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#1 Apr 10 2006 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
some body help !!! im a lvl 21 warrior / 9 monk i cant seem to lvl up i need advice i have tried the valkums but im only getting 40 with empress band sometimes less. i have tried quifem but my parties always DIE cause i voke and the WHG never heal. i have tried jugner forest but it is hard to survive, please help

P.S i am new to cerberus server (came from beta) so if u see me give me a wave
#2 Apr 10 2006 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
There are so helpful posts for starters in the main forum you can dig. It is hard to answer all your questions here. @_@ Too many things you may need help, and you are not being specific. What do you need to know about the game? Start with the most fundemental basic question you want people to answer -- and people will recieve you alot better.

White Mages that never heal are not White Mages. If you are tanking, you should always not fear to die however. Just do your job, and you will be fine. You do need to pay more attention to your sub-job.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#3 Apr 10 2006 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
2,021 posts
As Ama said, watch your sub job level. Many people will not invite someone that has a "gimped" sub job.

During early levels, MNK is a good subjob for WAR though. I'd just take some time as MNK/WAR and get to 13 or so. This is very easy to solo as a MNK.

I'd also recommend a GAX for your WAR. Great Axe is a very strong weapon for WAR throughout the game.

From what I'm gathering on your post, you've been playing on 360 and are getting migrated? If that's the case, you'll probably start seeing less invites as a tank and more as a damage dealer. This won't always be the case, but a lot of veteran players are aware of the damage potential of a WAR.

Also as Ama said, try the main forums. There are ones specific to each job that could be very beneficial to you.
#4 Apr 10 2006 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
498 posts
Also, remember with three new jobs coming out, Old players will be taking time to level them as well. "Catch the wave" and ride it as long as you can. There won't be many Wars running around so you'll get nabbed up since most will be Puppetmasters, Bluemages and Corsairs.

and yes, keep your Sub up to par, that is big when choosing a player from the endless sea of them.
#5 Apr 10 2006 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
284 posts
#6 Apr 11 2006 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
As a personal recommendation, DO NOT let the mass concept that WAR/NIN kick *** and do WAR/NIN only after 25. WAR/MNK is actually good and does better damage and hate control (if tanking) than WAR/NIN. At 50... you can enhanced dual weild, and that makes WAR/NIN much more powerful. Only use of WAR/NIN before 50 is to use the shadows to reduce damage taken and trade hate tanking. For damage, WAR/NIN before 50 is much weaker than WAR/MNK or WAR/THF (after 30). Can I hear Sneak Attack Sturmwind o.O?

I do not mean WAR/NIN is bad before 50, but.... you should keep your eyes open in what subjob to use. There are other strange job combinations that work well too like NIN/BLM, NIN/THF, BLM/NIN etc... but people just do not use it o.o

Edited, Tue Apr 11 10:06:34 2006 by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#7 Apr 11 2006 at 10:32 AM Rating: Good
792 posts
As a personal recommendation, DO NOT let the mass concept that WAR/NIN kick *** and do WAR/NIN only after 25.

I can attest to this. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't have it ready. As someone who's been leveling the hell out of WAR lately (and having a great time, might I add), I cannot stress how badly you need to have multiple subs ready to go. Rule of thumb on WAR is to have /MNK, /THF, and /NIN fully leveled and geared to go at all times. Post-50 you can worry less about /MNK, your chances of getting invites with the request of /MNK will decline sharply. 50-60, WAR/NIN is, without a doubt, going to be your best, hardest-hitting option, and the setup you'll be invited most as. But keep that Great Axe leveled! At 63, my DoT (damage over time) of my GA has caught that of my Axes. =D

The key to being a good WAR is the ability to be versatile. You'll be asked to DD, tank, and possibly pull and be a SATA partner for a THF. Always be prepared to do this.

I personally have been turning down tanking invites lately. I tanked for 75 levels of PLD, I'm not playing WAR to do it again. <.<; And I know that hurts my leveling time, and kudos to those who are willing to, but I'd rather politely decline and be LFP a little while longer than to be getting XP and hating it. But I would recommend against this in general, especially if you haven't played a tanking class before... you've got to know how to tank. If the **** hits the fan, someone's gotta step up and keep it from turning into a wipe... that someone generally should be the WAR (if the party has one).

/rant on

And when you invite someone to be a WAR tank and they decline, do NOT have two other people in your party then knowingly try to invite them for the same thing! AND when you finally invite them as a DD and they're ON THEIR WAY OUT and you say "oh, we decided we were gonna disband," do NOT act indignant when that same WAR gets angry with you!



/rant off

@.@ Never mind...

Edited, Tue Apr 11 11:42:32 2006 by Speedly
#8 Apr 11 2006 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
To the OP:

Frankly, to begin with, this game is meant to be done as a group for the most part; yes, I mean almost everything. You will want a group for BCNMs, ENMs, Quests (many of them anyways), Missions (most of them), and most especially Experience Points parties.

This is one reason also why some people choose to not play FFXI, because waiting around and organizing groups to accomplish something which can sometimes be very time consuming is not their cup of tea. However, people such as me and many others, find this very gratifying.

Don't try to solo mobs as a WAR21/MNK9. Yes, it can be done, but it really is not worth your time. Plus, the game can get tedious and boring going this route.

As a WAR at your level and all the way until maybe 45 or so, you can tank very effective; and will probably be expected to do so by other party members until level 35. If the WHM isn't healing you in the party, then the 'healer' isn't doing their job. Believe it or not, I had this simple problem when I was leveling WAR those so many years ago. The only thing you can do is keep up with your part though sadly. Just make sure you have up to date gear and you are using adequate food. At your level I'd suggest beetle gear, maybe some courage/stamina rings, and meat mithkabobs. Like Leetfade mentioned earlier, I'd reccommend using Great Axe, though some still others go for the Axe/Shield method.

When invited to a party, you will come across those who won't be too happy about your subjob as what has been mentioned already.

I'm sure even with all the complaints you'll recieve, you could still take your warrior all the way to 30 or even 75 if you have the patience. But to avoid this, I'd suggest taking the time to level your monk, and then subbing it again.

With a better monk subjob, you'll recieve slightly more hit points, slightly more vitality, and increased bonuses all across the line.

Don't let this elitism get you down though, which you will find out about a lot later when playing. Sometimes I have to remind myself that this is a game and not a job. You'll come down to many decisions in this game where you'll have to decide whether you should do this because of this is what is 'popular' or should you do this because of this is more 'fun' and I just think it is better.

Example: Many have digressed the idea that WAR/MNK is NOT a viable tank post-30, that only PLDs, NINs, and WAR/NINs which is completely untrue in my opinion. I have tanked at level 40 as PLD/WAR, WAR/NIN, WAR/MNK, and NIN/WAR.

NIN/WAR was the most effective tank, while WAR/MNK was the second most effective , followed by PLD/WAR and then WAR/NIN.

I'll probably get flamed by someone who actually reads through all of the crapped I've typed, but just like a NIN tank, a WAR/MNK requires more maintenance, different gear, and a slightly different party setup.

Though I hear this changes later, when mobs increase their damage done to the tank.

Now that I've talked more than I probably should. >.>

Have a nice day.

Edited, Tue Apr 11 13:23:59 2006 by Guyfrombastok
#9 Apr 11 2006 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts

<3 Paladin.

And I love tarutaru Paladin. Where is Mogknight :O?
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#10 Apr 11 2006 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
792 posts
NIN/WAR was the most effective tank, while WAR/MNK was the second most effective , followed by PLD/WAR and then WAR/NIN.

Take this with a grain of salt. NIN/WAR is not the -best- tank, in fact, there is no -best- tank. There are, however, situations that suit one type of tank over another.

That, and I'm PLD main... don't get me started on that. <.<;
#11 Apr 11 2006 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
284 posts
Either way keep your MNK leveled up. Even if it doesn't turn out to be your playing style it will be handy to have in the long run.
Also aside from /thf, /mnk will help out in farming alot if your trying to speed farm.

I never see any WAR/MNKs anymore ;_;
#12 Apr 11 2006 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
Take this with a grain of salt. NIN/WAR is not the -best- tank, in fact, there is no -best- tank. There are, however, situations that suit one type of tank over another.

Agreed. There are situations where each tank is better for a suited task. However, at level 40 in crawler's nest with the right party setups, I still believe NIN/WAR is the best tank hands down and so on as I listed there after. I'm not knocking PLD as a good tank because it IS a great tank, its just a matter of effectiveness. I actually held hate better on my WAR/MNK than I did with my PLD/WAR at 40. Now this could just mean that since I leveled my WAR second that I got more FFXI experience and I understood 'hate' better, but I don't believe that was the case. WAR/MNK does surprisingly much more damage, even while keeping up with the normal duties of a tank.

So why do I say NIN/WAR above the rest?

The obvious first answer is the NIN/WAR's ability to negate damage. If the NIN tank sucks though, then this whole debate is pointless. NIN won't keep hate, can't keep shadows up etc.

The second answer is that a NIN/WAR has the capability of outdamaging the rest of the competition with relative ease from Ni Spells which he/she has just recieved, which is almost like causing damage at will.

The third answer is that a 40NIN has the ability to keep consistent hate just as well, and many times actually better.

The fourth answer is that a NIN's enfeebling is off the charts if Ninjutsu skill is capped. You'll have enfeebling land better than a RDMs, which is pretty scary.

So not only do you have a tank that can negate damage, you have a tank that has the capability of spurring out 6 Ni spells in less than 15 seconds. A tank that can cast its own enfeebles that can outdo a RDMs, and a tank that is capable of keeping hate in escalating-like form.

At level 40, in crawler's nest, with the right party setups, NIN is comparatively better than the rest.

I know, I hate it too. Check my sig. I've been a PLD for 3 years. Just a very slow leveler.
#13 Apr 11 2006 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
lol, Ninjajake--did you get all that?

Here's the plan:

1) Lvl sub job

2) Get good gear (this could include farming for the gil)

3) Use good food (the Meat Mithkabobs are perfect for your job/lvl)

4) Take up a craft to kill the time waiting for invites. DDs get invites much slower than mages. You can be boosting your gil making potential in your down time. And it helps to keep the time from dragging so much.

5) Don't get discouraged. This can be a slow moving game sometimes. Perseverence is the key.

6) Keep asking questions. We would rather answer tons of questions than have a player that doesn't know/understand. This includes in-game as well as forums.

7) Take advantage of all the areas, guides, and forums here at Alla. They are lifesavers at times.

8) Good Luck, and welcome to Cerberus :)
#14 Apr 11 2006 at 11:54 PM Rating: Good
792 posts
6) Keep asking questions. We would rather answer tons of questions than have a player that doesn't know/understand. This includes in-game as well as forums.

That is the best one out of all of them. But the most important of all, no matter what:

#15 Apr 12 2006 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
Well said!
#16 Apr 12 2006 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Just one last thing.

3) Use good food (the Meat Mithkabobs are perfect for your job/lvl)

Absolutely if you're taking the DD route. If you're taking the tank route, try boiled/steamed crab. It's good tank food for your level. If you have the gil, I'd recommend keeping both on you so you can handle whichever role is asked of you.
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