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Is there anything that he has done...Follow

#27 Feb 26 2004 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Flish, trade deficit has nothing to do with what Meadros is talking about. There's a huge difference between buying raw materials from other countries and importing labor from those countries. The two are only very vaguely connected.

You seem to have a fixation on the word "deficit" as though it's inherently a bad thing. There's a very good reason for maintaining a trade deficit with other nations. It means that the US dollar has a presense in those nations. If you are selling more then you are buying, then you are collecting more of other nations currency, then they are of yours. Over time, that means that their currency has more "weight" on the international market. When you buy more from other countries then you sell, they are holding your money. This means that your currency will be used for other transactions, even between other nations. This in fact is exactly what happens. It also forces other nations into an economic detente with us. They don't want anything to happen unfavorably to our economy, since a devaluation of our currency hurts them as much as it hurts us.

It's kind of a unhanded thing to do, but if you are a nation that can maintain that kind of trade deficit (which we can afford to do), then it gives you huge power on the international trade scene. Once again, you show virtually no understanding of the issues you are arguing.

Jobs moving in or out of the country are completely unrelated to trade deficits. That's an entirely different issue.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#28 Feb 26 2004 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
1st of all flish your link is bogus. 2nd of all, we aren't talking about a trade deficit we were talking about the loss of manufacturing jobs and then the amount of outsourcing overseas. If you want to have a debate on the trade deficit that is fine but I won't respond until you answer my 1st challenge. Can you prove the following statement wrong?

And the United States has a huge surplus in business services with every region in the world -- that is, the United States sells much more "outsourcing" to other countries than it buys from them.

#29 Feb 26 2004 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

that you Bush haters don't whine over? Let's face facts even Clinton did favorable things for the country when he wasn't get head from monica. Let's hear a few things from you ultra liberals or even fence walking liberals that Bush has done, or is doing that you believe is positive for the country or world.

Hitler liked dogs.

My point here isn't to compare Bush to Hitler.

It's to compare Ashcroft to Hitler. Oh wait, no it's not.

My point is that it's inevitable that any President will do posative things for the country. The question boild down if the ends which may be good justify the means which may be bad.

Bush lies and lies and lies and lies and lies. Nearly constantly. I'm sure a great deal of his lying is a result of him simply not being capable of doing the job he holds and being forced to rely on people who lie to him.

The result of the rampant lieng may occasionally turn out to be beneficial for the US. He didn't completely ban Stem Cell research. That's probably good. He crippled it a little, but on ballance it's probably good.

He cut taxes for the wealthiest 25 percent of Americans. That's good if you fall into that group untill you realize the absoulte crippling effct it'll have on the economy long term.

He spent a great deal of time on vacation early in his term, which is likely the best thing he's ever done for the country. That was good. He should stick with that, he's god at it.

Th removal of the Taliban from power, while sloppily handled and quite likely only temporary, is good for as long it lasts.

The White House Little Leuge is good.

He signifigantly stregthened our bond with the UK (while alienating the rest of the world) which is probably good if you're into Kidney Sandwiches and Blood Pudding.

Most importantly of all..

He made the Junior Senator from Massachussets, an empty suit jiggalo who hasn't made a decision in his life without consulting with one of his heiress wives or his care of special intrest cronies look like John ******* Kennedy when compared to him.

That's definately good.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#30 Feb 26 2004 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

You seem to have a fixation on the word "deficit" as though it's inherently a bad thing. There's a very good reason for maintaining a trade deficit with other nations. It means that the US dollar has a presense in those nations. If you are selling more then you are buying, then you are collecting more of other nations currency, then they are of yours. Over time, that means that their currency has more "weight" on the international market.

That must explain the Dollars enormus strength against other currecnies during this Administration.

Oh wait.

Alternately, it might explain why all my money has been in Euros and gold/silver stocks since he took office.

Next time you try to spount some random ******** economic fantasy at least have the end result you point to as proof be not the direct opposite of what you're stating.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#31 Feb 26 2004 at 9:17 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Am I the only one amused by the fact that the authors of the cato article specifically mentions Dobbs as someone spreading bogus and tweaked info in order to alarm folks about the "loss of jobs to other nations", and the first counter to that article is a link to one about/by Dobbs himself?
Kinda sorta but, given that Dobbs probably thinks the Cato Institute is spreading bogus and tweaked info, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other depending on who's side you're on.

For example, Dyzalot points at a line from his Cato article that, in the article, has no source and could just as well be pulled out of the author's ***, and smugly asks "Who can prove it wrong?" How about the author proves it correct? How about Dyzalot provide some actual hard numbers from an independant source about how many positions are coming and going? It's his job to defend what his article says, not my job to defend it for him.

I'm, not saying Dobbs is right or wrong, just that no -- I'm not really amused that someone quotes from a source the original article says is 'out of bounds'. If I'm writing a persuasive article, I don't get to automatically say "Oh, and the opinions of these guys don't count so you don't use them to refute me! Ha ha!" Support what you're saying and, if you have a real bulletproof foundation, all the Dobbses in the world won't matter.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#32 Feb 26 2004 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
Gbaji-- one word Voodoo

Dyzalot wrote:
1st of all flish your link is bogus. 2nd of all, we aren't talking about a trade deficit we were talking about the loss of manufacturing jobs and then the amount of outsourcing overseas. If you want to have a debate on the trade deficit that is fine but I won't respond until you answer my 1st challenge. Can you prove the following statement wrong?

[quote]And the United States has a huge surplus in business services with every region in the world -- that is, the United States sells much more "outsourcing" to other countries than it buys from them.

Whoa wait a minute I am bogus when I easily responded to your question, show me the part in your "quote" where you prove any damn thing you are claiming, I offer proof jobs are going out and proof that we are in a trade deficit, and in some wierd freaking interpretaion of the english language you feel I havent responded to your quote. A) jobs are going overseas (proved with at least as valid a source as your cato crap) b) proof that we are losing money in trade ( again with another source of which I could easily get 50 more at least as valid as your cato crap) c) do the math jobs are leaving, we are losing money in trade.

Now prove to me there is not a correlation. Define bussiness services in your own words ( still not seeing manufacturing mentioned in your quote only in your definition of it, its ok English is tricky) Ok and if we are selling more outsourcing then we are buying from them how the hell are we losing 500 billion a year in what we are selling? Wait let me guess Gbaji taught you math.
#33 Feb 27 2004 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
Whoa wait a minute I am bogus when I easily responded to your question

No, your link is bogus because it doesn't go anywhere except to a blank Yahoo page. Smiley: oyvey
#34 Feb 27 2004 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
4,563 posts
I admit I was for invading Iraq. Everything he has ever done after that has been the wrong thing though.
#35 Feb 27 2004 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
A link to the page that explains what Cato is about.

A link to a publication that talks a lot about what we have debated including a nice list of references.

Flish, if you look back in the thread you will notice that the post where you included the CNN link you also quoted what I quoted about the loss of manufacturing jobs being lost to other countries. That statement about manufacturing job loss is what I refuted, you decided to bring all jobs and the trade deficit into the debate. One thing you need to realize is that we don't lose money with a trade deficit, all it means is that we are importing more goods than we export.

I still challenge anyone to show me where Cato is not true to their mission that I was challenged on. I would also like someone to show me an instance where the have not been factual with their numbers.

#36 Feb 27 2004 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Mr Bush has accomplished something no other American president ever has

He is 100% absolutely HATED by the British people, Regan , Bush snr and Clinton where welcomed with open arm Bush Jnr needed a Police escort and never made a Public apearance because of the 1 Million+ people protesting about him even being aloud in the contry.

He signifigantly stregthened our bond with the UK (while alienating the rest of the world) which is probably good if you're into Kidney Sandwiches and Blood Pudding

He hasn't he alienated us aswell and it's Cucumber sandwiches and Black pudding
#37 Feb 27 2004 at 3:19 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
I still challenge anyone to show me where Cato is not true to their mission that I was challenged on
Is their mission propaganda based on shoddy research and study to support their tobacco financiers?
Is it to use flawed opinion data to promote their Social Securty agenda?
Perhaps their mission includes using false and misleading statements in their reports and acting as a "tax dodge" for their corporate sponsors to pump money into a 'think tank' that ultimately acts to promote their own corporate agendas
Or perhaps their mission of world peace includes claiming the Human Rights Watch never criticised Iraq while conservatives were helping Saddam gain power and gas Kurds.

If that's their mission, you are correct. It manages to uphold and protect that mission in spades.

I would also like someone to show me an instance where the have not been factual with their numbers
I'm still waiting on my cite for the outsourcing bit. All that pdf had in ways of a "source" regarding jobs lost to countries like India was the Economist saying jobs are currently vulnerable to loss to India.

Edited, Fri Feb 27 03:20:07 2004 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#38 Feb 27 2004 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
I'll agree that your 1st link shows that they did not use good research in their findings. I don't agree with the Social Security one. The Supreme Court has already ruled once that you are not guaranteed benefits just because you pay into the program. One gentleman learned this when he was deported and not allowed to collect when he reached retirement age. The third link is interesting. I still believe that higher taxes = less growth in the economy. I think most economists would agree as well. The 4th link only talks about where they get their money. That is no surprise since free markets and less regulation would of course be supported by big business. The last link I can't comment on since I can't read the whole thing unless I want to subscribe.

None of these links show them doing anything but advancing their mission as stated, even though they may have used some questionable numbers in a couple of their reports. I didn't expect them to be perfect and I was hoping to see some examples like this. I would still take their numbers and reports at face value before anything put out by the republicans or democrats. I will however use more skepticism with them in the future.
#39 Feb 27 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
644 posts
That was my point earlier. They're not an objective organization. Whether it's left or right, when someone's got a serious, some may even say extreme, agenda, you have to really watch what they say. They could be going in with a point they want to prove and they prove it. That's not objectivity. It doesn't matter if it's the CATO Institute, the ACLU, the Rainbow Coalition, or the Taxpayer's League of Minnesota. You have to make sure you look at all sides. I commend you for looking at one side, but I really think you need to see both sides of the issue.


Edited, Fri Feb 27 10:55:06 2004 by Grady
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machin ery of night.
#40 Feb 27 2004 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
1,257 posts

Edited, Fri Feb 27 11:28:48 2004 by egnaro
9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

#41 Feb 27 2004 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
Whether it's left or right, when someone's got a serious, some may even say extreme, agenda, you have to really watch what they say.

Well they are neither left nor right leaning and anyone that considers them to have an extreme agenda must be against freedom.
#42 Feb 27 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
644 posts
By extreme I was saying their political agenda would fall under the far right of the politcal spectrum. Just like the ACLU would fall under the far left. By the way, would you consider the ACLU to be extreme? They're for freedom as well...

So by saying that I'm cautious about the CATO institute, that means I'm against freedom? Are you really that stupid? What color is the sky on the planet you're on? I'll turn it around on you... Do you think the CATO Institute isn't right leaning?

Basically CATO is a propaganda outfit, much like many organizations that have political agendas that are far from the middle of the spectrum.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machin ery of night.
#43 Feb 27 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
Just to chime in here, he's right, Dyz. Cato is a propoganda machine. I happen to be a supporter of the propoganda that they spout, but it is that, none the less. That they are exremist might be called in to question, but not the zeal with which they attack their objective. Rather than simply list to starboard, they have completely layed down on the right. A good idea would be to take Cato and Rainbow numbers on an issue and average them to get a fair idea of the truth.
#44 Feb 27 2004 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
Do you think the CATO Institute isn't right leaning?

Well lets see, the CATO Institute advocates the end of the war on drugs and legalization of those drugs and open immigration. They were against the war with Iraq and are for the reduction in military spending as well as withdrawl of most of our military worldwide. They filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court in support of striking down the anti-gay sodomy laws in Texas. They are against the Patriot Act as well as the increase of surveillance due to 9/11. There are many more issues involving civil liberties that they champion but these were the ones I could come up with off the top of my head that I don't think anyone would label as part of the "right-wing agenda".
#45 Feb 27 2004 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
Rather than simply list to starboard, they have completely layed down on the right.

Not true. If you must label them then the most appropriate way would be to call them libertarian.
#46 Feb 27 2004 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
[quoteDyzalot]Not true. If you must label them then the most appropriate way would be to call them libertarian. [/quote]
Yes, but Libertarian is just a shortening of "Keep your hands off my check and get that gawd dayam satalite camera out of my compound." In most ways, the Libertarians make the "right wing" look like moderate democrats.
#47 Feb 27 2004 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, but Libertarian is just a shortening of "Keep your hands off my check and get that gawd dayam satalite camera out of my compound."

No, its more like the statement "An adult should be able to do whatever he(she) wants to do as long as he doesn't hurt the person or property of a nonconsenting adult." That certainly does not sound "right-wing" to me.
#48 Feb 27 2004 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
644 posts
Basically, they know where their bread is buttered Dyz. While I agree that in principle they support several ideas typically associated with a liberal bend, they've pretty much decided that the way to achieve a their agenda is through the Republican party. I completely understand it, I think they're doing the right thing to put forward their agenda, but I think it's a mistake to not take that agenda and leaning into account when looking at information provided by them.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machin ery of night.
#49 Feb 27 2004 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Let's hear a few things from you ultra liberals or even fence walking liberals that Bush has done, or is doing that you believe is positive for the country or world

As soon as I learn of one I will.
#50 Feb 27 2004 at 8:00 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Well, I for one consider myself a republican of sorts, especially when it comes to foreign policy. If nothing else, I think that the Bush administration needs alot of credit for Libya. The actions in Iraq and Afghanistan served to demonstrate to Libya that the U.S. will act to get rid of Nuke threats. If we went to war with iraq on the posibility of WMD, what would we do to tiny Libya, where we knew for a fact they have them? To date, libya has turned over advanced centrifuges, refined uranium and plutonium, a fully workable and dimensioned plan for a 1960's era Chinese atomic warhead (courtesy of our new buddies Pakistan, who are now serving to unravle most of the network they set up) and are preparing to destroy over 3,000 chemical warheads and associated stockpiles. That is big.

Libya going more moderate does two things: it will serve to lesson tensions in Syria, long considered a Libyan puppet state (or vice versa depending on who you talk to) and it puts pressure on North Korea and Iran. Already they have found polonium (sp?) and stage 2 gas centerafuges in Iran. The recent elections there are going to set things back a bit, but perhaps it will hasten a colapse as more moderates and student populations get pissed off at being disenfranchised. North Korea, eh, i dunno. I wouldn't be suprised if China just gets pissed at them eventually and goes in and beats the crap out of Kim Jong il, or us. Who knows.
#51 Feb 28 2004 at 6:26 AM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Grady wrote:
Basically, they know where their bread is buttered Dyz. While I agree that in principle they support several ideas typically associated with a liberal bend, they've pretty much decided that the way to achieve a their agenda is through the Republican party. I completely understand it, I think they're doing the right thing to put forward their agenda, but I think it's a mistake to not take that agenda and leaning into account when looking at information provided by them.


Hmm... I don't think I'd say that the Cato folks (anyone else start picturing the pink panther when they read that?) are supporters of the Republican party by any stretch. When looking over their tables in the other thread (the "am I naive" one), I noticed that a lot of their graphs are very specifically designed to make the Republican party look bad. Specifically, the way they selectively choose to include or exclude non-discretionary spending when constructing graphs is very telling. The only data they had that I found non-skewed was the two charts that just had raw CBO data compiled on them (which just saves the reader the time of looking through 40+ years of CBO data). Every single graph I looked at except one had an anti-republican spin on it.

They are very much about the Libertarian party, and it shows. They attempt to pull Dems to their cause by showcasing their liberal social agenda, and they attempt to pull Reps to their cause by showcasing their economic agenda (or in this case, trying to make it look like the Rep's aren't being "conservative" enough). I wouldn't label them as anything else then libertarian.

I'd almost be libertarian myself except that I think they are a bit too extreme on the social issues and too extreme on the economic ones. We do need some controls over activities that people engage in, and we do need some controls over how people spend/recieve money. Government does serve that purpose. The almost complete hands off approach of the libertarians strikes me as only a step away from warlordism (is that a word?).
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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