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Is there anything that he has done...Follow

#102 Mar 02 2004 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
I'd love to pay 7% of my paycheck to the Federal government for the military and national security, and 35% of my check to Minnesota. I'd love to live in a state where every citizen could get health insurance if they needed it or where we could educate our kids without Bush looking over our shoulder to make sure we're doing this his way.

Personally, I say ***** that. If people need a hand out, let em go beg for one. I am all for not 1 red cent of my hard earned money goind to welfare of medicaid. If doctors are concerned about the state of medicine, let them charge less. I am sick and tired of liberals telling me it's a good thing to breed entire populations of welfare recipients with no greater ambition in life than to collect a welfare check. I am sick and tired of seeing the entitlement outlays every year suck up money that I earned just so some lazy *** people who refuse to get off their plastic covered couches and get a job can go lease a f'ucking escalade. Drive through North lately Grady? Have you seen the Jordon Park neighborhood with its boarded up windows on the houses and a god damn BMW in the driveway? Or the kid in school on free lunch walking in every day in a new FUBU outfit or the latest Nike shoes? That is a priority system out of whack, not mine. As to Bush in our education system, as long as we keep turning out illiterate and uneducated graduates, kudos to him for finally implementing a national standard. Schools want to go over and above and make a real, honest to goodness educated grad? Great. Until then, local control isn't cutting it. As long as I am ranting about the state of Minnesota, if 1 more god damn state employee ******* about having to chip in $20 a month for health care, I will climb the dome and start shooting people. It takes a lot of nerve to complain about stuff like that when the only reason you (the collective, plural you, not you personally) have a job is because the government takes all the rejects that can't compete in a labor market.

But that's just my little late night rant. /shrug Whatta ya gonna do?
#103 Mar 02 2004 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts
After some thought I have decided to attempt your scenerio.

Raise all taxes to the Clinton levels. Do the same for business. Pass laws to force American companies to move their factories and token HQs back to the taxable US or face strict tarriffs on their products. Raise the minimum wage to $10 an hour. Raise taxes further on all imports. Drop out of the WTO and NAFTA. Deprivitize public works and military spending. Raise tax on those who make $2M a year to 50%.

Ta-da, the neocon's worst nightmare! Your reaction to this probably mirrors my own when you spin your voodoo.

This is no more crazy. Logically, the first thing that would happen is a lot of people would get very very mad. Historical figures have been killed for less. But ***** them, we aren't listening to any focus group because we have all the power.

Many companies will move overseas, but who cares? If they try to sell their goods here, we are gonna tax the hell out of them anyway. If they do leave, they weren't our loyal American friends we thought they were. The ones who stay will get very powerful very fast from the opening in the market.

We are animals in the wild, and if there is a niche open then someone will fill it. New, innovative companies will spring up, streamlined and ready to fill the needs of the counrty. The bar has been raised; competition will be feirce, but isn't that good for progress anyway? Neccesity is the mother of invention.

Americans now have companies who are willing to pay the taxes and pay the high wages because they are still making money! A million a year is still a million a year. And now, all those workers have jobs making goods for the country, because that is the cheapest, most efficient way to do it. The working class will have more disposable income, therefore demand will increase. They will also be making enough money that they can look beyond the immediate needs of a family and put some back for their retirement. Inflation will subside.

This is all fantasy subject to the any number or critisisms. But it is the same for what Bush is doing. His theories are no more based in reality than mine. This is all conjecture.

the GOP tried this same method under Reagon, and look how that turned out. Bush Sr broke a campaign promise to not raise taxes because he had to. He sacrificed his second term to do the right thing.

Edited, Tue Mar 2 02:42:46 2004 by Meadros
#104 Mar 02 2004 at 2:31 AM Rating: Default
Let's see....

Bush is a farkin ******. Pure, plain, and simple. What else would you call someone who has taken over 4 (count them, 4!!!) of his daddy's oil companies, and not only put them out of business, but drove them under!

Second is the economical issue. Recession, high rate of unemployment, etc. He's a rich man's president, end of story.

Third, and this is PURELY personal (though Bushly retarded), is that he is trying to amend the constitution to make homosexuality illegal.

*dramatic pause to let realization set in*

Granted...I know it was originally referring to white slave & land-owning men, but regardless...the constitution states ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes I am gay. I'm certainly no flaming femme twink by ANY means, but if I want to commemmorate my love for another by marriage, what the F**K should sexual preference have to do with anything.

Personally, I hope this POOR EXCUSE of a man goes down as the biggest joke ever. Certainly his presidency already has a good track record for it.

He is a joke to the White House, to the public, to his family...hell, just to the human race alone. This is why people are future idiots like him will be taken out of the gene pool!!!
#105 Mar 02 2004 at 3:11 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
psychojester wrote:
Incoming Queen Vox...

Uhhhh ohhhhh.
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#106 Mar 02 2004 at 3:41 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
psychojester wrote:
Bush is a farkin ******. Pure, plain, and simple.



Anybody else smell sockpuppet?
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#107 Mar 02 2004 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
Bush is a farkin ******. Pure, plain, and simple.

So much of a ****** that we managed to get him elected to oversee a 2 house republican majority in congress. Uh huh. He's a ******.
Recession, high rate of unemployment, etc.

Are you even awake? The recession is over, unemployment is not that high, and it's improving every day.
Third, and this is PURELY personal (though Bushly retarded), is that he is trying to amend the constitution to make homosexuality illegal.

Talk about retards. Open your eyes and read sometime. No one is trying to make being a **** illegal. No one really gives a **** who you choose to stick your d1ck in. Bush has an idea of what marriage is, and if you don't like it, vote for the democrat. Oh yeah, and try to get us out of our majority position in congress, too.

Now, go run along back to the EQ forum, where it's a bit more your speed.
#108 Mar 02 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Two things:

First, Meadros, there are so many things wrong with your ideal road map to success that I am stunned into a slack jawed, lights-are-on-but-nobody's-home expression. Not that that wasn't my normal look under typical circumstances anyhow.

Second, what is it about this board which attracts such a hugely out of proportion to the general population number of homos? I mean, this place is like the Castro district during a gay pride parade. Not that it really matters in the larger scheme of things, but you'd think that Alla runs an ad in Blue Boy or sumptin...

Where's all the soccer Moms and accountants-- oh. That's right, Skeeter's got that demographic covered, my bad.


Edited, Tue Mar 2 12:20:22 2004 by Totem
#109 Mar 02 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts

Now you know how I feel.
#110 Mar 03 2004 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
Totem wrote:
" He refuses to take a medical exam who those of us who are ex military are like WTF you can do that ?!?!?!?" --Flishtaco

You are mistaken as to the nature of that physical, Flish. It was a flight physical that lapsed, something which is exceedingly easy to have happen. Something as innocuous as a cold or over-the-counter medicine can throw out your flight status-- all of which has absolutely nothing to do with a standard physical that the rest of you mere mortals have to take once a year or so.

For us Flight Gods, keeping our "up slip" can be as difficult as you getting a date on Friday night, so that he lost it for whatever reason isn't all that surprising.

Just sayin'.


Actually it wasnt his flight status it was his annual checkup he refused to take. In speaking with my father ( an actual Vietnam pilot, you know 100 missions and all) his answer to being excused out of this even when he went to the national guard after being active Air Force was one word...BS. Bush refused to take his annual check up in the same year the AF decided to randomly drug test uts pilots. His flight status, as a result, was suspended by his superiors for refusing to take it.
#111 Mar 03 2004 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
644 posts
Drive through North lately Grady? Have you seen the Jordon Park neighborhood with its boarded up windows on the houses and a god damn BMW in the driveway? Or the kid in school on free lunch walking in every day in a new FUBU outfit or the latest Nike shoes? That is a priority system out of whack, not mine.

Sure, there are BMW's in drive-ways in Jordan and at 25th and Chicago (not far from where I live actually). They're drug dealers and pimps. If I lived directly in that neighborhood I'd have my windows boarded up as well. I wasn't talking about giving away free handouts to everyone, I was talking about providing a safety net.

As to the kid with the Nike's. To me, that's indicative more of the way our society handles need versus want. You're not going to get an argument out of me there. I'd say that rich people in Woodbury waste a hell of a lot of money on **** they don't need either. That's not a social status issue, it's a societal one.

We should have health care for everyone though, it's expensive and kind of a pain in the ***, but in the end it's worth it, in my opinion. I'm sure you disagree, and I'll have to listen to some diatribe about how the "liberals want to steal my money... they think they can spend it better... blah blah blah". I'm happy for you.

As to Bush in our education system, as long as we keep turning out illiterate and uneducated graduates, kudos to him for finally implementing a national standard.

The problem is that isn't the goal of his program. He's looking down the road to destroy public education. He thinks the market will provide a better education than public education, and in some ways, I'd agree with him in a perfect world it would work. We don't live in a perfect world. If you have even the barest understanding of NCLB you'd look at it for what it is. I'd suggest you might want to do a bit of research on the subject, I think you may find the results to be interesting.

As long as I am ranting about the state of Minnesota, if 1 more god damn state employee ******* about having to chip in $20 a month for health care, I will climb the dome and start shooting people. It takes a lot of nerve to complain about stuff like that when the only reason you (the collective, plural you, not you personally) have a job is because the government takes all the rejects that can't compete in a labor market.

I agree that State Employees ******** about health care is somewhat ridiculous. However, I think that you're painting too broad of a brush of public employees. It's just like any other job, there are idiots and there are great people. To say that people in the public sector couldn't get a job in the private sector is a joke.

Just to be honest, I work at the State Senate (OH MY GOD! I'M AN EVIL STATE EMPLOYEE WASTING YOUR MONEY!!! wait... I'm at home). I've worked there maybe six months, since I started I've had a half a dozen job offers in the public sector, some paying more and some paying significantly more. I work around 65 to 70 hours a week with no overtime and the comp time I get is negligable during the legislative session. During non session times I work between 40 to 50 hours. However, I'm happy where I'm at for now. It doesn't have to do with my wages or health care, I just really enjoy my job. Do I work with some slugs? Yep. One or two out of dozens. I also work with some people that, like me, could have a fairly lucrative or lucrative job in the public sector, but happen to like where they're at. It's just like any job.

Public employees are easy targets. You're entitled to think what you want, but I know differently, at least where I work.
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machin ery of night.
#112 Mar 04 2004 at 12:41 AM Rating: Good
Grady wrote:
Public employees are easy targets. You're entitled to think what you want, but I know differently, at least where I work.

Point taken.
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