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Feeling HelplessFollow

#1 Feb 07 2007 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
I am not sure if I will call what I want to say is a rant... but I do have something I wish to say.

I recently heard from Akemi, Leetfade, and Greenjade who have been MIA (Greenjade was gone for like 1 month, and Akemi and Leet was gone for even much longer time. It seems they are up to more important things or bored of FFXI. I do have more important things to attend to myself, and feel quite helpless in the game that I do not have time to do things I wish to do. So I winded up logging on, cannot do things I wanted, chit chat a little bit and log off.

A lot of people think I am really successful player... I always do not feel that way about myself. The reason is I have things I wish to do, but I cannot accomplish myself. Sometimes it is my own decision -- I think my overly defensive, prejudice and selective against certain player behavior, and that really hurt my own progress in the game.

By the time I know I have lost my chance, it is too late. I do not feel I have the responsibility to deal with people I do not like to accomplish something, and I think I may have build a poor reputation among certain player group because of I criticize certain game play style a lot. Now I am really busy of myself, I feel really I cannot do much about doing things I wish to do.

This past Sunday, I got my White Mage AF2 hat from an open Dynamis hosted by a Japanese player. I probably have not gotten a new AF2 for like... 8 months now, and I got this one on pure luck -- it was a free lot, and I am literally the only White Mage there. I haven't feel so happy for a little while -- I actually accomplished something for myself.

I have seen people left the game feeling bored or cannot accomplish anything, leaving the game for RL concerns. And I have seen people zip pass so fast, and accomplish things a lot faster than I do. I do not know where I stand.

Sorry feeling like talking >< I wonder how many people feel the way I am now.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#2 Feb 07 2007 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
Noone can fault your decision to avoid people with a certain (lack of) playstyle.

As for being discouraged, it happens.
My best advice, is to keep in mind the friends are more important than the gear, and as long as you're having fun with your friends, you're doing allright.
#3 Feb 07 2007 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Noone can fault your decision to avoid people with a certain (lack of) playstyle.

It is more like people accept that standard, but I do not accept that to be the case. So I become the odd man out. It is the feeling of the minority: that one either accept the way it is or be left out as a SoB. That is actually why I had a really tough relationship with one of my former chat LS.

I actually do think I know people (that can reasonably suit my work schedule) to do things more inline in what my believes are and be able accomplish the objective, but yet I feel bad to ask. In someways, my current freedom does allow me to take a more social and laid back approach in the game. It is the feeling that I had been around for very very long time, do I really had be the way I am like now. Could I have done better? I really liked FFXI -- that is without doubt; but the door for greener ground may have closed for good, and in some ways I foresee myself time is running out, and may better off take the choice to leave.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#4 Feb 07 2007 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
259 posts
I understand Ama :)

I had a nice lengthy paragraph that Alla decided to squash so I must start over.

I don't look at one player saying their successful or not. I know we all have our strengths and weaknesses. One of my strengths is I'm an xp *****.. Course suppose that could be a weakness too....

But I digresse... It's much harder to do things in game without a solid LS that is interested in the areas you are interested in. It's why I've been LSless for so long I haven't found that "right" ls that will advance me further in game. & I don't mean HNMs... At this point in my FFXI career I have no interest sitting somewhere for 3 hours waiting on a pop I just have other things that I could be doing. :)

It kindof sounds like you need a lil break from the game and that's totally understandable. :) I'll see you on game and on forum ~ Jen

Edited to add: Oohhhh ~ When Mike gets back from his RL thing (which is hopefully soon) we should xp again with your COR and my NIN :D.

Edited, Feb 7th 2007 11:05am by Jellbell
#5 Feb 07 2007 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
scchan wrote:
Noone can fault your decision to avoid people with a certain (lack of) playstyle.

It is more like people accept that standard, but I do not accept that to be the case. So I become the odd man out. It is the feeling of the minority: that one either accept the way it is or be left out as a SoB. That is actually why I had a really tough relationship with one of my former chat LS.

I actually do think I know people (that can reasonably suit my work schedule) to do things more inline in what my believes are and be able accomplish the objective, but yet I feel bad to ask. In someways, my current freedom does allow me to take a more social and laid back approach in the game. It is the feeling that I had been around for very very long time, do I really had be the way I am like now. Could I have done better? I really liked FFXI -- that is without doubt; but the door for greener ground may have closed for good, and in some ways I foresee myself time is running out, and may better off take the choice to leave.

Sadly enough, people do seem to accept a low standard as the norm, while some people strive to better their playstyle and ability, at some point you ask yourself if it's worth all the time spent, since the "less prepared" players are advancing just as fast if not faster, and accomplishing the same things that you wish to.

It's a battle that I personally experience on a daily basis, and I'm not trying to jump on a soapbox or say that I am a good player, there are thousands out there more skilled and better geared than myself, but it's very frustrating to spend all the time that I do to prepare for something and have to babysit 5-17 or more people that didn't bother to spend any time at all learning how to do something.

/rant off

I don't know your situation with the people you could ask, but if they are doing something that you wish to accomplish and could be a benefit to them, I wouldn't think that it would hurt to ask. At best you could help them, and in return work towards a goal that you have.

Could you have done better? That's a hard question. I know that I personally have made mistakes, I assume we all have, but in the end I think the most important question is: Did I enjoy my time playing, and did I walk away from the game with a good feeling? So many people I see leave in anger because they did not achieve this goal or get that item, and I just can't understand that mentality. While it's ok to wish that you had accomplished something, the moment anger enters I believe that the game is being considered too important in the scheme of one's life.

#6 Feb 07 2007 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Sadly enough, people do seem to accept a low standard as the norm

It is more a little more than "low standard" in play. I am actually implying "low standard" in player-player interaction and ethics, which in turn feed back to low standard in play (and other complications).

Could you have done better? That's a hard question. I know that I personally have made mistakes, I assume we all have, but in the end I think the most important question is: Did I enjoy my time playing, and did I walk away from the game with a good feeling? So many people I see leave in anger because they did not achieve this goal or get that item, and I just can't understand that mentality. While it's ok to wish that you had accomplished something, the moment anger enters I believe that the game is being considered too important in the scheme of one's life.

I found people that share similar standards with me are being left in a situation similar to mine. I will not hide I am ambitious in FFXI, but I am not yet willing to give up what I deem reasonable. I will agree that a lot of people that is "left behind" is enjoying the game very well, but that is by shifting focus what they think they most value.

I will not deny that it feels something is not there that when one has ambition but feel not able to do much about it. There is nothing wrong with greed -- if one has no goal and desire, what is the point playing? Certain goals I have in the game, and I have those goals for very long time. Some of those goals did eventually accomplished, and it was a very sweet moment in playing.

There are lot of players managed to accomplish their goals in a much shorter period of time. And a lot of such cases is backed by accepting a much lower standard in player ethics and interaction. One cannot help to think -- why would those people do that?
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#7 Feb 07 2007 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
699 posts
Amanada wrote:
There are lot of players managed to accomplish their goals in a much shorter period of time. And a lot of such cases is backed by accepting a much lower standard in player ethics and interaction. One cannot help to think -- why would those people do that?

You seem so surprised

FFXI began as a virtual world, with a clean slate for a untainted moral system. But since humanity serves as the foundation and vehicle for an ethical system, it was inevitable that the pure virtual morality most players could once enjoy would be stained by the twisted morality that permeates our society.

FFXI has eventually become only a reflection of a real-world ethcial ambiguity. People steal and get ahead, people lie to get ahead, people betray others to get ahead, etc...

In the real world however, there is accountability of actions. People that behave unethically to get ahead, or to make a lot of money, or to satisfy some carnal desire have to potentially face public shame or embarassment for these actions. This is a mere deterrent from getting caught in the act, rather than a deterrent from committing it in the first place...

Our little virtual world offers us a convienient shroud of anonymity, making it all the more viable to act unethically through character since the "person" is in most cases unidentifiable and therefore not able to be held accountable.

Why do people do it? Because they can. Because it is easy, it satisfies thier desires, and it affords them a luxury of sleeping well at night because they get what they want without jeopardizing thier personal value system. Some people like yourself wish their moral beliefs and standards could transcend the two worlds of real life and vana'diel. But unfortunately, with the absence of "person" such a transcendence of moral accountability is not possible.

#8 Feb 08 2007 at 4:30 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
To me, moral accountability even in an anonymous world is important. What's the point of winning when you know you had cheated? It depreciated the value of winning. In the very end, virtual item means nothing -- might as well make it prideful to yourself.

May be I am idealistic. To me, it is all about self-control. Something that had been preached to me since I am young. "Does it feel good that you know you have "screwed" someone?" "Or be placed into that screwed person and what do one feel?" are things preached to me from my parents, good friends, and school.

they get what they want without jeopardizing their personal value system.

I think it is more precise to say "their person interest." Cheating is immoral, but being able to get away from it without reprehension is the issue.

I was got called as an "idiot" (or something like that) on KI for standing up what is morally correct. Committing and supporting immoral act should be consider shameful, and not blaming other for being idiot for not doing so.

I had avoided to call names in this thread -- there may be only one or two player I had directly personally attacked, otherwise I tend to be vague who I am referring to. Just right now I am about to take my car for air pollution tests, I was in the game (overnight - to bazaar). There was a little discussion in the LS -- which people openly discussed the hacking in FFXI. One person being our LS member and is/was a well-known LS that uses hacking, confesses openly to hacking with that well-known LS as if it is not shameful to do that. I immediately turn off the LS -- to me that is nothing more than an insult to me and other players who desire to play fairly.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#9 Feb 08 2007 at 9:51 AM Rating: Default
OP, (amanda) I read your posts often and wanted to say thanks for your insight. Personally, I try not to expect much from other, in RL or in Game, simply because they often disappoint me. One day, I came to a realization I only had one choice, make sure I played by my own morals and leave it at that. I know, that means I accept some bad behavior that does make my life more difficult, but it freed me to spend less time in frustration and more time enjoying when it is fun. My sig, life is suffering (also meaning of Duhkha) can be an awful realization, but it can allow you to accept the bad and truely enjoy the good in life. In other words, when some *** hat in a group is doing some thing that you believe is morally inept (80% of the time that's the dl of the sit rep), ignore it. Obviously, if they are hacking, you should remove yourself from the situation cuz they could get you banned. However, try to look and see if there is something in the situation that can be enjoyed. IE *** hat who does annoying thing A needs you to raise him/her every ten seconds can **** you off...or you could laugh at him and wait until everyone is ready to pull again to raise him. Or just tell leader that your not going to raise, but are going to look for another mage to repleace you. I did something like this when an *** hat kept pulling even when I (PT leader) told him not to. After third tell, I waited for him to pull again and then dropped him and we all zoned (Zone was directly behind us). Ha ha ...dead and funny;-) I know, I was a buit of an *** hat myself in that one, BUT I had told him repeatedly {Rest} {Party} {Do You Have it?} {No} Then {rest} {mind} {Plese} Anywho...this life lesson is brought to you by Duhkha (King *** Hat;-)
#10 Feb 10 2007 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
You didn't have anyone backstab you like I have. You didn't have a whole HNMLS "use" you and then dump you. You have FRIENDS, and I doubt any of them were fake. Where you stand is on top of the mountain and you got there at no cost of anyone elses enjoyment/happiness unlike some people I know. Where you are in FFXI was attained fairly. Some of your ways annoy the hell out of me but you are more 50/50 when it comes to you and people and that's played a part in your success. There isn't a "amanada only" mentality for you.

Do not compare your success with others, cause there is no need. Sure there is a lot of things you still wish to do but you have ALREADY accomplished *a lot*.

I can only dream of completeing CoP, let alone RoZ - a storyline mission no one does anymore. You have 3-4 75 jobs, I only have 1 70 long gone job to my name. All Dynamis completed just about, what else Ama? Fought every God there is? You did it all one character. I've been through 10+. You were generally happy with where you were placed, there wasn't a desire to switch servers. Your will is strong man and probably stronger than you realize.
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