I can't believe it. I've been trying for three weeks straight now, but to no avail.
I've been trying to purchase a Cerment Kukuri +1 for three weeks now, and every day I check the Jeuno AH and there are none for sale. I check the price history and it seems I'm always missing the opportunity to purchase one. Someone got there before me and I've missed out.
I'm a 62 THF and I thought that I would make a good investment selling my Darksteel Kukuri +1 for 600k and purchasing a Cerment Kukuri +1 for 300k. That was back in January though. -_-;; Now the Cerment Kukuri +1 is double, and rarely ever up for sale. There was this one time where I could've had it, but I was stupid and thought it would still be there later. ;_; DAMN I WAS STUPID!
So here's my cry for help! You amazingly advanced Alchemists, I would absolutely LOVE you if you could gimme a heads up and call me up first before you stick your Cerment Kukuri +1 on the AH. I could save you the trouble of waiting for the sale and paying the Jeuno taxes by paying up front. I'm desperate here! I have the money, I just can't find it for sale, EVER!
If you don't see me on, send me an e-mail over at raptorix[at]gmail[dot]com, and I'll definately hop online and answer right away.