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#52 Jan 15 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
MoebiusLord the Flatulent wrote:
Let me explain to you where I sit, sir, so that you, and any others here who are confused, will understand the context of my posts on these matters. I am a firm believer that civilization, in its current form, has done little more than insure that we as a race will meet our downfall quickly. We lack crucial gene pool thinning. The herd is grown too large. I believe some people are not meant to live. Some medical procedures should be withheld. I believe welfare is the crutch of generations of people.

I've always felt this way too. Nice to see someone else believes we really need to thin the herd.
#53 Jan 15 2004 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
It's not a level playing field.

they have the same opporunity to work hard at school get a good scholarship and get out of the ghetto, no one forces them to get pregenant at 16 and take a dead end job serving coffee to the people who got off thier butts and got a real job.

the way i see it if your a dead beat you had a chance to not be one so tough , got a problem with it? do something about it and stop ******** that lifes not fair. If you want welfare to pay for courses then get a grant! That i can live with but don't expect me to pay for you too sit at home and smoke dope and like it.

It's about taking responcibility for how YOUR life turns out, if you put no effort in and it turn out sh*tty who you going to blame?
#54 Jan 15 2004 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
5,372 posts
I'd consider a lot of steaks, chops, etc "American". Not that they don't eat a sirloin in Europe, but it's evocative of the American west. Then again, unless you slather your steak with steak sauce or something (in which case buy better steaks, you hobo) the sauce comment doesn't really apply.

It is specifically on things like steaks, chicken breasts etc. I don't think I had a single steak that was cooked in its own juices. Every steak I had had this kind of BBQ type sauce, different restaurants, same sauce. Really grim stuff. Salads. We eat salads usually with a very light vinagrette dressing, incredibly tasty. American salads come with a sweet, creamy, gloopy, nasty mayo based dressing. It also effects ethnic food prepared for American palates. Chinese sauces in the US tend to be very sweet and artificial tasting, whereas in the UK they taste more like real, natural food ingredients. In other words you can eat it and tell what the ingredients are. Thai sauces are again very sweet tasing in the US, in the UK they are much more aromatic.

On the other hand, I don't know where Patrician was eating on his US tour so maybe he just needs to find better eateries. I don't recall any exquisite dining experiences while I was in London but then again I stuck with pretty average joints for food

Well, I was living in Pittsburgh, and being as it is such a dump, I don't imagine it is the heart of American culinary talent. I am talking across the spectrum, I was there for a year, I had a lot of money at the time, and we searched high and low for good food, I can think of three restaurants that were any good. I don't know about American home cooking, but I suspect it needs to be artifically given flavour since most store bought produce is so bland.

London by the way is fabulous for food. While certainly possible to eat badly in London, especially around the tourist areas, there are literally hundreds of very good restaurants.
#55 Jan 15 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
It's one thing to say it's not a level playing field, it's another to say that that field, no matter its pits and mountains, is not perfectly able to be climbed.

This reminds me of a Chris Rock bit:
"A Black man that got two jobs, going to work every day hates a n***** on welfare. `Get a job! I got two; you can't get one?'"

I have yet to meet someone who's been turned down for Mickey D's.
#56 Jan 15 2004 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
No. They don't. That's the whole point. They can't quit the $8 an hour job or thier children starve. They can't borrow $200 from their parents to pay rent. They can't afford clothes for a job interview. They can't afford to go to community college or their kids don't eat.

It's not a level playing field.

I have a theory. Smash is indeed Pat Buchannon playing devil's advocate. That is the only way that I can see it possible for a person of moderate intelligence to post things that are as incredibly stupid as this.

The $8.00 an hour job? Their choice to begin with. They had the opportunity to do something else, and chose not to. The resulting pen is of their own making.

The borrow money from their parents thing, idiotic in its inclusion. It is a non-starter and will not be addressed here.

They can't afford clothes for a job interview? What do they wear to church? Yeah, that's right. Sunday best, baby. Maybe the poor people you know don't go to church, but in my neighborhood growing up, it didn't matter how poor you were, you ALWAYS had a dress or a jacket to wear to church, even if it came from Goodwill or the Salvation Army.

They can't afford to go to community college? Choices, yet again. All of our lives are about choices. We live the consequences of those choices. I know a woman who just graduated with a BA in management from the University of Minnesota that has taken her 8 years to get. 6 in community college and 2 at the U. She worked as a secretary making $10 an hour, had 2 kids, sent 1 to college and managed not to let anyone starve. Did she go out and club on the weekends? No. Did she drive a car less than 15 years old? No. Did she dress in fancy clothes all the time? No. She is divorced from a husband that was and still is a deadbeat dad. No child support. She rents a 2 bedroom apartment, and rarely dates. She made wise choices and has now gotten a MUCH better job and can afford to do more for herself and her kids.

Bottom line is, they don't like hard work, or the tough choices? F*ck off. They get no hand out from me. Everyone has opportunities. Taking advantage of them is a choice.
#57 Jan 15 2004 at 11:58 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
It is specifically on things like steaks, chicken breasts etc. I don't think I had a single steak that was cooked in its own juices. Every steak I had had this kind of BBQ type sauce, different restaurants, same sauce. Really grim stuff. Salads. We eat salads usually with a very light vinagrette dressing, incredibly tasty. American salads come with a sweet, creamy, gloopy, nasty mayo based dressing.
Methinks you need to frequent a higher class of steakhouse besides Black Angus or Sizzler or whatever the hell they have out there in Pittsburgh. I've had plenty of fine steaks that were lightly flavored with seasonings if at all, but I assume the local T.G.I. Friday's isn't using the same caliber of meat and it behooves them to slather something on it. Of course, I'm guessing it's easier to find a decent steak in Chicago than it is in Pittsburgh. Same story on the salads. Go to a cheap joint and your "salad" is a half head of iceburg lettuce with a slice of cucumber on it. You're not looking for a dressing to "raise the flavor" of the chunk of iceburg lettuce, you're looking for something to disguise the fact that iceburg lettuce is a tasteless chunk of cheap greenery. I've never been to a decent resturant that didn't have a mixed greens salad with a choice of dressings that included your light oil and vinegar types.

Ironically, I don't know a single person who prepares their steaks with BBQ sauce at home. I'm sure someone does, but if I'm buying a steak at the store, I want to taste steak.

I don't doubt for a moment that London has some swell joints to eat in. I went to London on my lonesome though so, aside from a few days with a friend I knew outside of the city, most of my dining was in places where I could grab a quick bite. I tried to steer clear of the McD's and the like but I still wasn't frequenting any homes of culinary delight.

I'm not denying that rank and file American cuisine is nothing to write home about, I just find talking about food more entertaining than another dicussion on class warfare

Edited, Thu Jan 15 12:04:41 2004 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#58 Jan 15 2004 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
546 posts
grumble damn double post crap

Edited, Thu Jan 15 12:05:29 2004 by Murth
#59 Jan 15 2004 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
546 posts
Go to a cheap joint and your "salad" is a half head of iceburg lettuce with a slice of cucumber on it. You're not looking for a dressing to "raise the flavor" of the chunk of iceburg lettuce, you're looking for something to disguise the fact that iceburg lettuce is a tasteless chunk of cheap greenery. I've never been to a decent resturant that didn't have a mixed greens salad with a choice of dressings that included your light oil and vinegar types.

hehe so true. i dont even rate a resturant as classy if they dont frown upon you and say "we dont have iceberg lettuce"
iceberg lettuce is not sald its watery crap !

#60 Jan 15 2004 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
321 posts
I stay away from politics as much as possible.

I was one of the few Cubans who were against the whole "Elian" thing. I dare not say anything but it was fun yelling, "Janet Reno es un tortilleda!!" in the streets and everyone cheering me on and laughing.

I and when peopl were honking their horns in protest, I'd yell out as I drive, "My Horn does not work!" And the cheer and laugh.

I don't miss those days one bit. I sleep better at night.
#61 Jan 15 2004 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
I have a theory. Smash is indeed Pat Buchannon playing devil's advocate. That is the only way that I can see it possible for a person of moderate intelligence to post things that are as incredibly stupid as this.

Damn, who let the cat out of the bag?

The $8.00 an hour job? Their choice to begin with.
Is it? Why, pray tell is that? Because they were offered dozens of high paying jobs that merely require a high school diploma from “poorly funded possibly not accredited urban high school”? Oh wait, I forgot, isn’t that what Solomon Brothers accepts now in place of an Ivy League MBA?


They had the opportunity to do something else, and chose not to.

It seems imperative to you to believe that one exists, but for some odd reason you can’t quantify what it is. What opportunity exactly do poor kids who go to horrible schools have exactly? Selling crack?


The resulting pen is of their own making.

It’s nice to just make blanket statements without anything at all to back them up isn’t it? I know, I’m guilty of it on occasion as well. The fact is, most poor urban kids are screwed. They don’t have the options you or I take absolutely for granted.


The borrow money from their parents thing, idiotic in its inclusion. It is a non-starter and will not be addressed here.

It’s not idiotic at all. It’s critical. Having access to a safety net of someone else’s wealth is a massive factor in people’s lives. EVEN IF THEY NEVER USE IT. It’s the difference between climbing a cliff with a safety line and free climbing one. It’s a lot easier to take risks to succeed if you know that failure means you’ll have to ask someone for help as opposed to meaning you’ll be homeless.


They can't afford clothes for a job interview?

That’s right, they can’t.


What do they wear to church? Yeah, that's right. Sunday best, baby. Maybe the poor people you know don't go to church, but in my neighborhood growing up, it didn't matter how poor you were, you ALWAYS had a dress or a jacket to wear to church, even if it came from Goodwill or the Salvation Army.

Which poor inner city area did you grow up in, Jethro?


They can't afford to go to community college? Choices, yet again. All of our lives are about choices.

No, our lives are about freedom to make choices. You may have had that your whole life and assume that it’s a god given birthright. For most urban poor, that’s just not the case.


We live the consequences of those choices. I know a woman who just graduated with a BA in management from the University of Minnesota that has taken her 8 years to get.

That’s great. Which poor urban inner city was she born into where she had to work as a teenager to make sure her family had food to eat, or could pay the rent?


6 in community college and 2 at the U. She worked as a secretary making $10 an hour, had 2 kids, sent 1 to college and managed not to let anyone starve.

That’s a lovely story. You know I knew a woman who froze to death because she couldn’t find a homeless shelter that wasn’t full. She had two kids too. Just made that poor choice of freezing to death I guess. I’m sure her kids will have all kinds of opportunities bouncing around in multiple foster homes. Hopefully they won’t make the same poor choices as their mother.


Did she go out and club on the weekends? No. Did she drive a car less than 15 years old?

Drive a car, that’s funny. I’ll be sure to mention that one to one of my social worker friends. “Poor people should just not buy newer cars, that’s the problem. And hell, if it gets too cold they should just borrow their friends summer homes. What’s wrong with those lazy bastards.


No. Did she dress in fancy clothes all the time? No. She is divorced from a husband that was and still is a deadbeat dad. No child support. She rents a 2 bedroom apartment, and rarely dates. She made wise choices and has now gotten a MUCH better job and can afford to do more for herself and her kids.
Nice to be a white woman in a non urban area isn’t it?

Bottom line is, they don't like hard work, or the tough choices? F*ck off. They get no hand out from me. Everyone has opportunities. Taking advantage of them is a choice.

No, moron. YOU have opportunities. That doesn’t mean everyone does. I’ll tell you what.

You take $100 and pull up stakes and move to East LA or Harlem or the South Side of Chicago and show me how much hard work pays off. Pretend you just have a high school education and that your name is Tyrone.

Oh and your $10 an hour single mother? How much money did she receive in HANDOUTS from entitled ******** like you who believe in social Darwinsim? What do you figure total, in food stamps, EIC, need based school grants? $80,000 or $90,000? What a worthless scum sucking leech huh?


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#62 Jan 15 2004 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
Who said business was evil? Not me, sir. I am merely saying that this administration is slanting so far in favor towards the management side of business. Way to far.

I am all for personal responcibility and freewill. But I think if you condemn welfare for the poor you should also condemn welfare for the rich.

All these tax breaks, where are they coming form? Deficits. Who is really benefitting from them? Rich people. What will we do when our credit is no longer good, raise taxes or cut social security? Take a good look at Bush's policy and the voting record of the republican led congress.

Its called Starve the Beast. This is no secret, any more than the fact that many of these cabinet members supported Saddam's use of WMD in the 80's. That's right, these same PNAC people actually gave Saddam the go ahead to gas the Kurds in the 80's. Common knowledge.

Stop pretending that Bush is some godsend the the american people. This asshat started planning the war way before 9/11, and has used that tragedy over and over again as a reason to push his extreme agenda and thump the Dem's that supported him after 9/11.

Bush spews fear from his mouth while handing out money behind his back. Who is the most dangerous person in the world and to Americans? Certainly notr Saddam and probably Bush.

Just my $18k a year opinion.
#63 Jan 15 2004 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
The people you appear to be referring to are the people that either a)dropped out of school, b)messed around in school, c) tried their little hearts out and just couldn’t for the life of them get it.

Tell me, what % would make up c? The choices I refer to are the life choices people make. ALL of us, regardless of where we were born, how much money our parents have, what our life situation may currently entail, have choices. There is your opportunity. The opportunity to exercise free will. No one can take that away unless you let them.

It seems imperative to you to believe that one exists, but for some odd reason you can’t quantify what it is. What opportunity exactly do poor kids who go to horrible schools have exactly? Selling crack?

See above.

It’s nice to just make blanket statements without anything at all to back them up isn’t it? I know, I’m guilty of it on occasion as well. The fact is, most poor urban kids are screwed. They don’t have the options you or I take absolutely for granted.

You seem to think that by opportunity I mean legacy apps to Harvard or Yale, family hook-ups to a Federal judge clerk post. I am referring to the opportunity that every person born on the planet has to seize his or her day, to decide NOT to be a complete reprobate, to choose to be a productive member of society.

It’s not idiotic at all. It’s critical. Having access to a safety net of someone else’s wealth is a massive factor in people’s lives. EVEN IF THEY NEVER USE IT. It’s the difference between climbing a cliff with a safety line and free climbing one. It’s a lot easier to take risks to succeed if you know that failure means you’ll have to ask someone for help as opposed to meaning you’ll be homeless.

Sorry. I, having been homeless for a time, and rectifying that, know that taking responsibility for your life and making wise choices (yes, I know, it’s a repetitive point) is of greater benefit than having a safety net. When was the last time you did a little dumpster diving?

Which poor inner city area did you grow up in, Jethro?

Mobile, Alabama. Something wrong with the south now? :)

No, our lives are about freedom to make choices. You may have had that your whole life and assume that it’s a god given birthright. For most urban poor, that’s just not the case.

Sorry, Smash, everyone, whether they like the choices or not, has choices. Were that not the case, NO ONE would escape poverty, NO ONE would move on to lead a better life. Again, the basic difference between liberal and conservative thought. You and yours believe it is our responsibility to make life better for everyone. Me and mine believe it is incumbent on the individual to take control of his or her life, get off of their collective lazy asses and make something of themselves.

That’s great. Which poor urban inner city was she born into where she had to work as a teenager to make sure her family had food to eat, or could pay the rent? …That’s a lovely story. You know I knew a woman who froze to death because she couldn’t find a homeless shelter that wasn’t full. She had two kids too. Just made that poor choice of freezing to death I guess. I’m sure her kids will have all kinds of opportunities bouncing around in multiple foster homes. Hopefully they won’t make the same poor choices as their mother.

It’s not about where she grew up. It’s about the fact that no one’s life works like they expect it to. What you do with the hand you are dealt determines how you leave the table. Your homeless woman had COUNTLESS choices over the course of her life that led her to the situation that ended her. When her children die, the same will apply.

Drive a car, that’s funny. I’ll be sure to mention that one to one of my social worker friends. “Poor people should just not buy newer cars, that’s the problem. And hell, if it gets too cold they should just borrow their friends summer homes. What’s wrong with those lazy bastards.

Exactly. (just a bit tongue in cheek)

Nice to be a white woman in a non urban area isn’t it?

The nearly one million people that call Minneapolis or St. Paul home would disagree with you. And what does color have to do with this? I am referring to a socio-economic class.

No, moron. YOU have opportunities. That doesn’t mean everyone does. I’ll tell you what. You take $100 and pull up stakes and move to East LA or Harlem or the South Side of Chicago and show me how much hard work pays off. Pretend you just have a high school education and that your name is Tyrone.

No, you moron, we all have opportunities. That you would trivialize the opportunities available to every man and woman born is an affront to all people. That you hold so little stock in the human race as a whole, and individually their ability to overcome adversity is shocking in its myopic view of life. You, sir, typify a shrinking minority who’s tactics have been tried and tested, and proved ineffective. I have pulled up stakes quite a few times, moved to urban areas in several parts of this country, to run-down, ethnic areas of urban centers. I have only a high school education. I was lucky on a number of occasions if I had $100 left after paying for the trip’s gas. My name is not Tyrone, but again, it isn’t about race, so why try to make it that?

Oh and your $10 an hour single mother? How much money did she receive in HANDOUTS from entitled @#%^s like you who believe in social Darwinsim? What do you figure total, in food stamps, EIC, need based school grants? $80,000 or $90,000? What a worthless scum sucking leech huh?

Food stamps, EIC, Welfare, etc., nothing. She was on medic-aid, but I couldn’t tell you what that amounted to. Her schooling was paid for with student loans, subsidized, so maybe a couple of grand there.
#64 Jan 15 2004 at 2:32 PM Rating: Good
Who said business was evil? Not me, sir. I am merely saying that this administration is slanting so far in favor towards the management side of business. Way to far.

You will forgive me, but the tone seemed to imply.

I am all for personal responcibility and freewill. But I think if you condemn welfare for the poor you should also condemn welfare for the rich.

Again, I might point out, that it is not welfare for the rich. It is incentive to do something with their resources. Incentive is required for anything other than a magnanimous gesture.

All these tax breaks, where are they coming form? Deficits. Who is really benefitting from them? Rich people. What will we do when our credit is no longer good, raise taxes or cut social security? Take a good look at Bush's policy and the voting record of the republican led congress.

You assume deficits are a bad thing. You also assume that the world will allow our credit to go bad. The rest of the world is more interested in a strong U.S. economy than you are, trust me. Until China can make some serious reforms and actually have a consumer class larger than the population of, say North Dakota, this will be the case. I have looked at the president’s voting record, and that of the congress. I like it. (Moebiuslord = Republican. It’s a good thing.)

Its called Starve the Beast. This is no secret, any more than the fact that many of these cabinet members supported Saddam's use of WMD in the 80's. That's right, these same PNAC people actually gave Saddam the go ahead to gas the Kurds in the 80's. Common knowledge.

Yeah? So? It seemed like a good idea at the time. Kind of like welfare and social security. We’ll reverse on those sooner or later too. : )

Stop pretending that Bush is some godsend the the american people. This asshat started planning the war way before 9/11, and has used that tragedy over and over again as a reason to push his extreme agenda and thump the Dem's that supported him after 9/11.

Again, yeah? So? What extreme agenda? The one that got him elected? The one that got a Republican majority in congress? Boo f*ckin’ hoo. As for Bush being the god send, nah. Pay attention in this forum and you will see that I give credit where credit is due. Uncle D1ck Cheney is the man at the helm.

Bush spews fear from his mouth while handing out money behind his back. Who is the most dangerous person in the world and to Americans? Certainly notr Saddam and probably Bush.

The most dangerous person in the world is the one who ignores the fact that dangers to any are dangers to all. WMD, no WMD, not an issue. Sadaam was a destabilizing force. Not anymore. Bush spews hope. I am just sorry so many refuse to see it.
#65 Jan 15 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
What extreme agenda? The one that got him elected?

Yes! Smiley: grin

It's funny because it's true
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#66 Jan 15 2004 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts

Who said business was evil? Not me, sir. I am merely saying that this administration is slanting so far in favor towards the management side of business. Way to far.

You will forgive me, but the tone seemed to imply.



I am all for personal responcibility and freewill. But I think if you condemn welfare for the poor you should also condemn welfare for the rich.

Again, I might point out, that it is not welfare for the rich. It is incentive to do something with their resources. Incentive is required for anything other than a magnanimous gesture.

In my opinion, it is. People who make million a year in stock options don't need incentive. They are obviously using that money to invest. They should have to pay taxes on that money the same way I do on my income tax. My paycheck is an incentive for me to work as well.


All these tax breaks, where are they coming form? Deficits. Who is really benefitting from them? Rich people. What will we do when our credit is no longer good, raise taxes or cut social security? Take a good look at Bush's policy and the voting record of the republican led congress.

You assume deficits are a bad thing.

You assume that they are either tolerable or good.


You also assume that the world will allow our credit to go bad.

You assuse the rest of the world will indefinately continue to support our debts.


The rest of the world is more interested in a strong U.S. economy than you are, trust me.

Absolutely not true. It is politically easy for Republicans to accuse liberals of hating America. We don't hate America, we just don't like how Bush runs the show.


Until China can make some serious reforms and actually have a consumer class larger than the population of, say North Dakota, this will be the case. I have looked at the president’s voting record, and that of the congress. I like it. (Moebiuslord = Republican. It’s a good thing.)

Not sure what you are saying here.


Its called Starve the Beast. This is no secret, any more than the fact that many of these cabinet members supported Saddam's use of WMD in the 80's. That's right, these same PNAC people actually gave Saddam the go ahead to gas the Kurds in the 80's. Common knowledge.

Yeah? So? It seemed like a good idea at the time. Kind of like welfare and social security. We’ll reverse on those sooner or later too. : )

Honesty, I appreciate that. Too bad the administration isn't being honest.


Stop pretending that Bush is some godsend the the american people. This asshat started planning the war way before 9/11, and has used that tragedy over and over again as a reason to push his extreme agenda and thump the Dem's that supported him after 9/11.

Again, yeah? So? What extreme agenda? The one that got him elected?

you weren't paying attention in 2000. Bush ran as a compassionate conservative. He said he was against nation building among many other lies. He ran mostly on education.


The one that got a Republican majority in congress? Boo f*ckin’ hoo. As for Bush being the god send, nah. Pay attention in this forum and you will see that I give credit where credit is due. Uncle D1ck Cheney is the man at the helm.

More honesty, good.


Bush spews fear from his mouth while handing out money behind his back. Who is the most dangerous person in the world and to Americans? Certainly notr Saddam and probably Bush.

The most dangerous person in the world is the one who ignores the fact that dangers to any are dangers to all. WMD, no WMD, not an issue. Sadaam was a destabilizing force. Not anymore. Bush spews hope. I am just sorry so many refuse to see it.


Matter of opinion. My opinion is that the Administration turned Saddam into a bogeyman to scare stupid Americans into supporting a war on a porr third world nation for unaltruistic reasons.
#67 Jan 15 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good

What extreme agenda? The one that got him elected?

Yes! Smiley: grin

It's funny because it's true

So you wanna be a helper? OH! OOOOOOOHHHH!
#68 Jan 15 2004 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
People who make million a year in stock options don't need incentive.

On stock earnings, they pay some taxes. Capital Gains, I believe.

Looked at from a different perspective, if someone asked you to give them a thousand dollars, with no promise of a return of that $1000, would you? One can never know, but I personally would resist the urge. On a grander scale, someone asks me for 500 Million dollars, with the same lack of a promise of a return on that money. It’s pretty safe to assume I am gonna say hell no. Not without some incentive.
You assume that they are either tolerable or good. [Deficits]
You assuse the rest of the world will indefinately continue to support our debts. [Our Credit Rating]

True and true.
It is politically easy for Republicans to accuse liberals of hating America. We don't hate America, we just don't like how Bush runs the show.

Not sure how that related to the point of the rest of the world needing our debt to be good.
Not sure what you are saying here.

We are still a huge consumer class. That’s why the trade deficit is so big. Until we are bumped by China, or someone in that size group, we are where the good stuff comes to.
Honesty, I appreciate that. Too bad the administration isn't being honest.

Not many are, though, are they?
you weren't paying attention in 2000. Bush ran as a compassionate conservative. He said he was against nation building among many other lies. He ran mostly on education.

And then, 2 really big building got knocked down when some crazy sommanumbitches decided to park jet liners on their upper floors. While it may not be the source of all evil, lets not minimize it, either.
#69 Jan 15 2004 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts

On stock earnings, they pay some taxes. Capital Gains, I believe.

The capital gains tax cut is the exact one i'm talking about. Smash, wasn't the last tax cut the cut on capital gains? I believe current tax code stands that this money is not taxed, at all.


Looked at from a different perspective, if someone asked you to give them a thousand dollars, with no promise of a return of that $1000, would you?


I might invest that money by buying stocks that I feel are sound, and if I make a profit I expect to pay taxes on it. If I lose my 1K I should write it off. There is an incentive, write offs for money lost is the stock market.


And then, 2 really big building got knocked down when some crazy sommanumbitches decided to park jet liners on their upper floors. While it may not be the source of all evil, lets not minimize it, either.

Agreed, or maximize it. By the way, there were no Iraqis on any of those planes, nor did Saddam support them in any way.

We all want to see Osama go down. One bait and switch later, we have Saddam and (coincidence?) the oil rich country in the world!

#70 Jan 15 2004 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts

Its called Starve the Beast. This is no secret, any more than the fact that many of these cabinet members supported Saddam's use of WMD in the 80's. That's right, these same PNAC people actually gave Saddam the go ahead to gas the Kurds in the 80's. Common knowledge.

Yeah? So? It seemed like a good idea at the time. Kind of like welfare and social security. We’ll reverse on those sooner or later too. : )



Honesty, I appreciate that. Too bad the administration isn't being honest

Not many are, though, are they?

I think that lying about destroying social security is remarkable. Remember, the boomers have spent their whole lives paying SS with the trust that it would be there when they retired.
#71 Jan 15 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
Long Term Capital Gains is down to 15 percent from 20.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#72 Jan 15 2004 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
Very well, but watch for the next round of tax cuts Bush will try to push if reelected. Was the capital gains tax a sticking point last time around? I think they are planning further cuts in CGT as well as making all of his cuts permanent.
#73 Jan 15 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
Agreed, or maximize it. By the way, there were no Iraqis on any of those planes, nor did Saddam support them in any way.

We all want to see Osama go down. One bait and switch later, we have Saddam and (coincidence?) the oil rich country in the world!

Where was the bait and switch? We all pretty much agree that Sadaam had nothing to do with Sept. 11. Cool, huh? Something we agree on. What you liberals don't seem to be able to grasp is that a destabilizing force is a bad thing. He's not there anymore, and it's a good thing.

The state of the world has changed, or rather, our place relative to it. If that means we have to take out a decidedly bad guy to insure that we continue to run smoothly as a country, so be it. If more of you liberals understood that, we wouldn't have to dress it up for you in shiny WMD colors.

Dividends was the hang up in the big tax cut bill. Democrats aren't happy with a guy keeping the buck he makes. The wanna dip and re-dip as often as possible. CGT is ok in my book. Just don't try the *** rape. 15% is more than enough. The old argument of "The rich can afford to pay more taxes" doesn't wash. It makes even less sense than the falacious "The poor didn't pay any taxes, why should they get to use the government services?"
#74 Jan 15 2004 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
Saddam is one drop of the bucket of bad guys, many of whom supported us during the war. Musharraff, the King of Kuwait, the Saudi Royals, China's ruling elite, Kim in NK are just a few examples of very bad men who are potential threats to us. Many, many more exist and we support many of them.

Americans look like hypocrites when we demonize Saddam yet support totalitarian governments when it suits us, which is often.

We all agree here that the world is a dangerous place. You take a huge risk by driving to work everyday; don't you know how many people die or are maimed in traffic accidents every year? You could get hepetitis from eating mexican chain food green onions. I mean, get a grip america, those evil terrorists are not very likely to get you. Calm down. Somehow this Iraq war got thrown into the war on terror but will probably only increase terror attacks.

It seems that the perfect argument against dissent is "9/11! 9/11!" Perhaps if our foriegn policy wasn't so damn hypocritical poor third worlders wouldn't so willing to kill themselves to make thier point. This is a very unpopular opinion, but I admit it is mine. Noone is completely good or evil (including terrorists), we are all just self interested. This extends to the whole world, everybody.
#75 Jan 15 2004 at 5:02 PM Rating: Good
Self interest is a good thing. For my money, I don't give 2 ***** about the rationale behind a suicide bomber's mission. You **** on my lawn, I am gonna blow you up. Until you rid the world of evil, might makes right. There has to be a big kid on the block, and we are it. The Chinese, Kuwaitis, Saudis and North Koreans (though NK marginally so) know better than to stick their hairy *** cheeks in the window and say "Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah". When told where the line is, the eventually tow it. Mostly because they know what we are capable of, and what they are not.

And while you may have the stones to admit an upopular opinion, regardless of what you think, there is right, and there is wrong. Indiscriminant killing of non combatant men women and children is wrong. If you partake in it, regardless of the reason, you are evil.

BTW: I like my hepatitis with Chili Colorado Burritos, thank you very much.
#76 Jan 15 2004 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
To be continued. I'm off to play some EQ, see ya later Mobius.
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