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Right or Right?Follow

#1 Jul 12 2006 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
Need some feedback from impartial viewers...

This question doesn't directly involve me (but someone I know) and I'm bored so thought I write this and see what people think.

If someone leaves the game (says I'm done... I'm not coming back.. And here's my stuff)... And leaves for 7-8 months (or longer) and comes back ~ should they expect their items back?

I can see this from both points of view (why you should give items back and why you shouldn't) but let me throw a lil spin on this:

What if you sold the items (and are currently broke) do you now owe the person for the gift they gave you?

And inversely: what if you gave several friends equipment and some sold and some kept them... Do you ask for those that sold items to pay you what you gave as a gift? And if not ~ do you ask the friends who didn't sell the items to give the items back (in effect penalizing them because they kept the gift)?

To me... Both people are right... So Right vs. Right....

Figure this will be an interesting thread. :)
#2 Jul 12 2006 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
I gave all my stuff away. Not that I would ever go back to cerberus. But If I did that would be dumb for me to ask for the items back.

Especially, after I said I quit 7-8 months ago. So I would say nope he shouldn't expect to get his items back. a gift is a gift. But maybe offer some help. Eek! Touchy subject....And Boo! Jelly....

And it's Bshame/ Chausie :p

Edited, Jul 12th 2006 at 6:22pm EDT by Chanell

Edited, Jul 12th 2006 at 6:23pm EDT by Chanell
#3 Jul 12 2006 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
OMG!!! Hi Bshame ^.^

You doing ok? :)

Oh I know this is a touchy subject... lol... Thankfully I'm kindof on the outskirts of it...

Just have to feel bad for the guy coming back ~ but.... again... he left and said he wasn't coming back so the other people involved some sold the items he gave and others kept....... It's the Right vs. Right that gets ya... Both ppl are right to some levels....
#4 Jul 12 2006 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
hehe, And No i haven't forgotten you and Micheal and Um....your hubby...Um...what's his name :3.....Um....the whm...(haha)

Wish things were the same back than when we all hanged out. Meh...

And seriously do they think the items are still available?

The game went down-hill for me December 13, 2005.

And all is great now that my emotional roller coaster creaters are out of my life. Should have done that a long time ago.

Edited, Jul 12th 2006 at 6:38pm EDT by Chanell

Edited, Jul 12th 2006 at 6:42pm EDT by Chanell
#5 Jul 12 2006 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
We all did have alot of fun back then :) (My hubby ~ Dw) :D

Well that's the thing... The item wasn't sold... Unlike the others that recieved items (and sold them) my friend didn't... So at first the guy coming back was asking like he was joking and knowing he wasn't getting anything back and now it came down to give it back or you are just wrong.... Thank goodness this wasn't directly at me... I wouldn't know what to do.. I'd probably just give the item(s) back..

It would be something completely different if my friend was told that the "gift" was on loan til the giver ever came back to the game if ever.... But that wasn't discussed... meh.. oh well... ::^.^::

Hey that's not fair no editing midst me posting (Course here's me editing) :P

I'm glad you are doing well.. Sorry for whatever rollercoaster you were on ~ and glad it's calmed down for you^^

Edited, Jul 12th 2006 at 6:44pm EDT by Jellbell
#6 Jul 12 2006 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
DW - hehe- now it's coming back. Well tell him and micheal I said hello.
#7 Jul 12 2006 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
284 posts
That's called an "Indian Giver". If you give your items to someone and tell them your never coming back you shouldn't expect to get them back later. If he/she said something like..."I'm quitting for a while, I might come back here have my stuff while I'm gone" then yes, I would "hope" to get them back as I'm actually doing them a favor by sharing my items while I'm gone.

I quit for about a year and gave all my best gear to a good friend of mine in game. Luckly a year later he has allowed me to share his account now so I have MOST of my gear back.

He sold some of the stuff and that was perfectly fine since I DID give him the items in the first place. I have thought about coming back with my own account/character serveral times and if I did I would NOT expect anything back from him.

In your friend's defense however I would at least expect to get HELP from the person I gave all my stuff to. I can understand their fusteration since at times this game gets you so pissed off you feel like quitting and never coming back when in reality you just need a break from the game for a while.
#8 Jul 12 2006 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Although I do agree you should not demand your gear back, I will hold on to pricey or prestigous gear that another person give to me just in case he will return.

Sometimes the best or most useful gear in the game are rare-ex (like AF, most of God and cursed gear set). You either toss them or let it go with your character.

So at first the guy coming back was asking like he was joking and knowing he wasn't getting anything back and now it came down to give it back or you are just wrong....

I think that is a little excessive. If I do sold gear that is given to me, I will at least however try to make up with it with lesser gear or buy some gear for that person. If the gear still exists, I will return it. but I think it is rude to "demand" them back.

One thing... I really don't want to see people resort to buying gil in order to restore their gear set...

Edited, Jul 12th 2006 at 8:02pm EDT by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#9 Jul 12 2006 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
489 posts
One of my friends left the game for a while, he came back just recently. Im not broke, I was able to help him with some stuff. I kept most of the gear he gave me just in case. He got all that back.

Actually, all that stuff is yours. You should be able to do whatever you want with it. It was given to you.

My friend didint expect his stuff back, but I wanted to help him.

Someone say about the "Indian Giver". That's true. Someone leaves, they should not expect to have all the items they gave away back. Help? Sure! We always help our old friends.

My two cents.
#10 Jul 12 2006 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
881 posts
I left for 4 months, and gave away all my gear.

The people I gave it too, I only asked for a couple key parts
I needed back (My GKL was one of them..I dont have another
350k to drop on one, and it'd take a looong time to farm with H2H
on drg.)

The only other thing I wanted back was my assault earring, which I
was going to let slide but it spiked up in price to over a mil..

If he had sold it..I just asked for half the origional price for it (Roughly 150k) and let it go.

Nothing else from my before was asked for back. I wore AF until I had enough
to purchase the clothes I needed (Lucky for me, those Jaridah Peti's dropped in price, as did a few other things) so i got all I needed gear-wise.
#11 Jul 12 2006 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
I feel if one leaves the game, those items bestowed upon someone are gifts. Gifts are meant to be inexchangable tokens of one's esteem or adoration for the recipient... If the recipient wishes to return said gift in exchange for currency or a specific item, the recipient should in heart, carry over the meaning behind the gift to the new item(s). If the recipient keeps the gift, they should not be requested it given back unless that token no longer holds true and the esteem and adoration once held for the recipient is no longer. It is considered an insult to ask for a gift back that one has given.

Having said that, if the recipient feel it clears their concience or returns the generosity with a bit of their own... well, that's just up to the original recipient and possibly the friendship/bond between the player. Then again, the recipient could show the same gratitude and adoration by assisting and helping the returning player get back into the swing of things. Gil is not the only way you can assist a player, it is just the slackest... you do not need to be wealthy to be generous.
#12 Jul 13 2006 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
I gave 140,000gil to my friend Zab before I left(again) but he didn't get it cause I deleted my character right after that, completly forgetting that it erases any delivery transaction. However, if I came back, I would not expect that back(its easy to make anyway). I don't give my items to people.. other than gil, whatever I have leaves with me.

If you've been gone for that long...come on really..
#13 Jul 13 2006 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
699 posts
When someone makes a decision they are responsible for any and all ramifications from that decision. We are naturally rational creatures uniquely capable of foresight. I have no sympathy for any person who acts on a decision, then later attempts to recant their actions.

What would be the difference between the person who quits and gives everything away to another player, and the person who quits and deletes his character along with all his/her possessions?

Nothing: both took the same essential action, with the same purpose in mind. At the time of the decision both people are of the same mind that they are not returning and have no more need for their virtual property.

Each person has made a conscious choice, and should be held fully accountable to themselves for their actions.

They are less honorable of course when they seek to shift responsibility for their actions onto another person or persons.

#14 Jul 13 2006 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
259 posts
Appreciate all the feedback. I'm not sure whats going to come of my friend and the player returning to the game. For me, as the returner was a nice guy and an acquantance ~ I donated some gil to him to help get him restarted in the game again (even tho I had not recieved any gift from him on his exit...)

He was very appreciative of my donation however after the falling out with my friend over the one item given ~ He does not even wave to me anymore or my /tells.. ;; That or he missed it a few times.......

Just wanted to know what other players thought. ^.^

Happy gaming all.
#15 Jul 13 2006 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
It just sucks "friends" got broken because of item in the game. In the end, Ridills, HQ elemental staves are not that important, fun is most :)

Too bad, as a player who has been around for a very long time, I just keep seeing people forget what fun is and obessed with progression in the game, and will fret with it that ruins his/her and other's fun. I hope everything will work out.

Edited, Jul 13th 2006 at 11:03am EDT by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#16 Jul 13 2006 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
951 posts
If they asked for them back odds are I'd return them, but if I sold them then they better not get angry at me, not my fault they came back and I didn't know.
#17 Jul 13 2006 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
284 posts
When someone makes a decision they are responsible for any and all ramifications from that decision. We are naturally rational creatures uniquely capable of foresight. I have no sympathy for any person who acts on a decision, then later attempts to recant their actions.

What would be the difference between the person who quits and gives everything away to another player, and the person who quits and deletes his character along with all his/her possessions?

Nothing: both took the same essential action, with the same purpose in mind. At the time of the decision both people are of the same mind that they are not returning and have no more need for their virtual property.

Each person has made a conscious choice, and should be held fully accountable to themselves for their actions.

They are less honorable of course when they seek to shift responsibility for their actions onto another person or persons.

I'll be sure to contact you if I ever need a lawyer.
#18 Jul 14 2006 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
scchan wrote:
It just sucks "friends" got broken because of item in the game. In the end, Ridills, HQ elemental staves are not that important, fun is most :)

Too bad, as a player who has been around for a very long time, I just keep seeing people forget what fun is and obessed with progression in the game, and will fret with it that ruins his/her and other's fun. I hope everything will work out.

Edited, Jul 13th 2006 at 11:03am EDT by scchan

First off: I love putting you on the spot. You are good entertainment.

Second: Define 'fun' in this game.
#19 Jul 14 2006 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
I will rise again..

This is fun for me ;o The Rise of Emperor Napeolon Zaleshea XXII! The XXII Empire shall rule all! /panic

Oh About me about entertaining.... I always try to entertain others with stupid injokes that only few or no one could understand, or dirty tarutaru humor (ask Natael, Cory, and Mogknight for details).

Edited, Jul 14th 2006 at 11:21am EDT by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#20 Jul 14 2006 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Fill me in on the dirty tarutaru humour...
not literally fill me in XD
#21 Jul 14 2006 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
scchan wrote:
I will rise again..

Selling my pancake mix.

This is fun for me ;o.

Edited, Jul 14th 2006 at 11:21am EDT by scchan

#22 Jul 14 2006 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
699 posts
I'll be sure to contact you if I ever need a lawyer.

I am a philosopher.

I take offense to being called a "lawyer" :p
#23 Jul 14 2006 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
126 posts
I gave some stuff away last year when I left the game. I ended up getting my elemental staves back but that is only because I gave them to my roommate. Personally I would feel bad asking for things back, be it rl or in-game. Just seems shady to me.
#24 Jul 14 2006 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
470 posts
i think it depends on the intention when you gave away the stuff, did you say you're temporarily quittin and the person is there to store your items and use it for their pleasure or you said you not coming back..

if you gave them away as a quitting gift you shouldn't be expecting them back if you ever come back... If the friend gives it back its a nice thing he/she did, if the friend doesn't you can't really say its their wrong imo.

the topic is called right or right.. so i guess you already had the answer anyway :P
#25 Jul 14 2006 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
Spira shut the hell up.

Ah that felt good.
#26 Jul 14 2006 at 9:26 PM Rating: Good
It's interesting that this would be the first thread I see after an extended hiatus to get my life back together.

As someone that's played from the original NA release of FF, on a couple of different servers, and left, and come back, then left again (and now coming back again, but I don't know if I want to come back to cerberus, or a new server and just start all over), the things that I've given away, worth millions of gil, to friends and comrades when I've left, are gifts. I wouldn't want them back, wouldn't (and haven't) accept the offer, nor would I ask for any items back. Those things are gifts, tokens of respect and friendship. An electronic representation of appreciation.

And hey to the people I know that are still kickin', I'm updating as I type.
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