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#77 Mar 15 2004 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
lol...well it looks like you finally have nothing left. thanks for the tips on puncuation and grammar. if you could practice those tips yourself it might mean something. maybe i'll use proper puncuation, spelling and such when i'm writing my technical courses..but for replying to a somehow who obviously doesn't know his head from a hole in the wall, i'll pass..its not worth the extra effort.

in fact...its not even worth the effort to keep going. your reaching for scraps with that puncuation bit. I'll shift my attention now to the ensuing arguement between pat and kao. should be more entertaining and i'd rather watch for a while..your dismissed, i'm done with you.
#78 Mar 15 2004 at 5:32 PM Rating: Good
lol...well it looks like you finally have nothing left.

If you are talking about pictures which describe how pathetic you are, then you are quite right, I am running out of those, as for posting material, even your name recalls how stupid you are, Mr. "There's no I in team" Empyre.

Empyre wrote:
maybe i'll use proper puncuation, spelling and such when i'm writing my technical courses..but for replying to a somehow who obviously doesn't know his head from a hole in the wall, i'll pass..its not worth the extra effort.

Empyre wrote:
"I'd take the time to fix typos I shouldn't be making in the first place if I was doing the super important stuff that I do which makes me cool and way better than you, but you are way too dumberer than me so me wont waste effort"

Ok, I get ya.

Empyre wrote:
in fact...its not even worth the effort to keep going. your reaching for scraps with that puncuation bit. I'll shift my attention now to the ensuing arguement between pat and kao. should be more entertaining and i'd rather watch for a while..your dismissed, i'm done with you.

I'm not reaching for scraps, you're throwing them my way with each post, chump.

I'd read the last sentence of my last post again, I don't think you got it the first time.

#79 Mar 15 2004 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
Looks like skeeter has a new whipping boy! Woot!
#80 Mar 15 2004 at 5:55 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
ok skibby...we'll try your approach. see if you can get how stupid you sound.

If you are talking about pictures which describe how pathetic you are and how absolutely cool I think I am, then you are quite right, I am running out of those..the same way I ran out of common sense and dignity, as for posting material, even your name recalls how stupid you are (despite how stupid I make MYSELF appear, Mr. "There's no I in team" Empyre.

wtf are you trying to say? especially, with, all, those, commas? your not making many points...and your surely not proving ANY of them. pick on typing and grammar and then butcher a paragraph with sentence fragments and illegal use of the comma. you lose fool..give it up, your everything you are accusing.

Ok, I get ya.

no, i have a hard time believing you get much of anything.

I'm not reaching for scraps, you're throwing them my way with each post, chump.

well thanks for confirming what I was trying to say. now lets work on this ping-ponging you've got going between this and the opposing extreme. can we say bi-polar behavior?

I'd read the last sentence of my last post again, I don't think you got it the first time.

fine. here you go (next time just scream out "I WANT ATTENTION! I LEARNED A NEW WORD!)...its easier than beating around the bush.

webster-merriam wrote:
Main Entry: apos·tro·phe
Pronunciation: &-'päs-tr&-(")fE
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from Greek apostrophe, literally, act of turning away, from apostrephein to turn away, from apo- + strephein to turn
: the addressing of a usually absent person or a usually personified thing rhetorically <Carlyle's "O Liberty, what things are done in thy name!" is an example of apostrophe>

again..your an idiot. anyone with half a brain cell reading can see this. now go away. shoo skeeter shoo.

Edited, Mon Mar 15 17:55:18 2004 by Empyre
#81 Mar 15 2004 at 7:59 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Empyre wrote:
your not making many points...and your surely not proving ANY of them.

One thing comes to mind, Empyre, and I think you actually said it best...

Empyre wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#82 Mar 15 2004 at 10:31 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
you two should get together and chase each others tails...thats all your doing here.
#83 Mar 15 2004 at 10:50 PM Rating: Good
You're --- you are

Not "your", you ********

To err is human, to err over and over and over again is Empyre (a fu'cking moron)

You should really try to learn from your mistakes.

Tell me one last thing before you put your crayons away and go beddy-bye;

What do you plead?
#84 Mar 15 2004 at 11:34 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
its quite funny actually, this is. i almost can't stop laughing sometimes. in fact, this one had me laughing so hard I sneezed at the same time..hurt my shoulder. dont ask me how..but yeah, thanks for the amusement.

can you and twizted do that little dance you two do? not the one you guys do in private...thats just gross. the other one.
#85 Mar 16 2004 at 1:43 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts

But Kao is like the forbidden fruit, don't mess with it or @#%^ing else.



I object to your behaviour once more.

Atually Pat the reason i said that has nothing to do with personal attacks, it is about biting the hands that feeds, Kao is the one person on this board who is likely to be in a position to be of real help in a real life sence. How many times do people post computer questions directly to him? i must have seen 10-15 since i have been here and strangely none asking your help for anything.
#86 Mar 16 2004 at 4:04 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
This is personal. Stay out of it please

I think Kaolian has been watching too many movies. Who do you think you are? Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Here is my movie idea, it is called "Vendetta".

<cue trailer music>

"There was a man. Usually he played by the rules. But this time they went to far. This time its personal. And rules are made to be broken."

Kaolian, in all my time posting on this board, only two regulars have been officially warned by Allakhazam himself, IIRC. You being one of them. For this very same behaviour. If you really want to have this argument. I am here buddy.

In future, keep your pathetic babyish threats to yourself big boy.
#87 Mar 16 2004 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
Atually Pat the reason i said that has nothing to do with personal attacks, it is about biting the hands that feeds, Kao is the one person on this board who is likely to be in a position to be of real help in a real life sence. How many times do people post computer questions directly to him? i must have seen 10-15 since i have been here and strangely none asking your help for anything.

All the tech help in the world is not going to save him from flames if he acts like a tool.
#88 Mar 16 2004 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
Yes. he did. Very nasty, insulting names. Had he done the same to you, I'm quite sure you would be rather irate now.

Is your self-esteem and self-confidence really so low that you get irate when an anonymous nobody calls you a nasty name? Had he done the same to me, I would have been amsued and penning my retort. No more, no less. But then I aint pathetic like you.
#89 Mar 16 2004 at 6:46 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Patrician wrote:

Kaolian, in all my time posting on this board, only two regulars have been officially warned by Allakhazam himself, IIRC. You being one of them. For this very same behaviour. If you really want to have this argument. I am here buddy.

You know not of what you speak in this instance. Please read the admin responses to the following threads, then decide where the Administrators stand on this particular poster.


In future, keep your pathetic babyish threats to yourself big boy.

Patrician here seems to have a problem with pum/itchybottom/suckup getting his. Does anyone else share his sentiment? Let's have a show of hands. Who wants to declare Pum a protected species? Anyone?

Babyish really hurts. It's too close to amateurish, which I assure you there is nothing amateur about what I have done to Mr. suckup.

What part of this concept is unclear to you. Do nothing to me, nothing will happen. Flame me, nothing will happen. Create a sockpuppet to personally attack me while spamming the forum, Bad Things will happen. I make no apologies for that. In the long run, getting rid of pum is in the best interests of the forum. Deal with it.
#90 Mar 16 2004 at 6:49 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Patrician wrote:

All the tech help in the world is not going to save him from flames if he acts like a tool.

... and the standards of what actions are considered that of a "tool" are of course determined by Patrician here. How convenient.
#91 Mar 16 2004 at 7:00 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Patrician wrote:

Is your self-esteem and self-confidence really so low that you get irate when an anonymous nobody calls you a nasty name? Had he done the same to me, I would have been amsued and penning my retort. No more, no less. But then I aint pathetic like you.

Self esteem and confidence have nothing to do with it. Yes, I get annoyed, but it is an annoyance borne of the notion that some little **** thinks he can come in here, pull that kind of stunt, leave, then come back at a suitable interval and do it all over again. Get this through your skull. He has not stopped in the past despite several warnings, bannings, and similar actions. He is not going to stop unless someone removes his ability to take action. I happen to be in a position to do so. Don't like it? Fine. I can deal with that. I really don't care. Sorry.
#92 Mar 16 2004 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
Patrician here seems to have a problem with pum/itchybottom/suckup getting his. Does anyone else share his sentiment? Let's have a show of hands. Who wants to declare Pum a protected species? Anyone?

No you miss the point. I have a problem with you throwing around threats, regardless of the antagonist. In my opinion there are no shades of grey when it comes to threatening people with real life consequences on a message board. It is wrong. Full stop.

And yeah when I decide to flame you, it is on my own criteria of tooliness. DUH!
#93 Mar 16 2004 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
And lets get a few things straight. You threatened before you knew who the poster was.
There are lines, and one was just crossed. So be it.

You picked the wrong person to @#%^ with.

Also so what exactly did you mean by this aimed at Empyre?
Please consider your options and resultant concequinces carefuly before you respond.

Now had this come from Tacosid, I would assume the consequenceswould be written humiliation, which is appropriate on a message board.

Coming from you, it has a hidden implication that is pretty ambiguous, and whether you mean it or not, at least suggests that some of the consequences may be real life if the response is not careful. Regardless of whether you actually would inflict more sinister consequences is irrelevant, I know you just love to flex your e-***** (thanks Totem. Word).

Which is why I object to your poor record of errant behaviour in issuing idle threats.
#94 Mar 16 2004 at 7:28 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Patrician wrote:

No you miss the point. I have a problem with you throwing around threats, regardless of the antagonist. In my opinion there are no shades of grey when it comes to threatening people with real life consequences on a message board. It is wrong. Full stop.

I have a problem with your insistence that someone is not responsible for their actions just because it is a message board. That is crap. Sure, lets try the Patrician approach and spread the luv to the spammers. Consequences for your actions? Nooooo. What are those? Sure, lets let them keep on spamming. Drive off more newcomers. Invite their spammer friends in here. Hey, maybe they will start spamming ads for cheap insurance! I don’t get enough of those in my junk mail... Your way lies along the path to ruin. My way works.

Let me ask you this. How do you think Pum was getting around the spam filter? That's not something your average user is going to be able to do. This is someone with some hacking experience. He knew the risks of the game going in. By continuing to defend him over the interests of the board, you are coming off as a naive idealist. You cannot break everything down into two easily digestible moral shades at all times. I'm sorry if that shatters your worldview, but it is something you are going to ahve to coem to terms with.


And yeah when I decide to flame you, it is on my own criteria of tooliness. DUH!

Alright, let me know when you start would you? I’ll try to pay attention. And try something besides the "U R teh patheticz" line eh?
#95 Mar 16 2004 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
I have a problem with your insistence that someone is not responsible for their actions just because it is a message board.

I expect the moderators to take action, not you, because I trust them to behave appropriately. The same as in real life, I expect the police to deal with criminals, and would not support renegade members of the public blowing the heads of criminals with a shotgun.

Let me ask you this. How do you think Pum was getting around the spam filter? That's not something your average user is going to be able to do. This is someone with some hacking experience

Skeeter you l33t haxxor you! Watch out, Kaolian is a coming boy!

Skeeter wrote:
Well I found out how he got past the 20 second spam timer.

If you click on the "post" button realy fast you can get hundreds of clicks in before you get stoped with a spam timer block.

As you can see from the "Last" thread.

Kind of a sad way for me to finally break 2000 posts, but atleast we know of a loophole and can make arangements to fix it.


By continuing to defend him over the interests of the board, you are coming off as a naive idealist. You cannot break everything down into two easily digestible moral shades at all times. I'm sorry if that shatters your worldview, but it is something you are going to ahve to coem to terms with

You seem to think I am defending Pum. I am not, the moderators should deal with him in whatever way they think is appropriate. I am attacking you. You being the rengade member of the public with a shotgun.

Alright, let me know when you start would you? I’ll try to pay attention. And try something besides the "U R teh patheticz" line eh?

I am pretty sure I have questioned your integrity and morality here. If you didn't catch that, consider them flamed.

Let me give you a suggestion, take a leaf out of The Honorable czaemon's book. He makes no ambiguous threats in the thread you linked, he informs the moderators exactly what he is doing (essentially identifying the poster and reporting them to the appropriate organisations). He is crystal clear. It is your ambiguity that makes you an ******** in this case Kaolian.
#96 Mar 16 2004 at 7:48 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Patrician wrote:
And lets get a few things straight. You threatened before you knew who the poster was.

It was a sockpuppet, making a personal attack, designed to hurt, directed at me. That was enough. The fact that it is Pum makes it all the better.


Now had this come from Tacosid, I would assume the consequences would be written humiliation, which is appropriate on a message board.

Coming from you, it has a hidden implication that is pretty ambiguous, and whether you mean it or not, at least suggests that some of the consequences may be real life if the response is not careful. Regardless of whether you actually would inflict more sinister consequences is irrelevant, I know you just love to flex your e-***** (thanks Totem. Word).

I was actually going to steal his avatar picture and hold it for a $3.00 ransom if you really must know. Of course it was ambiguous. It was meant to be.

Starting with the ***** jokes again? Really. How dull.


Which is why I object to your poor record of errant behaviour in issuing idle threats.

Ok, explain this one to me. Is my record poor in the amount I have been issuing? If you like, I can do more. No, really, it’s no trouble at all. Or are you referring to my keeping my threats idle? Hmmm. Yes, I can see your point with that. They usually do turn active. I’ll work on my idleness factor some more ok?

So how is your threat to flame me any different here? Oh, because Patrician is doing it, it's ok. That must be it.

What is your goal here? To get me to leave poor little pum alone? It's not going to happen. To show the rest of the forum posters here what you perceive as the error of my ways? Most of them would probably happily join me in lynching the guy. Please. this is a lost cause and you know it.
#97 Mar 16 2004 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
Please. this is a lost cause and you know it.

Tee hee. That is what you thought last time.
#98 Mar 16 2004 at 8:20 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Patrician wrote:

I expect the moderators to take action, not you, because I trust them to behave appropriately. The same as in real life, I expect the police to deal with criminals, and would not support renegade members of the public blowing the heads of criminals with a shotgun.

Awww you don’t trust me? I’m hurt. Really…

You post that as if you have a clue how it even works. Oddly enough, even after Illia fixed that particular loophole, the guy still spams on a regular basis. Funny that, no? I suggest you do some more research before you attempt to call me on my technical knowledge.


You seem to think I am defending Pum. I am not, the moderators should deal with him in whatever way they think is appropriate. I am attacking you. You being the rengade member of the public with a shotgun.

Gee, seems to me that they did deal with him when they published his IP. Perhaps you should let them speak for themselves rather than putting words into their mouths. I am pretty sure they are perfectly aware of how to use the post reply button. If they wish to say something about the issue, they will.

I am pretty sure I have questioned your integrity and morality here. If you didn't catch that, consider them flamed.

Yes, you have questioned my integrity and morality. I submit to you that were I lacking morality and integrity here, would I not have done something regrettable with your personal information by now? Please understand that I say that not as a threat of any sort, but just to illustrate the point, especially since you brought the issue up yourself earlier. As a matter of fact, who was it that pointed out where you had posted it so you could remove it before anyone less principled got ahold of it? That alone should prove the point. Of course, since you don’t trust my integrity you won’t believe me, but nothing I say is going to change that. You have built your conceptions of me around that false premise, and you are the one that will have to resolve that.


Let me give you a suggestion, take a leaf out of The Honorable czaemon's book. He makes no ambiguous threats in the thread you linked, he informs the moderators exactly what he is doing (essentially identifying the poster and reporting them to the appropriate organisations). He is crystal clear. It is your ambiguity that makes you an ******** in this case Kaolian.

Just because I choose not to post such information on the board does not mean it does not get passed along to the appropriate people. You do not know of what you speak in this instance. Also, the ambiguity serves as a deterrent factor. There are ways to counter things once they have been identified. It’s a simple equation Do clearly identified bad things = Unknown bad things occuring. Do not do clearly identified bad things = no unknown bad things occuring. It works. Why mess with it?
#99 Mar 16 2004 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
Yes, you have questioned my integrity and morality. I submit to you that were I lacking morality and integrity here, would I not have done something regrettable with your personal information by now?

I get the impression that were I to get under your skin in a manner such as Thundra has in the past (for example) then you would use it against me. That is not to defend Thundra's behaviour. In my opinion, the message board equivalent of the death penalty is banning and reporting to the individual's ISP (the latter in very specific circumstances - spamming, hacking etc).

The only consequences that members should inflict are reporting to the mods, and public humiliation.

You like to give the impression that there are consequences within your power that go beyond that. That is what I have an issue with.

I am sure your ambiguous threats work, however I think you are abusing your ability and you should inform the moderators and leave "consequences" to them. Hell, if you want more power, offer to be mod.

Incidently, hacking the accounts of posters, even for little things like changing their sig / hijacking their avatar etc is also wrong without their permission.
#100 Mar 16 2004 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Patrician wrote:

I get the impression that were I to get under your skin in a manner such as Thundra has in the past (for example) then you would use it against me. That is not to defend Thundra's behaviour.

You would have to try particularly hard to get things to that point, well over the line of decency. The Thundra situation was a long time building, and way over the top. 1 post sockpuppets who are foolish to make directed attacks against me do not get as much leeway. And to be entirely honest that information would not have been that hard to come by anyways.


In my opinion…

That’s right. Your opinion. Which happens to be different than my own. We have all no heard it several times from you, and I am certain that even the slowest amongst us fully understand, if not appreciate your stance on the issue


The only consequences that members should inflict are reporting to the mods, and public humiliation.

Exactly, I’m glad we agree.


You like to give the impression that there are consequences within your power that go beyond that. That is what I have an issue with.

I dunno, I think it’s pretty damn publicly humiliating to take away the sense of security and smugness at not being caught that Mr. Pum is going to have to deal with.


I am sure your ambiguous threats work, however I think you are abusing your ability and you should inform the moderators and leave "consequences" to them. Hell, if you want more power, offer to be mod.

I have volunteered to be a moderator in the past. Heck, I’ll offer to be one again right now. I don’t see it happening any time soon here in oot though. Maybe someday in the tech support forum on a limited basis or something, but I think I’m regarded as somewhat of a loose cannon. That is the consequence of some of the paths I have chosen. I like to think I have done more good than harm though.


Incidently, hacking the accounts of posters, even for little things like changing their sig / hijacking their avatar etc is also wrong without their permission.

So is making sockpuppets. Would you prefer that I just hijack their accounts and give them no notification whatsoever? At least that way it informs them that they have a security breach. Sure, I could just tell them, but where’s the fun in that?
#101 Mar 16 2004 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
I think I’m regarded as somewhat of a loose cannon

Which is my point in it's entirity. If you listen to Uncle Pat I can help you work on that.
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