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#1 May 15 2007 at 6:27 AM Rating: Default
This topic is just getting trashed so you know.....

Edited, May 15th 2007 9:27am by Drawz

Edited, May 15th 2007 9:29am by Drawz

Edited, May 15th 2007 9:30am by Drawz

Edited, May 18th 2007 10:49am by Drawz
#2 May 17 2007 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
284 posts

You have a lot to say considering you have been playing for only 1 month.
Is this a LS recruiting thread or a rant? How does someone get booted from 6 LS in 1 month? Either you're extremely unlucky or the problem might just be yourself.

Edited, May 17th 2007 11:02pm by KittanaAKADesnia
#3 May 17 2007 at 3:14 PM Rating: Excellent
331 posts
Not long after chatting in the ls, i uslally ask, a/s/l.

KittanaAKADesnia wrote:

You have a lot to say considering you have been playing for only 1 month.
Is this a LS recruiting thread or a rant? How does someone get booted from 6 LS in 1 month? Either you're extremely unlucky or the problem might just be yourself.

I'm guessing these were either:

a) mithra
b) manthra
c) friends of linkshell sacs

Most probably C if he was banned 6 times in one month.
#4 May 17 2007 at 5:10 PM Rating: Default
ive been booted from ls's for many reasons, all my fault i suppose but nothing i should have been for...

1) i said a bad word.... my bad, spank me next time, im an adult.

2) i said a bad word..... again, some people

3) i dont like rascist.... telling everyone in the ls "I HATE ****" and then having a bash fest made me mad, so i put in my two cents, and well DAS BOOT

3) Rascist against blacks, i dont like that either

4) i said a bad word

5) some guy though he was bad, but was more noobish, i call out people and things i know, especially when ive been playing a lot less tehn thay have.
Someone told me they have been playing 7 years and i was a noob among other things. I stated this game has just NOW been out 5 years. BOOT

6) i got into an argument over dps/gob bomb stunning/ and sheild size actually affecting damage and amount of blocking. His sister booted my because apparently i was asking her for cyber.(i didnt do this) He was jsut a lil kid and told her to make up something.

BTW, sheild size does matter, thats why they categorieze them
stunning a gob during the bomb toss DOES make him stop or drop it
and dps is a weapons damage per second...not damage over time.....

but w/e hes been playing 7 years, and know more then me.
Thats the only reason im making my own. I would love to be in anotehr one, with more experienced good players, who know what they are doing, but I have yet to been asked. Which is fine. I have made lots of random friends though, plenty being vets, and once you talk to me, and watch me play, im not stupid, and im alot of fun.
#5 May 17 2007 at 8:18 PM Rating: Good
284 posts
Somehow I just don't know whether to take you as been honest or something else...

Anyways, look through these forums as there are a few threads with Linkshells looking for members. Some of which I can say are full of great and helpful members.
#6 May 17 2007 at 10:40 PM Rating: Good
555 posts
Some Linkshells don't like profanity because there are young kids who either play or watch there parents/siblings play.

I'm much older player, cuss like a sailor, but won't do so if I know there are children in the Linkshell or people don't like that kind of language. I do that out of respect of my peers, and I would expect the same from them.

Thats just my two cents.

Good Luck

#7REDACTED, Posted: May 18 2007 at 7:48 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) like i said, not to long after i join a ls, i ask A/S/l
#8 May 20 2007 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
4,475 posts
Alot of linkshells now are adopting the whole "no potty mouth" rule.

I don't like it really but whatever.

And teens can often be more vulgar than people over 20, so I don't see what's the problem.
#9 May 20 2007 at 10:04 PM Rating: Good
633 posts
Algresan.../salute... I think you hit the nail on the head..

as far as the "no potty mouth" rule.. Good for those LS' implementing such rules... while profanity in RL is ambiguously clear due to intonation and context... In chat, its far more difficult to accurately interpret the writers intent and is often misconstrued, resulting in unneccessary misunderstanding... As far as written text, its far more effective to express one thoughts clearly... so there really is a practical aspect of such rules for an LS, beyond the social ettiquette aspect.

also, profanity adds nothing meaningful in written text... no, it doesnt make you "cool"...i find that those who can express themselves effectively, generally have no problem refraining... Its only those who cant... Get pissy.

Dont get me wrong, in spoken word, i too cuss like a sailor... In fact, i was a but in speech, words are merely a part of your communication skills...

just my opinion... And as far as the OP... Its hard to imagine being kicked from that many LS' without trying to or blatant disregard for those around you... Not that its impossible, only that a reasonable effort would yield a much different result.

it doesnt sound like your position on issues is off base... But perhaps the manner in which you express yourself is the issue... And the profanity probably doesnt help your cause...

and just for the record, anyone who walks into the LS and starts with a/s/l, would raise an eyebrow with me... Why?.... Because it has very little relevance to the game itself and this isnt an AOL chat room... Im not saying its wrong to do so... Only that it carries connotation which again, probably doesnt help your over all cause...

Edited, May 20th 2007 11:25pm by Mujuru
#10 May 21 2007 at 5:00 AM Rating: Excellent
893 posts
Mujuru wrote:

and just for the record, anyone who walks into the LS and starts with a/s/l, would raise an eyebrow with me... Why?.... Because it has very little relevance to the game itself and this isn't an AOL chat room... I'm not saying its wrong to do so... Only that it carries connotation which again, probably doesn't help your over all cause...

"A/S/L" definitely raises a red flag with me, I have only been asked that once in 3.5 years of playing and it made my skin crawl. Smiley: frown

No offense, but it gives me images of a predator; not that I am implying that about the OP, in any way.

Asking that, in my opinion, is completely irrelevant in this venue. And, with MUCH younger folks playing this game, it is also inappropriate. That's just my opinion.

I really hope that you can find an acceptable, fun linkshell to hang out in. Smiley: smile

#11 May 22 2007 at 1:50 AM Rating: Default
i totally understand where you are coming from.
Maybe since people do not see my face, they dont know im joking, or am playing around. Generally when i say something and it sounds funny(to me atleast) im meaning no offesne, of course some might not see that. Also the curse word throwing might not help me like you said. I type like i speak, because i speak it first, lol.

As for a/s/l, i only ask that to see what company i am in, to see if curse words are generally acceptable.

Like i said, most are usually guys in their 20's. So i think curseing would be allowed. But no.
If i notice a girl, i talk diffrent, and joke diffrent, you know, there are rules in mixed company.
#12 May 24 2007 at 9:44 PM Rating: Excellent
633 posts
Right on Draws... Sounds like youre well intentioned, but it also sounds like youre lack of life experience haunts you...

one thing i can say is that you make the assumption that all 20+ year old males have a certain threshold of tolerance...and while this may be true in RL within the demographics you are accustomed to, its a bit different in a virtual world that spans multiple continents... humor is different, slang is different, life perspective and priorities are different... A 20y/o male from new york is quite different from one from hawaii... And even more so from japan... Or germany.... Or france...

you'd probably do best if you carried yourself in an appropriate manner at all times when there are people you don't have a personal relationship with present... and save the relaxed atmosphere for times when you are with close friends who understand you well enough to construe your text appropriately... I can almost assure you that you're experience in various LS' will become far less combative and much more enjoyable...

oh... And as far as a/s/l goes... I think Paragon hit the nail on the head... even if you are well intentioned, there is a predatory feeling about it and i think thats shared by a lot of people...including present company.

anyways... Hope this helps you find a nice LS and enjoy your time... because you wont be playing long, nor progressing very far, without a solid network of people...

GL out there.

Edited, May 25th 2007 3:11pm by Mujuru
#13 May 26 2007 at 4:32 AM Rating: Good
What is a/s/l? Anyway, I completely agree with Muj and Para. Cussing in a social game like this is certainly not evil, but overdoing it and using swear words every sentence will be viewed as ignorant...period. If you want people to take you seriously, speak with clear intentions and not just to impress others, or test others. It's a game, not a chatroom. Although, apparently there's a liberal LS now...with their purpose being solely to swear and tell dirty jokes...or insult republicans I assume. Might wanna check them out.
#14 May 26 2007 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
699 posts
Cribsog wrote:
What is a/s/l?

age, sex, and location methinks
#15 May 26 2007 at 8:42 PM Rating: Good
You are correct.
#16 May 26 2007 at 11:18 PM Rating: Default
well think about it. It actually can help....subtracting the "creeper" factor.

Age- i ask becuase i can find out what is USUALLY appropriate.
Someone under 16, i usually dont bust out dirty words. Over 40, still dont bust them out.
Around 20? I usually bust them out. Thats my age, and i go to college, i see a large group of people my age, and WE all talk the same....methinks.

Sex- Simple, guy im normal. Girl, i watch what i say. Specially if its sexual.

Location- again simple i dont ask city or state, but contry is a good thing to know. Languages, customs, all kinds of things that can affect the way you type.
Diffrent company, diffrent person.

I usually respond with this.


I dont think thats a very "Creeper"-ish thing to do....
#17 May 27 2007 at 3:18 AM Rating: Good
893 posts
Actually, judging from your remarks in FFXI Main. I retract my statement about hoping you find a LS.;mid=11801696396254382;num=10;page=1

You are not socially mature enough to be playing anything more than Solitaire.

You want PvP? Go to WoW ( )
#18 May 27 2007 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
284 posts
Drawz wrote:
well think about it. It actually can help....subtracting the "creeper" factor.

Age- i ask becuase i can find out what is USUALLY appropriate.
Someone under 16, i usually dont bust out dirty words. Over 40, still dont bust them out.
Around 20? I usually bust them out. Thats my age, and i go to college, i see a large group of people my age, and WE all talk the same....methinks.

Sex- Simple, guy im normal. Girl, i watch what i say. Specially if its sexual.

Location- again simple i dont ask city or state, but contry is a good thing to know. Languages, customs, all kinds of things that can affect the way you type.
Diffrent company, diffrent person.

I usually respond with this.


I dont think thats a very "Creeper"-ish thing to do....

I don't know about you but the whole A/S/L = AOL chat rooms to me.
While it might not be the same with everyone it's simply one of those things associated with trying to "pick up" in chat rooms.

When FFXI PC and FFXI PS2 were first joined there was plenty of that going around...
#19 May 30 2007 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
633 posts
Amazing how all things come to light eventually.... eh Paragon?
#20 May 30 2007 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
Things like A/S/L are usually off limit to online discussions to another person to me unless I know that person reasonably well. Although sometimes I do agree it may be harmless to mention a little bit of personal background to get a discussion started or use that as a way to voice a standpoint of an issue -- but that is usually not for discussion like PvP or "OMFG I am the uber BLM" type of discussion. That is usually used to talk about things that have implication well beyond FFXI like talking about Republicans and Democrats using FFXI as a fancy chat program. I do enjoy talking in an intellectual discussion - sometimes with internet language sarcasm and mockery tone add some good flavor for that.

IMO Cursing is ok if it has context (like getting mad on something, as a mockery of something). Cursing for the sake of cursing is foolish. I do get turned away from people who talk dirty just because they think it is funny. That makes one look very childish and ... uneducated. "F**k" "sh*t" are such mainstream culture words that if it is not used as a provocation, I personally have no problem with it. However, I still hold strong distaste in racist-sexist language when it is used in a context that is clearly as a prerogative. In the free western world, racism and sexism (like anti-gay or whatever) have no place; and abusing phrases that are related to that... is a strong indication you are childish, uneducated, or even may really believe in racism and being sexual discrimination.

Some people are naturally "politically incorrect." However, being political incorrect is one thing. When you are speaking to the public or strangers, you do have to mind your language because political incorrect things can often be insulting if not said properly. No one has the responsibility to force to listen to insults because of some personal entitlement of freedom of speech. Others have just as much right not to force to listen to what you say.

Leave your political incorrect discussion among your personal friends or your circle. And there is also "artistic" and smart way to talk about sensentive topics without sounding insulting. ;)

Edited, May 30th 2007 3:23pm by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#21 May 30 2007 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
May be I am from an older generation. It just seems to me the late 1980s - 1990s generation are somewhat taught in a different way. May be I am taught from a more "military discipline" and conservative (I however do not consider myself politically "conservative") way that leads to way I speak.

Culture does evolve. May be talking like an "asshat" or "sounding cool" will be more accepted in the future. Right now, there are enough people from the older generation, you do have to mind what they think.

If someone said "I am offended", then it is time to stop and apologize afterwards. I had offended people before, I would apologize afterwards (although sometimes it is a little tricky to do it right away because people are probably in agitated).

Don't go all defensive and say like "WTF I say whatever I want" "I like to be an a$$, so what?" After moving to where I am now, I am actually finding "I like to be an a$$, so what?" is a little more "mainstream" than I wish to be. May be New Englanders, rural Pennslyvania, or Canadians do talk a heck less arrogant than DCers :P

Edited, May 30th 2007 3:36pm by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#22 May 30 2007 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
284 posts
Meh...just depends on the LS itself. I admit that I tend to curse out of the blue just for the hell of it or say something completely random or stupid just out of pure boredom. Why? Just because...

However I respect rules made by an LS. Pies LS for instance isn't too keen on cursing and I've even slipped up once or twice where I've been promptly reminded about the rules. Do I have a problem with it? None at all. It's still a great LS.

Think of it this way...You don't exactly come into someone's house for the first time expecting to be able to do whatever the hell you want. You have your own group of friends to do that.

Though not exactly the best explanation for it the same thing applies for different LSs. If an LS allows for completely random cursing and stupid ranting then so be it. Still can be a great LS if everyone in the LS is comfortable with it.
#23 May 31 2007 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Pies LS

Pies is great for tarutaru punting discussions.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#24 May 31 2007 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
633 posts
agreed Des... good analogy!!

Yeah... the occasional pissed off rant, or what have you is perfectly acceptable imho... it happens... its expressive... etc.. And we certainly wouldnt boot someone caused they cursed. But line after line, or every other word is a bit annoying and would definitely be called out. But couple that with a combative attitude and yeah... someone would probably meet the top of my foot. lol.
#25 May 31 2007 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
{Joke Post}

There is one place (at least) that you have to curse every sentence -- on a taxicab in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong Taxicab driver language, a sentence without the Cantonese equivalent of f**k is not a complete sentence.

So ... they say f**k to customers, f**k to radios , f**k to other cab drivers :3 People get used to it :3
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#26 May 31 2007 at 3:10 PM Rating: Excellent
284 posts
scchan wrote:
{Joke Post}

There is one place (at least) that you have to curse every sentence -- on a taxicab in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong Taxicab driver language, a sentence without the Cantonese equivalent of f**k is not a complete sentence.

So ... they say f**k to customers, f**k to radios , f**k to other cab drivers :3 People get used to it :3

Would it be something like this?

Customer: Taxi!

Taxi Driver: Yeah yeah! Where the f**k do you want to go f**ker?

C: Uhh..ok..I need to go to (insert random place here...I don't know HK)

TD: Ok get the f**k in f**kface!

(A few minutes after driving)

Taxi Radio: Today's weather is sunny with 20% chance of rain

TD: F**k you weatherman!


TD: So....nice f**king weather we're having today eh?

C: ...Yeah it's nice...

(Coming to a stop light where another taxi driver is right next to you)

Other Taxi Driver: Hey f**kstick! How's your f**king day today!?

TD: Why if it isn't that motherf**ker Wang! Sup Wang! Slow f**king day today...How about you? Still f**king mothers?

OTD: What the f**k do you think? How about you fatherf**ker? Still f**king fathers?

TD:HAHAHAHAHAHA! F**k you, you witty f**k!


(Red light turns green. Both drivers start taking their separate routes. Both drivers wave at each other with their middle finger)

Edited, Jun 1st 2007 3:27am by KittanaAKADesnia

Edited, Jun 1st 2007 3:28am by KittanaAKADesnia
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