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#102 Mar 16 2004 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
Oh go stuff yourself Pat. We were all getting ready to enjoy this little ****** on his knees and then you had to step in and ruin it. Take your little white hankey of peace and shove it up your ***. Damn English! Always sticking up for the bad guys.
No! No! Let's not send in troops to aid in the knock down of the evil terrorisitic government. Lets wait till its all over and then want a piece of the pie... Blah blah blah. You guys never were able to choose the right guy to back...
#103 Mar 16 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
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14,659 posts

Kaolian wrote:
Would you prefer that I just hijack their accounts and give them no notification whatsoever? At least that way it informs them that they have a security breach. Sure, I could just tell them, but where’s the fun in that?

I don't condone what Itchybum/Pum did here, and I think he's getting off light, but I can definately see where Pat is coming from here. The fact that you make sure everyone that posts here knows that you can hack their account is truly Ceasar-eqse. People here already know your superb computer skills, and that only adds to the power of your veiled threats. I don't think that you'd ever actually hack my account, but the thought that you could do so, and easily from what it seems, is very discomforting.

We all know that you hold a certain power here, Kao. The fact that you would use it for personal amusement is somewhat sad though. I have a lot of respect for ya, but using your skill like that is just a shame.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#104 Mar 16 2004 at 1:21 PM Rating: Good
Damn English! Always sticking up for the bad guys.
No! No! Let's not send in troops to aid in the knock down of the evil terrorisitic government. Lets wait till its all over and then want a piece of the pie... Blah blah blah. You guys never were able to choose the right guy to back...

See my signature Katie? Case in point.

The British did support us. There is a significant contingent of British troops in Iraq as I type. They were there since the beginning.

Pay attention.
#105 Mar 16 2004 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
What the **** are you talking about Katie? You are aware that the UK has had forces in Iraq supporting the US from the very start up until the present day, and that we have also many casualties?

Go **** YOURSELF you ill-educated and illiterate fool. People like you make an embarrassment of your country.

Allakhazam OOT Board Rules

1) If Katie supports your position, it might be time to re-think.
#106 Mar 16 2004 at 1:30 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
TwiztidSamurai wrote:

The fact that you would use it for personal amusement is somewhat sad though. I have a lot of respect for ya, but using your skill like that is just a shame.

I've actually only hijacked accounts of sockpuppets, Thundra (long story, see the old ubb forums if you want to know) and Mren once or twice to retrieve his account. A few others for the latter reason as well.
#107 Mar 16 2004 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
That Interplanetary Love God wrote:
Allakhazam OOT Board Rules

1) If Katie supports your position, it might be time to re-think

Motion on the floor. Do we have a second?
#108 Mar 16 2004 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
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14,659 posts
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#109 Mar 16 2004 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Third and Fourth <For all the UK troops in Iraq>
#110 Mar 16 2004 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
Oh go stuff yourself Pat. We were all getting ready to enjoy this little @#%^er on his knees and then you had to step in and ruin it. Take your little white hankey of peace and shove it up your ***. Damn English! Always sticking up for the bad guys.
No! No! Let's not send in troops to aid in the knock down of the evil terrorisitic government. Lets wait till its all over and then want a piece of the pie... Blah blah blah. You guys never were able to choose the right guy to back...

For all their flaws (and being of Irish extraction I could, but won't, name many) the English have been as steadfast an ally to the Americans as you could possibly want.

On 9/12, at the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace,just after the Trade Centers and Pentagon were struck, they played The Star Spangled Banner in tribute, rather than God Save the Queen. It may have been just a gesture, but it was a meaningful one (to me at least).

If you want someone who's wishy-washy, conniving and waffling to pick on, just use the French. Nobody does duplicity like the French.

#111 Mar 16 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Excellent
I could have sworn somebody was trying to flame me in this thread, I guess that will teach me to fall asleep in a park where 10 year olds frequent, I have a ton of the most childlike insults swimming around in my head that I thought were here on this thread.

Oh well.

That Interplanetary Love God wrote:Allakhazam OOT Board Rules

1) If Katie supports your position, it might be time to re-think

Motion on the floor. Do we have a second?

Motion passed, and moved to #1 on the Allakhazam Ten Commandments.
#112 Mar 16 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Maybe I'm a rube and just fell off the turnip truck, but the prospect of Kao hacking into my account and utilizing my name just does not incite any fear or discomfort in my sin blackened heart. And while I can imagine him easily doing so should he unexpectedly choose to, even if he were inclined to hack a nobody like me, the worst thing that'd occur is my post count would rapidly shoot up, culminating in a brief explosion of spray like a cork released under the water.

Sadly, this is much like my wife's experiences with my sexual performance: a rush to get to where I'm going, a quick but showy finale, and deep, restful slumber on the placid sea of my mattress.

Indeed, this is to be my next book's title, My Life as a Bobber.

I guess what I'm saying, Twisted, is that the basis for your qualms about Kao commandeering your password for the intent of mischiefmaking is rather remote. Relax and enjoy the spectacle of e-peens being being wielded and flaunted at each other as their owners don gruesome tribal masks and body paint to win the admiring gaze of the woman with the bone in her nose: Katie. The fearsome shrieks and howls accompanying the banging of genitalia against shields are for her benefit, not yours, and are designed to help her choose a suitable mate. The virile young internet warrior who manages to impress this fine speciman of aboriginal womanhood will enter into the Halls of Glory, whereupon her impressively wide pelvis and childrearing musculature will eek out a fresh howl of triumph from our hero and a new generation of toothless inbreds, errr, warriors will trod upon the earth.

#113 Mar 16 2004 at 5:48 PM Rating: Excellent
#114 Mar 16 2004 at 6:14 PM Rating: Good
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14,659 posts
Totem wrote:
Relax and enjoy the spectacle of e-peens being being wielded and flaunted at each other...

Totem, I think you should start writing stories too. We could have "Kao stories v. Totem stories" threads.

My qualm with Kao's hacking ability isn't that he can hack into my account and publicize my information. Who cares. My qualm is that he uses this ability to indirectly threaten people. That is a misuse (is that a word?) of intellect. If Kao really wanted to get at people, he should do it like every other member of this forum (except Taco).
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#115 Mar 16 2004 at 6:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Twizted wrote:
If Kao really wanted to get at people, he should do it like every other member of this forum (except Taco).

Theoretically, that works, but then again, we get thick headed morons like Empyre in which it's a lost cause.

#116 Mar 16 2004 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
you know skeet...i was trying to stay out of this now..but since you can't seem to keep your mental diseases in check..

skeeter wrote:
I could have sworn somebody was trying to flame me in this thread, I guess that will teach me to fall asleep in a park where 10 year olds frequent, I have a ton of the most childlike insults swimming around in my head that I thought were here on this thread.

yes that was me...and escape if you may into a pedophiles dream of 10 year olds on a playground (sicko), noone here missed you. and those childlike insults are not part of the dream...your actually using them...and they suck.

skeeter wrote:
Just because it's been my "thing" lately.

*gasp* get the f*ck out?!? you mean all those lame picture messages that were semi-funny at first but now are as old as the smell of B.O. when you walk by are YOUR thing? aren't you just the coolest thing.

skeeter wrote:
Theoretically, that works, but then again, we get thick headed morons like Empyre in which it's a lost cause.

this could only be an invitation for me to come back and make you look like a schmuck again. so you got it. I'm glad you missed me so much you couldn't see me stay away...thats sweet..repulsive, but sweet in a "******-trying-to-get-attention" sort of way.

now go play in traffic or something..

EDIT: now come back with some grammatical exploitations or rewording quotes from my post with some name-calling..cuz thats obviously all you have as of late.

Edited, Tue Mar 16 18:58:56 2004 by Empyre
#117 Mar 16 2004 at 7:01 PM Rating: Good
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14,659 posts
Cursed Double Post

Edited, Wed Mar 17 15:15:42 2004 by TwiztidSamurai
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#118 Mar 16 2004 at 7:02 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts

Empyre wrote:
this could only be an invitation for me to come back and make you look like a schmuck again.


Empyre wrote:
...sweet in a "******-trying-to-get-attention" sort of way.

Once again, pot... kettle... black.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#119 Mar 16 2004 at 7:14 PM Rating: Excellent
I was afraid you were going to stop playing Empyre, welcome back.

You know, I'm kicking myself now, because I just realized you have a crush on me.

I'm so sorry I didn't notice earlier, what with all of your comments about how sweet and cute I am.

Like this one for instance:

I'm glad you missed me so much you couldn't see me stay away...thats sweet

And various others I don't care to go look up, you wrote them, you know they are there.

You know, making me look like a moron only works if you make people besides yourself think I'm a moron.

Now, I'll admit here and now that I'm sure there are a few here that think I'm a moron, but that is none of your doing, they just happen to be people that I rub the wrong way.

If we were to take this thread, take away all prior knowledge of the posters in this thread, and make judgements based on these posts alone, you'd be Ross Perot buddy.

"If he thinks he is right, that's all that matters." -- Ross Perot, Jr. (Posner, p128).

"I'm not going to get into that with you because it's none of your business. I'm not going to -- hey, look, I don't have anything to prove to you people to start with." -- Perot, answering questions about the Black Panther/N. Vietnamese hit squads (Posner, p66)

Hey, I think I found a picture of his son.

Now, if after reading all of my posts, posts of others, and your own moronic posts, you still think you have the upper hand here, I truly feel awful for you, and would feel bad about continuing this slaughter(but will do so anyhow, if you insist)
#120 Mar 16 2004 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Actually, I did write some stories here at Alla when Totem was Pusbag, allbeit rather poorly. Granted, it was with the assistance of others who were supposed to provide parallel and concurrent plotlines of their own characters, but the problem lay in that everyone wanted resolution to the story within the few short paragraphs they wrote, wherein their hero always was glowing from the hardwon-but-ultimately-victorious battle against the evil Emperor Pusbag. Their dewy eyes glistened in the sunset as they placed a heavy boot on the now prone form of a defeated troll, content in the knowledge that Good Always Triumphs Over Evil.

I struggled to make it work-- and even had a hit rate of about 1,500 a day to my journal, thus earning a free premium membership from Alla --but the storyline collasped from its' own weight due to two page cliffhangers written by yours truly and promptly snuffed in two four sentence paragraphs by my contributors.

I envisioned a plotline extending several months, where the only rules were we couldn't kill each other's protagonists (although secondary characters were fair game) and in the greater framework of the story Pusbag was the the main evil antagonist against whom the rest of the good guys could fight or the bad guys could align themselves with or connive against.

As for Kao and his alleged misuse of his computer abilities, I tend to view him as utilizing a skillset available to him. Just as I write with some modicum of success, he hacks equally as well. Neither of us tend to actually employ these talents to the detriment of others, but if pushed, can and might do so.

I think the core issue is what is considered an offense worthy of earning such treatment. Clearly Pum is deserving of some punishment, especially considering the written word is not sufficient to make him remember his place in the pecking order, so perhaps some extracurricular beatings are necessary. I would view them as the internet version of an after-school detention wherein Pum is forced to write lines or clean chalkboard erasers. After all, when I verbally berate someone so badly that they leave this board permanently isn't that the same thing? In that way, so as I am to the written word, Kao is to the programming code.

I can understand Pat's position. I can understand why he dislikes what Kao can/could do. But I can easily see someone taking the very same stance against me for writing as I do. And in this particular case extreme measures are needed against an extremely offensive transgressor. So rather than ask a normally benign Kao to stop, the onus should be on a malicious Pum to stop, thus preventing Kao from doing something which he would rather not do. Pum's freedom to swing his fist ends at the tip of our nose, and sadly, he elected to ignore this truism. Now he apparently will pay the price.


Don't blame Kao for reacting after being punched in the shnozze. Blame Pum for acting the fool and doing what he knows not to do. You play with fire, you end up getting burned. It's as simple as that.

#121 Mar 16 2004 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
And various others I don't care to go look up, you wrote them, you know they are there.

oh really? your not speaking out of your **** as usual? well then show us all all these times I have given you hints that i have a crush on you skeeter. link the original thread so we can see for ourselves and don't get those ever so cleverly reworded quotes you use that are just so realistic.

and twizted..i'm not even going to give you the satisfaction. your posts are dry and are not really saying much at all. it would be a waste of my breathe to reply to you only to get "I know you are but what am I?"
#122 Mar 16 2004 at 7:37 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
/nod Totem gets it.

On a mostly unrelated note, Totem, if you ever want to try a colaborative work again, let me know, I'm game.
#123 Mar 17 2004 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
/nod Totem gets it.

Oh I get it. I just disagree with it.

But I can easily see someone taking the very same stance against me for writing as I do

Don't be ridiculous Totem, you are a puddy cat.

Edit - Swear filter disallows the most innocent of things sometimes.

Edited, Wed Mar 17 05:30:39 2004 by Patrician
#124 Mar 17 2004 at 2:09 PM Rating: Default
Im just glad my high jack worked. Was tired of reading the did not/did so bs.
#125 Mar 17 2004 at 2:28 PM Rating: Excellent
Katie wrote:
Im just glad my high jack worked. Was tired of reading the did not/did so bs.

Here ya go.
#126 Mar 17 2004 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts

Kaolian wrote:
On a mostly unrelated note, Totem, if you ever want to try a colaborative work again, let me know, I'm game.

Me too. I've always liked to read fantasy, but writing it would be a cool experience too.
Empyre wrote:
your posts are dry and are not really saying much at all. it would be a waste of my breathe to reply to you...

My sense of humor is very dry, yes. Give yourself a cookie. But if it's a waste of your breath to reply to me, then WHY DO YOU REPLY TO ME?!? Jeez, this is like another game of Lasttm.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

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