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Fear terrorists? Nah, fear stupidity.Follow

#227 Feb 24 2004 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Gravity is just a theory too. Why don't you go jump off a cliff?

... last i checked, it what the LAW of gravity, not theory...

diff? you bet ya ;)
It is never too late to be what you might have become
#228 Feb 24 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Mmm... nachos....

Is it time to go home yet?
#229 Feb 24 2004 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
I haven't eaten Twinkies in years, and I hardly eat nachos. 'Oddly' enough I was not high, and the blank posts are entirely intentional.
#230 Feb 24 2004 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,437 posts
It's a ***** to quote too Debalic
#231 Feb 24 2004 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
693 posts
Debalic wrote:

Best post I've read in awhile.
#232 Feb 24 2004 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
Darkknight wrote:
Gravity is just a theory too. Why don't you go jump off a cliff?

... last i checked, it what the LAW of gravity, not theory...

diff? you bet ya ;) -------ibzamshamgar

Below is a quote from [link=null][/link]

[quote]This new theory of gravity is part of a more general Unified Field Theory (UFT) that shows how all of the known force fields work together. Once understood, this new UFT explains several heretofore unexplained phenomena in nature. In this brief write up, we will only deal with the gravitational part of the UFT.

Gravity is certainly a theory, one that people are still working on today. The 'law' you are referencing is just the useful mathematical expression that two bodies are attracted with a force proportional to the distance between them squared. It is merely a tool which allows us to predict the motions of objects but it isn't even right; if you use it you cannot explain certain motions of planets and must move to some of Einstein's theories. Kind of like Newton's 'laws'--merely tools which can be used to predict motions in certain situations.

I think in the 250 posts on this subject that there are 50 which attempt to help educate people in the difference between scientific theories and the layperson definition of theory. Go read them.


#233 Feb 24 2004 at 11:15 PM Rating: Good
5,019 posts
Gravity is just a theory too. Why don't you go jump off a cliff?

... last i checked, it what the LAW of gravity, not theory...

diff? you bet ya ;)

/nod Luke

I had this exact debate with someone on this board some time ago.

I said gravity was a theory. I was, of course, correct.

Jesus hates dumb people. I hope you like the smell of sulfur.

Edited, Tue Feb 24 23:17:11 2004 by Thundra
#234 Mar 04 2004 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
The Great Empyre wrote:
"We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality."
--Albert Einstein

to clear the record here, I have no problems with people not believing in will gives you that right. just wish people would in turn respect those that do. for me, nothing in this life is worth risking eternal torment for..

Rev 20:11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
Rev 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

I think you are indicating you actually think your God will hurl non-believers into a burning lake? Jesus tells us to love our enemies and turn the other cheek, forgive and forget. Well if you can hold both beliefs in your head at the same time perhaps there is room for some more. If I found myself believing and at the Final Day found my God tossing non-believers into a burning lake, I would have to go with them because I would rather not stay with such a God, nor even tacitly accept that such a thing could occur. (I would pray to a real God for the balls to do it). From everything in the gospels, I would only say Jesus would get there first and that would save them. From your "eternal torment" comment, I gather that you actually think these people will live, forever, in a lake of fire? /shudder You believe your God capable of that kind of cruelty and still worship? No, no I don't respect that.

I wouldn't suggest starting off on that foot if respect is what you are looking for. Fanatical followers perhaps, but not respect for our differences. Jesus went among the lepers, who were outcast from their society. The closest analogy I can come up with is the homeless among us, plentiful in the US. I think that would be a fine point of mutual respect. Further, Jesus heals the lepors. I'm not so sure the mentally ill, who obviously are not in a position to accept Jesus - they have got other things going on, by and large, are going to be cast out by God? What of the newborns who die young? Those born BC? The list of exceptions here is beginning to look like a 1040 form. (Well, unless God is tossing newborns...nevermind.)

I think there is a far simpler reading of those books: universal love, as a parent for children. Perhaps the details are confused, as our knowledge is finite, and the books are written and translated by human hand.
#235 Mar 05 2004 at 1:43 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
What of the newborns who die young?
Most Christian faiths hold children to be innocent until they reach an age where they can truely comprehend their own sin. Jesus makes reference to children being innocent and blameless in the Gospels. I'd assume, before you ask, that the age varies from person to person since people mature at different rates. The notable exception is Catholicism which saddles us all with Original Sin and ships the unbaptised rugrats off to Purgatory where they loiter around and get bored by Piers Anthony characters.

I'd assume (not being God, after all) that the mentally incompetant are like children, never reaching that point of accountability.

Now stop bumping old dead threads Smiley: grin
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#236 Mar 08 2004 at 6:18 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
actually according to many's interpretations of the bible (including mine), it is much more complex than that. Only God can save people through Christ. Period. ("No man cometh unto the father but by me..")

Some believe that God has chosen who he will save and who he will not (which is believable in my eyes as he has planned this entire thing out to the smallest detail already). The same also believe that if you pray for someone, that God can have mercy and save that soul. But who's to say you praying for that person was not a part of his plan.

I also believe that God communicates to us through the Holy Spirit through our souls...if that is the case, then the fact a child can not utter a single word of english and drools all over themselves may not mean they can't make a conscious decision of belief...afterall, we cannot understand what it would be like to exist without this earthly body. maybe the growing we do through childhood (and even life) is a process we go through getting used to being human.

hmm..thats actually a good point. thanks for getting me thinking about something new. never really pondered what role our souls played in this whole game. there's some hope yet for you silly little non-believers. Smiley: wink (I'm just playin)

EDIT: sorry for the know you wanted it

Edited, Mon Mar 8 18:20:57 2004 by Empyre
#237 Mar 08 2004 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
God has chosen who he will save and who he will not (which is believable in my eyes as he has planned this entire thing out to the smallest detail already).
So there is no such thing as free will as everything is predestined.

This is one of my favorite biblical self contradictions.
#238 Mar 09 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
actually i think your looking at it wrong. not really a contradiction, as we cannot even begin to understand Gods infinite wisdom. time doesn't even exist for him..he doesn't have a bunch of laws governing his existance..he IS the law AND existance.

many times believers and non-believers both get frustrated trying to comprehend things like this and we end up saying "bah..its a contradiction". if he knows every single second of every single persons life from the beginning of time to the end of time, knows the numbers of hairs on any of our heads at any given time (and some of us are H A I R Y), and so much more...then its not unfathomable to think that he already knows who is gonna make it and who is not, that he has chosen who will be saved, or that our will and prayer for others is what saves...or even (in the case of my previous statement), all of the above is true.

how are you gonna feel if one day the world ends...or you die and come to in another existance where all of this is true? I know i'd feel 1) pretty ashamed for not believing and 2) like the cops just busted in while I was standing over a dead body with a gun in my hand...screwed.
#239 Mar 09 2004 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
And that's one of my favorite answers
your looking at it wrong
followed by the "we're not smart enough" explanation of illogical statements.

There is either free will or predestiny. They are mutually exclusive states. If Gbaji comes up with some argument of logic to explain how they're not I'll capitulate this point.Smiley: wink

How will I feel if I find out I'm wrong after I die? Suprised certainly, but not guilty, as you imply. One can live by a code of ethics and morals without a deity. Not out of fear of punishment in the afterlife but because it's better for human society (and the planet) in the here and now.

I leave guilt and fear to the believers.

Oh, and I'll punch any god I see right in the jewels for doing such an incompetent job.
#240 Mar 09 2004 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
Someone posted on here earlier that religion is all written in books while science is based on FACTS. Science doesnt always have its facts right friend.

Example-- up into a few weeks ago most of us thought the dinosaurs were destroyed by a huge meteor craching to earth and suffocating them. This was scientific fact. Now however, paleontologists are saying that theory probably isnt right. And one in Baja, CA is proving it right now. Whichever you believe, the point is it's not a fact, and nothing is ever fact per say. Things are proven and then disproven all the time in science.

The same holds true with religion. Its changing all the time. No one 500 years ago piled in to church on Sunday to sing "come all ye faithful".

I personally choose to follow creationism instead of evolution. I don't think the dinosaurs will be sending me to hell.

Another matter how much we advance in science I dont think man will ever understand how the universe was created out of nothing. That's a frickin miracle in itself. Science will never be able to explain that.
#241 Mar 09 2004 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
You *******, now I have "O Come All Ye Faithful" stuck in my head.

you will surely burn in Hell, whereas I will dissipate into nothingness.
#242 Mar 09 2004 at 8:52 PM Rating: Good
Example-- up into a few weeks ago most of us thought the dinosaurs were destroyed by a huge meteor craching to earth and suffocating them. This was scientific fact.

No, that was a scientific theory. As more evidence is discovered, sometimes theories are found to be incorrect. And, in science, theories which are found to be wrong are discarded. If it was a religion, evidence would be ignored.

Things are proven and then disproven all the time in science.

Exactly! Isn't that neat!

The same holds true with religion. Its changing all the time. No one 500 years ago piled in to church on Sunday to sing "come all ye faithful".

Changes based on what? Not *evidence*, my friend.

I personally choose to follow creationism instead of evolution. I don't think the dinosaurs will be sending me to hell.

I assume you're being facetious, but if not that isn't a very good reason to believe. I remember a sunday school teacher telling us it was better to believe in christianity b/c in christianity non-believers went to hell while in many other religions non-believers still might be OK--i.e. you should play the odds. Assuming there was an all-powerful God out there, don't you think she would see right through that?


Edited, Tue Mar 9 22:00:23 2004 by Darkknight
#243 Mar 09 2004 at 9:32 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Gonna add to this, because it's just that amusing...

dbodenheim wrote:
Someone posted on here earlier that religion is all written in books while science is based on FACTS. Science doesnt always have its facts right friend.

No. Science is based on theories. Theories are explanations of facts. Not the other way around. Example:

Fact. My toe hurts
Fact. I'm wearing shoes
Fact. There's a pebble in my shoe

Theory: My toe hurts because the pebble in my shoe was squishing it inside the shoe, making it hurt.

Now. This all seems useless, except that now I can use my "Theory of toe hurting" to propose that if folks walk around with pebbles in their shoes, they may also experience pain in their toes.

Example-- up into a few weeks ago most of us thought the dinosaurs were destroyed by a huge meteor craching to earth and suffocating them. This was scientific fact. Now however, paleontologists are saying that theory probably isnt right. And one in Baja, CA is proving it right now. Whichever you believe, the point is it's not a fact, and nothing is ever fact per say. Things are proven and then disproven all the time in science.

You disagreed with yourself in two consecutive sentences: You stated "This was a fact", but then call it a theory in the next sentence. Which is it? Remember, a theory is just the most reasonable explanation of the facts as we can see them and test them.

Example: My Theory of toe hurting has caught on. It makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately, the carpenter down the street just dropped a hammer on his toe. No matter how hard we searched, we could not find a pebble in his shoe. Thus, my theory is not complete. I've explained one possible way for a toe to hurt, but not all of them. Clearly, my theory will need to be revised to include the possiblity of a hammer dropping on someone's toe...

See how that works? The earlier theory is not disproved, we've simply added to it. In the same way, we can theorize about what may have killed the dinosaurs. All of them may be valid possibilities, and may certainly be ways in which a large number of reptilians could become extinct.

And in this case, that's not even a theory. It's an attempt to discover a truth. A theory would be a possible explanation of how the dinosaurs could have become extinct. As long as it's something that could cause extinction, it's still valid. However, that doesn't tell us what *actually* killed off the dinosaurs. Extinction is something that happens all the time for a number of different reasons. In this case, they're looking for the truth behind one particular set of extinctions.

Just as the fact that in a particular instance, a guy got his toe hurt by a hammer drop instead of a pebble, that does not change the fact that a pebble could have caused it. The difference is whether you are theorizing about different ways things can happen, or are trying to figure out the specifics of one particular event. That's two completely different things.

The same holds true with religion. Its changing all the time. No one 500 years ago piled in to church on Sunday to sing "come all ye faithful".

I think the specifics of what songs you sing aren't really that relevant, but your point is taken. Religions do change over time. But *very* slowly, and never without a huge amount of difficulty. Change in religion is not the same as change in science. Science contains within it the method by which theories can be changed (it's called scientific method. Look it up). The only people who think that science "fails" when a theory is disproven are people who don't understand what science is. Scientific method is proven everytime we do revise a theory, or change our minds. Religion is based on a specific set of beliefs being "true". Science is about the process of forming and changing our beliefs. Thus, any change in how we think things work is a victory for science, not a failure.

I personally choose to follow creationism instead of evolution. I don't think the dinosaurs will be sending me to hell.

I personally think that's an absolutely horrific reason to believe something. So you can justify any set of beliefs purely by attaching a threat of hell if you don't follow them? You are aware how hugely circular that is, right?

Another matter how much we advance in science I dont think man will ever understand how the universe was created out of nothing. That's a frickin miracle in itself. Science will never be able to explain that.

That's not the point. Science isn't about knowing all the answers. It's about a process to find out answers. There's no guarantee we'll know everything. But the process itself allows us to accomplish things that religion never has. We didn't develop computers and information technology and space craft by praying really hard...

Edited, Tue Mar 9 21:40:35 2004 by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#244 Mar 09 2004 at 10:04 PM Rating: Good
For being a Republican you and I sure think alike, Gbaji?
#245 Mar 10 2004 at 12:40 AM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
Yanari wrote:
Oh, and I'll punch any god I see right in the jewels for doing such an incompetent job.

i'm sure that will happen. and when your soul is being tortured forever in a place where noone can hear you scream, i'm sure you will feel that thinking that was not such a good idea. and it won't be because God put you there...thats done on your own.
#246 Mar 10 2004 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
i'm sure that will happen. and when your soul is being tortured forever in a place where noone can hear you scream, i'm sure you will feel that thinking that was not such a good idea. and it won't be because God put you there...thats done on your own

Keep your fear to yourself you *****. It is yours. Not mine.
#247 Mar 10 2004 at 9:33 AM Rating: Default
Let me clarify a few things about my earlier post. I may have been hasty. The only point I was trying to get across is that science and religion both constantly evolve. Science a little quicker then religion sometimes.

My point about believeing in creationism over evolution because I dont think the dinosaurs are sending me to hell was purely a joke. My mom once told me that it isnt enough to just believe in God. Satan believes in God, he's not going anywhere for a while.

That's all. :)
#248 Mar 10 2004 at 9:33 AM Rating: Default
Let me clarify a few things about my earlier post. I may have been hasty. The only point I was trying to get across is that science and religion both constantly evolve. Science a little quicker then religion sometimes.

My point about believeing in creationism over evolution because I dont think the dinosaurs are sending me to hell was purely a joke. My mom once told me that it isnt enough to just believe in God. Satan believes in God, he's not going anywhere for a while.

That's all. :)
#249 Mar 10 2004 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
The only point I was trying to get across is that science and religion both constantly evolve.

That may be true. However, it is also true that religion actively works to slow down or stop scientific advancement whereas one could say that science is a contributing factor in the evolution of religion.
#250 Mar 10 2004 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
patrician wrote:
Keep your fear to yourself you @#%^. It is yours. Not mine.

was a product of my belief actually, and the post was in response to someone that was..hmm...other than you? so yeah. little defensive are we? don't like to hear what could possibly happen? boo freakin hoo.
#251 Mar 10 2004 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
As I said before, I leave that kind of fear to the believers.

Hell, just like god, is a creation of religionists, as is Satan. It doesn't concern me.

Pretty "christian" response though Empyre.
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