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State proposes adding alchohol breath test locks to all carsFollow

#27 Feb 20 2004 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Kao, is Leapwater a threat to National Security? Cause it seems he might be posting from a shack in the hills.

Just sayin'
#28 Feb 20 2004 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
now take your Bible, shine it up real nice and shove it up your **** because your talking sh*t and it's starting to smell up the boards.

Mmmm.. The sweet smell of stereotyping. You, nor anyone else on this pathetic little board even knows me. When did I ever state that I was a firm believer in Christ or any other religion? Im stating facts, and if facts are fruity, then "denial is the first symptom of an addiction".

I do not believe in any "GOD" persay. I believe that something happened, but because I wasnt there, I wont speculate. Nor will I devote my life to a book written by who knows, and re-edited a million times over by everyone to support their own theories or beliefs. That unfortunately isnt the topic today, so take your bullsh*t and utilize it on another thread. There is one not too far down on the list, go look for it.

Leapwater do you derive any enjoyment out of life at all?

Im enjoying watching all you sheople (refrence: Sheep) try to support yourself on a subject that is totally unsupportable. It will inevitably boil down to... "Ill do what I like, cause its my life". So, by saying that alchohol and tobacco should be banned, Im saying that the decision should not be up to you, because of the reasons previously stated in earlier threads (reference: Addicting chemicals). Thats all.

Now keep me entertained sheople..... baaaah baaah..

#29 Feb 20 2004 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
Sniff... sniff... I smell troll.

Don't feed the trolls!

#30 Feb 20 2004 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
Im saying that the decision should not be up to you,

why not? are you saying that i am incapable of making decisions about how i should live my life? if so who should make them? you?

I think you need to see a doctor you are showing signs of meglomania and thats bad.

Im enjoying watching all you sheople (refrence: Sheep)

Hmm if we were all sheep i think we would not be posting on these boards since people who play EQ are generally though of a geeks and therefore are not in the mainstream of society.

I would also think twice about labelling Kao a sheep.

try to support yourself on a subject that is totally unsupportable.

whats so unsupportable about not banning beer? or cigarette's for that matter? here are some reasons why not.

1. It wouldn't work, Cocaine is Illeagal and readily availible to anyone who chooses to obtain it. why drive a product that can be readily controlled under the counter?

2. Adiction is a personal thing, some people are easily adicted by anything, gambling , cigarette's, ****, MMORPG just beacuse people like to do somethink does not indicate thatthey are addicted

3. I am an adult, i have the right to choose what i do. If i choose to do something that the Law considers Illeagal then i am punished if caught doing it. beyond that no other person other than my Wife, children and persons who i personally choose have the right to tell me what i can do. Especially not an egomaniac like you.

4. The govenment makes a huge profit for the sale of Alcohol and tobacco, which it used to fund various sectors that improve the life of all of us.

there you are 1 supported arguement reached independantly from a thinking ADULT who reserves the right to drink beer and make merry.

Edited, Fri Feb 20 10:39:11 2004 by tarv
#31 Feb 20 2004 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
Sniff... sniff... I smell troll.

Now be a good troll and go play in a mine field.

A Troll that posts on multiple forums and has multiple posts on other topics. /shrug

I.. by no means.. am a regular. And by "regular", I mean the ones that live on this silly board everyday and converse with the inhabitants as if they are actually acquanted, or lovers, or azz-buddies. I just post on the topics worth posting on. And give my humble opinion to the threads that deem worthy of such.

#32 Feb 20 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Excellent
491 posts
Boy that was easy.
Drawing out all the drunks.

Why do narrow minded idiots like this think, just because you drink, you must be a drunk?

I drink, therefore I must be a drunk.

Maybe he thinks that all drinkers are drunks because he drinks and he is a drunk. Just because you can't control your drinking doesn't mean that everyone else has the same problem.

For me it all comes down to this. Do what you want to with your life, I could give a rats ***. But leave me, to live mine they way I want to.
#33 Feb 20 2004 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
are you saying that i am incapable of making decisions about how i should live my life?

Sometimes, yes. You or any other "addicted" personalities should not be given the right to make your own decisions on said products. Its the "addicted" personalities that are financing and contributing to this problem. If the products werent chemically enhanced to be addictive, then you would have the right to make your own decisions.

Not often do I see a drunk driver careen into an oncoming car which is driven also by a drunk driver. Had that be the case, then I wouldnt give a flyin crap.

2nd hand tobacco smoke is something that I cannot personally control. Its not fair for me not to be able to make that decision for myself. What am I supposed to do..... NOT BREATHE? Therefore It should not be your decision to smoke in my presence (hypothetically speaking). Who gives your choices more importance than mine, or any other human beings?

1. It wouldn't work, Cocaine is Illeagal and readily availible to anyone who chooses to obtain it. why drive a product that can be readily controlled under the counter?

There really isnt an industry that is in control of this. Its somewhat grown goods, like pot, and for the most part... the people are making the money, not an industry that is free to advertise and brainwash all the sheople into wanting to start.

2. Adiction is a personal thing, some people are easily adicted by anything, gambling , cigarette's, ****, MMORPG just beacuse people like to do somethink does not indicate thatthey are addicted

I agree its a personal thing, but its the advertisements and peer pressure that gets you started, and then its the chemicals put in these that keep you coming back. This is an onset addiction intentially caused to take advantage of you.

3. I am an adult, i have the right to choose what i do. If i choose to do something that the Law considers Illeagal then i am punished if caught doing it. beyond that no other person other than my Wife, children and persons who i personally choose have the right to tell me what i can do. Especially not an egomaniac like you.

I beg to differ. If you light up in a restaurant and me or my family is being bothered, then the restaurant will tell you to do what you dont want to.

4. The govenment makes a huge profit for the sale of Alcohol and tobacco, which it used to fund various sectors that improve the life of all of us.

Dont get me started on the government. Its as big of an Azz-raper as the tobacco industry.
#34 Feb 20 2004 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
You or any other "addicted" personalities should not be given the right to make your own decisions on said products.

I am not addicted to anything, i can and often do go without alcohol for months at a time, should i choose to however i do enjoy a cool beer when watching the footie sorry if this offends you ..... wait no i'm not i drink what i damn well please.

Who gives your choices more importance than mine, or any other human beings?

what makes you think your choise in any more 'Right'?

I beg to differ. If you light up in a restaurant and me or my family is being bothered, then the restaurant will tell you to do what you dont want to

So sit in the 'non smoking section', you know that bit with all the air conditioning that prevents you inhaling all that nasty smoke. just feel lucky that i am not offended by you coffee drinking and make you stand outside to drink it.

and WTF has drink driving got to do with banning Alcohol the last time i looked drinking and driving was banned. Smiley: banghead

your arguements and utterly rediculas and self centered Leap and you need to get a grip.

Edited, Fri Feb 20 11:42:17 2004 by tarv
#35 Feb 20 2004 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
It's been over a year since I had a drink. And I have no plans to have a drink in the near future. But if I change my mind and have 2 glasses of wine this weekend, I'm a drunk and an addict?

GG Smiley: oyvey
#36 Feb 20 2004 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
My apologies.

Alchohol = Beer.

I should have clarified that.
#37 Feb 20 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
Leapwater wrote:
My apologies. Alchohol = Beer. I should have clarified that.

Oh, that's better. Hey guys! He's only picking on the beer drinkers! No, beer drinkers. Yeah, so take your rye and cokes and get out of here! I'm not sure...might be some weird anti-hops and barley faction. Yeah, well grains generally are evil.

This thread is funny. You are right, Leap, no person has the right to infringe upon your _____ time with their "good" time. However, you don't have the right to infringe upon their's either. Really, it comes down to choices. You choose to spend your money doing whatever it is that you do. I choose to spend mine enjoying the occasional beer. I fail to see the connection between the two. Yep, some drunks get in their car and kill people. Yep, some sober people do that too. Yep, some drunks beat their wives. Yep, some sober people do that too.

And you have yet to successfully express why beer drinkers are "drunks".
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#38 Feb 20 2004 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
So we can now call Anheizer busch(sp?) and Winston the new "Mobsters".

Fine, lets call them that. Except they don't go around murdering people and starting organized crime organizations. Wow, your "mobster's" have come a long they just provide the public with a product and run a legit business...

are you saying that i am incapable of making decisions about how i should live my life?
Sometimes, yes. You or any other "addicted" personalities should not be given the right to make your own decisions on said products.

This explains volumes about you. But again I have a solution for you.

Step 1) Take your control freak Hitler personality and start a cult.

Step 2) Believe Jesus is coming on a space ship to save you and all you have to do is drink some Kool-Ade laced with poison.

Step 3) Drink your refreshing Kool-Ade.

Step 4) Enjoy
#39 Feb 20 2004 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
Fine, lets call them that. Except they don't go around murdering people ......

Actually, I beg to differ. They have and will continue to kill more people than any "mafia" or "mob" or "gang related" source ever could. You say tomato, I say tomata. Whatever.

Step 2) Believe Jesus is coming on a space ship to save you and all you have to do is drink some Kool-Ade laced with poison.

Dude, dont mock what you dont know. Jesus already has come in his spaceship. The F*ckin Government is just holding him captive at Area 54 because they dont want us all to know the truth. The government or "big brother" is wanting us all to keep reproducing and dying off so that they can reap the rewards.

And I HATE Kool-Aid (<-----spelled correctly).

#40 Feb 20 2004 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Dude, dont mock what you dont know. Jesus already has come in his spaceship. The F*ckin Government is just holding him captive at Area 54 because they dont want us all to know the truth. The government or "big brother" is wanting us all to keep reproducing and dying off so that they can reap the rewards.

Whoa, so in summary:
and Leapwater=Nutbag

Got it.
#41 Feb 20 2004 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Thats Area 51 Moron.

I bet you the sort on individual who would sue his parents because hey took him to McDonalds as a 7 year old and now your a fat Obese lard *** and they corrupted you.

well maybe you will when you graduate from junior high.

Edited, Fri Feb 20 14:13:11 2004 by tarv
#42 Feb 20 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
Thats Area 51 Moron.

Ah! A fellow believer! We are so few and far between. I had to slip that 54 in there to conceal our true identity. But none-the-less, we shall both go down with our Kool-Aid. Which flavor do you prefer... twisted dingleberry-c*ck splash?

and Leapwater=Nutbag

Com'n you can do better than that. Show some individuality. You must be one of the head sheople. baaah.. baah.. Now go follow the others that want to come with direct namecalling.
#43 Feb 20 2004 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Ah! A fellow believer! We are so few and far between. I had to slip that 54 in there to conceal our true identity. But none-the-less, we shall both go down with our Kool-Aid. Which flavor do you prefer... twisted dingleberry-c*ck splash?

No it's just that everyone who get grades high enough to get out of Junior high is well aware of Area 51. As for being a fellow believer er no i am firmly rooted in reality thanks very much and i'll stick to Stella Artois.

Smiley: boozing <--- note the happy expression Leap take that as a hint

Edited, Fri Feb 20 14:15:50 2004 by tarv

Edited, Fri Feb 20 14:16:47 2004 by tarv
#44 Feb 20 2004 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
You must be one of the head sheople.

You're right. I am. Keep talking to me. At least I'm talking to a human, while you are conversing with a sheep.

Edited, Fri Feb 20 14:09:59 2004 by Atomicflea
#45 Feb 20 2004 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
Ah! A fellow believer! We are so few and far between. I had to slip that 54 in there to conceal our true identity. But none-the-less, we shall both go down with our Kool-Aid. Which flavor do you prefer... twisted dingleberry-c*ck splash?

How do you even comment on something like this? I wonder how this guy got out of his straight jacket.

Com'n you can do better than that. Show some individuality. You must be one of the head sheople. baaah.. baah.. Now go follow the others that want to come with direct namecalling.

Does anyone else see the irony in this? Funny how you you resort to "namecalling" and then claim that only sheep resort to namecalling.
#46 Feb 20 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
Show us how it's done, Leapwater.

"Board posters with an opinion other than mine = sheep"

"Beer drinkers = drunks"

"Smokers = addicts"

Wow. I'm dazzled. Now maybe you actually want to argue your points here, with educated and valid points, instead of resorting to useless comment and one-line **** posts. You see, there are standards. C'mon, you can do it.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#48 Feb 21 2004 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
Does anyone else see the irony in this? Funny how you you resort to "namecalling" and then claim that only sheep resort to namecalling.

Actually the only word I used that could have been even remotely classified as "namecalling" was the word sheople. This is merely a play on words and nothing inflamatory.

Real "namecalling" would be such that has no point but to attack one personally, rather than intelligently. (see below)

I can not however, resist the urge to call you an uptight f'ucktard...

Flea, that's the village that keeps losing it's idiot.

Why do narrow minded idiots like this think....

and Leapwater=Nutbag

Thats Area 51 Moron.

your a fat Obese lard ***

Wow, thats maturity at its finest. You pose a debatable topic, and you get slammed for speaking your mind.

In all honesty, I was playing the part of a "troll". I wanted to see what kind of responses I would get from a board on this subject. My findings will be utilized well. Thank you all.
#49 Feb 21 2004 at 2:31 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Ok, I was the one who made the village idiot comment, and if you had any reading comprehension, you'd see it was in response to Flea making fun of the misspelling of Amish (Omish) Village. It was not directed at you.

This is not to say that your village hasn't called looking for you, though.
#50 Feb 21 2004 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
Bill for ignition interlocks in every vehicle dies in Senate

The bill, which was passed by the House earlier this week, would have required the devices on new vehicles by 2008 and on used vehicles offered for sale by 2009.

Last Update: 02/20/2004 6:58:33 AM
By: Kurt Christopher

A controversial measure to require ignition interlocks on every vehicle sold in New Mexico has died without reaching the floor of the Senate.

The bill, which was passed by the House earlier this week, would have required the devices on new vehicles by 2008 and on used vehicles offered for sale by 2009.

Ignition interlocks prevent vehicles from being started when the driver is drunk.

The measure’s sponsor, Grants Democrat Ken Martinez, says it would save lives. He says putting ignition interlocks on every car, truck and commercial vehicle would shift the focus from punishment to prevention.

New Mexico already requires ignition interlocks for some convicted drunken drivers.

Opponents complained that requiring them on every vehicle would be costly to businesses and to the vast majority of citizens, who obey the law.

The bill never made it out of a Senate committee to the floor before the legislative session ended at noon Thursday.

#51 Feb 21 2004 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,437 posts
wouldn't want to rent a car in New Mexico...gross
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