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Sad story... be aware...Follow

#27 Jan 30 2006 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
part 2....sorry i didnt know how much space i had....

So we finish Dynamis, I of course am upset that i didnt get the drop...i was upset for a while...before i went to bed i sent Goltana a /tell just to say Good night...he did apologize and said hed make it up to me... he did send me a stack of carbonara yesterday but i sent it back, not because im an *** or anything i just dont think he had to do that...
Its a new day and i know there will be other chances for drops... Being a man also, i can admit that sometimes we dont think clearly BUT he was given the chance to make it right, a chance he did not take.
I have posted mi side of the story and take it as you will... But it was still a lost opportunity, for the item and more importantly a win in Dynamis-Sandoria for VanadielsFinest.
#28 Jan 30 2006 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not trying to be a ****, Just making it easier to read and it will make other people read your post more also.

My bad I didnt read it all I scanned threw some thing and others. But you know there comes times when you have to see that only because they are your friend or brother doesn't mean they can't do anything wrong.

People change when it comes to end game gill/items, They let greed come in their way.
#29 Jan 30 2006 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
Sad story indeed... However, Alii only posted "enough info" on this thread to point all fingers in my direction and brand me as a greedy person. Lemme clear up these unclear spots...
First of all, I was lotting MNK af. it said so in my comment. Not warrior af. I have warrior's calligae in my inventory. Ask cloud or Max.
Also, I was the first to lot on MNK af when it did drop, so alii's comment about "coming out of no where" is irrelevant.
And to add to that, I didnt receive any MNK AF for the record.
Alii also failed to mention that the sackholder Darkvlade mentioned in LS chat "FREE LOT ON MNK AF", after I refused to pass on MNK drop. everyone starts lotting and Limbripper, beats my lot. Im speaking to Max in tell during this time, and then he's urges me to pass, sincerely. So I did, passed on MNK af, im done, no more issues right? No. Due to Darkvlade's sudden comment about free lotting, other ppl had higher lots than Me and Inka. So even when I did pass on the AF, it dropped to the BST, Limbripper. I was asked to pass.... I refused. But eventually, Max got to me, and I did pass on MNK af. DV's comment to free lot made the situation that much worse, even if his intention was to stop me from getting AF. He did stop me, in fact the BST got the AF and did not pass after I did. So because Darkvlade announced free lot on MNK af and didnt even consult his LS leader about it, It went to another person. I had figured that the situation was done when I passed. People in the Linkshell said "he did pass", but do to unclear orders from a Sackholder, a happy BST can enjoy his MNK AF.
So I do admit refusing to pass on MNK af at first. But, during the commotion, I did, to get over all the shouting and *************

As far as LS hopping is concered, thats ********* The LS i'm in atm is currently a new LS, so what would I be hopping on there to get if nothing has already been established? I was "removed " from VF by DV, asked to leave. That I did.
Now when i spoke to max about this in tells, he had a completely different opinion on it. He said he didnt want to remove me from LS, "I didnt say anything about that man" is what he told me. So LS hopping? No i left VF, I was asked to. I was invited to the new LS by chipper & atreyu, via my brother's suggestion. So, who is to be the judge if this is LS hopping? Its not like VF has loaded me with any gear or anything I would desperately need. Simply leaving a Linkshell and joining another one to be with friends is not a crime. Mateo, Cloud, Balb, Balderach, etc all ppl in the new LS that I knew and are friends with.
As far as your claim on LS hopping goes, its ******** and very unverifiable.
As far as trying to ruin Golt's rep by lotting on AF (then passing anyways and blowing up about it because your sackholder made an unruly decision without thinking about the consequences), it hardly constitutes an alla/KI post. Its been done before. Alli and DV arent upset about what happened, they are bitter and trying to ruin my rep. Ask Maxemus, the leader of VF what he thinks about this. Why hasnt he had a say in this mess if its such a big deal? It should be over, but the 2 people in VF are dedicated to ruin my stay on Cerberus, by not telling the whole truth and not being specific in what they say.

#30 Jan 30 2006 at 4:18 PM Rating: Excellent
498 posts
I admire that you came to speak on your own behalf even though you switched from 1st to 3rd person several times O_o.

A couple question for you though.

Did you know the rules for lotting in VF? (I am not even a full time member and I still know them)

Did you lot the Infinity Core? (Doesn't matter if you won it or not)

In the end, no matter what the outcome was, the issue is surrounding you. Not DV, not the OP and certainly not the rest of the LS. In the end (I know this can sound bad) Example: If everyone and their mothers said that the Mnk AF was yours and Maxemus said to pass it to some random noob (which he would never say or do). The AF should be passed without question and all other discussions held until after the event. I have seen friends turn on themselves over mislots and greed lots. This is going to just be another notch on the bedpost Vanadiel, one which YOU, Goltana, can only hope doesn't ruin your rep as bad as the others have.
#31 Jan 30 2006 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
I'm doing well Mateo. =)

Money drop. He had to have lotted and won since the only money items that are not lotted on are the singles(those are allowed to drop and STILL be eligible to lot on AF if its in your comment) trying to keep things to the point in the space that is given. =)

Edited, Mon Jan 30 16:35:11 2006 by inkababy

Edited, Mon Jan 30 16:47:01 2006 by inkababy
#32 Jan 30 2006 at 4:35 PM Rating: Default
Dahlgren wrote:
Did you know the rules for lotting in VF? (I am not even a full time member and I still know them)

If this is the case Dahl... Stop co-signing on an issue like this! Honestly, posts like yours are just what was meant to be intended... a hoped-for hurt rep and nonsense questions that wont benefit if u were giving the knowlege. Why does Golt have to answer to u? If he puts in an application for your LS, then u can take him to court. Other than that, stop cosigning and please remain seated in the audience. No gavel, no judge... real talk
#33 Jan 30 2006 at 4:46 PM Rating: Default
Thanks Balb, I got this tho...
I have spoken to Max about 15min ago. I'm concerned about what needs to be done. I'm not here to win an arguement, or to prove anyone wrong. Yes I'm defending myself, but it seems to me its more than the facts about what happened. I'm interested in what Alii really wants out of this battle with words. If its an apology, to the LS, to Inkababy, to maxemus, and to the guests who occupied toe dynamis on this date, well then....

With all the facts in mind, I do apologize for my actions in the dynamis, against lotting, disobeying orders, bickering, etc. I am sorry Inkababy for the drop. Even if i eventually passed it, I wont try to cover up for my mistakes. I am sorry Inkababy for this situation and hopefully I can make it up to you in game whatever means possible. VanadielsFinest... I apologize to every person who is part of that LS and who was in that dynamis at the time. Greed wasnt a motivation, as I have already stated before. I do not appreciate the brands of "selfish and greed", as these are opinions. But aside from the comments and alligations against me, I do apologize for whatever problems I have caused to the LS and the guests.

If You dont want an apology to what happened, and for my actions and the lotting mishap, then I dont know what you want, besides to ruin my rep. If this apology is nothing to you, then it doesnt matter what I say, for you would be one-sided in this anyways. I am sorry for what happened, to INka, VF, Max, and the guests. But I never once added my own personal opinion to any of the facts just to prove a point so people would think differently about me.

So, {What's the battle plan?}
#34 Jan 30 2006 at 4:49 PM Rating: Excellent
498 posts
I dislike having to stoop to this level but:

.:Linkshell:. LionWar (Shoutz Yooooo!), {Mijin Gakure}, BestienMeister <3 BST

Your own Advice: You can have this.

By not being a full time member means I am a part time member and have been for about a year since I had my own LS to be with. Brother or not, don't give advice you aren't listening to yourself.

Wow, I haven't been this vocal in month or so. I kinda like it. ^^
#35 Jan 30 2006 at 4:49 PM Rating: Default
I have to agree with Dahlgren all the way.

In the end who ever did wrong, it still comes down to it that you didnt listen to the ls leader.

Another thing that kind of has me laughing, You act like this was the only time you did dynamis, I mean if mnk af2 dropped once, I'm pretty sure it can drop again.

Once again it goes back to greed, I've seen people in my ls who joined after me get god gears before me, but I know we do gods weekly and there is a chance next week also.

Yeah you came on here to show your side of the story. You had alot of different point of views to your story, But once again,
you failed to pass when ls leader asked you to.

People should note that if its creating alot of drama in the ls atm at a place that doesnt need more panics and drama (Such as dynamis) you would have passed right away to prevent the drama and go on with the win and deal with the problem at a meeting with the sackholders and leader of the ls.
#36 Jan 30 2006 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
As a former VF member, I can say that there have been miscommunications in the past and there's a lot of willy-nilly decisions that are made.

Drops from HNM like Genbu are determined in sackholder meetings which tends to randomly change on a seemingly day to day basis in which non-sackmembers have absolutely no say, nor input to.

I'd also like to shed a little light on a previous VF event, if my memory serves me right... On a bomb queen run, on Goltana's pop there was a heavy duty miscommunication. Avengers dropped and multiple monks lotted despite it being goltana's pop. I could be wrong on whether it was Golt's pop, but I know the person that popped it, did not get the Avengers.

I wouldn't exactly being hanging any one individual out to dry on this one.
#37 Jan 30 2006 at 8:01 PM Rating: Default
Yeah it's easy to say it was the leaders fualt here. But life has rules, those rules act as guide line.

Growing up you listen to your parents, that teaches you to listen to your teachers when you get in school. The teachers teach you to listen to your professors or bosses at collage and jobs, Professors and bosses teach you how to be a leader and how to work your way up in life. Follow the foundation of these rules and you will be on top teaching people how to clime the chain one day.

This works for ls's as well, you follow the leader, even if you don't agree with the rule/comman, if you don't. Expect people to kick you out of the linkshell and post topics about you.
#38 Jan 31 2006 at 2:37 AM Rating: Default
From what I read, Goltana did pass the pants. It just took some time to convince him. With that being the case, the fault here is one of miscommunication.

Also, just because someone recieves some kind of money item doesn't mean they lotted it. It was an infinity core..I know that when I lot money I don't even bother lotting those. They're just a waste of space. Until you can bring proof that he actually lotted it, it fails as evidence.

Well, you lack evidence for a lot of crap. You have no way of proving your story fact or fiction. I know Goltana, and I know what he wants. I also have a good idea on how he thinks. I really doubt he lotted on those pants with out his comment saying such.

mnk pants aren't even that good anyway. They're purple and that's about it. Also, it was very mature of him to say sorry for something that wasn't even really his fault. I think you should do the same for starting this bull.

You're only trying to vent because your friend didn't win a lot. Deal with it, it happens.

Edited, Tue Jan 31 02:39:24 2006 by GamblingKitty
#39 Jan 31 2006 at 4:40 AM Rating: Good
Let me get this straight, you are saying the person who made this topic lacks facts that he lotted the af.

Wheres your facts.

Let me show you something btw.

Topic maker "The LS leader, Maxemus, asked Goltana 3 times to pass on the AF."

Golt "I refused to pass on MNK drop. everyone starts lotting and Limbripper, beats my lot"

You "I really doubt he lotted on those pants with out his comment saying such."

Golt "I do apologize for my actions in the dynamis, against lotting, disobeying orders."

Not saying golt is a bad guy, just saying he did wrong and by you guys defending him helps nothing.

#40 Jan 31 2006 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
292 posts
Here are 4 pics that Paragon had taken, they don't show all of the drama, not the drama that happened afterwards, nor any of the convo's that took place in /tell or /say, but these are just a snippet of everyone telling Goltana to pass, and then him passing once he lost the lot. Also of him being asked to leave the LS and him wondering "why"...

Again, to those who question if this is true or not, there are 3 people on here saying it is THAT WERE THERE (including INka himself), and plenty more you can ask in game that are VF members.

I am done dealing with this. Goltana knows what he did was wrong, and now has to deal with the consequences of his actions. I hope this at least let him know that there are real people behind their characters and they were hurt. Sending gifts after the fact is just a half hearted jestures now. Maybe you could send VF half a mil so that they can host another Dynamis run and maybe Inka can get the drop and VF can get the win. Maybe you can learn from this and act properly in game and in your new LS. Maybe you will become a nicer and honest person in game. Looks like you are "trying" already. Although appologizing because it's what you think "Alii wanted", made that a hollow jesture as well.

Good luck to you and please treat your next LS with more respect.

Edited, Tue Jan 31 13:04:02 2006 by lewbaby
#41REDACTED, Posted: Jan 31 2006 at 1:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Your screen shots still prove nothing besides the fact that he did indeed lot and eventually passed. You still fail to show any form of proof of what was in his search comment, and if he lotted infinity core or not.
#42 Jan 31 2006 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
292 posts
LOL Tainted....

So the two other people that psted that he was lotting on money drops means nothing.... one of which is Inkababy himself. Reread the whole thread little girl. You're the one who's looking like the one who hasn't a clue now.

I refuse to have a battle of with with an unarmed person. Good bye.
#43 Jan 31 2006 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
792 posts
You dipsh*t, the only reason the LS would scream "FREE LOT ON THE PANTS" is to get them away from someone who didn't deserve them. It's a if-the-rightful-owner-can't-have-them-then-no-one-will kind of thing. Is it kinda dumb? Yeah. But does it work? More than likely.

You weren't there. You can't say ANYTHING to the contrary. I know you don't know her, Tainted, but Alii is not one to take lightly. Were YOU in Dynamis with our group that night? No? Then I'd say that you have no room to pass judgment on her. When a person is beyond angry, the last thing they think about is taking the screenshot. Have you ever been on a Dynamis run? They only had a short time to take care of the situation before the pants fell. And, there is a ridiculous amount of log spam, even with all the unnecessary information filtered. So, she's lucky someone got the screenshots at all before they disappeared into oblivion.

She gave what proof she had amidst all the chaos. If that's not enough for you to believe, fine. You can believe what you want, and you are more than welcome to express your views to the contrary in a civil manner. But you will NOT slander my good friend's name just because you felt like being a b*tch.

I, like Alii, am done with this thread. Good day.
#44 Jan 31 2006 at 2:36 PM Rating: Default
Right, it is still your word against his. You have yet to bring actual proof to the table to have any merit to your story at all.

This whole situation reminds me of the movie My Cousin Vinny. You guys should watch it maybe then you'd understand why your testimony can't be taken seriously.

I wasn't there, but a judge and jury aren't there for most crimes either. Yet they are the ones to still decide whether someone is innocent or guilty. They do that by reviewing the evidence presented to them. At this point, YOU HAVE NONE.

To answer your question about me, yes I have been to plenty of dynamis runs. I know the amount of time it takes for **** to drop. Apparently, there was enough time to convince Goltana to pass the pants before they dropped. He passed them to avoid further drama. Darkvlade made the problem escalate to a "sad story".

And who is to say he didn't deserve them? Since his story has proven to be 130% more accurate than hers, it is fair to assume that he did have mnk AF in his seacom. He has the level and job requirements for the pants. He deserved them just as much as anyone else who met them. Please get rid of your retarded bias because it's not helping your argument at all.

The so called incriminating evidence she presented can not support the case. So you get nothing. You lose. Good day sir.

Kind of sad you got beat by an unarmed person, but asuran fists is np.

Edited, Tue Jan 31 14:37:02 2006 by GamblingKitty
#45 Jan 31 2006 at 2:46 PM Rating: Default
Golt "I do apologize for my actions in the dynamis, against lotting, disobeying orders."

Why would some one say that if they did nothing wrong?
You act like you were there. You ask for proof, you get some screen shots, Ya they arnt very detailed but still show more proof then what you have.

Edited, Tue Jan 31 14:47:31 2006 by RiseAgainstXhrta
#46 Jan 31 2006 at 2:57 PM Rating: Default
The proof I have is typed directly in these posts. She can not prove what was in his seacom nor prove if he even lotted any money items. Until you get a screenshot of "Gotlana lots xitem" then the argument fails.

Why apologize for something you didn't even want to do? Same reason why someone who may have been innocent would say they're guilty and regret their actions. If it looks like it is near impossible to actually prove your innocence because of what's stacked against you, then it'd be best to try and soften the impact.

His apology is nothing more then that. He didn't do anything wrong, and had no need to say he was sorry. Though in an attempt to try and maintain any form of respect and friendships he had he is going to swallow his pride and hope his punishment isn't so severe.

"I'm sorry that because of some punks in this LS, the events for the night have been ruined. Because this drama is centered around my innocent actions, I shall be a man and take responsibility for this bull. Hopefully some of you will believe in me, but there is no point in pushing when I can not change the skewed views of the ones whom perscute me." Is how I take his apology.

She gave us screen shots that did not prove that him lotting was wrong. She gave us screenshots that he lotted. We established that he did that, and no one denied it. Her 'evidence' does not support her argument at all.

Edited, Tue Jan 31 15:00:45 2006 by GamblingKitty
#47 Jan 31 2006 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
And let me ask you again. Were you there? Do you have proof his /seacom said mnk af?
#48 Jan 31 2006 at 3:53 PM Rating: Default
I'm not the one trying to prove him guilty.

Innocent until proven guilty is how the justice system works where he and most likely 90% of us live.

You fail at trying to turn the argument against me with the clause "were you there?"

It's amusing how once challenged, you all fall apart and try to claw for things to support your case. The reality is, there is nothing here to say that his side of the story was inaccurate in any way.

Which would lead to the case that he was not in the wrong for lotting the AF. That if he lotted the infinity core, that's what everyone should be upset about. Though, this is just a person trying to drag someone in deep because their friend has **** luck.
#49 Jan 31 2006 at 4:00 PM Rating: Default
I'm not trying to put **** on you and I'm not being challanged, I dont know either you or him and I can careless what happens.

But all I see you doing is talking about "what proof" but yet I dont see you have any proof either.
#50 Jan 31 2006 at 4:10 PM Rating: Default
I've pointed out my proof. It's not my problem if you accept it or not. My argument is based completely on the story that has been told, and currently Goltana has the better one. My proof is the weakness and flaws of the prosecution.
#51 Jan 31 2006 at 4:10 PM Rating: Excellent

What you are doing is wrong. You're trying to create dirt on an innocent person. Is it because he's an African-American? I'm leaning to calling you a racist. I'm sure if the roles were switched, your friend who most likely isn't African-American would not be harassed so. He would have been deserving of the pants and it wouldn't be considered stealing. Lowest of the low.

I'm having a hard time deciding if I'm feeling disgust or pity towards you, Tainted.

Maybe you were just joking...

Edited, Tue Jan 31 16:12:33 2006 by Daedstars
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