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Sad story... be aware...Follow

#52 Jan 31 2006 at 4:14 PM Rating: Excellent
498 posts
OK, In America, you are innocent until proven guilty, fortunately players in FFXI don't fall under this law what so ever. FFXI is not a democracy. The fact is, Goltana apologized and everyone knows an apology is an admitance of guilt. I could end my post here and still have completed my point, but no, i enjoy the sight of my own words too much.

No matter the end result, if the LS leader tells you to pass, you had better be passing on the item or inherent risks such as this post. Even if Goltana did have MNK AF PLZ!!!!! in his /seacom the leader said pass. A good and mature player would have passed, reluctantly so, but still passed. The other side of the player is the bad player, the player you can not be sure will follow the rules, follow procedure. Players like that are a high risk end game since they can mess up entire Dynamis runs, HNM fights or enf game quest like CoP missions.

In the end, there really is no fight here. Goltana apologized, said he was wrong but it was too late. The damage is done and most players, esp in end game LSs will not trust them as a player. I have enough difficulty trying to get my end game gear, having to worry about some rogue who might lot is stress I wouldn't need in this game.

I now await your retort.
#53 Jan 31 2006 at 4:40 PM Rating: Default
Innocent until prove guilty isn't just an American law. It is a theory that's lived through the enlightment. I'm sure the same people accusing Goltana would want the whole innocent until proven guilty thing. It's only reasonable and fair to do for all people.

I've already explained why someone, who knows that they are innocent, would admit to guilt. If there's anything that can be done to prove someone's innocence no matter if they admit to it or not it should be done. Just because someone wants to attempt to make peace doesn't mean they should suffer any punishment for a crime they did not commit.

Goltana did pass as he was asked to do so. Reluctantly yes, but he still did it. Miscommunication between the leaders is a reason why Inka didn't get what he wanted. There is no evidence that supports Goltana breaking any rules at all. As far as we know, he did have the AF message in his /seacom, and he did pass. He currently has nothing against him.

If an LS is going to have rules, they should stick to them. There should be no kind of exception. If you say your lotting rules are, level, job, and seacom then that's what it is. You don't include in there your friend was out lotted so you'll ask someone to pass.

Daedstars, it wasn't a joke but I didn't think someone would take the comment as such. I shouldn't have even made it, but that's how this is. Because someone may not like someone or be the best of friends they're not as deserving to equal chance as to someone who is a good friend. A good example of this would be the case of the African-Americans. If the roles were reversed, this post would have never happened because her friend would have benefited.

You would think though that if more then one person was trying to attack someone, their stories would atleast be the same. There's a big difference in "he came out of no where and lotted after everyone was excited" and "he lotted before I could even press the button".

Edited, Tue Jan 31 16:43:09 2006 by GamblingKitty
#54 Jan 31 2006 at 5:14 PM Rating: Excellent
498 posts
I would wagger on the fact that they haven't replied to my questions because the answers would show the jig is up. The jig is already up, but this would further the downward spiral. They said the were "done" with this topic, which was good cause they were just digging themselves deeper with each post. You can reply and I will retort. I am bored at work so, I can go for another hour or so, Choose a new topic though, this one is worn out.
#55 Jan 31 2006 at 5:20 PM Rating: Default
We haven't talked in a long time. Where have you been? ;;
#56 Jan 31 2006 at 5:40 PM Rating: Default
I would like to thank you for posting the screenshots up here that's basically what everyone REALLY wanted to see. But on the real, you're argument would have been better if u didnt post them. You gave peeps the evidence to see that Golt did nothing else wrong besides what he said.

Yes he lotted, and yes, with reluctance, he passed (as verified by a LS member in the screenshot), so from that point of him passing was where HE WAS IN THE CLEAR. Everything that happened after that crucial point in the situation was not his fault. As was stated by "kitty", the following events of that situation was a result of poor miscommunication and an indirect order. But because that order went bad, you are now looking for a scapegoat, and Golt was it...

Whether u feel this would have brought some justice to Inka or to others in LS is for your sick self to judge. But my point is that nothing will much more be accomplished in this thread. Peeps have the evidence to see the real happening and will go about their go-lucky Vanadiel experience. As for Golt's in-game rep, I can say I've talked to many who have read the posts and think that you guys are all out of your mind, and really just straight bitter. Peeps still respect Golt, and all have Golt's back to the fullest. A few players' bitterness out of the thousands now on the server is meaningless. So your struggle to ruin a rep will ultimately fade away, and nobody will care to remember. But this is basically done. Dahl u can respond if u like im at work too bored out my mind so here u go! =P
#57 Jan 31 2006 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
292 posts
Goltana did pass as he was asked to do so. Reluctantly yes, but he still did it.

No he didn't pass when asked to do so. If you were there or had read my post or asked anyone who isn't a liar (Goltana) who was there or even read my picture posts, Goltana passed AFTER he had LOST the AF lot. Only then did he pass. He lost the lot because he told several LS leaders "No" and DV in haste called for a "free lot" to keep Goltana from getting the AF. Please check it.

Tainted, you act as though you have a shred of law background, but since you aren't even out of high school, I doubt you have any. If this had been a court of law, Goltana would have been tried and hung just based on what Inka, Paragon, and I have all corroborated. Which was that he was lotting on money items. Hell, at the very top of the first screen is Inka in all caps saying he lotted items... Did you NOT see that? Hell people have gone to jail for life because 2 people have said that "Yes, so and so did it." Go read a book or watch Court TV or something. Go educate yourself.

If an LS is going to have rules, they should stick to them.

Please see my response with ALL the rules listed. The main one is "Lot money items OR AF". Obviously, you feel that Goltana is above the rules listed Tainted. Again, since you obviously didn't read the previous posts so I will repeat myself AGAIN, this was NOT his first Dynamis run with VF and he knew the rules. Had you been there you would have seen that once he was "caught" lotting on both items and AF and was told to pass on the AF due to the fact that he was lotting on items AND AF his response was, "I will give the items to you then". Maxemus had made an announcement 10+ minutes before to only lot AF or items when he caught him the first time. Goltana shouldn't have been greedy and lotting items and AF plain and simple. He broke the rules and got caught. Plain and simple.

I shouldn't have even made it, but that's how this is.

Pretty much you shouldn't have made any of your responses, but since I hold free speech in high value, you may proceed to further sully your "tainted" reputation. But race had nothing to do with this so I have no clue as to why you even brought it up. If you were trying to accuse me of being racist, I won't even waste my fingers on a response to that.

As I have told several people (some of whom I don't even know) whom I have spoken to about this, had Goltana been the one that this would have happened to, I would have gone to bat on Alla and KI for him too. You don't know me at all. Lying and cheating to me are vile, inexcusable, worthless and lead to nothing but trouble and hurt. Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you I am as fierce a protector to my friends in this game as I am to my friends IRL. As for your morals and beliefs I cannot say as much. I don't have people here on Alla and on KI going to bat for me because I am a liar and a bad person, that’s for damn sure. They are speaking up because they know me and Inka and VF members and know we are good people and that I wouldn't lie about this or anything for that matter.

I do value your candor Tainted, and the fact that you would like "proof" is quite "cute". I know that you have been shed in a "not so bright a light" on Alla and KI and probably feel like you must stand up for people who are winding up on here as you did. Good for you, maybe someday you will actually find your "proof" and help someone out who is being accused wrongly. But sadly, Goltana is not the one. Golt broke the LS rules for Dynamis. Golt went against the LS leaders requests to pass. Golt only passed on the AF after he lost the lot. These are the facts. My incorrectly stating when he casted lot doesn't make these facts go away. Your trying to justify Golt's actions does not make the facts go away either. You weren't there but 54 other people were who did see it. Too bad I didn't get the screen shots, cause you probably would have kept your pie hole shut from the start and done us all a great service.

#58 Jan 31 2006 at 5:47 PM Rating: Default
Yes MNK af was in my search comment "MNK legs Lv72MNK"

No warrior was not the af i was after, just a few runs before i got warrior's calligae with cloud when it double dropped in the dynamis. So me lotting war af would make no sense.

And yeah, i'm not denying what the screenshots show.. I already admitted to lotting then passing. But tell me what that proves besides what I admitted was true. I always go for af2 lots in dynamis.
#59 Jan 31 2006 at 5:51 PM Rating: Default
Also said that it would be best to "go and make an apology on whatever site you're getting flamed on", and that's what I did. Now if alii and Inka dont want an apology, then what is the purpose of the drama?
#60 Jan 31 2006 at 5:58 PM Rating: Default
Your testimony conflicts with another that's given, which you are trying to say doesn't matter. Everyone knows you're just bitter and venting because your friend has **** luck.

I don't have any background in law, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to be able to point out flaws in a statement.

Goltana was never caught actually lotting. Goltana was caught recieving an infinity core. It's a ******* infinity core, they're worth like 2k. It could have dropped during the massive text spam one of your friends talk about and have been completely missed. By chance, fallen into his open invetory slot.

As a matter of fact, Inka's testimony never claims he caught the act of lotting He saw that something from the treasure pool fell into his invetory. He assumed that he had lotted the worthless infinity core. Inka wanted these pants and wanted to eliminate competition for him. Why else would someone get so excited about a fellow monk happening to recieve the core?

Also, it was obvious where Goltana stood. He didn't say he would keep both, he said he would give any money items he may have recieved to the LS leader.

LS leader asked him to pass, and he passed. The fact is he passed.

Sorry, trying to bring up my shady things I may have done in the past are not helping your argument. It's obvious you are twisting this story because you are a bitter, spiteful, *****. You are lying and doing a very poor job of covering it up.
#61 Jan 31 2006 at 6:04 PM Rating: Default
nod <3 Tainted
#62 Jan 31 2006 at 6:18 PM Rating: Excellent
498 posts
I only have 20 minutes until I leave for the Pre-Party to my Birthday party on Thursday so I will only respond to Tainted's request for an answer to my absence.

I have been around, just not as much as normal. I have noticed your lack of presence at Herro's Wall as well. :/ I have just been hoping on a leveling with friends or doing events with IonStorm. Other then that, my evenings are spent watching Sopranoes and drinking with friends. I am not going anywhere but my "need" for FFXI is slowly depreciating thanks to the difficulties in CoP. It just wore me out getting to that place. I am sure my fevor and ffxi will be united again once I run out of Anime seasons and Command & Conquer grows old. When I am around, all you need to do is drop a message, I am always more then happy to chill with you for an evening just to catch up. ^^
#63 Jan 31 2006 at 6:24 PM Rating: Good
292 posts
I would like to thank you for posting the screenshots up here that's basically what everyone REALLY wanted to see. But on the real, you're argument would have been better if u didnt post them. You gave peeps the evidence to see that Golt did nothing else wrong besides what he said.

Yes he lotted, and yes, with reluctance, he passed (as verified by a LS member in the screenshot), so from that point of him passing was where HE WAS IN THE CLEAR. Everything that happened after that crucial point in the situation was not his fault. As was stated by "kitty", the following events of that situation was a result of poor miscommunication and an indirect order. But because that order went bad, you are now looking for a scapegoat, and Golt was it...

Whether u feel this would have brought some justice to Inka or to others in LS is for your sick self to judge. But my point is that nothing will much more be accomplished in this thread. Peeps have the evidence to see the real happening and will go about their go-lucky Vanadiel experience. As for Golt's in-game rep, I can say I've talked to many who have read the posts and think that you guys are all out of your mind, and really just straight bitter. Peeps still respect Golt, and all have Golt's back to the fullest. A few players' bitterness out of the thousands now on the server is meaningless. So your struggle to ruin a rep will ultimately fade away, and nobody will care to remember. But this is basically done. Dahl u can respond if u like im at work too bored out my mind so here u go! =P

I would expect no less than a response such as this from you, Balbanes. You are his "brother" (or Goltana himself, who knows...) and "you" are making another feeble attempt to try and make it look as if he was somehow wronged in this matter. Good try. The readers will do with this as they choose. My goal was not to make Goltana out to be a the scourge of the server. Something like this won't do that. Stealing a Kraken club, gil, or a Haub will though.

However, I love it when people try to blame others who bring what happened out into the open. Goltana was caught lotting items and AF, went against the established LS rules, went against LS leaders, and made a mockery of the whole outing, but somehow I am to blame for posting his wrong doings. I love that. When you are caught and you get busted for doing something wrong, whether it be lying, cheating, whatever, you have no one to blame but YOURSELF. You had the opportunity to do what was right or what was wrong and you chose what was wrong. So don't blame me. Don't blame VF. Don't blame anyone but yourself, Goltana. So Balbanes, don't get it twisted. Your brother did wrong and got busted, don't blame me, blame him. He knew what he was doing the moment he lotted the money item.

This was an in-game occurrance, but I am gonna turn it into a little "life lesson" that sooooo many people never get. So gather round children, time for some learning....

Every day you are faced with decisions and chances to do something right or someting wrong. You have the chance to be honest or you have the chance to lie. When you chooose to lie and you get caught (and you always do get caught - may be immediate, may not be right away, or may be on your day of reconing in front of whomever you worship, but someone always finds out) you still chose to do wrong. So when you are caught, you should man up and accept you ****** up. Don't point fingers at others. Don't try to say that you didn't know what you were doing. You knew the moment you chose to do it.

In this case, your dear brother Goltana put AF in his search comment (wheter it was WAR or MNK is moot) but lotted on money items anyways. He was cheating and got caught. He has no one to blame but himself. He made the concious decision to lot on the infinity core and God know's what all else. When the AF dropped he then lotted on it also. He was asked to pass since he was lotting and receiving money items. He refused. He lost the AF lot and THEN passed on the AF in spite. These are the facts and all who were there saw this. You are going off of what you brother, who had already lied about multiple things in this thread, has told you. And even when we got out of Dynamis he didn't man up and accept that he had done wrong, he instantly blamed Darklvade. Said it was DV's fault the whole thing happened. Then he blamed the LS, VF, saying he deserved the AF because VF had wronged him and was showing Inkababy favoritism. I did not see DV or VF making him lot on both AF and money items. He CHOSE to do that himself. He decided to do this. DV did not make him. VF did not make him. I did not make him. He did this to himself. I am the messenger that shared the tale with others so that they are aware of his shenanigans.

So you may try to place blame on me for telling the tale, you can try to blame VF for... hmmm.... well they didn't do anything wrong... you can try to blame DV for... hmmm... he didn't do anything wrong either. The only person that did wrong was Goltana. Goltana choose to do the wrong thing, he got caught... now he must deal with the consequences of his actions...
#64 Jan 31 2006 at 6:28 PM Rating: Good
292 posts
Goltana was never caught actually lotting. Goltana was caught recieving an infinity core. It's a @#%^ing infinity core, they're worth like 2k. It could have dropped during the massive text spam one of your friends talk about and have been completely missed. By chance, fallen into his open invetory slot.

Since we had guests at the event as well as LS members who weren't going for AF who all were lotting the money items, this would NOT have just "accidentally dropped" to him. Believe me, when any items drop, people are lotting on them INSTANTLY. He HAD to lot. Goltana even admitted he got a drop and said that he would give it back since he won the AF lot. And since only singles free fall, he HAD TO HAVE LOTTED. Please check it.

Edited, Tue Jan 31 18:43:18 2006 by lewbaby
#65 Jan 31 2006 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good
292 posts

Tisk tisk little girl, I am gonna have to call your mommy to ground you for using such language. Maybe even have her wash your DSL'd mouth out.

But yes I am a *****. A "Beautiful woman In Total Control of Herself."

Thank you for such a wonderful comment. Now go back to your rompus room and play with your dollies little girl.

Edited, Tue Jan 31 18:32:14 2006 by lewbaby
#66 Jan 31 2006 at 6:33 PM Rating: Default
You still can't show evidence that he was caught lotting. Someone noticed the item dropping into his invetory and that's that. One random item, especially a single infinity core, does not mean they're lotting money. To further this, why wasn't he caught lotting/recieving any other money item? If he was lotting those, wouldn't someone have visible proof he was doing so? I mean, if you're going to lot on money you don't blow that one shot on a worthless infinity core.

So please, do show me where he lotted this and other money items. It's obvious your fuel is quickly depleting and you will have to eventually let it go and admit you're in the wrong.

;; And Dahl, you can atleast get on AIM lol.

-Wait wait, you're saying your LS leader saw Goltana lot this? I thought Inka informed leaders that Goltana had recieved a money drop. Now you're really making a mess for yourself.

Edited, Tue Jan 31 18:35:09 2006 by GamblingKitty

Goltana was never caught actually lotting. Goltana was caught recieving an infinity core. It's a @#%^ing infinity core, they're worth like 2k. It could have dropped during the massive text spam one of your friends talk about and have been completely missed. By chance, fallen into his open invetory slot.

Since we had guests at the event as well as LS members who weren't going for AF who all were lotting the money items, this would NOT have just "accidentally dropped" to him. Believe me, when any items drop, people are lotting on them INSTANTLY. He HAD to lot. Goltana even admitted he got a drop and said that he would give it back since he won the AF lot. And since only singles free fall, he HAD TO HAVE LOTTED. Please check it.

Edited, Tue Jan 31 18:43:18 2006 by lewbaby

Editing out the bad information you posted only shows you have something to cover.

You lose.

Edited, Tue Jan 31 18:47:51 2006 by GamblingKitty
#67 Jan 31 2006 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
292 posts
Go back to your rompus room and play with your dollies little girl.

Yes, everyone the all wise and knowing Tainted will next be talking to the dead since she feels she the ability to see into the past or things she wasn't even involved in...

So Tainted, you are saying that Inkababy, Paragon, and myself were all in some sort of plot against Goltana to keep him from getting the AF?? Yep you caught us. U r teh sm@rt 1. Here's you aluminum hat too. Wear it well.

This is getting old. I am sick of trying to justify myself when two other people have also back up the story. The facts stand. People do with them as you wish. Ask the people involved if you want further proof. Tainted wasn't even there.

This thread is dead to me. Goltana good luck. Balbanes you too. Tainted... well... whatever. You once again showed your true colors and made an *** of yourself by throwing your two cents into someting you obvioulsy have no knowledge about.

And Tainted, you are the pot calling the kettle black as for "editing" posts. Hummm..... can you even make a post without editing it 2+ times? When you point, three fingers point back at you.

Edited, Tue Jan 31 18:57:23 2006 by lewbaby
#68 Jan 31 2006 at 6:54 PM Rating: Default
little girl? Dont be so hasty to talk Alii. After the dynamis, you were the first one to start the name calling session against me, and acting very childish. Even when i asked both of you wanted me to do, neither you nor DV even asked for an apology to anyone. When I asked Max, thought it would be a good idea to apologize.

I wouldnt be calling anyone a little girl, just yet. you were the first person to accuse me of buying gil after the dynamis., w/o knowing anything. kk
#69 Jan 31 2006 at 7:00 PM Rating: Default
Three people gave a story all with the intent in proving one person was guilty of a crime. Instead of their stories matching, there were many conflicts with sequence of events.

I never said that my you three were plotting something. You're just venting because your friend has **** luck and felt a need to blame someone else for that.

It's really low to drag someone else's name through the ground because you're upset at them for out lotting you or your friend. I think that says a lot about your character.

It's dead to you because you lost. You made your mistakes and are unable to recover from them. Let this be a lesson to you that liars always get caught.

I haven't made an *** out of myself. It wasn't just my two cents either. It was taking the information given to me through this thread and creating a fair and logical judgement. And I think my violet owns your yellow belly.

Oh, and my edits were made because I saw something I knew 100% I spelled wrong the first time around. The edit I point out is hinting that you had to delete a statement you made that conflicts with other parts of your story. I should go back and bold the edit time for the post I quoted so we can compare it to the time of other posts made after.

Edited, Tue Jan 31 19:02:46 2006 by GamblingKitty
#70 Jan 31 2006 at 7:03 PM Rating: Good
292 posts
In the immortal words of Tainted, "Prove it" or "I wanna see proof" show us some proof Golt...

And as for the gil buying, why are you throwing that up in these public forums? I havn't said a word about that. I kept it to the event at hand. Although if you want to put yourself in that light as well, you said you did it and that back up gil buyers in the LS chat. It's total heresay on this forum and KI, but funny how Kirip (who hates gil buying/buyers) also recalls seeing that in LS chat and posted his reply to that on KI to this same thread there? Tisk tisk...
#71 Jan 31 2006 at 7:03 PM Rating: Excellent
792 posts
I come back after four hours and this thread has degraded THAT fast?

I'm applying to get this locked. This isn't even about the situation anymore. This is a GD pissing contest now.

Have a nice day. Sorry, Alli.

Edited, Tue Jan 31 19:10:15 2006 by Speedly
#72 Jan 31 2006 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
In a court you wouldnt say your sorry for doing something you didnt do.
#73 Jan 31 2006 at 7:22 PM Rating: Default
Plea bargain - A plea bargain is an agreement in a criminal case in which a prosecutor and a defendant arrange to settle the case against the defendant. The defendant agrees to plead guilty or no contest (and often allocute) in exchange for some concession from the prosecutor. This concession can include reducing the original charge or charges, dismissing some of the charges against the defendant or limiting the punishment a court can impose on the defendant. ...

Edited, Tue Jan 31 19:23:56 2006 by GamblingKitty
#74 Jan 31 2006 at 9:03 PM Rating: Default
Why would someone say sorry to something they didn't do?

- To make peace
- To establish that, even though events did happen, it is in the past and that it has been forgotten.
Just like how this useless thread will be forgotten, because its not even about the dynamis anymore. And yes, I have heard of events where suspects in a case pled guilty on charges they hadn't committed, to lighten the load on themselves and to move on.

Whatever was done has already been 'did'and can't be 'undid'. Nuff said.
#75 Jan 31 2006 at 11:28 PM Rating: Default
1) You say there is no evidence he didnt do anything wrong. So why would he say hes sorry if he didnt do anything wrong.

2) You guys argue about them having no proof, You guys have no proof he didnt do anything wrong.

3) To say your sorry about something you did not do is degrading to yourself, if you did nothing wrong you should have nothing to be ashamed of and shouldnt have to say your sorry. But maybe some people have less pride.

4) He didnt listen to the leader right away when the leader told him to pass, shows lack in dedication and respect to his linkshell members.

5) Topic might as well be dropped. No matter what you say I will disagree no matter what I say you will disagree, The topic isnt even about the same crap now its just a wanna be court trail.
I have no hate for anyone, I dont hate the people disagreing with me and I dont hate golt. Justputting in my 2 cents like you guys.

Edited, Tue Jan 31 23:34:51 2006 by RiseAgainstXhrta
#76 Jan 31 2006 at 11:51 PM Rating: Excellent
498 posts
I Have been on AOL but you never talk until you are heading to bed, lol. I am gonna log in now but I am "Shleepies" so maybe you'll see me, maybe you won't. :P
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