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#52 Jun 12 2008 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts

Don't think you are better than the other player cause he doesn't have Adaman Hauberk or Crimson Cuisses. Respect others, and you get respected.

I think there is a really bad tradition in gaming now -- the concept of "owning." More traditional competitive gaming and sports stress self development and sportsmanship. The concept of owning centers around humiliation, and humiliation is about showing disrespect. I am not saying camping HNM gear and having a very good parse is trying to "own" someone. Trying to "own" someone is a motivation and behavior, they are not numbers.

You can be elite and first class, while being respectable. You can also choose to to show "ownage" -- trying to be elite and first class by putting other down.

Back to sportsmanship. It including the honor of the written and unwritten rules of the games. Written rules are black and white (botting is against the rules). Unwritten rules include to not to do things that is frowned by majority of other players (and spectators). In English football, as vague as the rule is, the referee has the right to punish a player for lack of sportsmanship (of course the referees are subject to peer review themselves).

May be I am born in another generation. I do not understand a lot of the gaming subculture now.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#53 Jun 12 2008 at 6:56 AM Rating: Excellent
164 posts
Drakenmaster wrote:
It isnt Illegal till u get caught. > .>

Oh yeah... this is a real solid train of thought right there. Extreme example coming up, I know... but I guess if someone raped your mom or your sister it's all good with you unless the cops catch him?

You're taking a retarded stance for the purpose of sensationalism and stirring up drama. Stop being a moron.
#54 Jun 12 2008 at 8:13 AM Rating: Good
dibs on the next RL card comment
#55REDACTED, Posted: Jun 12 2008 at 8:17 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) How do you get to this from cheating in a video game.....
#56 Jun 12 2008 at 8:43 AM Rating: Excellent
478 posts
Drakenmaster wrote:
Sorry but this has turned into some major LOL!

Draken, sorry buddy, but you are a moron. Now I am really glad I denied your application from our linkshell a while back. I am usually one to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but with you, just Glad I went with my gut on that one.

yea i only applied to follow my cousin dont get to ahead of ur self there pal.

Oh yeah... this is a real solid train of thought right there. Extreme example coming up, I know... but I guess if someone raped your mom or your sister it's all good with you unless the cops catch him?

You're taking a retarded stance for the purpose of sensationalism and stirring up drama. Stop being a moron.

How do you get to this from cheating in a video game.....

I dont lose respect for someone not having a damn adaberk, ridill, etc.

Funny part is lynch, i never said, nor disrespected you in any way, so you call me a moron, ***** you.

All i was doing was voicing my goddamned opinion about a game, and i get poo flung at me from a bunch of ignorant jackA**ses that just follow what one another say.

its not the point of sticking up for botting, its the point that u are treating certain ppl lower then dirt becuase of a video game.

Its the point that some of you havent, experienced jack **** in the real world to compare it to a game.

You dont agree with me, say why and state your reason like an adult, calling someone retarded or a moron is not getting your point across, its just a way of you showing me that

a) Your immature
b)You dont have crap to say in response
c)your "trying" to be funny
d)Your cheerleading and following what "XXXXX" says

This is how you turn a discussion into an argument.

Edited, Jun 12th 2008 12:21pm by Drakenmaster

Here's your next RL card comment Rata~
#57 Jun 12 2008 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Well, to discuss versus argue...

I don't camp HNM, so botting doesn't affect me personally, but I still don't like the practice. It's giving an unfair advantage to a system that was (albeit poorly) designed to allow a "level playing field" for chances to fight these monsters.

In the same vein, I don't like it when sports teams cheat by stealing playbooks.

For me it's the same thing. Why would I like someone that cheats when it's against my own personal morals? It doesn't matter if it's a video game, or a sporting event, or my personal everyday life, my beliefs and morals don't change.

Now I don't treat them like dirt, as you implied, but I do chose not to associate myself with them, just like I avoid similar people on a daily basis.

All of your "experiences IRL" comments, I just don't get. Don't you also play this game? With your broad statements, you're clumping yourself in with the very people that you are insulting. And to note, not all of us live for this game. There are, believe it or not, people that play this game purely as a hobby.
#58 Jun 12 2008 at 1:42 PM Rating: Excellent
478 posts
Cap'n...? What's a hobby?

#59 Jun 12 2008 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
I like that picture. :3

Life is a game. A game where your life and fate are the chips :P. Too bad in game, the chips are quite different :P

Edited, Jun 12th 2008 6:26pm by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#60REDACTED, Posted: Jun 12 2008 at 3:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) what i mean is things like this, You cant compare botting to a sports team, someone being raped, stealing at work, or any other high crimes.
#61 Jun 13 2008 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
699 posts
And if someone disrepects you, you have the right to steal their Mercurial Kris.

#62 Jun 13 2008 at 6:34 AM Rating: Good
164 posts
Drakenmaster wrote:
In the same vein, I don't like it when sports teams cheat by stealing playbooks.

what i mean is things like this, You cant compare botting to a sports team, someone being raped, stealing at work, or any other high crimes.

The Cons comparing them are very different is all i am saying.
You can do years for stuff like that, while on a game you can only do a day-week of suspension or be booted and banned from FFXI.

To ignore those type of ppl sure nothing wrong with that, to say you have no respect thats over doing it and taking it too serious.

To have no respect for someone leads to disrespecting that individual, which only makes you just as wrong.

Ive seen plenty of times where i was camping KA, or at a HNM pop and ppl are arguing with the "botters". Its silly, Yes they shud not treat you like your lower then them nor shud you say you have no respect for them.

Respect shouldnt have to be earned you shud give that unconditionally.

Respect shudnt be cut down by someones ability to play a game, or bot. It shud be by someone character.

Like for example, ive never nor disrespected anyone here first that called me or referred to me as a moron, Retarded, or a Troll.

This is a product of them not having respect for me and leading to them disrespecting me for a comment i made, correct?

This is what I think of when you talk about 'Respect' all the time:

wot i mean is fings dig dis, yous cant compare bottin to a sports crew, someone bein raped, stealin at wurk, or any udda igh crimes. da cons comparin them is well different is all i am sayin. yous can do years fa stuff dig dat, while on a game yous can only do a day-week of suspension or be booted and banned from ffxi. to ignore those type of ppl sure nothin wrong wiv dat, to say yous ave no respect dats ova doin it and takin it too serious. to ave no respect fa someone leads to disrespectin dat main man, which only makes yous just as wrong. ive checked plenty of times where i was campin ka, or at a nm speed garage and ppl is arguin wiv da "botters". its silly, aye dey shud not treat yous dig your lowa thun them na shud yous say yous ave no respect fa them. respect shouldnt ave to be earned yous shud borrow dat unconditionally. respect shudnt be cut down by someones ability to play a game, or bot. it shud be by someone characta. dig fa example, ive neva na disrespected anyone in da house first dat called me or referred to me as a chief, retarded, or a troll. dis is a product of them not avin respect fa me and leadin to them disrespectin me fa a comment i made, correct?

Courtesy of:
#63 Jun 13 2008 at 8:14 AM Rating: Good
ved i hate you for that!
#64 Jun 13 2008 at 10:04 AM Rating: Excellent
48 posts
Believe it or not Draken, they are attempting to pass laws now regarding online property, including items in a game. Your statement about this not being like real life and murder or rape doesn't exactly hold up here, and you could soon be doing time for it.
#65 Jun 13 2008 at 10:08 AM Rating: Good
478 posts
TheManKev wrote:
Drakenmaster wrote:
In the same vein, I don't like it when sports teams cheat by stealing playbooks.

what i mean is things like this, You cant compare botting to a sports team, someone being raped, stealing at work, or any other high crimes.

The Cons comparing them are very different is all i am saying.
You can do years for stuff like that, while on a game you can only do a day-week of suspension or be booted and banned from FFXI.

To ignore those type of ppl sure nothing wrong with that, to say you have no respect thats over doing it and taking it too serious.

To have no respect for someone leads to disrespecting that individual, which only makes you just as wrong.

Ive seen plenty of times where i was camping KA, or at a HNM pop and ppl are arguing with the "botters". Its silly, Yes they shud not treat you like your lower then them nor shud you say you have no respect for them.

Respect shouldnt have to be earned you shud give that unconditionally.
Respect shudnt be cut down by someones ability to play a game, or bot. It shud be by someone character.

Like for example, ive never nor disrespected anyone here first that called me or referred to me as a moron, Retarded, or a Troll.

This is a product of them not having respect for me and leading to them disrespecting me for a comment i made, correct?

This is what I think of when you talk about 'Respect' all the time:

wot i mean is fings dig dis, yous cant compare bottin to a sports crew, someone bein raped, stealin at wurk, or any udda igh crimes. da cons comparin them is well different is all i am sayin. yous can do years fa stuff dig dat, while on a game yous can only do a day-week of suspension or be booted and banned from ffxi. to ignore those type of ppl sure nothin wrong wiv dat, to say yous ave no respect dats ova doin it and takin it too serious. to ave no respect fa someone leads to disrespectin dat main man, which only makes yous just as wrong. ive checked plenty of times where i was campin ka, or at a nm speed garage and ppl is arguin wiv da "botters". its silly, aye dey shud not treat yous dig your lowa thun them na shud yous say yous ave no respect fa them. respect shouldnt ave to be earned yous shud borrow dat unconditionally. respect shudnt be cut down by someones ability to play a game, or bot. it shud be by someone characta. dig fa example, ive neva na disrespected anyone in da house first dat called me or referred to me as a chief, retarded, or a troll. dis is a product of them not avin respect fa me and leadin to them disrespectin me fa a comment i made, correct?

Courtesy of:

Vedd, my brain just suffered aneurysm from reading that.
#66 Jun 13 2008 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
478 posts
Drakenmaster wrote:
In the same vein, I don't like it when sports teams cheat by stealing playbooks.

what i mean is things like this, You cant compare botting to a sports team, someone being raped, stealing at work, or any other high crimes.

The Cons comparing them are very different is all i am saying.
You can do years for stuff like that, while on a game you can only do a day-week of suspension or be booted and banned from FFXI.

To ignore those type of ppl sure nothing wrong with that, to say you have no respect thats over doing it and taking it too serious.

To have no respect for someone leads to disrespecting that individual, which only makes you just as wrong.

Ive seen plenty of times where i was camping KA, or at a HNM pop and ppl are arguing with the "botters". Its silly, Yes they shud not treat you like your lower then them nor shud you say you have no respect for them.

Respect shouldnt have to be earned you shud give that unconditionally.

Respect shudnt be cut down by someones ability to play a game, or bot. It shud be by someone character.

Like for example, ive never nor disrespected anyone here first that called me or referred to me as a moron, Retarded, or a Troll.

This is a product of them not having respect for me and leading to them disrespecting me for a comment i made, correct?

Edited, Jun 12th 2008 8:05pm by Drakenmaster

So from what your saying, I should respect people for making it harder to acquire things by botting the said mob? Why?

And respect shouldn't be given unconditionally. You just end up getting screwed over by someone you "respect". Let's say you get a pop item for these kick *** new NMs. You want your item badly enough your asking people you "respect" to help you get the said drop. You go pop the NM, they help you kill it but instead of letting you have your item; they lot it and steal it from you. Would you still respect them? Hell no you wouldn't. And if you do, your just a sucker.

I'm probably getting it tied in with Trust too but hey. Ama knows why.
#67 Jun 13 2008 at 4:12 PM Rating: Excellent
1,677 posts
This thread has almost made me spit out my tea! lol. Honestly, I'm so glad I don't do any End-Game stuff, I can't imagine getting caught up in all this melodrama over botting and claims and whatnot.

PS: That Draken guy sounds like an *** <.<
#68 Jun 13 2008 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
nd respect shouldn't be given unconditionally. You just end up getting screwed over by someone you "respect". Let's say you get a pop item for these kick *** new NMs. You want your item badly enough your asking people you "respect" to help you get the said drop. You go pop the NM, they help you kill it but instead of letting you have your item; they lot it and steal it from you. Would you still respect them? Hell no you wouldn't. And if you do, your just a sucker.

Yay for problem finding people for ZNM
#69 Jun 13 2008 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
I have never had problems with my trigger/orb my drop things before >< Although all my BCNM experience is with people I know like very well: Pies and former KTO-Nihl members (part of Captain Caveman). I have also done quite a lot of BCNMs with Japanese players. Never ever I ran into a problem.

May be I am lucky, or may be I know who to hang out with.

Edited, Jun 14th 2008 12:36am by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#70 Jun 13 2008 at 10:19 PM Rating: Excellent
What melodrama? This is a serious discussion right?

Draken, you sound like the stereotypical "21st Century American", full of self-entitlement and walking around with the erroneous notion that you deserve respect without working for it. I can't say your attitude and thoughts are all that surprising considering this mindset that is more prevalent than ever.

In my day, along with having to walk uphill to school both ways in the snow :P, we had to earn people's respect, and in turn they had to earn ours. Now it's become socially accepted to walk all over anyone in pursuit of your own goals, and for whatever reason it's normal to do this now.

Going with what Amanada said, it's not what you know, it's who you know. In-game, as well as in real life, I tend to hang out with people who I've known for a long time, and that I can put as trust as you can put in someone considering the circumstances. We respect each other, and it's a great environment to be in.

I do pity those that chose to take personal greed and/or accomplishment over being able to have these types of friendships and relationships, they really are missing out on a lot. But this is America, land of the free, take what you want and burn the rest right? >.>
#71 Jun 14 2008 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
One thing for true, just go back 20-30 years ago, even the rich people do not have as much as it is now. What computer? What internet? What game? Even people in the past were more skinny than it is now because even rich people ate less. The picture of the fat greedy villain came from greedy people who ate too much when food could even scarce to the rich and nobles. When I was kid, there were only telegram, and calculators were considered quite fancy. Life were less materialistic, because the luxuries simply is not as much as it is now.

Humans were always greedy. However, in the past I think there were less stuff and people were more concerned with social norms and interaction, so greed was manifested differently. The world has never been as materialistic as now.

The development of human knowledge and materialistic life has never been matched by development of the spirit. Even I am not religious, but that is one thing religion has certainly done favor to the human spirit.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#72REDACTED, Posted: Jun 14 2008 at 5:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Your Right, your getting Respect and trust mixed up entirely.
#73 Jun 15 2008 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,877 posts
scchan wrote:
I like that picture. :3

Life is a game. A game where your life and fate are the chips :P. Too bad in game, the chips are quite different :P

Edited, Jun 12th 2008 6:26pm by scchan

God knows I need a bot for my RL job though.



#74 Jun 20 2008 at 1:44 PM Rating: Default
Can't beat em, join em~

Edited, Jun 20th 2008 5:48pm by Resin
#75 Jun 20 2008 at 2:44 PM Rating: Default
600 posts
Yo Yo Yo!! What up peeps, been a while! It's me Enyce (not that everyone here knows me) but just thought I'd pop in a say hello to my "old" server Cerberus. I see more accounts have been stolen since mine was taken back in December '07 (Christmas day to be exact GRRRR.) and restored in Feb '08. Anywho, I've since quit the game and thought I'd give a word of advice (or opinion) GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN lol!

No really, hope you all are still having fun while the servers are still up and running/you have access to you accounts. Funny thing comes to mind, if SE decides to shutdown the game, its too bad they can say "You don't own your character/account" so therefore for those out there who would desire to keep playing would just be slap outta luck/frustrated/angry/etc...

The real point of me dropping in is to say HI, take my advice (opinion) with a grain of salt lol.

P.S really, Quit while you can!!!
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