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#1 May 16 2006 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent

After over a week of trying I finally managed to log onto the playonline server and set up a user account for the Xbox 360 version of Final Fantasy.

I am currently running around levelling my characters up.

All my characters have 'Hamster' in their names.

I do not have a USB keyboard plugged into my Xbox at the moment so it is difficult to speak to people in the game

I would like to say hello to everyone playing on Cerberus server

and thanks to all those people who have been helping me out (running past me and casting 'protect ' etc, helping me when I take on a couple of monsters too powerful for me to deal with).

So hello and thanks.

#2 May 16 2006 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
699 posts
Nice to have you aboard friend!

I'll keep my eyes open for you :-)

#3 May 16 2006 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
I'm running around Bastock at the moment

I've got a red mage in Bastock, a monk, a black mage and a warrior as well as a monk in San doria and a red mage in windhurst.

They are all about level 5-10 at the moment but I am waiting until they get to 12 before I go on quests.

Final Fantasy is a new thing for Xbox 360 people but as one of your characters is level 75 I'm guessing you have been playing some time.
#4 May 16 2006 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
Welcome Hamsters ~

Things you'll want to know as a new player =P.

* Fame is important (i.e. if you wanted to pursue the Ninja job you need to have fame in Norg if you don't have enough fame you won't even be given the quest to acquire this job... If you wanted to become a Summoner you will need fairly high fame in all of the cities even Mhaura to allow you to get the quests to fight the avatars). You build fame by working on quests in ALL towns. It's very time consuming and tedious sometimes so try to do the ones you can on your own that are easy and don't put them off too long lol (it'll bite ya in the a$$ later)...

* It caught my eye that you are working on leveling numerous characters ~ which I commend you on. But I want to relay one important thing ~ missions (Rank, Zilart, CoP, and our new Expansion Aht Urgan) are sometimes a pain in the behind to get done... The subjob quest can be a chore in itself ~ to get 3-4 characters all the missions and quests done would be overwhelming to me. Or even more challenging to have to do Genkai (limit breaking quests) for all your characters >.<... Eeep! One character alone is very challenging and takes time to level any job to 75.

* I would recomend you pick one of your characters (the one you like the most) and focus on leveling that up, doing quests on it and making it your "Main" character ~ have your other characters as your "Mules" as they will be needed with the overwhelming inventory crises we all have at higher levels. Granted since this is the game ~ if you enjoy playing all your characters then keep that up! =)

* I've been playing the game for awhile (as you may see below on my job levels) and trust me... Having one main character is plenty =P

Good Luck Hamsters! =^.^=
#5 May 16 2006 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
hay hamster /welcome to ffxi and cerberus

whenever ya wont a tip or need help just /tell me in game my ingame name is shingui and am willing to help new players

i have currently 4 xbox 360 players on my friend list all people i have helped out and they seem cool and i always give them tips ect so will gladly do so you you.

one tip here: w/e job you aiming to be the the future try and skill up that weapon so if you wont to be a drg and you are a war get polearms or if ya wonted to be a pld get sword and shield skill up and so on

subjob must always be kept up to speed a gimped subjob means no pt invites and wont do well at your job but you will do fine before a subjob and everyone will try and help you out.

fame i find is only worth farming it when you need it so when you want to be a ninja when you just done ninja quest then farm the fame for utsusemi quest.

good money making at the begginning of the game is selling stacks of 12 crystals on the auction house which is like 2k-5k depending on the type of crystal hell some high levels still do that but cluster farming instead.

you might never do this but never NEVER tell somone how to do their job right it is annoying tidius and pisses people off royaly just do the job your charcter/job was designed to do and do it you can alwasy drop a helpful hint everynow and then but dont turn that hint into something ugly.

A linkshell is always good to have because being on your own is never fun so talking to people can make the game more uplifting and if you need help a linkshell will help aslong as you dont keep asking and not do anything in return(learn that the hard way)

isnt necessary if you buy maps from towns and natually now ur way around but buying the ffxi atlas really helps when ya dont knowm yuo way around trust me on that one i tried to get to palbourough mines and ended up the valkurm dunes (dont ask plz bad memories)

ok thats all i can think of atm but just call me when ya want an addistional tip remember in game name is Shingui dont forget it

p.s longest post ever w00t
#6 May 16 2006 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
510 posts
Welcome to Cerberus.

One small thing that a few new players don't realise (I didn't either for a while) is that you can change your job in your Mog House, so rather than have one character for each job, you have one character (or two, or three) for however many jobs you want.
When I first started, I chose WAR. I got to level 8, realised I didn't think much to the job and deleted the character to make a MNK... however, I could have gone in to my Mog House and changed jobs to get the same effect.

Some people may find that amazingly obvious, but as I've seen it happen before, I thought I'd let you know.

Enough of that. Welcome - and enjoy your travels.
#7 May 17 2006 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
Hello again

I have a question:

I wanted to be a dragoon with one character and a summoner with another(futere plans).

If I were to keep 2 main characters, which ones should I keep?

Which jobs should I choose for my start up jobs?

What about subjobs for these(I am not level 18 yet so subjobs are not an option, but I realise I need to get this sorted early on if I want the most from my characters)?

Any further tips for Newcomers would be gratefully received.


#8 May 17 2006 at 5:32 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for those useful tips.

I wanted to be a Dragoon in the future with one of my characters.

My highest level characters are monks (level 10).

I also have a warrior who is just starting at level 6.

Should I scrap the monks and concentrate on the warrior- give him a polarm etc?

I will try and get in touch in the game.


#9 May 17 2006 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
well with ione character stay as a warrior(doesnt matter sub for it) and use polearms and not axes and swords and go drg/war

with other character the future summoner keep as white mage as blackmage sub and go smn/whm
#10 May 17 2006 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
124 posts
1st of all Welcome to the game and Cerberus Hamsters

I wanted to be a dragoon with one character and a summoner with another(futere plans).
If I were to keep 2 main characters, which ones should I keep?
Which jobs should I choose for my start up jobs?
What about subjobs for these(I am not level 18 yet so subjobs are not an option, but I realise I need to get this sorted early on if I want the most from my characters)?
Any further tips for Newcomers would be gratefully received.

Your best bet here is to lvl you subjobs that will be for these Advance jobs which situate in your future plans. eg. lvl WAR to lvl 30 in order to activate the Dragoon Job quest or WHM to lvl 30 for your summoner. Research on the site to see possible subjob combos for each future job you would more likely on becoming, and lvl them too. I would suggest as someone has stated in one of the above posts, is to only have one main character, to think of having to go through all the quest/missions/levelling all over again on a different character scares me, then again its your choice.

Have fun and give me a shout if you have any problems.
#11 May 17 2006 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
259 posts
Hamsters ~

Just wanted to note one more thing (maybe you already do know this) but a "Main" job is good goal at first but if you pick one character you aren't necessarily locked into only being that job. I have 4 level 75 jobs and will be working on my 5th soon. If you were to ask me what my "Main" job is ~ I'd have to think about it... My first job was Warrior ~ and I will always be warrior ~ but I am also Thief, White Mage and Bard. And since I play Bard so frequently now ~ some would say that it is my main job.

So I guess what I'm trying to say ~ is if you like Dragoon and you like Summoner ~ you can do both with one character. You'll have to focus on one or the other at first ~ if you were to focus on Dragoon ~ work on the subjob that'd most fit Dragoon (which typically is Warrior ~ although solo'ing you may want White Mage (which incidentally you'd have to do for Summoner too).

If I were to recommend a job between those two to you ~ I would recommend Summoner. Summoner has a large role in end-game activities (where as Dragoon you will be sitting on the side-lines cheering your linkshell on but not exactly participating).

Good Luck ~~
#12 May 17 2006 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
Hello Hamster, and welcome to FFXI.

If you're considering SMN or DRG, I really recommend using only one character. These are very different jobs but it's so much easier to do all the quest, missions, limit breaks once. ^-^

SMN's pretty much always sub WHM in xp parties, which is also a great sub for DRGs soloing. If you do those on the same character, you only have to level WHM once.

If you need any help or advice, feel free to send me a PM on here or a tell in-game.
#13 May 17 2006 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
1,072 posts
Back when I first started I too thought that for multiple jobs I would need multiple characters, mainly because of racial traits favoring some jobs over others. But in the long run the race factor is minimal, and I decided to focus all my efforts on a single account with multiple jobs.

The only purpose for multiple accounts now is if you want a character with a different look, or just a "mule" character to send stuff to. Some people that are really into more elaborate roleplaying like a mix of characters too.

(extra characters also cost an extra $1 per month, which isn't much but it's a waste if you start to favor one and neglect the others)

#14 May 17 2006 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent

Thanks for the useful information. I am levelling a WHM now.

Where can I get a polarm from. I looked in the weapons shop but they don't have one.


#15 May 17 2006 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Hello Hamster... ^_^ Good to see new people here. Hopefully you can enjoy the game, and talk to me if you need any help. I will try to make myself helpful.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#16 May 17 2006 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
I didn't realise that you could have multiple jobs with one character.

That has saved me hours of levelling up different characters.
#17 May 17 2006 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
50 posts
Hi Hamster~Welcome Aboard

I have 2 Characters. 1 is Shyann who I started leveling RDM on her.

And than there's Chausie who is my main Character 75 whm 75 ninja and in the process to get her BLM to 75.

Shyann still needs all her COP's and Zilart's done. Guess what?
Shyann is now my mule again because I don't want to ever do Zilart's and COP's again. It's hard and frustrating in finding help and gils for gear and etc for 2 main character's.

You may not realize it now but I'm sure later you will put them all away and just keep one character. SO pick the one you like best. As in model or which town you like best. It will save you gils and time in the game now instead of down the road :D

Edited, Wed May 17 19:26:41 2006 by Chausie
#18 May 17 2006 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
510 posts
Personally, my two favourite jobs happen to be DRG and SMN, but I've levelled so many jobs and only actually got one (DRG) past 40 so far.
Anyway, if you want to play as a DRG and SMN too at one point you will be best off levelling both WAR and WHM, not necessarily at the same time.

Personally, the route I would take would be:

MNK to 18. It's a popular job for parties and in the lower levels, lack of subjob doesn't affect it *too* much. It's a great sub for WAR too if you don't have NIN at your disposal.

At 18 switch to WAR once you got your subjob quest finished. A WAR/MNK is a lot more effective than a WAR without a sub. Take WAR to 30 (to unlock the subjobs) or 37 so it'll never be a gimped sub.

Then you're set until level 60-75 with DRG. Your subs are there, ready at your disposal.

Reason I chose the melee jobs first of all is that a WHM without a sub will find it a little more difficult without the extra MP you'd get from subbing BLM.

For your SMN, the route I took from 10 onwards was BLM/WHM to 20, WHM/BLM to 34 (I got bored. I'll get the last few levels soon. And I got delevelled, so it's now 33) and then SMN for however far you want.

You've picked two fantastic jobs to play. DRG does have it's fair share of people who don't like the job, but just remind yourself that you have a dragon and they don't. DRG is a hefty damage dealer and has some traditional and fun abilities.
SMN is now my main job (but far from my highest). I read through countless forums and websites and became more and more passionate about levelling it more and more. So far I'm at level 27 and I'm yet to find a job more versatile than the SMN. It suits me perfect.

But, hey, this is all *my* advice. Feel free to follow that route if you wish. Remember that ultimately it's your decision, but you must live with the consiquences of them. By that, I mean that you could always be a BLM/WAR if you wanted to. Noone could stop you, but you'd receive very few party invites (if any) and quite a bit of stick for it.

Edit: I forgot that someone mentioned about which race to pick, so I'll garble on a bit more about that too.

First thing's first: Any race can do any job - it's the player's ability that makes them good or not.
A Taru would have a natural advantage over the other races in SMN because of their naturally high MP pool, but a Galka with MP+ equipment could do the job just as efficiently.
On the flipside, if you picked a Taru, you'd have to probably concentrate stats into STR for your DRG because Tarus are naturally "weaker" than the other races.
I chose a Mithra because they look good and I wanted to become the best Thief in Vanadiel. Mithra's naturally high DEX and AGI make them great thieves and that ultimately sealed my decision. But generally, they're all rounders.

A small round up of the races, then?

Galka: Massive vitality and health pool. Little magic points.
Elvaan: Massive strength and high mind. Little magic points (but more than Galka). They also have very high health pools.
Humes: All-rounders.
Mithra: All-rounders that have higher DEX and AGI than the other jobs, but also slightly less in... err... I forget, but it balances up with Humes >.<
Tarutaru: Stupidly high amounts of magic points and very high INT, but the smallest health pool, strength and I believe vitality too.

Edit 2 (sigh): I was reading through some of the above posts and saw that if you're going to level DRG, use a polearm for WAR.
I strongly disagree with this and would recommend you use the best weapons for your current job. WAR, I'd recommend Great Axe (and try to keep your Axe capped too), WHM I'd say use a club. When you unlock DRG, you'll be capping your polearm skill at every level anyway from personal experience.
On every job in my signature the "best" weapon for that job is capped with the exception of WHM and SMN due to the fact that I don't melee with them.
I've never been in a "skill-up" party except to level my regular axes for WAR/NIN.
To use a polearm with a WAR will mean that if you wanted to take WAR post-30/37 then you'd have your best weapons (G.Axe and Axe) uncapped and in need of levelling for weapon skills and better damage.

Edited, Wed May 17 22:00:26 2006 by Unohana
#19 May 17 2006 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
Hi and welcome to Cerberus.

and Tatsuki, way too long of a post, so I didn't read it, and I'll bug you in game :P
#20 May 18 2006 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
284 posts
Edit 2 (sigh): I was reading through some of the above posts and saw that if you're going to level DRG, use a polearm for WAR.
I strongly disagree with this and would recommend you use the best weapons for your current job. WAR, I'd recommend Great Axe (and try to keep your Axe capped too), WHM I'd say use a club. When you unlock DRG, you'll be capping your polearm skill at every level anyway from personal experience.

I strongly agree with this also. You shouldn't have that hard of a time skilling up your polearm while you're on DRG anyways. With all DD (Damage Delaler) jobs you should always have your best weapon skilled up.

There's pleanty of reasons to keep your subs well skilled in the future also. Level cap areas/fights (PT might want/need a WAR for a fight) or perhaps you might have friends lower level than your DRG that want to PT with you. Good to have them ready to use in future situations. The versatility of having various other jobs to use in cases like this will help alot.
#21 May 19 2006 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
419 posts
Welcome to Cerberus!

It takes a special kind of person to level multiple characters with the same dedication you would when only having one. ^.~

It does have its advantages, especially when you have all the tedious BS out of the way.

Besides not having to juggle gear as much (having 3-4 jobs per char), here's my favorite example: Can't find a pt with my THF60 Elvaan in Jeuno/Al Zahbi-- I just switch to my PUP13 Hume (which was parked in the dunes when I logged) and flag up/solo right then and there. No job change or travel needed. My LS loves me ^^

If you need anything, let me know. Check my char names below and hit me up. My Galka and Mithra still need to do missions and of course later Genkais(level limit break quests) and such, but the rest all have G3 and Lv60 obtained thus far. I'd be happy to get some things done right along with you.

Above all, have fun~ See ya around!

#22 May 19 2006 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks very much for the step by step guide.

I have started with a monk, following your advice, in Bastock.

Hopefully I will see you and everyone else who has been posting useful information around and about.

I will be the one getting killed by goblins.


#23 May 19 2006 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
I have just started playing Final Fantasy so thanks to everyone who has been posting in with helpful hints.
I may be a newcomer to Final Fantasy but I know a fair bit about Tai Chi (I am training for a junior instructorship at the moment) so if anyone needs answers to any questions about this I will try my best to answer them.


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