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Is ffxi/cerberus dead?Follow

#1 Jun 06 2006 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
Hey ya'll, doubt anyone remembers me but i quit ffxi almost a year ago and now i'm begining to feel an urge to get back in the game again.

My only worries are, of course the economy would have gone straight to hell by now i reckon and there have been some weird updates that i have been reading up on, But.. is this game dying? ive read alot of farewell posts on alla and heard rumors about certain ppl etc etc.

Do i still have time? :)

High5's //Soyokaze
(TheChosen ftw!)
#2 Jun 06 2006 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
50 posts
Is the game dieing?

I hardly think so. The dunes are filled up with tons of new people. Brings make memories of when the game was first released in the States.

The good-bye post are from people that have been playing for yeeeeears. I been playing since the game was first released. The very first day :D

Took a break here and there but don't think I'm leaving anytime soon. :D

So there's your answer :D
#3 Jun 06 2006 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
i started about 2 months ago.. managed to make a decent living and get by. there are alot of people on cerebus, in fact it's a ranking server.

so you're not too late.
#4 Jun 06 2006 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
sure our economoy is shot to hell and theres gil stealers elite players leaving but we are not dead

with all the new players from Xbox it seems the game is even more lively and the economy is sorting it self out like 1month ago a stack of mea mithkabobs used to be 30k o.0 thats just insane but they gone down to 10k so dont wry all is well in the world^.^

and all these gilsellers are actually giving the gil back to the rightful owners so thats getting sorted ...slowly

so nah this game isnt dead and it probably wont be for years on years look at runescaoe god dammit RUNESCAPE thats worst made game in the world and its still going and raking in money (damn jagex)

hmm did i lose track in there somewhere? meh w/e hope to see you back on the game dont let ffxi annonemous stop you from playing THEY LIE I TELL YOU!!!!!!!
#5 Jun 06 2006 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
Lolz, good stuff, ill start plan my return then heh.

A few more questions.

Dezdemona still around?

any TheChosen linkshell members still playin?

Does Sucidialdeathtaru(sp?lol) still stalk female tarus in low jeuno?

Who's incharge of YF these days? is Reman still around?

How's the new expansion working out? ya'll getting a hang of the new jobs?

Is it still fun to play "Gatekeeper" near Selbina? lolz

And finaly: Who will contribute with a world map once i get on? KEKEKEKEKEKE!


#6 Jun 07 2006 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
The game is hardly dying, in fact it just went through a revial from the new expansion. There are new job updates, and chocobo raising coming out soon.

TheChosen LS has pretty much evolved into different LS... There is still a Chosen (Chosen is made after the original leader of TheChosen left the game) LS. I think the current leader of Chosen is Thelan, but Thelan is also a member of DynamisLord. Holy and Dk still play sometimes.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#7 Jun 07 2006 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
Good replies everyone, its just like i had imagined.

Lets talk about prices!

Unbelievably i do remember the prices of some key items while i left and i would like to know how much they are today! :P

SH = 8 mill
Haubergeon = 5 mill
Snipers = 2-3 mill
Vermillion Cloak = 7mill
P.Charm = 15 mill
Kraken Club? = 50 mill
Daihannya(sp?) = 2.3 mill
Marine M Boots = 3.5 mill
Valkyries Mask = 250k
O'Kote = 2.5 mill
Emp Pin = 1.5 mill
Life Belt = 100k

I bet most of these items have gone right out of the chart by now >_>

Also, are there any cool linkshells out there who's not competing with the HNMLS scene? i whana find some cool ppl to hang out with and have some fun when i get back?

Again, some credz name drops before i logg out!


U all get a high5 and a plate of waffles!
#8 Jun 07 2006 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
2,021 posts
I can answer "some" of your questions. LoL

- Dez just left us. :-/
- Some from TheChosen are in YF now (was never in the LS but hear about it often in YF)
- Fowler still runs YF. The sacholders play a huge role in it however. (ThrillaGorilla, Ravan, Okuh, Kanodin, etc. etc. :-b)
- Reman just came back not too long ago. He couldn't get his character back so he's now Token
- ToAU Is awesome. One of the best thing they've implemented thusfar imo.
- SH = 6mil
- Haub = 6mil
- P.Charm is around 14mil
- Kraken's broke 100mil but I think are around 75mil now. Not 100% sure
- Daihannya are 2mil but it's next to impossible to catch one on AH
- O.Kote are at 4mil last I checked
- Valk Mask hovered around 1mil last I checked
- Pretty sure life belt came back down to around 100k. They were at 250k.

The rest I have no clue on. There are now rare/ex versions of emp pin, leaping boots, and p.charm. The mobs that dropped the Rare versions now drop the rare/ex and the rares are in BCNMs.
#9 Jun 07 2006 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
last i check..
-SH was around 4m
-snipers ring 1.3m
and rest of stuff already answered
#10 Jun 07 2006 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
Heh dude you missed the inflation time this christmas.. it was sick and i made lots of gil with it lol. scorpion harness went to 20 MILLION yes im serious so you can only imagine the other prices, but it wasent too bad cause one stack of silk threads made it all the way to 90k lol.
#11 Jun 07 2006 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
The inflation around Christmas was just horrible before I disappeared. Vcloak was upwards of 16 million. X_X When I came back, it was down to about 9 mil.
#12 Jun 07 2006 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
LeetFade wrote:

- Reman just came back not too long ago. He couldn't get his character back so he's now Token

- ToAU Is awesome. One of the best thing they've implemented thusfar imo.

Ya, Reman came back, twice, deleted his first remake in a attempt to get Reman restrored, but that didnt work, so he restarted again and is up to level 57 RDM now.

Ya, ToA is lots of fun. Lots of things to do at least at higher levels.
#13 Jun 08 2006 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
Good to hear that Reman is back, he's awesome!

Well the prices aint so bad right now that i first throught then, comparing to this christmas inflation o_O'

How about this new expansion? you need sky/sea access to enter their areas to attain the jobs?

I also got some x360 questions.

How good is the grafics on ffxi for x360? when i played ffxi i had the lowest system requirements ever so there wasnt much "eye-candy" for me in it :x

Also, do most ppl play with controler+keyboard or something? i highly doubt you can bind all those commands and macros to the controler. And god forbid if you have to type on the controler -_-'

#14 Jun 08 2006 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
You can use a wireless keyboard on Xbox360. The graphics are equivelant to a mid-high level PC IF you have the TV to handle it. If you have a standard CRT tube TV it looks like PS2. :-b (My roommate uses it this way. LoL). I had the beat on a 52" Wide HD and it was pretty. :-D

I use a PS2 style and controller and keyboard on my PC. You can have that same combo or go full KB on 360 if you like.

You don't need access to the sky/sea for the new areas. It's simply a boat from Mhuara.

Edited, Jun 8th 2006 at 7:39am EST by LeetFade
#15 Jun 08 2006 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
Yea, i used a keyboard only setup on the pc.. prolly go the same on 360 :P

Ahh cool, you tried any of the new jobs yet Leet?
#16 Jun 08 2006 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Well, I unlocked all 3. LoL. My COR is 12 and it's a pretty kewl job that I'm sure I'll return to.

I like BLUs when they know what they're doing. LoL. The one I pted with last night was hitting SATA Death Scissors for 900+ to close off my SATA Yuki. LoL. It was pretty crazy. I also know a taru BLU who does some insane damage.

I've yet to see an outstanding COR. I've seen a couple pretty good ones and a lot of crappy ones. :-/ Not saying they don't exist because I'm sure they do, I just don't seem to pt with them. LoL. I've seen some put up some really nice slugshot numbers though. Imagine a BRD doing 700 dmg slugshots. O.o (No dispel though. ><)

PUP is a job that might interest me. It's like being a MNK with a MNK/WHM pet. LoL. I just haven't had time lately because I'm trying to get SAM to 75 asap for Wyrm fights. :-/
#17 Jun 08 2006 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
SoyokazeOfCerberus wrote:
I also got some x360 questions.

Also, do most ppl play with controler+keyboard or something? i highly doubt you can bind all those commands and macros to the controler. And god forbid if you have to type on the controler -_-'

Ya, most people play with controller and keyboard. You can use every macro off the controller, use the Right and Left Triggers to open the Crlt and Alt sets and D-Pad through the sets. I find this pretty nice and more fluid then playing with the keyboard.

Also, you can type with the controller if you have too but its a long process to right a sentence =S (maybe a bit faster with practice =P )
#18 Jun 08 2006 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Pink writing...

Anyway, I think Cerberus has been killed multiple times, so I think that qualifies as dead.
Oh... thats not what you meant...?
#19 Jun 09 2006 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
DakRey wrote:
Pink writing...

Its a purple! ;; Orchid to be exact! =P

DakRey wrote:
Anyway, I think Cerberus has been killed multiple times, so I think that qualifies as dead.
Oh... thats not what you meant...?


#20 Jun 10 2006 at 6:59 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
shut up ; ; my jokes are the best. T H E B E S T.
You just need to have a unique sense of humour.

Purple or pink... its all the same to me =/
#21 Jun 13 2006 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
Nothing to contribute other than

/poke Soy sauce!
#22 Jun 19 2006 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent

/performs Ultima Poke of Doom on Citrine
/SoySauce misses Citrine

Since Ultima Poke of Doom is based on your luck stats (checking luck) yea.. 0% hmmz .. I need more Luck Material!

lets try this..

/me uses steal on <t>
/me successfully steals 12 plates of waffles from Citrine
/me uses Flee
/me <t> /point /laugh /dies.

Or Or!

/me activates a warpcudgel and stuff's it down Citrine's goobiebag
/me /autofollow <t> /laugh /laugh
"Citrines uses 1x warpcudgel" /grin
Citrines Panics!

Ok, it gets boring now... ill stop.. i'am at work so :x
#23 Jun 21 2006 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
SoyokazeOfCerberus wrote:
Is ffxi/Cerberus dead?

#24 Jun 25 2006 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent

Today i learned that it will take me untill mid/late august to start playing again due to work and some other irl buisnies poo.

I guess the alla forums will be my smaltime entertainment untill then -_-'

Id also whana take the time to ask about the payment fee's again, not sure how much they are nowadays (yea i know i got the memory of a goldfish) :x

Also, for ppl who live overseas and such, do SE add a convertion fee to your bill? I could have sworn by the time i where playing the bills were slight higher then i had first suspected them to be. hmm, guessing it also has something to do with the dollar going down and up?

Sorry, me suck big time at the smartstuff :D
#25 Jun 25 2006 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
470 posts
Also, for ppl who live overseas and such, do SE add a convertion fee to your bill? I could have sworn by the time i where playing the bills were slight higher then i had first suspected them to be. hmm, guessing it also has something to do with the dollar going down and up?

no~ they charge your account in dollar, and your bank will convert the currency of your country into dollar (at that day's exchange rate) and pay SE. There's no conversion fee.
#26 Jun 26 2006 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
Don't know about cerb, but the game is far from death.
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