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#1 Feb 18 2004 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
4,563 posts
Why I hate the Mormons.

First I was raised Mormon, up until I was 12 I went to their gathering every wensday, their are many reasons to HATE these people, if they had the power the catholics do I would be justy as frightned, thankfully the Mormons never get any new recruits, so they are declining, anyone who has graduated elementry school can take one look at their teachings and just bust up laughing over it. But Mrens if their religion is so stupid how do they have any followers? Very simply, brainwashing. Nothing as serious as locking you in a closet and beating you daily until you are convinced you will die if you don't accept Jesus, but they have a very organized structure of socialy outcasting anyone who dosent fit into their profile of a perfect Mormon. Did you ever notice you never see a mormon outside of a mormon community? It is planned this way, if you are a mormon living in one of the communities and ou are excommunicated. You can A: Move Away B. Pay the Church a hefty sum to be accepted again. C. Live in a ********** existance, Where the town grocrey store is not allowed to sell to you, where every other child is instructed not to talk to you, hell the very teachers at your school will give you the cold shoulder, I used to be friends with a very nice boy in Jr. High, turns out his father was arrested for some charge (Really not sure) and the family was kicked out, the principle of the school came up to me and explained the consiquences of continuing to be friends with the kid would result in serious punishment, I feel so bad for that kid now, what a ****** up way to live.

They had diffrent levels of punishment, which all had the same consiquences. Pay the fine or leave the church, their were really no two ways about it.

Things that will get you expelled from the mormon church: Being pregnant out of wedlock, being handicapped (I left before they kicked me out, but yes this actually happens) any form of substance abuse (I think Coffe is ok but not Cola, I rember a sermon when I was younger telling us about the evils of drinking coke, much like someone would lecture their child about doing drugs), knowing a person of color (You will never meet a Black mormon), any felony, dating someone outside the church, Or having any relations or social contact at all with any of the above, their were parents who would deny all responsibilities of a child and send them off to live with whoever would take them, this was at the age of 16, could you imagine accidently getting knocked up and having your parents tell you tough ****, now get out of my house.

Alot of Mormons are faith healers, they will check into a hospital if they get stabbed or something. But you will notice very few mormon towns have a drugstore. Another interesting fact, I threw mine out a while ago (Wish I would have hung onto it) but all mormons are required to carry around a form of ID to identify themselves as a mormon. It's a card, like a drivers licsince, it has your picture, name, mormon ID #, and what church you belong to.

Now I usually don't insult a church for their belifs, only for their practices, watch the South Park episode on mormons, it gives the basics (Of course their is a lot more to it, but that is it in a nutshell). It is rather funny, every few years the church ammends what it offically agrees with, this is rather humurous, it would be like the catholic church comming forward and saying "Well we have looked at the finacial benifit, and discovered that God thinks abortions are ok." A few years ago they announced that God thinks polygomy (Getting married to multiple wives) was immoral, after only practicing it for 200 years they actually ammended the writing in one of their books of Mormon (Their are 3 I think) claiming that it must have been "mistranslated the first time" Im sure the catholics do it also, but they arnt so damn obvious about it. They also ride around on bikes and wear name tags, thats pretty funny.

So my overall opionions of mormons. A rather stupid people, who are of no real harm to anyone but themselves. Their outdated practices will be completley obsolete in a few years. They have little to no political power. They are a minor nusince and will be non-existant as soon as the Catholics take over the goverment.
#2 Feb 18 2004 at 10:04 AM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
being handicapped (I left before they kicked me out, but yes this actually happens)

More detail, please.
#3 Feb 18 2004 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
I'm going to try to be as civil about this as possible Mren, I'd really like to try to have a real conversation with you and let's see if we can enlighten each other.

I don't even know where to begin in the clusterfu'ck of a case against Mormons. Flea will be intrigued by it I'm sure, as she hates the Mormons as well. I grew up Mormon, I don't consider myself Mormon anymore, haven't for about 4 years or so now, felt I really wasn't Mormon for about 5 years before that, but still, I have tons of family that are Mormon, and I'm not ******** you, I have the highest Priesthood given to men in the Mormon church, called the Melchezidek priesthood, which means, I could give your baby a blessing, baptize you, ordain you to Decon, Priest, or Elder.

Now, having said that, I think I know a little about the church.

thankfully the Mormons never get any new recruits

Wrong statement number 1, Mormons are one of the fastest growing religions out there.

if you are a Mormon living in one of the communities and ou are excommunicated. You can A: Move Away B. Pay the Church a hefty sum to be accepted again. C. Live in a sh*tfilled existance,

Seeing as how I've been to 4 stakes in Idaho, 3 in central California, and 3 in northern California, and never heard of a payment plan to get back into the church, I have to say you are full of ****. If you are excommunicated, that's it, no return for you, later on, you could still come to church, but you are off their roster. This tidbit of information might help your cause in hating them, you can't just move away, unless you change your name. Records get sent to what ever stake you go to if you move in that stakes area and start going there. So, if you used your name, it would come up as excommunicated eventually.

I don't know where you are, but I'm living just fine with out the Mormons. I'm not shunned at Stores, not frowned upon for hanging out with 'non-Mormons. Seems like your ideas of Mormons are all dated back to when you were 12 with a super hyperactive imagination. Did you know that the Prophet is a 3 headed monster, which demands that we offer a Human virgin as a sacrifice every month, so that he may let us live, and not destroy the earth?

could you imagine accidently getting knocked up

Yeah, I hate when I accidentally get knocked up, that really sucks when it happens.

What kind of logic is that? You don't accidentally get knocked up, only people that can say they didn't mean to get pregnant and get sympathy from me are women that were raped. Some 16 year old that is stupid enough to not use a condom gets no sympathy from me.

Alot of Mormons are faith healers, they will check into a hospital if they get stabbed or something.

It's not faith healing, it's called blessings, or putting somebody in your prayers in hopes they will get better. Has anyone you cared for ever gotten sick, deathly ill? Have you ever thought to yourself "I hope s/he gets better" ?

Same thing. It's for support. When I was younger, my heart stopped for 7 minutes and I was in the hospital for about 2 weeks from pneumonia type 2. My mother, and various other church members came by and stayed by my side most of my stay there, putting me in their prayers, and even held a few prayers there at the hospital, was actually called a blessing there.

Whether that stuff is true, or just having the moral support helps heal is up to you to decide, but if it helped my Mom walk the day after she had two disks in her spine removed, well, then I'm all for it.

Watch that south park episode again, pay attention until the end.

The part where the kid is explaining that maybe the book is hard to believe, and their beliefs are weird, but he loves his family, and his friends. Every run in with Mormons I've had has been great, they are for the most part, very very nice people to me, and always willing to help. They put a roof on my Mothers house, helped me move my old piano, countless other things, and I in turn, have done helpful deeds to help them out before.

Anyhow, long story short, you're full of ****, or live next to the craziest bunch of Mormons I've ever heard of.

ps.You also don't get kicked out for being handicapped, all though, handicapped people can only get so far in the priesthood, they can get up to priest I believe, just can't become an Elder and go on a mission.

#4 Feb 18 2004 at 12:06 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
I have absolutely no knowledge at all about the mormon faith to insert here but ill insert my opinion on one thought that skeeter posted...

What kind of logic is that? You don't accidentally get knocked up, only people that can say they didn't mean to get pregnant and get sympathy from me are women that were raped. Some 16 year old that is stupid enough to not use a condom gets no sympathy from me.

i totally agree....

know the chances you are takeing when you have sexual intercourse. i had my first encounter when i was 14 and you know damn well i had a "jimmy" in my pocket. know the risks and do what you can to prevent them.

oh and as a side bar i dont think abortion should be used as a form of birth controll. i hear about these women who have had multiple abortions because "it just doesnt feel natural with a condom" or "i cant be botherd with takeing the pill every day"


use the noodle you were born with (such as it is) and do things the right way.....

Edited, Wed Feb 18 12:06:30 2004 by Aadynn Litefoot
#5 Feb 18 2004 at 12:41 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Dude, Skeet, hate's a strong word. I don't really hate anyone. My experiences with Mormons in a nutshell:

Grew up Catholic, got as far as communion and then my mother let me know that anything further was up to me. Didn't go back to church until I was 19. In between I looked into all kinds of different religions, including some non-Judeo-Christian and some variations on that theme. At one point, away from home, I met a bunch of Mormons who were very nice, great and supportive, and I decided what the hell, let's go through baptism and the teachings and be Mormon for a while, just to see. I don't like judging from the outskirts.
So was baptized, good times, didn't agree with some of what they taught but for the most part didn't think it was a big deal, since I don't 100% follow the Pope, either. In my time as a Mormon, little over a year, I started to have some things crop up that I didn't like. I was expected to marry ASAP,and not use protection, defer to my husband as my spiritual leader, not to kiss or have premarital sex if I wanted to be married in a temple, and not voice outright my disagreements with canon or dogma. When around 1994-95ish those Utah High School kids got all their clubs shut down to prevent a gay club meeting, I was like Oh well, that's it. I'm over being Mormon. It took me almost 10 years to make this happen. Why? Every month I had missionaries trying to convince me that I was losing the way, trying to talk me back in, talking to my mother and sisters, tracking my changes of address, asking me to come talk to the Bishop...

Being the stubborn ******* I am, it only made me want to leave more. The fact that they didn't respect my wishes (No priest comes to my house looking for me) and bothered my family for that long, refused to take me off the rolls, etc... Hoo boy. I finally wrote a letter (my third one was the charm) and threatened to go to a news outlet if they didn't provide me with written proof that I was excommunicated, pronto.

I don't hate Mormons. I just don't feel that any of what they told me is true. I don't believe anything about John Smith, etc, so I simply wanted out. The fact that I couldn't get out soured me on the whole thing, not to mention their supercilious attitude, like salvation is some kind of designer brand that only they sell. You better believe if Catholicism ever starts to look the same for me, I'll ditch that, too. I don't think I need a mediator. JC is my homie.
#6 Feb 18 2004 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, hate is a strong word, I just didn't want to take the time to type out 50 "really"s to say you really really really really really really, etc etc don't like them.

Smiley: wink2
#7 Feb 18 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
It is rather funny, every few years the church ammends what it offically agrees with, this is rather humurous, it would be like the catholic church comming forward and saying "Well we have looked at the finacial benifit, and discovered that God thinks abortions are ok." A few years ago they announced that God thinks polygomy (Getting married to multiple wives) was immoral, after only practicing it for 200 years they actually ammended the writing in one of their books of Mormon (Their are 3 I think) claiming that it must have been "mistranslated the first time" Im sure the catholics do it also, but they arnt so damn obvious about it. They also ride around on bikes and wear name tags, thats pretty funny.

So would you rather they stand stoically by ideas that have obviously been discredited?

That's what the Catholic Church did with the notion that the earth revolved around the sun. Galileo was excommunicated because he claimed the earth revolved around the sun. The church didn't own up to being wrong and rescinding Galileo's excommunication until the 1970's!
Living on the east coast I don't run into many Mormons. But I do have relatives in Arizona, and when they were in need, the only people from whom they received any help, were the Mormons.
#8 Feb 18 2004 at 1:46 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
when they were in need, the only people from whom they received any help, were the Mormons.
Did they then start visiting them at home and asking them if they knew the "other" gospel of Jesus Christ?
#9 Feb 18 2004 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Oooh, is that the one where Jesus drives around in a pimped out low rider with his ******* and homies and kicks it old school?

I love that version.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#10 Feb 18 2004 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts

Edited, Wed Feb 18 13:59:51 2004 by Tare
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#11 Feb 18 2004 at 1:55 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Jesus was no sucka, he only had ONE ho!

Besides the ones he healed and stuff.
#12 Feb 18 2004 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
4,563 posts
I'm going to try to be as civil about this as possible Mren, I'd really like to try to have a real conversation with you and let's see if we can enlighten each other.

Please Ms. Propoganda *****, enliten me.

I don't even know where to begin in the clusterfu'ck of a case against Mormons. Flea will be intrigued by it I'm sure, as she hates the Mormons as well. I grew up Mormon, I don't consider myself Mormon anymore, haven't for about 4 years or so now, felt I really wasn't Mormon for about 5 years before that, but still, I have tons of family that are Mormon, and I'm not sh*tting you, I have the highest Priesthood given to men in the Mormon church, called the Melchezidek priesthood, which means, I could give your baby a blessing, baptize you, ordain you to Decon, Priest, or Elder.

I thank you for presenting all the facts, now I know why your opinions or so biased.

Wrong statement number 1, Mormons are one of the fastest growing religions out there.

I tried to check this figure out, but it's hard trying information of a religion that dosent even rank in the top 20s. Maybe you would like to show where you got this information?

Seeing as how I've been to 4 stakes in Idaho, 3 in central California, and 3 in northern California, and never heard of a payment plan to get back into the church, I have to say you are full of sh*t. If you are excommunicated, that's it, no return for you, later on, you could still come to church, but you are off their roster. This tidbit of information might help your cause in hating them, you can't just move away, unless you change your name. Records get sent to what ever stake you go to if you move in that stakes area and start going there. So, if you used your name, it would come up as excommunicated eventually.

I tried to find some solid facts on the payment plan for re-entering the church. But the only information I could find on it was from biased sources. So either it is not true or nobody who is in good standing with the church will admit it.

And by moving away to escape the mormon church I didn't mean to imply you should move to another mormon community, because obviously the church keeps tabs on you. I meant move to a normal community so you can escape the persecution excommunication means.

I don't know where you are, but I'm living just fine with out the Mormons. I'm not shunned at Stores, not frowned upon for hanging out with 'non-Mormons. Seems like your ideas of Mormons are all dated back to when you were 12 with a super hyperactive imagination. Did you know that the Prophet is a 3 headed monster, which demands that we offer a Human virgin as a sacrifice every month, so that he may let us live, and not destroy the earth?

Gee so you were the "the highest Priesthood given to men in the Mormon church, called the Melchezidek priesthood" and you chose to stop attending church and were not shunned. Your experinces really can't be compared to other.

Yeah, I hate when I accidentally get knocked up, that really sucks when it happens.

What kind of logic is that? You don't accidentally get knocked up, only people that can say they didn't mean to get pregnant and get sympathy from me are women that were raped. Some 16 year old that is stupid enough to not use a condom gets no sympathy from me.

Okay I agree with you on this point. Teens don't accidentally get knocked up, it happens when they are stupid. But regretible as it is they really should teach safe sex instead of just getting rid of it when it becomes a problem.

It's not faith healing, it's called blessings, or putting somebody in your prayers in hopes they will get better. Has anyone you cared for ever gotten sick, deathly ill? Have you ever thought to yourself "I hope s/he gets better" ?

Same thing. It's for support. When I was younger, my heart stopped for 7 minutes and I was in the hospital for about 2 weeks from pneumonia type 2. My mother, and various other church members came by and stayed by my side most of my stay there, putting me in their prayers, and even held a few prayers there at the hospital, was actually called a blessing there.

Isint that exactlly what I just said?

Whether that stuff is true, or just having the moral support helps heal is up to you to decide, but if it helped my Mom walk the day after she had two disks in her spine removed, well, then I'm all for it.

Sure their is a large placebo effect of faith healing. But you can't just ignore the people who lose their 12 year old child because they refuse to take them in to get their apendix removed.

Watch that south park episode again, pay attention until the end.

The part where the kid is explaining that maybe the book is hard to believe, and their beliefs are weird, but he loves his family, and his friends. Every run in with Mormons I've had has been great, they are for the most part, very very nice people to me, and always willing to help. They put a roof on my Mothers house, helped me move my old piano, countless other things, and I in turn, have done helpful deeds to help them out before.

Of course every mormon pretends to be a nice person, they are afraid of their quality of life if god forbid they create a negative image of the church. Which seems good at a glance, but what the hell is so wrong with free thought?

You have a very biased opinion of the church. Sure you can name alot of instances where a mormon helped you move your couch, because thats how they are told to act. You can't tell me in all your years in the church you never witnessed an act you thought was injust?

Edited, Thu Feb 19 09:12:51 2004 by Mrens
#13 Feb 18 2004 at 6:24 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
There are a lot of churches that practice some or all of the tactics you talk about. The Mormons weren't the first and they won't be the last. The Catholics don't even take that prize, even back when you could be tortured or burned for heresy. The first guy who decided he didn't have to hunt mastadon, or could have two women if he was the "priest" worked the routine out (followed closely by the first politician who knew a good thing when he saw it). Churches are not big on logic, but they are good at guilt and punishment.

Churches/religions use the shunning thing, but some are much more subtle. And many atheists are as organized as any church and just as dogmatic about their beliefs.

Of course most church members are really nice helpful people. Some of the beliefs are logical and hard to arque. No murdering, no stealing, basicly mainstream non-criminal beliefs concerning your fellow man.

Let the flaming begin.

#14 Feb 18 2004 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
You know, I really don't hate the Mormons, though I do find their beliefs silly at best, but I do hate the fact that (at least out here) they try and push their ideas on you in an active recruiting campaign. At least the Jehovah's Witness' have gotten the picture for the most part (I only see them once a week or so) but the damn Mormons come around ALL THE TIME! I finally got them to stop knocking on my door by answering it one day wearing only a loincloth, viking helmet, with a large red pentagram painted on my chest.
#15 Feb 18 2004 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
1,702 posts
But Mrens if their religion is so stupid how do they have any followers? Very simply, brainwashing. Nothing as serious as locking you in a closet and beating you daily until you are convinced you will die if you don't accept Jesus, but they have a very organized structure of socialy outcasting anyone who dosent fit into their profile of a perfect Mormon.

Welcome to the hell that is organized religion.

Every form of religion has relied on a form of brainwashing to get its message across. How else could one explain mass conversions ?

Regardless, my knowlege of Mormonism is limited, but I can say without a doubt that the one Mormon guy I've known is one of the sweetest, gentlest, kind men I've ever known. As he was my brother's best friend throughout gradeschool and high school, I've watched him start from a fumbling little boy to a fine example of manhood.

I don't think he's a practicing Mormon, but his roots are there.
#16 Feb 19 2004 at 2:53 AM Rating: Decent
4,563 posts
So the end justifies the means Dalliance?
#17 Feb 19 2004 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I May be wrong here but isn't Mormon's the ones who's founding father was called 'Smith' who had a religious extasy for like four days then came out with a 'Book of Mormon' that basicly said you give me a third of your money and i can sleep with your wives........I wonder why it never took on in the UK....

If i am thinking of the wrong sect i appologise.
#18 Feb 19 2004 at 3:28 AM Rating: Decent
4,563 posts
Nope your right. Ohh ya and the garden of eden was located in missouri.
#19 Feb 19 2004 at 3:40 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
As a fine, unspanding Catholic (not really), I'd like to say something that I believe sums up the views of most other religions on Mormonism:


Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#20 Feb 19 2004 at 5:52 AM Rating: Good
1,702 posts
So the end justifies the means Dalliance?

Only if the means operates in karmic balance. Otherwise no.

I'm fairly certain this guy's goodness stems from his individuality, but the basis of his principals branch from Mormonism.

In most religions I've encountered, there is a kernal of truth that lies buried in metric tonnage of ********* The trick is taking what you need from it, and ignoring the chaff.

My only point in bringing up my brother's friend is to prove that while Mormonism, as an organized religion, may be bad, Mormons themselves aren't evil simply for being Mormon.

Your rant was entitled "Why I hate the Mormons" and not "Why I hate Mormonism."

Sorry I had to clarify that.

Edited, Thu Feb 19 05:52:21 2004 by Dalliance
#21 Feb 19 2004 at 5:58 AM Rating: Good
1,702 posts
As a fine, unspanding Catholic (not really), I'd like to say something that I believe sums up the views of most other religions on Mormonism:


I was discussing this post with a friend tonight. If the information I've been given is correct, I'd say it has been a bit more malicious than that.

For a country that was founded on freedom, freedom from religious persecution in particular, the slaughtering of Mormons for following their religion is nothing short of a hypocritical tragedy.

I still need to do research on the incident to verify. I didn't catch the name of the place in which it happened, so I may be entirely off target.
#22 Feb 19 2004 at 7:29 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Mren, this was a bit much don't you think?
#23 Feb 19 2004 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
4,563 posts
It's interesting, with "I hate mormons" in the title and a link to that article and the fact that this is a message board with "Allah" in the URL how much would you like to bet this thread has at least been seen by someone in homeland security.

Lets cinch it:


EDIT: Im also 90% sure Kaolian is responsible for the Anna Kornicova virus. So he is probibly on some watch list.

Edited, Thu Feb 19 08:22:14 2004 by Mrens
#24 Feb 19 2004 at 8:42 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
I work in the Intel field. OPart of my job consists of calling up U.S. Embassies to talk with the RSO about current security situations at various airports and facilities in some of the worlds garden tourist spots, like Lebanon, or Algiers. I don't think I'm on a watch list, I know I am. It goes with the territory. Oh well.
#25 Feb 19 2004 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
4,563 posts
I didn't hear a "no" on the Kornicova virus.
#26 Feb 19 2004 at 8:55 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
I did not have viral relations with that women, Miss Kornicova...

In all seriousness, with as many virus laden computers as I get to fix at various times, i can' see myself ever willingly releasing a virus for any reason.

...Ok, maybe one that targetted just macs. Maybe.
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