someone hasn't put any actuall thought of their own into something and instead has merely adopted a position based solely upon what they've been told.

Particularly I stoop to it when it's clear a five year old child could spot the inconsistancies in the position.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

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