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From KabalFollow

#1 Sep 11 2007 at 6:30 AM Rating: Default
Hello to everyone on Cerberus, and the rest of FFXI. This is the first post I have ever written and probably the last. I haven't played FF in about 4 months now and I don't plan on playing it again anytime soon.

I have seen a few posts about myself and mpk and I won't deny any of the charges. Chances are good that if someone put a post up here that I mpk'd them, or attempted to, I probably did. Yet, I am not here to deny the charges, just to explain them.

Whenever the phrase "MPK" comes up people automatically look at the guy that mpk'd and boo and hiss at him. They never ask themselves "Why did that guy mpk the other guy?" They simply take the victims side.

Another good point about MPK i'd like to make is that it really isn't that bad. I'm not actually killing the people that are playing, I'm simply causing them an inconvenience because that is what they did to me or someone I know.

(MPK causes a small loss in game time and a loss in exp)
(What MPK truly does is embarass the person who was MPK'd, so many people tell me I can't MPK them before I do... Littlebear... it's the embarrassment that makes them so angry, and it should because thats the whole point.)

Examples of actions which can cause hours of ruined gameplay and loss of exp for anyone:

1. Camping on top of an already camped party.
2. Stealing another parties NM, either by curing there members or trying to lag them out.
3. Bringing high level jobs to clear an area of low level mobs so that people can't experience. (I know hundreds of people that have done this and for some reason consider it to be better then MPK. Well at least with MPK, you kill them, they hp or get raise, and its over with. Killing peoples exp mobs usually lasts a good half hour or so until the party disbands.)
4. The use of Programs and Bots, as we know WW, KON, and many other of the more popular linkshells use to claim NMs. (It is absolutely amazing to me that this is more accepted then MPK. People lose accounts, waste hours of camping, and lose all the joy that you get from actually claiming a mob yourself by using bots.)

Those are just a few of the problems that everyone deals with everyday in FFXI, not just BSTS.

Now here are a couple of problems that bsts have to deal with:

1. Bsts talk about stolen pets all the time, but I completely understand if a party accidentally pulls my pet from me and I have no problem with it, yet sometimes people will kill our pets on purpose to stop us from camping there nm or there exp spot. (DJMike and Phrozen did this to me at Bonnacon and Buttermonkey MPK'd them for it, even though, for some reason, I got all the credit for the MPK, sorry Buttermonkey.)
2. Many people know that when a bst switches up pets whatever he has claimed will usually turn yellow for a couple of seconds. This is a touchy area, and I realize that since bsts can kill many NM's solo which most jobs can't, it's sort of fair that our mobs turn yellow. I have since figured out how to keep my mob red no matter how many times I switch pets, but if an NM I am fighting does turn yellow and someone claims it, usually I do not MPK them. I have lost AQ(while it dropped D. cloth) and many other good NMS this way and I haven't mpkd the person that took it. Yet if you take my NM, then stand there and /laugh or say some smart *** ****, I might just take my NM back, or I'll take another NM from you later and /laugh at you.
3. Many people know that bsts must use pets to fight some NMs and so they will go around and kill all of the pets which we can use to fight. Many people say this is ok, cuz hey the mobs are yellow not red. But I want you to ask yourself why are they killing those yellow mobs. They are killing them with the direct intention of getting the Bst fighting the NM killed or to make him lose claim. Many people know when this is happening and its not very hard to see. I mean if a party of 75's is suddenly killing all the toramas in Onzozo after you claimed Ose its not to hard to tell why they are doing that.

The point I'm trying to make is that all of these problems suck just as much if not worst then MPK. Therefore if someone is doing any one of these things to me with the complete intention of being an *******, why is it so horrible that I mpk'd them to stop them or simply to **** them off as they did to me. Is it because MPK isn't allowed(well neither are bots, but people don't seem to care so much about those if they are helping their linkshell claim an NM.) Maybe it's because MPKing someone isn't nearly as simply as using a bot and therefore not everyone can do it. I'm not sure what the reason is, but everyone seems to think that they can act however that want in FFXI just because it's a video game. Well it is a video game, but it is also a world made up of real people. If you want to walk around acting like an ******* all day don't be surprised if you get a little **** on you.

For anyone who's curious about my MPK history, here is a short version.

-The first person I ever MPK'd was Gasz. Gasz was a 75 Bst before I ever even knew the job existed. He's been playing the game forever and is extremely good at the jobs he has lvled. I tried to mpk him countless times without any success after he stole Lord of Onzozo from my brother Baraka and me(Gasz stood by what would be our next pets and as soon as we went to charm he would charm it and we would get pulled in to LoO, we died, and he killed LoO). Though I failed MPKing him many times, Gasz never forgot me and when he saw me he knew I would try to get him. Finally, in Sky, I got Gasz with a doll. It blew up right on top of him and he fell to the ground like a lump. I was leaving Sky, satisfied that I'd finally gotten the LoO stealing ******* when i get a message from Gasz. He met me at the beginning of Sky, traded me a Melody Earring +1 which he had made and signed and apologized for stealing LoO. After that he asked me to be friends and we were.

Soon after Gasz and I became friends, Celll and two of his friends stole Lumberjack from Baraka, me and a friend. When they stole the NM they got extremely cocky, and acted like complete ********. Celll and I have become friends since this has happened but even he can admit he was damn happy to have taken Lumberjack from us. Celll and his friends killed Lumberjack that day, but (just like anyone else would be) I was extremely pissed off, along with Baraka and our friend. I had told Celll that day that I would make sure I ****** up an NM for him as he had for me. I know it sounds cocky or whatever, but really I just wanted him to feel how we had felt, and I was determined to do it. When I saw Celll heading for Fafnir with WhirlingWinds I followed them up.
This is the part that many people do not realize and I want everyone to know exactly what happened that day.
When I first arrived I spoke to Celll and I spoke to Littlebear(the leader of WW at the time). I told Celll to leave, because this was his ruined NM, and I asked Littlebear to have Celll leave. They had plenty of people and didn't need Celll there. Celll just laughed. Littlebear, however, became very cocky and arrogant. Telling me that I could not mpk his linkshell and he would like to see me try. Well, they claimed Fafnir, I tried and they died. I am sorry to all of the people that were with WW that day other then Littlebear and Celll. I realize you didn't deserve to have an NM ruined and I do really apologize for ruining such a great one for you. I have spoken to many of the people that I mpkd that day and most hold no grudges, Celll and I even became friends after that night. Littlebear still hates me and thats ok cuz I don't think to highly of him either.

The most respectable man I ever MPK'd was Mass, a long time Japanese player who stole Aquarius from me. He knew he stole it from me, I trapped him in the Boyahda tree spider tunnels with a crawler on each side and then placed a crab right on top of him. He had nowhere to run, he died, got raised by a friend and then apologized and /kneeled to me. That was the same day that I MPK'd WW at Fafnir. Mass watched on as I did it, then congratulated me later.

I saw in one of the posts that a guy wanted to know how to MPK someone and get away with it. Well I have mpk'd hundreds of people... mostly gilsellers, Nineu & Crew, Beautifulgirl, you know all those ********, and if you want to get away with the MPK you simply don't talk about it until later, like the next day or so. Don't /laugh at the people you mpk'd. If they ask why you mpk'd just tell them that you didn't mpk lol. The only way to get in trouble from MPK is if a GM sees you (Rarely Rarely Happens) Or if you say something incriminating in Chat Log (Only way for SE to look back in the game). I got this information from the HeadGameMaster, who will speak to you if you call the GM about 50 times.

By the way, Bigtop does know that I have mpkd people. I've never lied to him about someone that I have MPK'd. If he asked about it and I did it, I told him I did it, but Bigtop was also smart enough to ask me why I mpk'd the person.

If you are one of the people that I mpk'd and you think I did it for no good reason at all, then chances are very good it was an accident. I have gotten quite a reputation for mpking and many people who just die in a party near me will accuse me of mpking. I think it's funny when it happens lol, but I'm sure that some people seriously think I killed them when I wasn't even around. I have gotten tells from people before asking if I mpk'd them just because I was in the area when they died.

I know I didn't cover everything that I could in this post, but I think its long enough for now. If you have any questions about Beastmaster or MPK or just me in general feel free to ask.

#2 Sep 11 2007 at 3:11 PM Rating: Excellent
i love how many lies you can make kabal

remember a smn ls in ro'meave? remember the false promise you made to them.

anyway i do not want to tuyrn it to a flame war but i would be interest to flame you on KI ^^

so if your interested to be rediculed go there please i'm waiting for you.

I'll stop here now

sorry for the rest
#3 Sep 12 2007 at 11:35 AM Rating: Default
Heya Kabal!

For me my game days are coming to a close as well as I have been burnt out on this game for a while now. I very very rarely ever play anymore aside from the occasional login or if they need me for an event. I miss the game the way it used to be. They have taken the challenge out of the game and made it for console babies these days.

I come here to support Kabal 100%. I am less famous than Kabal for MPK although I wonder how our tallies would compare to each other. My record is an 18 person kill in the Den during an Ohat fight. Actually that has happened 3 times and one alliance was non rmt but anyway.

If you really want to know what MPK is about... its about respect.

Back in the day before ROZ release up to COP release I truly believe players had a lot more respect for each other in general.

What I really find hilarious Kabal is that after the "mpk update" I have mpked more people than I ever have before it. Now mpk is called player error by the GM's so you gotta love that. Yet I attribute a lot of these mpks to a new generation of ffxi players that either came along with xbox or were old players who have lost the sense of what the game is about.. its about just having fun.

If those of you reading this want to know why a bst MPK's its really easy. You pissed him off. The difference between a bst like me and regular job is that I can wait as long as I want for the day where we know we can target you. If there is collateral damage then so be it. Who knows it may be on the day you want that so coveted item you have slaved over.

Respect is everything. If you dont like it, get out of the way. Do not come crying to me or bragging about your pixelized muscles or what equipment you have. I could really care less. Dont push yourself around as if you own all that is around you and all the mobs in the zone bow down to your omnipotent power. Dont act like a bully in a schoolyard pushing around the other children. Act that way around some of us old timer bst and we will make you cry like a little girl... As for me I will usually wait at a time of my convenience when it can cause more than a loss of exp.

Kabal there is one thing about you that I am still so jealous over. You nailed Fowler. Man I wanted that kill but theres not a better bst to lose that one too than you.
#4 Sep 22 2007 at 10:08 PM Rating: Default
LoL Ratatapa. Yeah I remember a Smn Link and I also remember you breaking my pearl because you thought I stole 2 of your members for BM. Well you can ask anyone in BM how many people I gave pearls or invited to the shell and Bigtop himself will tell you that it is Baraka, Marlena, Blackelk and his wife Zhurong (they are all bsts and long-time friends, the only people I invite to BM). I never invited other people to the shell and I didn't invite your summoners to the shell either (I knew Blackelk and his wife for years before I invited them, and I duo'd with Marlena for a couple months before I invited her). I don't remember making you any promises about anything and besides I was only in the shell for a couple of days. When I got on the shell like the third day and said hello you were extremely pissed off and said you couldn't believe that I would show my face in the shell and then you broke my pearl before I could even say anything. Since it was a brand new shell with only a few members and it wasn't even my main pearl, I really didn't care that you broke it. I honestly can't believe you're even still mad about it.

BTW nothing I said in my original post is a lie. If you'd like to say what you think I'm lying about it'd make it easier for me to argue.

I don't know why you're waiting to ridicule* me on KI, if anything I should be mad at you for breaking my pearl for no reason, and giving me no chance at all to explain. But I really don't care at all, what happened happened and if you want to stay mad about it then you can stay mad. I forgot about you and the smn linkshell soon after you broke my pearl.

#5 Sep 23 2007 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
i broke your pearl cuz you went emo because you didn't get your YY when it wasnt your turn

that person got the tod and camped itfor a full week for the tod

and you didn't like that cuz she came as soon as it poped

and i got a 2nd char who is in BM but you won't know who.

all i can say is i saw your plans to Mpk people.

(hey this ls is here)

(who cares let's just MPK)

Edited, Sep 23rd 2007 12:00pm by finalff
#6 Sep 23 2007 at 2:22 PM Rating: Good
18 posts
Kabal could always look for the person with the bad spelling/punctuation?
#7 Sep 24 2007 at 6:14 AM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
(hey this ls is here)

(who cares let's just MPK)

I am tempted to put that in my signature...
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#8 Sep 24 2007 at 6:41 AM Rating: Good
do it ama lol
#10 Oct 12 2007 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
Kabal I never met you in game but after reading your post i must say you are a complete idiot....
#11 Oct 12 2007 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
Don't be a chicken sh*t and post anon. If you've got something to say, say it with your identity. I find it slightly amusing that you're scared of Kabal even after he quit, what, four months ago?

If what you say is true Kabal, more power to you in some aspects. I dislike revenge, but without a proper justice system, vigilantism is the only means of enforcement on FF, really. If you are, in fact, lying or telling a half truth however, the only person who that harms will be you. That said though, I can definitely relate when it comes to respect. You don't show respect, especially when you're the new-comer, and you won't receive anything but disdain from me.


Edited, Oct 12th 2007 4:52pm by Lunair
#12 Oct 13 2007 at 8:28 AM Rating: Default
im not anon i just dont play anymore mysekf
#13 Oct 16 2007 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
97 posts
Saludos Kabal <Long Time!>

Edited, Oct 16th 2007 2:28pm by Eilev
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