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due to totems request....Follow

#1 Mar 18 2004 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
7,486 posts
here i am, posting. i dont have anything to say, so for filler i suppose ill explain my lack of a presence on this board as of late.

I've actually still been reading these boards on an almost daily basis. I just cant find any reason to post on any of the threads. This board has become rather boring. The only threads that really interest me anymore are the psuedo debates between gbaji and smasharoo. I generally avoid posting on those, though, because while i certainly have an opinion, i either cant defend it or cant be bothered to defend it. Im relatively confident that if im not willing to defend my opinion no one wants to hear it.

Maybe i've matured *waits for laughter to stop* and im not interested in seeing people "flamed" anymore. whatever the case, i dont intend to stop posting completely any time soon. rather than go out in a big bang ill probably slowly fade into obscurity and 6 months from now maybe someone will ask "hey, whatever happened to that hippo guy"

i suppose ill turn this thread into a SLU post now...

Me and Katharina (Nina) have now been together 78 days. there isnt really much to say. i've gotten to 3rd base but i dont think i'll be getting to home anytime soon, partly by my choice. Not because i dont want any (man, i do!), but because due to our differring views on what to do if she were to get pregnant. She says she'd want to keep it (bleh!) and i say i'd favor abortion and if it were too late for that, then adoption. Seeing as it would ultimately be her choice, im opting to be content at 3rd until she can be put on birth control. We already have condoms (courtesy of my dad, the uptight jew of all people) but i dont really trust them enough to risk the next 18 years of my life.

anyways, im done rambling about stuff.
#2 Mar 18 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,817 posts
angryhippo wrote:
and im not interested in seeing people "flamed" anymore.

man o man I wish some people here would get what you got. I'll prolly leave as soon as I find a messageboard that interests me too..I can't stand the flame-fests either but it seems the only means to survive here. truly sad.

congrats and wait on the sex thing as long as you can. you dont necessarily have to wait really...just dont be in a rush to get to it or through it. after the sex (IMO) it starts to become work and truly a relationship versus a pursuit of each other.
#3 Mar 18 2004 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
The first half of AH's post (everything preceding the SLU) is essentially how I feel. The only difference is that I continue to post my useless nonsense.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#4 Mar 18 2004 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
I'll prolly leave as soon as I find a messageboard that interests me too..

Heck it didn't take me long to find one you might like. I actually hope you enjoy it over there. By the way it was a google search of "christian gaming forum". Not hard really.

AH - where do you live again? I'm not talking street address but state.
#5 Mar 18 2004 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
Glad to see you around Complacent Hippo.

Are you still taking Meds? If so, how's that going? If not, how'd you pull that off?

Are you still taking therapy? If so, have you started f*cking with your therapist's mind?

Lol, the-rapist.

I love that SNL skit.

Suck it Trebek!
#6 Mar 18 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,817 posts
GWB wrote:
Heck it didn't take me long to find one you might like. I actually hope you enjoy it over there. By the way it was a google search of "christian gaming forum". Not hard really.

huhuhuh..good one dude. Smiley: rolleyes why not give hippo back his thread now eh skeeter?

Edited, Thu Mar 18 16:25:01 2004 by Empyre
#7 Mar 18 2004 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
I'm not GWB, Stok is.

Suck it.
#8 Mar 18 2004 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
^^ What he said.

Double Post

Edited, Thu Mar 18 16:47:07 2004 by Skeeter
#9 Mar 18 2004 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,817 posts
oh my bad...i must, mistaken or something...or not Smiley: rolleyes

easy to lose track with all the sock puppets you have. easy to rate people down and yourself up that way...because we all know these ratings are completely related to popularity. again, Smiley: rolleyes
#10 Mar 18 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
I dunno.

The flaming that goes on here is pretty tame by the standards of most of the boards that I visit. In fact, I come here for peace and quiet to get some relief from some of the more nasty stuff that gets written, but maybe that's cuz not too many people seem to flame me around here.

It must be my warm and fuzzy side which endears me to you guys.

I see it more as teasing, certainly not out-and-out hate driven rants. It continually amazes me that people get as worked up as they do about what some anonymous person writes about them. For that you have to really take your hat off to Katie, who seems to have all this in perfect perspective. She just doesn't give a **** what you think. How much more well adjusted can you be?

At any rate, even if you have nothing significant to say or anything particularly deep, it shouldn't keep you from from conversing. Lord knows, that if that were the standard males used to gauge whether or not to actually speak to others by, there'd be no conversation other than monosyllabic grunts and vague pointing at things. So don't let that stop you from adding to the din around here, Angry. Just don't let my teasing of you and your Playgirl mags keep you from unloading on me, your old pal.

#11 Mar 18 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Empyre wrote:
I can't stand the flame-fests either but it seems the only means to survive here. truly sad.

Empyre wrote:
huhuhuh..good one dude. why not give hippo back his thread now eh skeeter?

Empyre wrote:
oh my bad...i must, mistaken or something...or not

easy to lose track with all the sock puppets you have. easy to rate people down and yourself up that way...because we all know these ratings are completely related to popularity. again,

1. Good statement.

2. Bad assumption.

3. Contradicting your original statement. Plus, I don't have sockpuppets. I had Tokenblack, IAMYOU, and JudgeJudy, all were killed by Kao, except for JudgeJudy which he gave back to me after I promised not to use her.

If you are so tired of the "flame-fests", then shut the **** up.

If you really are dieing to make yourself like even more of a moron, then please quote this and reply on one of the other threads that have turned into an "Empyre Bashing" thread.

I'll make no more responses to you on this thread.
#12 Mar 18 2004 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,817 posts
skeeter wrote:
Contradicting your original statement.& If you are so tired of the "flame-fests", then shut the @#%^ up.

actually it makes sense if you read ALL of a post before opening your mouth.

Empyre wrote:
I can't stand the flame-fests either but it seems the only means to survive here. truly sad.

skeeter wrote:
I'll make no more responses to you on this thread.

I highly doubt that. it eats you alive when you can't have the last word. prove me wrong. Smiley: sly

(sorry hippo. for the record I agree with Totem, and for some reason people just loooooove to get into it with me. this will inherantly lead to hijacking of any thread I post in as long as people can post from sock puppets and do other things to manipulate a messageboard in an attempt to raise a level of e-popularity)
#13 Mar 18 2004 at 10:18 PM Rating: Good
5,019 posts
I feel ya, brother Hippo. I'm in a bit of a board slump at the moment as well. Your disinterest in posting on the board undoubtedly stems from your overwhelming ambivalence towards life in general, while my disinterest results from a lack of goals. I'm a goal oriented type of person, and I just can't think of a damn thing I want to accomplish on the board. Anybody have any suggestions?

Hippo, it's really too bad you never nailed Tara (was that her name? If not, where the fu[/i]ck did I come up with the name Tara?).

Is Nina hot? Nevermind, don't tell me. I don't want my pe[i]
cker to throw up.

I would like to commend you on your fear of propagating. Cuz having a baby at your age would really suck.

You're college bound, right? Gonna live on campus? I think living on your own (even if it was at your Shylock father's expense) would be really good for you. Either that, or you'd die from sclerosis of the liver at age 19.

You're a smart kid, Hippo.
#14 Mar 18 2004 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
7,486 posts
i dont neccesarily want the flames to stop. at one point that was one of the main draws to this message board. however, i've become bored of actually being a combatant in flame wars and it seems that no one here can amuse me through their flames with exceptions going to totem and thundra, i suppose.

as for questions posed by skeet...

Im still on anti-depressants. generally it seems like they are working, but it still seems that for maybe half a dozen hours on some days ill be incredibly depressed for absolutely no reason. depressed to the point of thinking about killing myself. In a weird paradox of sorts thinking about how it would crush Nina is the only thing that stops me from doing it, but i also find the thought that she is the only reason i dont do it depressing.

Tommorow (this friday) im going to check with a doctor (im not sure if its my normal doctor or a pyschologist) as to if i should continue with them or change them or whatever.

i stopped seeing my therapist. i think i maybe went a told of half a dozen times. maybe a few more. i stopped going mainly because i felt she wasnt helping me with anything. as soon as it would seem as if i was about to make any progress my time would be up.

edit: i had stopped drinking for ahwhile (3ish months) but i've kind of fallen into a habit of doing it again. given its in a healthier enviroment (small "parties" of 4-8 people, as opposed to alone at home) and its about every other weekend, but still, its something that isnt going to help me. I'd make another effort to stop for another 3 months, but with spring break one day away i know any effort would be fruitless.

empyre, people only love to get into it because you have absurd, right wing views on everything and show a complete abscence of ability to even consider the possibility that your opinion on a matter isnt infallible.

Edited, Thu Mar 18 22:37:08 2004 by Angry Hippo
#15 Mar 18 2004 at 10:39 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
angryhippo wrote:
empyre, people only love to get into it because you have absurd, right wing views on everything and show a complete abscence of ability to even consider the possibility that your opinion on a matter isnt infallible.

if this is true, then I regret ever stating my opinion. i'm a passionate person and believe strongly in what I believe. I'm sure this has a ton to do with the whole "God debate" and personally i think its pathetic that people can't leave it at what it was. I had my opinion as did others. none of us should expect any other to budge on that...we shouldn't even be asking each other to do so.

but the fact that some of these people just cant let it go is beyond anything that I can fathom. I mean seriously. If i'm doing something wrong here, have alla (or someone with ACTUAL authority) let me know that I'm completely in the wrong and I'll leave this forum and let everyone to chew on someone else. because i guess it will always be someone..

EDIT: I don't even know the difference between right wing and anything else to tell you the truth. I'm just an average dude from the bottom trying to work my way up...i just cant understand some of the people i meet along the way who can do absolutely nothing but hate. I thought I had it bad, but the things some of these people must have gone through to get this way...

Edited, Thu Mar 18 22:40:29 2004 by Empyre
#16 Mar 19 2004 at 1:29 AM Rating: Good
3,813 posts
Alla's very liberable about what he allows to go on here, and he always has been. He doesn't care who says what (within reason), who hates who, and whose **** was up whose ***. That's why this board is so great.

Other than being a complete jackass to a lot of established, regular posters, you haven't done anything too "wrong" per se, but then again, I haven't bothered to read half of your posts.

#17 Mar 19 2004 at 4:08 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
You are always a welcome addition to the mayhem that is the OoT Forum. I'd actually like to see you post more, since the veterans seem to have so much respect for you. If everyone here values your opinion and your well-being so much, you must be one hell of a person. Post more often, we need more people here with a head on their shoulders.

I only continue to attack you because you don't know when to quit. That is both commendable and foolish. Your stubborness is only rivaled by Katie herself. I do agree with some of your views, but you need to realize that you can't impress your views on to other people by beating them over the head with them, expecially over an anonymous medium like this. I don't wish any malice upon you, but I do wish you'd think through your posts more before you post them.

Didn't you have another account? Something by the name of KRSkeet? Just wonderin'

Edited, Fri Mar 19 04:08:34 2004 by TwiztidSamurai
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#18 Mar 19 2004 at 7:56 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
The first half of AH's post (everything preceding the SLU) is essentially how I feel. The only difference is that I continue to post my useless nonsense.

And Twiztid, his original account was KRSkeet, he got his name changed. And he's not GWB. GWB's fondness for the ladies gave him away long before he named names.

Edited, Fri Mar 19 07:55:26 2004 by Atomicflea
#19 Mar 19 2004 at 8:32 AM Rating: Excellent
I was trying to be helpful, you asked for a forum that you would be happier in so I tried helping you out. If you take some one being nice as an attack on your Christian values then one man to another(?) BITE ME. Last time that you'll see this Old Timer assist you, PUNK. I've held my tongue against flaming you personally solely because you put up the good fight on your beliefs.

But let me give you a quick lesson in life... regardless of what you believe to be or know to be true there is going to be someone or others out there that do not believe the same as you. Do not try to change their opinions or their values in a gaming forum, your wasting energy best used for whacking off. The people here could give a rats *** about your actual personal opinion for most are here just for the sport. Once you realize your are playing in the big leagues you'll hopefully take your wiffle ball and plastic bat and go to a field where kiddies your age won't criticize you just for opening your mouth.

Gloves are off dude, and there are only a couple of posters around here that I will outwardly flame as Stok and you have just made the short list.

As for GWB he is MINE and he will be around to stay. Solely because some of these twots around here have developed a dislike for what and how I post with GWB.

AH - even though you are a pompous, over privileged teen aged twit, I'm glad to see you back. Keep your **** in your hands and lay of the lady until are ready to face the potential consequences of getting laid, cause abortion is not the answer and being so young and having a child is not a great idea either. Live your life and party well, you sound like there is good potential for your future when you get over this depression phase in life. Just do us all a favor and let out the pent up emotion the world doesn't need any more Smasharoo's.

GWB's fondness for the ladies gave him away long before he named names.

I do like the ladies, heck even Katie is cute. And since I'm in the mood to type, I even agree with some of her opinions in life just not the way she goes about talking them up.
#20 Mar 19 2004 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
How does Kao kill the sockpuppets?
#21 Mar 19 2004 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Darkknight wrote:
How does Kao kill the sockpuppets?

I heard it was boiling oil...
#22 Mar 19 2004 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Twisted, I don't know how much respect I have for Hippo what with his fixation on Alice Cooper, Playgirl mag subsription, errant alcoholic ways and all, but I'm fond of the old boy in much the same way as you'd notice the stray cat you fed once and thus it subsequently never left had just disappeared one day.

I guess I've grown used to falling asleep at night listening to his yowling under my windowsill and stepping in cat **** in the morning after all this time.

Yeah, kinda like that.


#23 Mar 19 2004 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
Twizted wrote:
Didn't you have another account? Something by the name of KRSkeet? Just wonderin'

Flea wrote:
And Twiztid, his original account was KRSkeet, he got his name changed. And he's not GWB. GWB's fondness for the ladies gave him away long before he named names.

What she said ^^.

I created this account back when I was playing Counterstrike regularly, I was in a clan called the "Kneight Ryderz", (how gay is that?) It's actually the name of a rap group that Krazy Bone is trying to get a record deal for, anyhow, the clan is long gone, and people kept on responding to me by quoting my name as "KRS" or some other combination of "KRSkeet" that wasn't my name, so when we moved here, I asked Alla to change it to Skeet. There was a sock puppet (not mine) who used KRskeet which was pretty amusing sometimes.

How does Kao kill the sockpuppets?

Can't go into too much detail, but pretty much, figures out who's it is, and changes the password on the account, if you really tick him off, he'll change the email address linked to it so you can't get your account back by having alla send a new password to your email account. No harm, no foul, Tokenblack was a *******, Kao killed it, IAMYOU was possibly the worst sockpuppet ever, gone now, only one he killed and was wrong for doing so was Judge Judy, which IIRC, handed Goalkeepers *** to him for awhile, but I called Kao out on that, and he apologized and gave the account back, which allowed me to change her sig back from what ever Kao changed it to, and retire her. (It was during his crazy, no cable internet phase)

I'm pretty biased, but I feel that if the board didn't have such a natural hate for puppets, they would have liked Judge Judy, I did receive some praise, Thundra, Tare, Angua, Spence, Flea (back before I knew that Flea was actually my lady), and a few others. Also, when Tokenblack was in that flame war with Moe and Empyre, that was fun too.

Hey Moe, did you ever get a chance to meet up with Empyre so he could "beat you up" over an argument on the internet?


#24 Mar 19 2004 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
skeeter wrote:
Hey Moe, did you ever get a chance to meet up with Empyre so he could "beat you up" over an argument on the internet?

hate to be one to correct you, but it was smoggy not moe. and once again, that arguement came to a ceasefire. that is all.
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