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Passion of the Christ, your thoughtsFollow

#1 Feb 24 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
Just curious about what others think about this movie. Will you go to see it? Has your opinion changed about Mel Gibson because of it or do you think this will hurt his career?

The movie comes out tomorrow and I am probably going to see it. It looks like an interesting movie from what I have heard. My opinion about Mel Gibson has changed slightly, I didn't think he was one to make a Christian movie but I am reserving much of my judgement until after I see it. IMO I think this movie will hurt his career, I don't think the majority of the public will take it well.
#2 Feb 24 2004 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
I haven't seen it, and probably won't, but why the big furor over the intimation that the jews were responsible for killing Christ? What, Christians are anti-semites now because their holy book says that the Jews were responsible for killing the messiah? LOL
#3 Feb 24 2004 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
Bah. I'll probably see it eventually, just because of all the hype. I am not religious and I don't respect Mel Gibson as an actor, or director, sooo...why I will see it, I do not know. It has Monica Bellucci in it though, and she rules. Ever see Malena? She was excellent in that...

Edited, Tue Feb 24 14:27:05 2004 by Tare
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#4 Feb 24 2004 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
I always found the anti-semetisim thing amusing. Not from the Jews' standpoint, mind you, from the Christians. WTF would you be upset about someone being involved in the crucifixion of Christ when his entire purpose on this earth was to die for the sins of the world? Would they have rather the Jews didn't bring him before Pilate and we weren't saved?

To make a really bad analogy, if someone hit my crappy old car and totalled it and the insurance company bought me a brand new car, wouldn't holding a grudge against the guy who hit me seem silly?

Anywho, I might catch it on video but I don't see myself seeing it in theatres.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#5 Feb 24 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
FYI the jew's big issue is that "Jews killed Christ" has been used over centuries to justify anti-semitism, and they feel that this film promotes that mindset. They want the telling of the story to conform to Vatican II, which Gibson-buddy doesn't believe in, and/or at the very least a postscript saying that the film is not intended as an indictment against jews.
Here's a big wordy exp.

(Edited for those to lazy to follow the link)
ADL's concerns include:

-The film portrays Jewish authorities and the Jewish "mob" as forcing the decision to torture and execute Jesus, thus assuming responsibility for the crucifixion.
-The film relies on sinister medieval stereotypes, portraying Jews as blood-thirsty, sadistic and money-hungry enemies of God who lack compassion and humanity.
-The film relies on historical errors, chief among them its depiction of the Jewish high priest controlling Pontius Pilate
-The film uses an anti-Jewish account of a 19th century mystical anti-Semitic nun, distorts New Testament interpretation by selectively citing passages to weave a narrative that oversimplifies history, and is hostile to Jews and Judaism.
-The film portrays Jews who adhere to their Jewish faith as enemies of God and the locus of evil.

Edited, Tue Feb 24 14:28:22 2004 by Atomicflea
#6 Feb 24 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
They want the telling of the story to conform to Vatican II,

So, basicly, they want what everyone else wants, to be featured in the most positive light without regard for any other interpretation of a story. I get it now. Now if we could only get the few billion other people on the planet to become Catholics and conform to what the Grand Wizard, I mean Pope decides.

EDIT: Removed the word facts.

Edited, Tue Feb 24 14:37:17 2004 by MoebiusLord
#7 Feb 24 2004 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
18,463 posts
I think they're coming from a place of sincere fear for their kind, much like gays or Arab-Americans. Although I'm not 100% on their bandwagon, anyone who thinks persecution is a non-issue in this country is usually male and white.

Just sayin'
#8 Feb 24 2004 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Well, I plan on seeing it. Not in the theaters cause I'm a poor college kid who doesn't have a car. I probably won't rent it any time soon either. I'll wait until I'm home for the summer and I can convince the parents to rent it -=)

As far as this whole anti-semitic thing goes, a not-so-wise, obviously Christian man once said:

"The problem with the Jewish faith is they only have half a Bible."
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#9 Feb 24 2004 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
anyone who thinks persecution is a non-issue in this country is usually male and white.

Just sayin'

Check and check. Don't forget straight. It seems to be important these days.
Not to derail your thread, but the above being true in my case, I personally am sick of hearing all the ******** and moaning from people who don't fit the class. Nobody has ever given me a god damn thing, and looking around at all the hand outs people who aren't white and male get all I can say is it's pretty f'ucking pathetic all the whining that goes on.

But that's just me. :)
#10 Feb 24 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
I'll definately go see it. Everyones gonna get up in arms when it comes to subjects of this nature, and you sure as crap aint gonna please everyone. Personally I'm going to see the story of christ put to life. I already know how it goes, will just be nice to see a graphical rendition. People getting all offended by it should swing around again...they missed the point.

On a diff note, I kind of find it amusing how 20/20 was quick to put out a "last days of christ" special that (to me) seemed like a way to "soften the blow" the jewish community was about to get poosay hurt about.

Noone is "to blame" for his was meant to happen. Am I way off on this?
#11 Feb 24 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
Atomicflea wrote:
...anyone who thinks persecution is a non-issue in this country is usually male and white.

Ah, the "big bad white male" argument. Doesn't anyone ever get tired of using that? Sure persecution is a big thing everywhere but I am so sick of hearing that if you are a guy and are white you are resposible for every bad thing that has or will happen and thus must be punished or looked down for it. Maybe the cheap-shots on the white male population are more prevelent simply because it is the easy or popular group to blame.

*Edit: slight re-wording.

Edited, Tue Feb 24 14:54:48 2004 by rixtar
#12 Feb 24 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
FYI the jew's big issue is that "Jews killed Christ" has been used over centuries to justify anti-semitism
Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying the Jews don't have a legitimate issue. I'm saying the Jews have a legitimate issue because the Christians are acting like morons when they hold the crucifixion against them.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#13 Feb 24 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
1,817 posts

- signed The 13 year old white racist wigger.
#14 Feb 24 2004 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
i have to admit, i've always liked mel gibson. and was really surprised by his role in signs after seeing him in the lethal weapon movies. I do consider myself to be a christian and so i'm really excited to see someone in the spot light step out in faith to do something that's so controversial. and yeah, i do think his career will unfortunately suffer for it.

as for the anti-semitism, i think back to pearl harbor and the way the japanese-americans reacted to that film. it's a historical piece, not hate propaganda. not that i don't understand the reason for their reaction... but i dont see this swinging a persons mind in that direction.

my wife went to go see it last night with our pastor (i'm in iraq) and they were both absolutely enthralled with it. if nothing else, i'd suggest going to see it just for the experience. from what i'm told, it will really help to understand exactly the story that is told by the gospels and does a good job portraying why His willingness to suffer that particular death is so impressive.
It is never too late to be what you might have become
#15 Feb 24 2004 at 3:02 PM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Empyre-and notice every interview brings up the fact that the woman that plays Mary is jewish.

I personally am sick of hearing all the ******** and moaning from people who don't fit the class.
I'm assuming you mean the white straight male class? Well, I've posted before that I'm brown, and obviously a woman, but I can honestly say I've never gotten so much as a grant for college, all loans which I'm still paying off. I've never edged out someone for a job because of my color.
I am bilingual, intelligent and not bad to look at, and these are things that have sometimes worked to my advantage by helping supplant my lack of money and opportunity. However, I have at one time or another ******* about the fact that because I am a woman, a man feels that he is inherently more qualified for a job than I am, or that I can be paid less, or that a woman feels I would be better off at home with children. I have also ******* about the fact that because I am Hispanic I am thought to be a drain on resources that I have personally never used, and practically illiterate, not to mention the assumption that jokes about my culture and customs are fair game, since they so obviously don't compare to mainstream American culture.

These things are all colossally unfair.

I think it's *****-worthy that because of my faith, people assume I hold certain values. All this can be remedied by opening my mouth and setting them straight, but not everyone wants to listen.

Rixtar and Empyre- Am I saying that white straight males are responsible for this? In no way. I am saying that they are less likely, as a group, to experience it, and develop empathy for it.
#16 Feb 24 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
Well, I've posted before that I'm brown, and obviously a woman,...

Come on, how obvious is it really? You are the Queen's S/O. ;)

Speaking of the queen, not to call down a pox unnecessarily, but where is the old bag these days?
#17 Feb 24 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
flea wrote:
Rixtar and Empyre- Am I saying that white straight males are responsible for this? In no way. I am saying that they are less likely, as a group, to experience it, and develop empathy for it

its ok..i'm only half white. I have enough native blood in me to get plenty of government support. I don't because I'm too lazy to fill out the paper work, plus I make enough now that I can support myself..someone else can have my share.
#18 Feb 24 2004 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I like Mr Gibson when he sticks to Fictional stuff but sadly whomever he uses for is 'Historical' flicks storyboard need a serious lesson in using the library since then are competely Innaccurate

1. Braveheart - Tosh not even close to the truth, William Wallace never left scotland to get educated in france, he won 2 battles and then got utterly squashed 3 when he finally did venture out of scotland.

2. The civil war one <so bad i cannot remember what it was called> where he tried to make a murderer and serial rapist into a hero........

3. Band of brothers :- filled with more holes than a cheep dutch cheese

lets hope thatEmpyre does not end up with the same sour taste us brits did at Braveheart.
#19 Feb 24 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Speaking of the queen, not to call down a pox unnecessarily, but where is the old bag these days?

Skeet is starting a new job that requires him to supervise workers (i.e., slack off, point) from 7am-3pm. I don't think he'll be posting much during the day anymore.

I don't because I'm too lazy to fill out the paper work, plus I make enough now that I can support myself..someone else can have my share.
You're missing out on a free ride. Haskell Nations U in Lawrence, KS doesn't charge tuition if you're a member of a federally recognized tribe. You know you want to go to Kansas!
#20 Feb 24 2004 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
What civil war movie did he do? I can't remember. And also, what role did he play in Band of Brothers? I thought that was a mini-series on HBO by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg.
#21 Feb 24 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
The Patriot?
#22 Feb 24 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
tarv wrote:
Braveheart - Tosh not even close to the truth, William Wallace never left scotland to get educated in france, he won 2 battles and then got utterly squashed 3 when he finally did venture out of scotland.

I liked the part where he is drawn and quartered and still manages a empassioned monologue. Those Scots are amazing folks though!
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#23 Feb 24 2004 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
1,702 posts
I will see it eventually. Of course I like pretty much anything that puts another spin on a well known story.

As for hurting him professionally ? I doubt it. He might not be able to get the work he wants unless he does it himself, but he won't want for work.

He's still got the female drawing power. It's how stupid movies like "What a Woman Wants" make money.

He's guaranteed work as long as he sticks with his hero + half naked + romantic + period piece formula.
#24 Feb 24 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Skeet just told me that "Jesús" and "María" both work for him, and can be fired by him. As if he didn't have enough of a God complex.Smiley: oyvey
#25 Feb 24 2004 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
Empyre wrote:
The Patriot?

The Brits may think of this as a civil war, but for us it was almost a century too early. :)
#26 Feb 24 2004 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
Atomicflea wrote:
Am I saying that white straight males are responsible for this? In no way. I am saying that they are less likely, as a group, to experience it, and develop empathy for it.

I guess it comes down to its easier to see from your own stance than others. Just as you don't like to hear the false generalizations of "weaker because of gender" or as a "drain on resources because of race" it is also annoying to me to hear others make generalizations about how easy life is or how its impossible for white straight males to understand anything.

Sometimes I think that people slam the white straight male population because it is almost the politically correct way to release agression from being treated unfairly.
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