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I've been gone a lot, so....Follow

#52 Mar 10 2004 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
Back when The Barenaked Ladies song One Week first came out, I thought it was a pretty cool song. I even bought the CD, which I still own to this day. But over the coming months, I began to hear it over and over and over again day after day after day. I got pretty sick of that song. Today, the only time the CD gets pulled out is when my wife is feeling nostalgic. It still annoys the hell out of me.

Empyre, you are a person who, I am almost positive, has some talent in real life. I am sure that you do your job relatively well and that you enjoy your personal existence most of the time. Here, however, you present none of that. You are like Jeb, the arthritic bloodhound laying on the front porch unable to make a difference anymore.

Your beliefs are not, to me, out of the ordinary. I know quite a few people who share them, and I myself once did, as well. You're problem is that you do your position no good by defending it. Were you a true believer, you would recognize this. It takes two people without the common sense to drop it to argue a point. Unless one can say "That's all I have to say about it", the positions become more entrenched and fanaticism arises. Additionally, you do a poor job defending your beliefs. Hyperbole and melodrama have their place, I admit. I use them myself from time to time. You, on the other hand, don't seem to understand that an exageration loses its effect when it is your primary method of argument.

As to your specific point, I frequent very few other boards of any kind, much less game boards, and even less so the flame or "oot" equivalent of those boards. While in my writing I fancy myself a wearer of the mantle of Old Greybeard, in this and other forums, I imitate no one. If you care about this forum, and the direction in which it is headed, I suggest you pull your head out of your ***, find a coherant thought, express it, and leave it be.
#53 Mar 10 2004 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent

gosh people are mean on this forum, cant we all get along? seriously
#54REDACTED, Posted: Mar 10 2004 at 2:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) gosh people are mean on this forum, cant we all get along? seriously
#55 Mar 10 2004 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
cant we all get along?

Sorry. Based on the human condition, no.

Yes, seriously.
#56 Mar 10 2004 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Moe, you get to change your sig tomorrow. Smiley: waycool
#57 Mar 10 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,817 posts
tarv wrote:
Your making some pretty big assumptions there Empyre
you are assuming Alla wasn't the first and that all others followed therefore making this the original

uh, how did i do that? looks like you assumed that i meant something that is nowhere in my post.

tarv wrote:
you are assuming that the people here consider other boards better which begs the question why are they posting here

nope. actually if you read my post, i was talking about this forum..and the way people try so hard to flame each other and stake claims to being "the best at it"...then threatening to do it to someone for "stepping on their turf". i mean c'mon its a freaking messageboard..its an out of topic forum. your trying to prove that you are cooler than a handful of people that post there. if this is what you need to get your jollies off, just say so and I apologize. otherwise you've got to understand how lame that truly is. and if your denying it happens here your just plain blind. people flame and flame until someone gets offended, and if they fight back you say "can't you see its all in fun". get a life.

tarv wrote:
You are assuming anyone really cares about this forum other than the people who post here
but then you assume things better than anyone i have ever heard.

no, i'm the only thing i'm assuming is that people on who flame here just to flame or prove they are something on a messageboard are people with self esteem problems. I do care about this board because every once in a while someone posts something and a great discussion arises from it. then some jackarse comes in and starts flaming cuz they think someone is reading it and going "man that persons cool".

And thank you Moebius, for looking at the fact that people may not be the person you think they are from what you see them post. I am slightly offended that you hinted at the idea i was not a "true believer" because even if you had known me personally for years you wouldn't be able to make that call. noone can but God and the I.

the problem here is that I DONT WANT TO DEFEND MY BELIEFS!!! I only express them when asked because I'm gullible enough to think the moron asking is not setting me up for a flame. Maybe I can't defend them well, and I'm not denying that...but when someone asks me something or tries for a response ouot of me, I'm respectable enough to respond...after all, thats the sole purpose of a doesn't serve any other functional purpose.

and finally..."if the shoe fits.." I wasn't pointing fingers to anyone specifically. those that the shoe fits can most likely understand who they are and most others can probably see as well without fingers being pointed..but to deny that the flame-fest is a good part of this forum is crap. and what I was trying to say, is that it seems some would like to see this forum be all about that...which many boards already do in some forum that most think irrelevant. where alla only has a few forums to begin with, and OOT posts get shoo'd out of EQ kinda creates a clash when flamers and people who want to have real discussion come together.

I would express a coherant thought if I weren't spending 90% of my posting time defending myself to some schmuck that just wants to get a rise out of someone. think about much work could you get done if some idiot kept poking you in the back with their finger? how much fun would you have in hawaii if some salesman kept standing beside you pitching the same sales pitch day in and day out regardless of what you said?
#58 Mar 11 2004 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
My dear trux. I would like to point out to you that not many on this board get along. Thats what keeps drawing more people like you in. You would like to feel special so you jump right in were you think you will be cheered. Failing, and failing badly you all pull the "he he I was just kidding", or the " thats so old", or the even more popular " DONT BE MEAN TO ME, IM GONNA TELL MY (insert protective parental satice quo persona here)" card. Grow some balls, and some thick skin, looks like your in line behind lin to be the new wipping boy.
#59 Mar 11 2004 at 3:21 AM Rating: Excellent
Thanks for playing! Tune in next week for "Who you callin' sucky?!?"

This games winner is..... Nobody! You all suck! Goodnight!
#60 Mar 12 2004 at 2:16 AM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
skeeter wrote:
Empyre wrote: for matters of decency and the sanity of the rest of the board I'll stop posting in this forum now..your all wittier than me and are way morer smarterer than me anyhow.


I said I wasn't posting there anymore ****. maybe you ARE smarter than me..a statement I cringe at making but the idea is nothing neither of us will probably ever know the truth about. but that subject was never even a part of that thread. you sure like to find ways to make people try to notice you though..

its almost cute in a that pathetic way a puppy looks at you. except a puppy I don't want to kick the teeth out of when it does it.
#61 Mar 12 2004 at 2:25 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Empyre, you can say you're not going to post in so-and-so thread, but I got news for ya. It's still the same fight, just in a different ring. Posting a retort in a different thread isn't going to make it any better. Just take what's coming to you.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#62 Mar 12 2004 at 2:28 AM Rating: Good
1,817 posts i'm truly trying to avoid any sort of flamage from you twizted. hahahahha. i stopped posting in that thread to abide by the wishes embedded deep within kaolians insults.

of course I wouldn't expect someone like you to see that..
#63 Mar 12 2004 at 2:46 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts

Wow, I'm surprised you pulled your head out of your *** long enough to leak out THAT masterpiece.


Maybe those remarks would be more cutting if I didn't know that they were coming from a 13 year old kid. Once you actually get out into the real world, you're going to either shape up real fast or get the **** kicked out of you. Come back and try to flame me once you've matured a little.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#64 Mar 12 2004 at 3:22 AM Rating: Good
1,817 posts really ARE numb aren't you? yes twizted...i'm 13. and even better...your warnings have me full of fear.

i'm not worried about getting the sh|t kicked out of me..especially by someone like you..even more especially over a messageboard. silly boy. or girl. or whatever you are.
#65 Mar 12 2004 at 3:55 AM Rating: Excellent
#66 Mar 31 2004 at 12:11 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
"i mean..its not like it hasn't been done 310957309 other times on 39025390 other boards..." --Empyre

Your arithetic skills need some polishing, Emp.


You do the math.

#67 May 10 2004 at 3:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Update time!

Seems Empyre is still getting bashed by everyone and their mother, there are tons of new posters to add to the suck list, but I'll just sum it all up by saying "all ffxi posters".

I can't go and list each one, me being on strike and all.
#68 May 10 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
Your arithetic skills need some polishing, Emp.

or your powers of observation and level of perceptiveness both took a nose-dive.

Seems Empyre is still getting bashed by everyone and their mother

I actually take it as a compliment that so many feel the need to challenge me. In a game of king-of-the-mountain, this would mean I was on top and all you suckers are just climbing.

at least you stopped calling me a moron 3 times in every post...moron.
#70 May 10 2004 at 4:21 PM Rating: Good

#71 May 10 2004 at 5:10 PM Rating: Good
315 posts
Ummmm...I *suck* quite often.

As a side note, I can't even spell my own name. That HAS to count for some amount of suckiness. If not, damn, back to reading Assylum posts in silence until all available suckiness sinks in...
#72 May 10 2004 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
For future reference, I like to be in all lists, even lists that say I suck. There is no such thing as bad publicity. Thanks.
#73 May 10 2004 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
The Queen would like to issue the following statement:

Skeeter the Venerable wrote:

That is all.

Edited, Mon May 10 19:12:43 2004 by PsychoJester
#74 May 10 2004 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
why did we revive this thread?
#75 May 10 2004 at 8:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Don't worry, you don't suck anymore.

But as Pat said, you can't pay for this kind of publicity.

#76 May 10 2004 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
For future reference, I like to be in all lists, even lists that say I suck. There is no such thing as bad publicity. Thanks.

Or you could have the next best thing and be mentioned in infamy a half dozen or so times within the content of the thread.\

Where do I begin? I will start with Moe, who apparently thinks his own credibility is worth note. Sadly it is not. Now let me start by saying that the 8 or so posts I am now making a month is putting me on the alla's most despised list, but at least people often say what a bad *** I used to be. Sadly Moe is not a badass now, nor was he a bad *** in the past. Now if you are of the opinion (as many of my detractors are) that I apparently was the recipient of a frontal labotomy and have lost my ability to be snide and demeaning then so be it.

The truth however, based in reality, is not quite as previously written. I am still the bona-fide **** kicker that I have always been. A couple of months ago I made a loose claim, totem bet me on it, and then I lacked the energy to follow through. Nothing Moe did (except clamming up) helped his cause. Now if totem were to go back and make me pay up on every claim I have ever made on this forum and started a countdown for each one, then I would have to type non-stop from now until oblivion and you turds would be deluged with criticims of Karisstarfire, Eqkrystal, Robpickles and countless other people that I goaded into no longer posting here.

I do have to admit that the first post of this thread is right up the alley of the posting style I used here long ago. I applaud you skeet for instigating a fight on multiple fronts. Totem made the comparison due to his memory of a dozen or so such stunts I have pulled in the past. In short, Bravo.

I just noticed a tragedy, I have less posts now that Patrician. I suppose you have been over on the OOT last thread eh Brit?

Back to the original topic at hand...The people mentioned in the first post of this thread generally all suck ***. Flishtaco has half a cool name though.

I voted for the other guy.
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