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#52 Mar 14 2004 at 10:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Empyre, Still going eh?

Empyre wrote:

as for the other part being "gross"? grow up

Where did I say anything about being gross?

I'm pretty sure if you read back all parties involved in previous drama came to a cease fire before I ever left...

Again, I must say: !!!!!!!!!

I'm not going to read back and find your age, or what you do, or how the last "Empyre bashing" ended, I don't care, nobody cares! We're dealing with "now", and right now, you are a moron, and that is the issue I am discussing.

Empyre wrote:
go ahead in your own world full of all the pretty little pictures with sayings photoshopped onto them. because its just oh so cool. not to mention many cross the lines of either offensive or just plain mean. but lucky for you people are just selective about who they flame about things like that.

Is this really happening? Am I reading this? I must be dreaming, nobody could really be that much of a moron could they?
Empyre, please, do us all a favor, read what you post, really, in all honesty now, just sit down, shut the **** up for one second, and read this thread over, if you got past the 3rd grade you SHOULD be able to see what is blatantly obvious to everybody else.

Even a stoned Dell guy knows what I'm talking about.

Edited, Sun Mar 14 11:01:53 2004 by Skeeter
#53 Mar 14 2004 at 12:00 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Empyre, I don't care why you post, and you should really consider releasing all the energy you have pent up where my posts are concerned. You can, in fact ignore me and continue to lead a relatively satisfying life, as I mostly do with you. Promise! I will admit it was my mistake to assume I could help you, but they are sadly, posted and in the past.

Of course the fact that I have more respect for Katie, George Bush (W AND Senior), Mormons, and whole legions of second-graders than you now means sh*t to you, but it makes me happy to say it, so what the hell.
#54 Mar 14 2004 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Flea wrote:
Of course the fact that I have more respect for Katie, George Bush (W AND Senior), Mormons, and whole legions of second-graders than you now

Ouch Flea.

Empyre i don't think you realise how much respect people here have for Kao, you just can't flame him and expect to retain any sort of respect period.

In the year or so since i have taken interest in these boards no-one with an IQ over 15 has attracted the wrath of Kao, it just doesn't happen unless your stupid.

Skeet i can understand since he goes out of his way to annoy people in his own extremely ammusing way. He flames me regularly without me getting all pissed off and defencive about it.

Part of life in OoT is getting verbally <and pictorally in the last week or so> ambushed by Queen Skeeter thats why he got the crown in the first place.

But Kao is like the forbidden fruit, don't mess with it or ******* else.
#55 Mar 14 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Empyre wrote:

blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah. blah blah blah blah! blah blah blah blah! blah blah blah blah blah blah .

blah blah blah?

Skeeter wrote:
blah blah blah blah blah blah. blah blah blah blah? blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah. blah blah!

blah blah.
#56 Mar 14 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Good
Debalic wrote:
Empyre wrote:
blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah. blah blah blah blah! blah blah blah blah! blah blah blah blah blah blah .

blah blah blah?

Skeeter wrote:blah blah blah blah blah blah. blah blah blah blah? blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah. blah blah!

blah blah.

" don't hold weight, you aint ever held more than a blunt in your hand..."

#57 Mar 14 2004 at 5:16 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
I'm not going to read back and find your age, or what you do, or how the last "Empyre bashing" ended, I don't care, nobody cares! We're dealing with "now", and right now, you are a moron, and that is the issue I am discussing.

well then why bring it up in the first place chump? you were the one who accused me of running to Main EQ forum last time so I attempted to SHOW you what happened last you say you don't care. your running in circles here skeeter. either find an arguement that has substance and stick with it or go back to therapy and get some new meds.

...and take your gf with you. although I appreciate her desire to help your arguments, I don't really want to get into it with least she has the common sense to stop instead of making up situations and events to argue about.

tarv wrote:
Empyre i don't think you realise how much respect people here have for Kao, you just can't flame him and expect to retain any sort of respect period.

In the year or so since i have taken interest in these boards no-one with an IQ over 15 has attracted the wrath of Kao, it just doesn't happen unless your stupid.

notice it stopped with kao? I didnt go after kao, I responded to his attack on me for something that was 1) untrue about the intentions of my post and 2) that someone that WAS doing what he was accusing me of he had blown right past. The attack on him came from someone totally different. I don't make this stuff up, and you can read it all yourself. these messageboards have a neat feature that archives all messages posted unless the original poster changes something.

only skeeter seems to be the one making stuff up. i don't know whether he is lazy, can't read or just plain stupid to think that I would honestly believe anything more than what was posted in plain html here...but obviously when substance lacks for argument, one turns to imagination.

Edited, Sun Mar 14 17:17:51 2004 by Empyre
#58 Mar 14 2004 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
notice it stopped with kao?

It's not that Kao has spared you of his wrath, it's just that he has chosen to let everybody else on the forum point out your many blatent shortcomings. Skeet does is with humorous pictures, Flea does is under the guise of friendly advice, Tarv does it in a straight-forward manner, and I do it by use of sarcasm. But there's one consistent message in all of this: YOU'RE A DOUCHE BAG.

Take Skeet's advice and go back to the EQ Main Forum. If you stay, you'll just continue to accent your immaturity and lack of common sense. Of course, if you DO stay, atleast I wont be bored any time soon -=)
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#59 Mar 14 2004 at 8:28 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
ah..i must have missed that part where kao said that. hmm...reading back and I can't seem to find that either? this what your intentions with this were?

or maybe you speak FOR his personal assistant or just another poster dying for attention?


sigh..and now we are back to name calling. thats sooo mature twizted. please, honor us some more with your delightful insight on the ways of things. because your words are ever so enlightening, and in the true spirit of what you all are preaching this forum to be.

here's some name calling for you twizted. your a pathetic piece of self proclaimed greatness, and yet another that thinks bullying people around on a messageboard is going to somehow make up for the times everyones bullied you around in real life. you really could have stuck to one title in your name if you were trying to fill that gap tho. (a cheesy wanna be ICP group that are as scary as my grandmother, and she's dead..and a samurai...i mean, c' little brother still does that).

c'mon big bad bully, call me some more names we've heard a hundred times. because when YOU say it, its so much more original and meaningful. (note sarcasm)
#60 Mar 14 2004 at 10:11 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Sarcasm (n):
1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.

by the way, Twiztid kicks ***
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#61 Mar 14 2004 at 11:20 PM Rating: Decent
Empyre wrote:
sigh..and now we are back to name calling. thats sooo mature twizted.


There was some moron on this thread calling Flea and Me ugly, along with many other names that I can't remember because earlier today, there were a few 10 year olds outside using similar, if not more intellectual, verbal insults.

They were right about my toothbrush, I think they've hit the nail on the head this time as well.

edit: me, not I

Edited, Sun Mar 14 23:22:06 2004 by Skeeter
#62 Mar 15 2004 at 1:11 AM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
whatever dude.
#63 Mar 15 2004 at 2:15 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Empyre wrote:
sad little being

Empyre wrote:
any of you retards

Empyre wrote:

Empyre wrote: get ****** daydreamer award.

Empyre wrote:
or just plain stupid

But wait! There's more!

Empyre wrote:
sigh..and now we are back to name calling.

I think this one speaks for itself.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#64 Mar 15 2004 at 6:26 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
The Great Empyre wrote: this what your intentions with this were?

I have smaller, more annoying fish to fry at the moment. We were arguing. ****** made it personal. If you want to drag this up again later, we can, but for the moment I'm busy.
#65 Mar 15 2004 at 12:33 PM Rating: Good
Empyre wrote:
whatever dude.

I think you all should have left this as the last post, such cutting words deserve to be on the last post of this thread, I think it sums up his whole argument quite nicely, I am at a loss for words Empyre, you win, I mean, who could retort against such a witty parley? I cede, Empyre.

#66 Mar 15 2004 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Good thing those guys are scientists and not English teachers-- although you'd think that three letter words are rocket science.


Granted, language skills are generally lacking on the geekier end of the spectrum, but in this case even your average audio-visual club member can spell that particular pronoun.

#67 Mar 15 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
double post :/

Edited, Mon Mar 15 14:03:51 2004 by Empyre
#68 Mar 15 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
skeeter wrote:
I think you all should have left this as the last post, such cutting words deserve to be on the last post of this thread, I think it sums up his whole argument quite nicely, I am at a loss for words Empyre, you win, I mean, who could retort against such a witty parley? I cede, Empyre.

iono skeet..maybe i could've made fun of your typos while making my own..or maybe made up something you didnt say and use it against you..or I could find a batch of cheesy pictures on the internet (since I've got nothing better to do) and use them to make my posts seem cooler. Even better, when people stop replying to me, I can start making up stupid threads and reply to them myself so that 1) my post count goes up and 2) I can actually think people care.

..but then again, knowing I'm not like you or people like you is what keeps me from taking my own life.

have a nice day.

Edited, Mon Mar 15 14:10:15 2004 by Empyre
#69 Mar 15 2004 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
But Kao is like the forbidden fruit, don't mess with it or @#%^ing else.



I object to your behaviour once more.

Gee it takes real balls to come to a message board, toss a few insults off, then run away and hide. Bet you got a real kick out of it huh? No ones ever gonna figure out it's you right? laugh it up jackass. You picked the wrong person to @#%^ with.

edit: Empyre read the last paragraph it wrote again. It's trying the old "i'm not going to post again because I r teh winz!" routine. I didn't get him banned. I'm not going to get him banned. I am going to destroy the little sh*t myself.

You know damn well what I think about making real life threats on a message board. Allow me to reiterate - It is worse behaviour than any other except perhaps scamming and hacking attempts. You know damn well what happened last time we had this argument.

Speak to Allakhazam, Illia, Danalog, Haggan, whoever. They are the moderators. You are not.

You have no right to threaten people, and it honestly annoys me more than Outw@rs, spammers, trolls or many of the other behaviours you rally against.

You know what Kao? I am actually scared of you, which is pretty anti-social. I know you know where I work. The fact that typing this post is making me feel nervous IS NOT VERY NICE. Ok?
#70 Mar 15 2004 at 2:55 PM Rating: Good
Totem wrote:
Good thing those guys are scientists and not English teachers-- although you'd think that three letter words are rocket science.


Granted, language skills are generally lacking on the geekier end of the spectrum, but in this case even your average audio-visual club member can spell that particular pronoun.



Empyre wrote:
..but then again, knowing I'm not like you or people like you is what keeps me from taking my own life.

Hey dumbass, don't you think "not being like me" would automatically make you "not like people that are like me?" If they are like me, and you are not like me, then we can assume that you are not like them either.

It's not the fact that you make typos that I'm making fun of, it's the fact that you probably aren't aware of 90 percent of the typos you make, also that even if they were pointed out, you probably wouldn't know how to fix them, and also the fact that you don't even bother to fix the ones you are aware of, as if being content with having Katie as your literal better.

Did you really think that using a very watered down, lame attempt of "my style" would be any better at making you look like less of a moron?

#71 Mar 15 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
no skidmark, but thanks for proving my point(s).

EDIT: and its not "your style". hundreds of people were doing it before you ever started doing it here, so get over yourself. you act like pictures with sayings and url embedded text was your great idea. lol..your cool man.

Edited, Mon Mar 15 15:19:14 2004 by Empyre
#72 Mar 15 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Patrician wrote:

You know damn well what I think about making real life threats on a message board. Allow me to reiterate - It is worse behaviour than any other except perhaps scamming and hacking attempts.
You know damn well what happened last time we had this argument.

That time you arguably had a point. This time it is personal. He made it personal. It was his choice. This is the same person that has been spamming our board ruthlessly for the past several months, and was responsible for the horribly unpleasant itchybum sockpuppet. This is not the one on which to press your argument.


You have no right to threaten people

He made an anonymous personal attack, directed against myself, using very insulting, and slanderous terms. This went well beyond the realm of simple flames, he was trying to hurt me. I do not respond well to such attempts, and while I will never start them, I will finish them. This is personal. Stay out of it please.


You know what Kao? I am actually scared of you, which is pretty anti-social. I know you know where I work. The fact that typing this post is making me feel nervous IS NOT VERY NICE. Ok?

You will please note that even when we were having words last time, I never did anything towards you, your account, or anything else for that matter. Only once have I done something against a regular of this board, and you all know how that turned out, and the reasons why.

You will also note that I haven't done anything against those 0utwarz posters that you mention recently, despite several opportunities. Even when I have in the past, it usually just consisted of revealing enough personal information so that they stopped, and getting their spam e-mail accounts shut down.

When someone makes a directed specific personal attack against myself such as the one above by suckup, I will not sit idly by and take it. I do apologize if that makes you somewhat ill at ease, but in this instance I am not going to back down despite your entreaties. This is between me and Suckup. Sorry.

Edited, Mon Mar 15 15:31:15 2004 by Kaolian
#73 Mar 15 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
If it is personal, why advertise it with your pathetic little threats above? Why not keep it between you and him? Or is it that you want to swing your internet **** in front of everyone who reads this board? Just askin'

He made an anonymous personal attack, directed against myself, using very insulting, and slanderous terms.

The nasty man called me names! The horror!

Stay out of it please

I'll say what I damn well like. If you want people to stay out of it, keep your pathetic vendettas to yourself. Simple!
#74 Mar 15 2004 at 4:05 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Patrician wrote:
If it is personal, why advertise it with your pathetic little threats above? Why not keep it between you and him? Or is it that you want to swing your internet **** in front of everyone who reads this board? Just askin'

1. He posted the origional attack on a public message board. I feel I am allowed to reply in public.
2. The fact that this is the same idiot that keeps spamming things means that the board as a whole has an interest in seeing what happens.
3. You are the only one raising objections here in this instance.


The nasty man called me names! The horror!

Yes. he did. Very nasty, insulting names. Had he done the same to you, I'm quite sure you would be rather irate now. And now I am going to show him exactly why that is a bad idea. This is a simple cause and effect event. Nothing more.


I'll say what I damn well like. If you want people to stay out of it, keep your pathetic vendettas to yourself. Simple!

Patrician, Lord protector of spammers! Champion of the truly idiotic. I realize you are making a point here, but you are really on the wrong side on this one. I appriciate your willingness to offer up your thoughts on the matter, however when I require your oppinion on the issue, I will ask for it. Until then, please stay out of it. Simple!

#75 Mar 15 2004 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
"internet ****" --Patrician

I hear that the current trendy term in use is e-***** or e-peen, Patty.

/holds his hands up palms outward in an obvious show of non-aggression

Just tryin' to help you retain that aura of hip-ness, Mr. International Love God. Hey, I'm not ******** the sheep here, I'm just holding one of the legs, ok?

#76 Mar 15 2004 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
Empyre wrote:
no skidmark, but thanks for proving my point(s).

EDIT: and its not "your style". hundreds of people were doing it before you ever started doing it here, so get over yourself. you act like pictures with sayings and url embedded text was your great idea. lol..your cool man.

You see, quotation marks have a meaning, I used them when I typed "my style" as to signify that I was making a mockery of the idea that it is my style.

I see that your button for the quotation mark works, so let's try using it for it's other purpose. That's right, you see this--> '

It's used like this:



Instead of holding down shift, you leave it be, and hit the same button for the quotation mark, and the apostrophe is created! Woohoo!

Next we'll try using that shift button you used to make the quotation marks to capitalize the beginning of your "sentences".

Poor sap, you are quite the apostrophe, and you have an apostrophe for sense, ************************************************************************************** pity you, fool.[/blue][/url]
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