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There is a travesty among us.Follow

#1 Apr 15 2007 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Now it's time we educate our fellow Cerberus players.

Today I partied in Qufim (I know, my first mistake). We were doing exceptionally bad, even for an understaffed party. Then I see the WAR- our tank- heal.

Turns out she was a Buttersheep. Of course I had to leave.

But what saddened me was the number of players (mostly new) who didn't know the term.

So I just wanted to point everyone to this thread that coined the term.

In short, a Buttersheep is a WAR/WHM. Why I have no qualms over a person who solos as a WAR/WHM, or even a person who is in a Skill-up or Farming party. But this combination as no place in an experience party.

So please help me in laughing at, mocking, and otherwise discouraging Buttersheeps among us.

Thank you.
#2 Apr 15 2007 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
1,504 posts
Actually at low levels this setup is no longer a bad idea

With the new change to signet that allows for resting without losing TP

There is no negative side effect to subbing whm at low levels

No other sub at that level provides very useful abilities
#3 Apr 15 2007 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
at 20-25 /MNK or /NIN is a bit useless

nothing good exept boost

so /whm helps a bit curing
#4 Apr 15 2007 at 2:18 PM Rating: Default
4,475 posts
Chocoblo wrote:
Actually at low levels it is ok to be gimp as hell and carry it into high levels thanks to the signet changes.

#5 Apr 15 2007 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
At 20:

/MNK = Boost (Extra hate tool)

/RNG = +10 Accuracy Trait (It's a PCC at level 20)

/DRG = +10 Attack Trait (+10 Attack at 20 is a nice bonus)

/WHM = Cure 1, with a level 10 WHM's Healing Skill

If you're tanking, /MNK

If you're DD, /RNG or /DRG

I don't know any WARs that main heal, so whats the point of WAR/WHM in XP?

Sidenote, I did DRK/RNG 20-30 and the ACC Bonus was very nice, I highly recommend it for DD's 20-30 (At 30 other jobs become viable, Berserk from WAR sub is nice)
#6 Apr 15 2007 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
284 posts
NCCoda wrote:
At 20:

/MNK = Boost (Extra hate tool)

/RNG = +10 Accuracy Trait (It's a PCC at level 20)

/DRG = +10 Attack Trait (+10 Attack at 20 is a nice bonus)

/WHM = Cure 1, with a level 10 WHM's Healing Skill

If you're tanking, /MNK

If you're DD, /RNG or /DRG

I don't know any WARs that main heal, so whats the point of WAR/WHM in XP?

I can't stress enough how right this is at level 20WAR. Unless you're soloing I don't see the point either.

On a side note it was fun reading about the origin of Buttersheep.
Even though I knew what it meant I never knew where the term came from. Thanks GalkaAnimal
#7 Apr 15 2007 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
My pleasure. I miss GrumpyWookie. ; ;

And no. I don't care what changes have been made. There is still no reason to be a WAR/WHM in an xp party. Anyone who thinks so should be branded so all know who you are. :)
#8 Apr 16 2007 at 1:49 AM Rating: Excellent
154 posts
I'm gonna have to say this person was soloing before they got to the party. While soloing, they got the invite, and forgot to change subjobs.

In Quifim, not many people carry around oils and powders for easy mobility. Also, the person could of offered to go change their subjobs and the party lead said don't worry bout it. Either way, once you get to a camp in quifim, normaly you don't want to leave till the party is over.

Now, the question is, was this person doing a bad job? Were they not able to tank efficiently?

Even in wierd party set ups, I will stick around. why you ask? It's a game. I'm fine with the occasional party wipe with death and destruction as long as I enjoy myself.

I'll leave a party if a person is being less than plesent for sure. People complaining about others gear, subjob, and such, I tend to avoid. Even kicked them from my party aswell.

I once went through the dunes with a war tank in my party who wouldn't voke cause the mobs would hit them. It took me about 2 hours to teach him why the mob was supposed to hit him and not me and how to set up his provoke macro. But I didn't leave the party.

(on a side note, if i'm in a merit party and a person doesn't know how to provoke, I may leave. But not on a pre 25 party)

#9 Apr 16 2007 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
Admittedly I did this before when I first started(years ago). I was under the ignorant idea that I was "training my skills" to be a potential PLD. It didn't work out obviously. Maybe people are still under such impressions. The Brady Guide made a victim out of a lot of new players.
#10 Apr 16 2007 at 5:05 AM Rating: Good
Animal i want to know, Seriously

in your noob lv did you did that once?

playing a job with a gimp sub? or a wrong sub?
#11 Apr 16 2007 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
If there is one thing I do not like is that people know they can gimp and know they can get away with it. I have confronted incorrect game play as high as level 70s -- like arguing with someone that claims Silence should be casted with a Dark Staff.

If someone is not doing something right, it should never degenerate to an argument that "it is too hard" or "it is my game and I do whatever I want."
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#12 Apr 16 2007 at 12:05 PM Rating: Excellent
633 posts
Hmm.. Interesting. sounds like a missed opportunity to enlighten or teach a new player... Or learn...

imho, one has very little standing to complain if they choose to do nothing to help or correct the "problem"... But i suppose doing nothing constructive yet insulting others and calling them names in order to feel superior is like that insecure 12 year old stroking his own e-peen, thinking he's actually fooling people that he's cool...

oh the irony...

a travesty is here...but it aint the buttersheeps...

Edited, Apr 16th 2007 1:11pm by Mujuru
#13 Apr 16 2007 at 4:49 PM Rating: Good
284 posts
Mujuru wrote:
Hmm.. Interesting. sounds like a missed opportunity to enlighten or teach a new player... Or learn...

imho, one has very little standing to complain if they choose to do nothing to help or correct the "problem"... But i suppose doing nothing constructive yet insulting others and calling them names in order to feel superior is like that insecure 12 year old stroking his own e-peen, thinking he's actually fooling people that he's cool...

oh the irony...

a travesty is here...but it aint the buttersheeps...

Edited, Apr 16th 2007 1:11pm by Mujuru

Well yeah you're right...but c'mon, you have to admit the whole Buttersheep thing IS funny though :D

#14 Apr 16 2007 at 10:25 PM Rating: Good
154 posts
Well yeah you're right...but c'mon, you have to admit the whole Buttersheep thing IS funny though :D

Muj saying a 12 year old stroking his e-peen just may be funnier.

/em imagines muj walking in on this and crying
#15 Apr 18 2007 at 4:26 AM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
scchan wrote:
like arguing with someone that claims Silence should be casted with a Dark Staff.

D:< mean guy, I swear I'm right about that.

#16 Apr 20 2007 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
finalff wrote:
Animal i want to know, Seriously

in your noob lv did you did that once?

playing a job with a gimp sub? or a wrong sub?

No. But if I think hard enough I'm sure I can remember a lot of noobish things I've done that are much, much worse. ;)

Mujuru wrote:
Hmm.. Interesting. sounds like a missed opportunity to enlighten or teach a new player... Or learn...

Wow, Muj. You are so wise. Why didn't I think to talk to this player about this problem? Oh, wait. I did. Turns out you were too eager to sound all sagacious and missed the entire point of the original post.

Mujuru wrote:
But i suppose doing nothing constructive yet insulting others and calling them names in order to feel superior is like that insecure 12 year old stroking his own e-peen, thinking he's actually fooling people that he's cool...

oh the irony...

The irony, indeed. You should really stop doing it if it bothers you so much.

Mujuru wrote:
a travesty is here...but it aint the buttersheeps...

No, Muj. The travesty I spoke of was the fact that so few people actually knew the term "Buttersheep". If I wanted to call out a player, I'd call them out. I've made my fair share of mistakes and so I'm not saying I'm any better. I was just paying homage to one of the more entertaining posters, GrumpyWookie, and making sure that everyone knew it was him that coined the phrase "Buttersheep". He was Galka, after all, and we have to look out for each other. Admittedly my post may have been a little crass toward the end, but I was still kind of frustrated that I didn't get a lot accomplished that day. But I assure you, it's pretty low-key compared to what I could have written.

But I see in your haste to judge me you completely missed the point and made yourself sound like an ***. Nice job. Now go back to stroking your 12-year-old sized e-peen or whatever you called it.

Edit: Speaking of e-peen, Muj. Nice sig.

Edited, Apr 20th 2007 10:06am by GalkaAnimal
#17 Apr 20 2007 at 11:12 AM Rating: Excellent
633 posts
/sigh.... Now ive read and re-read your OP Animal... I missed the part where i was supposed to read your mind...

all sarcasm aside, perhaps SOME indication that you made an effort to talk to the person would go along way... now that you say you did, its a whole different ballgame...

its just a shame how many people ***** about others yet do nothing but complain on forums... That was the point.

now if i misconstrued your post... I apologize.... But i can only go by what you wrote.... Nothing more, nothing less...

i'll ignore your insults as it appears that we got off on the wrong foot based on a little lack of information... And this thread would probably have tanspired differently had such information been posted originally... So no need to exchange unpleasantries...^^
#18 Apr 20 2007 at 10:24 PM Rating: Good
All this over a WAR/WHM?
#19 Apr 21 2007 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
44 posts
You wanna know a REAL travesty...

My main job was MNK and after completing the subjob quest, I had to decide on what my sub was going to be. Being a new player still the obvious choice wasn't so obvious. I thougt "hmm, some magic would be nice..." which then led to "well a WHM can heal and stuff, and a BLM can do more damage...but a RDM can do both!" Long story short (too late) I was running around with a MNK/RDM for about two weeks until someone corrected me. Ofcourse my sub is now WAR until I get my NIN high enough, but the moral of the story is these things happen.
#20 Apr 23 2007 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Unless you're a Taru war/whm at low lvl's is just stupid. As an elvaan I know that I would have no real MP pool to work with so why bother? If you need healing that badly in your party, the extra 40-50hp you might be able to get(if you dont get hit that is) probably won't do you much good.
#21 Apr 24 2007 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
722 posts
GalkaAnimal wrote:
My pleasure. I miss GrumpyWookie. ; ;

In case you want to catch up with his writing, he's currently at:
#22 Apr 26 2007 at 3:16 PM Rating: Excellent
Whatever...because of this, I will now /cheer and /salute all Buttersheeps I come across henceforth. Actually, I usually do that anyway, praise people for being new and ignorant of typical ffxi concepts. That **** was fun when I was so ridiculously new, and I miss the feeling of thinking that dual wielding swords in Yuhtunga was a good idea. Whatever the primary intention of this thread was, I will now cheer on every WAR/WHM I see.
#23 Apr 27 2007 at 4:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Dear GalkaAnimal..

I don't like the tone of this thread, at all.

Part of what has made this game, FFXI, so laughable is the lack of diversity that people like you have driven into the general population's mind. Let people play how they want to, if you don't want to play with them for that, then don't, but don't go around coining terms for a 'bad' job combo. It shows unconditional levels of ********* Chances are, they don't want to play with you either.

Take a brick and shove it, then have a nice day. <(^_^)>
#24 Apr 27 2007 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
Dear Codyy da Basher,

I'm glad I now have your permission to stop playing with people who minimize their efficiency and role in an experience pt. Heavens, no! A WAR/WHM doesn't want to pt with me? How ever will I get by? I guess I'll have to stick with those lame WAR/NINs or WAR/MNKs or any other WAR who actually chooses to be useful in a pt.

You don't like the tone of my thread? Don't read it. Yes, it really is that simple.

Oh, and let me praise you for that whole "Take a brick and shove it" comment. I mean, it really added so much to the argument and made an eloquent point. Very intelligent, thought-provoking, and well written. I will consider your words carefully.

Thank you, and have a nice day yourself.
#25 Apr 28 2007 at 12:27 AM Rating: Good
GalkaAnimal wrote:
Dear Codyy da Basher,

I'm glad I now have your permission to stop playing with people who minimize their efficiency and role in an experience pt. Heavens, no! A WAR/WHM doesn't want to pt with me? How ever will I get by? I guess I'll have to stick with those lame WAR/NINs or WAR/MNKs or any other WAR who actually chooses to be useful in a pt.

You don't like the tone of my thread? Don't read it. Yes, it really is that simple.

Oh, and let me praise you for that whole "Take a brick and shove it" comment. I mean, it really added so much to the argument and made an eloquent point. Very intelligent, thought-provoking, and well written. I will consider your words carefully.

Thank you, and have a nice day yourself.
Smiley: lol (You appreciate that smiley.. took me like six days to find the buttons in the dark...)

But yeah, I never aim to be a prim, proper, or eloquent person. Just a person who makes a valid point with a dash of *****, because that's how it works.
#26 Apr 28 2007 at 7:10 AM Rating: Excellent
544 posts
meh... Im just posting to add this travisty to the list... lvl 50 party... taking forever to kill... then I realize dude the war is 49war/15nin.
/tell party leader You know your war has very gimped sub?
/tell Mattea yeah he's broke and can't level it
/tell party leader ... so we all have to suffer?

is there ever a good reason why someone should be allowed in a party with a sub that's not full leveled? I can see 1 maybe 2 levels but a whopping 10??

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