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Sad story... be aware...Follow

#1 Jan 29 2006 at 3:22 PM Rating: Excellent
292 posts
Well, my ls, VanadielsFinest tried another run at Dynamis-Sandy last night and did pretty well. However, we weren't getting jack for AF or weapon drops. But I was hoping for the win, as were many others, so the AF/weapons would have just been a bonus. This run was one of the best showings we have had for Dynamis and everyone was so excited!

We had made it to the chocobo stables when we finally got an AF drop!! The MNK piece! We have several Monks in our LS, the two main ones are Halflin and Inkababy, who have both been in VF longer then I have (1 year +) and are both two of the nicest people you will meet in game. Well, they both casted lots on the AF piece.

Like all other Dynamis groups, we have the same rule of either lot AF or money drops, which has been the rule ever since we started doing Dynamis runs and it is announced at the beginning of every Dynamis run. They also are both of level to wear.

Inkababy took the highest lot and was going to get the drop and he was ecstatic!! We started to congratulate him when out of nowhere, Goltana, who has been in our LS for a while, suddenly lots and takes it.

The LS leader, Maxemus, asked Goltana 3 times to pass on the AF, and he blatantly, and in front of the LS as well as quite a few guests, told him "No". The whole LS reacted and various members told him to pass. I even had several guests send me /tells saying that was one of the most selfish things they have seen anyone do. Well, after he refused to pass again and again, stating various reasons why he "deserved it" (even though last week he got one of the 2 WAR AF drops…), Darkvlade told everyone to "free lot" so that hopefully Goltana would NOT receive the piece. All LS people that hadn't passed lotted and another LS mate took the piece. Once this happened, Goltana - unannounced - passed and the item dropped to the person with the highest lot who, sadly, did not need it.


Inkababy was crushed.

The person who got the drop felt horrible.

Then we spent another 5 very needed minutes arguing with Goltana and asking him why he did this. Probably all total, 10+ minutes was wasted due to his greed and selfishness. And guess what? We ran out of time when we got to the Boss...

Afterwards, Goltana was the first to cast blame everywhere but where it needed to be. He blamed the LS, he blamed Darkvlade, hell he practically blamed the kitchen sink, but felt that he was innocent and had been wronged by VF. Then out came the truth. He didn't care what he did, he admitted that he was in several HNMls's and getting drops with all of them, asking them all for help, and taking advantage of many people and said that we were all suckers and stupid because we didn’t know. He did not only call VF suckers and stupid, but all the HNMls's he's in. Nice... real nice....

Deal with this information however you choose.

I am a firm hater of LS hoppers, and even a bigger hater of people who are liars, are greedy, and deliberately hurt other people. He claims that the people in this game "don't matter", but he has forgotten that although he only sees the pixels on the screen, there are real people behind them who have worked hard in the game and have real feelings. Last night, he ruined the good Dynamis run, lost Inka his AF, made another LS mate feel horrible for getting the drop, embarrassed the people who had invited guests, and pretty much slapped Maxemus and all the sackholders in the face as the leaders of VF.

#2 Jan 29 2006 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
792 posts
I know it's easy to say things after-the-fact (as I know well that people don't think very clearly when red with rage), but you should have just kicked him from the party before the drop (if there was even time). I was unable to make the Dynamis-San d'Oria (work again, which is a major reason I rarely make ANY LS event -.-), so I don't know the -exact- circumstances. But it's too bad the mobs in Dynamis don't repop. He would have had fun trying to get back to the Trail Markings. =3

I'm sorry to hear about this, Alii, my friend. I only caught the tail end of it from Zion as I logged on after work. I feel really bad for Inka (such a great person ^^) and I really hope that another AF piece drops for him on the first kill of the next run. I'd even consider making it so that, going in, everyone knows: Inka gets the first MNK AF2 drop, period.

/comfort Inkababy & Aliiyah. I'm sorry, my friends.
#3 Jan 29 2006 at 4:24 PM Rating: Excellent
292 posts
/hug Speed ^^

I asked Max about booting him from LS/party too, but wasn't sure if he would loose the drop or not... would he have? Does anyone know for sure? It would make problems like this obsolete in the future...

Yeah we are gonna try and get Inka some boots he wants this week, and hopefully get another MNK drop for him (and Half, too!). It was such a bummer... but we will prolly get the win next time we try Dynamis-Sandy... so hopefully you can make it!! ^^

Would love for you to come more Speed! We need your PLDness hehehehe! <3 See you in game hon! ^^
#4 Jan 29 2006 at 8:35 PM Rating: Good
65 posts
but you should have just kicked him from the party before the drop (if there was even time).

When it comes to dynamis it doesn't matter if you're in pt/alliance, even if the person is alone they can lot. you'd have to D2 the person so they wouldn't get the drop.
#5 Jan 29 2006 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
I think your LS need more clear rule of AF2 lotting. If anyone has chosen a specific AF2 to lot (if he is qualified to according to LS rules) then he should have right to lot, regardless of "seniority" of LS. If you do not trust that person to begin with, he should not be allowed to enter to begin with.

Once someone is allowed to choose a specific AF2 to lot and it drops... it is fair game to lot. What is bad is that person lotted it even without choosing that AF2... In that case that person should be kicked from LS or D2ed.

Dynamis runs need rules. Period. It is a neccessary evil. There are no better ways to resolve drama than that. Rules set the standard what is right or wrong. Having unprecise rules or complain rules after rules ruled against you are both very bad.

To people who complain about rules, or find loop holes in rules or make excuses to justify a break of rules. You suck. Jump off the cliff in South Gusterbug. Do not pass Go. Bye Bye.

Edited, Sun Jan 29 23:08:17 2006 by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#6 Jan 29 2006 at 11:36 PM Rating: Good
292 posts
That is how our process is Ama ^^... he had WAR AF in hs search comment for his want from this Dynamis. However, he was lotting money items and was warned about this by Maxemus early in the Dynamis run. Then out of the blue he lots on MNK.... not only was he wanting to lot WAR AF, he had gotten money drops and then still lotted on MNK AF.

Also, this was NOT his first dynamis with us. He's been in the LS for 6+ months. The Dynamis rules are announced before we even enter, they are posted on our LS website, and he flat out already knew the rules from having gone with us before. He blatently lotted to be an ***.
#7 Jan 29 2006 at 11:38 PM Rating: Excellent
498 posts
Inka is one of the coolest people I met in the game, sucks this happen to them and VF. I don't know how your party setups are in dynamis but Goltana should have been D2'd immeadiately. VF has been working too hard at getting through Dynamis's to have some dude ruin it for the entire LS. Glad to know I will be able to keep him out of one end game LS and I am sure others will pick up the banner.
#8 Jan 30 2006 at 12:57 AM Rating: Default
1,309 posts
I would like to hear the proof of this from Inka before I believe anything. Inka is a really nice guy but so is Goltana, today was my brother's birthday, Goltana went out of his way to help Espionis do the Royal Jelly BC all day so he could get utsusemi Ni for his Nin.

I was talking to Goltana earlier tonight after Espionis went to sleep and Goltana told me he was doing a few BCNM runs to get the gil to buy the scroll for him. I bought the scroll though and when I logged to come on to my computer Goltana was doing some BCNM runs to get gil for my brother's birthday gift. Not too long ago, an LS they were in, maybe it VF?, was doing an Ohat run and Goltana logged in as Espionis, played as him, and even got him an optical hat because of all the items, Espio wanted an O-hat more than anything and Goltana got it for him like a true friend, wanting nothing in return.

If Inka says that Goltana indeed did that lot than I will believe it, we all get greedy at times, I won't deny that, if he lotted on a piece of relic armor and Inkababy confirms it, alright I will believe it then, however since we only have your hearsay to go on, I am not convinced about him saying he LS hops. That would be foolish, why would he admit out loud for everyone to hear that he hops LS's? That would totally ruin his reputation and would stop him from getting in to any HNMLS at all.

My point is though, alright your angry that he lotted on an af2, ok, let's be honest, he's not the first (and certainly not the last) person to do that. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because he's proven his integrity to me many times, so until I have proof of otherwise with my own eyes, I won't idly sit by and allow you to ruin his reputation.
#9 Jan 30 2006 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
792 posts
I do understand your point of view (hell, I've taken it on one of the recently-necrobumped threads), but I can wholeheartedly assure you, Aliiyah is not one to lie. I've never seen anything but complete caring, honesty, and compassion for others from her.

But, like I said, I do understand your point of view, and it's your right to have it, of course. =3
#10 Jan 30 2006 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
So what if they are a great person, They went against LS leaders wishes and screwed over his ls mates.

I would advice you to keep track of what ls's your ls mates are in and if you see them in other HNMls's or notice they show up for events that benifits them and nothing else. Simply kick them.

Sorry to hear you guys lost, And sorry to hear you lost on the AF also. I hope you guys will get back up as a ls and don't let somethig childish like that ruin your moral(sp?) in the ls.
#11 Jan 30 2006 at 6:13 AM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
Most Dynamis group goes by first time, no AF2 lotting rule -- or something similar to that. After that "trial period", it is who choose that AF2 that person has the right to lot in a Dynamis raid regardless of seniority. I usually nice to pass on AF2 that I do not need or use at that time, but to be denial of the right to lot simply based on the seniority can be quite unfair. Or you can work on a point system in lotting, but not sure if any Cerberus LS actually do that right now for Dynamis.

Maxemus is a good friend of mine. And your LS is quite new for end game, so this is best to take as a learning curve.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#12 Jan 30 2006 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
The way our ls works no matter what drops ****** or good, No sackholder passes untill everyone else has exept the people who gets to lot on it.

If people refuse to pass we kick them out of the alliance or simply d2 them.

Could help you guys out abit, Hard to find trusting people when your new to end game.

Edited, Mon Jan 30 07:58:43 2006 by RiseAgainstXhrta
#13 Jan 30 2006 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
893 posts
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because he's proven his integrity to me many times, so until I have proof of otherwise with my own eyes, I won't idly sit by and allow you to ruin his reputation.

I was there, saw it, testifying to it, have the screenshots of it. You can believe it or not, it is really a moot point.

The POINT is: you KNOW the rules, you DON'T follow the rules, you SUFFER the consequences.

If that suffering involves reputation, then so be it.

Alii was simply stating facts, which can easily be proven. But, since you are giving the "benefit of the doubt"; I expect that you are going to post in this thread after you have talked to Inka?

I wait expectantly to hear everyone's further comments on this matter.

#14 Jan 30 2006 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
I actually do agree with Mateo that my brief experience with Goltana has been pretty good. I just think this whole blunder could have been avoided with better pre-planing (sorry I repeated this the 3rd time -.-).

If Maxemus wants some input about how to run a Dynamis lotting system, he could probably ask some more senior members in the game and see what they do. And use that as a reference to build his own Dynamis runs. I saw on KI that Banigaru said something about this, and Bani can be quite a nice useful person to talk about such things.


The POINT is: you KNOW the rules, you DON'T follow the rules, you SUFFER the consequences.

I agree with this. If anyone does not like LS rules, he/she should not have joined to begin with. And I also think it is important to get the rules clear at the beginning.

I have my own blunders with end game stuff before... Anyway.. Maxemus and VF welcome to endgame. I hate to say that, but the learning curve will probably be much harder than this. It is how to manage them makes you a good LS.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#15 Jan 30 2006 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,309 posts
I was there, saw it, testifying to it, have the screenshots of it. You can believe it or not, it is really a moot point.

Alii was simply stating facts, which can easily be proven.

Then please post the screenshots and prove it.

If Goltana is truly LS hopping and admitting to it then I need to speak with my LS leader.

That's why I want the proof.
#16 Jan 30 2006 at 10:21 AM Rating: Excellent
498 posts
I spoke to a couple people in VF last evening, they confirmed that it happened. One of those people was Inka, Inka confirmed it happened. He was very pretty bummed out but in the spirit of being Inka continued to say, "It Happens, more will drop later". Inka took a hit, sounds like he dwelles in it about 10 minutes before he picked himself up and drove on. Only a fairly mature and motivated player could do something like that. Kudos Inka, keep it up.
#17 Jan 30 2006 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
292 posts
Ama stated:
I just think this whole blunder could have been avoided with better pre-planing

Ama, as a NON-VF member you don't know our rules or how LONG they have been in place (they were in place before we even stepped foot into the first Dynamis VF ever went into over 6+ months ago) but they are basically as follows:

1) If you are not of level on the job, you may NOT lot AF.

2) You may only lot AF OR money, not both.

3) You must me a VF LS member to lot AF.

4) You must be a VF member past the 30 day probation period.

5) You must post in a search comment what you are going for (AF or Money)

6) If a piece falls that NO LS member has placed in their search comment and everyone is in agreement that a person who does have that job and can wear doesnt need it, a "free lot" is called and EVERYONE (guests, etc)may cast lots. (i.e.: BRD hat dropped last weekend. No one has placed BRD AF in their search comment. None of the BRD in our LS were on, and no one had a BRD high enough to wear it, so a free lot was called for anyone who wanted it.)

7) Single monies are "free fall" to everyone, do not lot on them.

8) If you pay for a Dynamis run out of you pocket, your rules will apply (within reason).

The rules are pretty clear in my opinion and have been to all guests for the last 6+ months. This was a VF LS Fund payed run, so VF rules applied. No one else has ever had a problem understanding the rules and this was NOT Goltana's first Dynamis run with VF. Hell, he either got a WAR AF2 drop the previous week in dynamis or maybe it was he casted lots on it, and either way, he wasn't even of level to wear the WAR AF2. This weekend he was lotting money items and had "WAR AF" in his search comment even and got called on it by Max (I think a couple others may have been doing this too.) . When the MNK AF dropped his lot was purely to be greedy and spiteful.

Also, our Dynamis rules are told to EVERYONE before the event starts EVERY time. Our LS Dynamis rules are posted on our LS website and have been for 4+ months. So he was well aware of them. Max runs a pretty great LS so I doubt you will need to show him any kinda ropes, but you two are good friends, so maybe you two can chat next time your both on to catch up on how VF is doing. ^^

And as I posted to Mateo in KI, I will re-post here:

Mateo, I did state in both forums to do with this information as you wish, but it is fact, no matter how nice Goltana is being to anyone. Hell, he's probably TRYING to make himself look like a nicer person now. He did this in front of 54 people, most of which are VF members, the rest were all guests, so feel free to ask them. Paragon (as stated on Alla) has screen shots and will most likely post them soon.

I also know Espinosis, as he too is in VF since November I believe. Goltana has been in VF for 6+ months and has always been "nice" to people. That wasn't the problem. Problem was his greed. He took this drop from Inka claiming he "deserved" it and that VF had wronged him. I don't know how VF wronged him, he had always gotten help from VF as all members do. But he obviously saught help from whomever else he could too. He also has been doing other "things" that proved him greedy even before this incident but they don't deal with the OP, so I won't throw them into this, but I will gladly talk to you via PM or /tell in game about them.

Speak to any VF member who was there after the exit about his LS hopping quote also. We all sat and "talked" for about and hoour+ after wards. Maxemus, myself, Darklvade, Lilliwitch, Inka himself, and several others were all there. There were also people from various other LS's just standing around and watching/reading because this all went on in /say mode at the exit point in Sandy. I normally am picture happy, but didn't take any so don't believe me, it's OK, I understand. You obviously don't know me and have no reason to believe me. I just hope that youdon't find out one day that his integrity is not what you believe it is and you will be added to his list of "stupid" people who "don't matter".
#18 Jan 30 2006 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
This weekend he was lotting money items and had "WAR AF" in his search comment even and got called on it by Max (I think a couple others may have been doing this too.) . When the MNK AF dropped his lot was purely to be greedy and spiteful.

That was my part of misunderstanding about the strictness of rules. I think in that case, Goltana should be be D2ed and may be kicked from LS. (Up to you guys what to do)

I have similar experiences before, but it does not end up in a fight. Our LS leader mediate a reasonable solution, and no one got kicked or whatever, and things are handled "under the table".

As a game suggestion is that I think the person who first traded the bought hourglass should have the right to remove someone from a Dynamis run. Right now, the only way to forcefully remove a person from lotting in Dynamis is to D2 that person. Of course, a "smart" person will be not allowing himself get invited by a PT with a BLM, or to disband immediately so that person cannot be D2ed. Time to hit the SE player feedback email again @_@;
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#19 Jan 30 2006 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
LOL!! Yeah... this has never happened to VF before and was a HUGE learning experience. I actually talked about kicking him with Max when it happened, but as I have found out, that would have done nothing. I didn't think about D2 and we were all so shocked no one even thought of that... >.<; Would have nipped the whole experience in the bud.

Goltana stated he "left" VF (I assume he dropped the pearl) after the event because people were not happy with him, so he wasn't kicked, but probably would have been.

Yep Ama, it ws a learning bump for VF but there have been quite a few along the way since we have become a HNMls, and I am sure there will be more! ^^;
#20 Jan 30 2006 at 12:41 PM Rating: Default
Alright alright alright i've heard enuff..... For yall who dont know im Golt's Bro in RL and of course I feel obliged now to speak on this Blood > everything. Just to let u know, im not on here to take sides or make excuses or blame LSes or anything like that. I'm on this game long enuff to know and see u cant believe everything u hear, also not saying that whatever u say has been said is not tru. But i'd like to say this in the most genuine way that i can: Inka Ali and all of VF im really sorry bout the situation that went down. Situations like that are bad for a LS and ruins morale, truth be told. Unfortunately i wasnt online Sat night when all this went down to see it myself otherwise i would not be posting. Like Mateo said, "Post the proof!" Thats all peeps wanna see, not any given individual pr group trying to bash another's rep. TRUST... IF there is proof, you wont have to say anything any more just <insert proof here> then ". . ." (DOT DOT DOT) its simple. Nobody wants to hear, "ask this person or that person" for obvious bias reasons. WE WANT VISIBLE TESTIMONY. Like i said, im his bro and ALOT of peeps are cool with Golt in-game and will vouch for him, but if its tru we want the proof... If u dont give that, it will ultimately make urself look bad and give the idea that your LS is inexperienced and cant bounce back from the situation. As you can tell from the tone of my convo, imma grown man and i dont bicker about stuff that happens in-game. I take everything as a learning experience, and better myself, not gather my fellow constituents to give the impression of "strength in numbers" and solidarity, and avoid the situation in the future. If u feel u must post outside a video game to ruin a person's rep in game u be the judge, as if u are concerned about the welfare of anybody else he comes in contact with post-VF. Once again i speak the truth and only what makes sense, real talk. If u feel that it is necessary and will help u and LS regroup then post it. Im not on here to bash you or your LS like i've stated. Darkvlade is good peeps with me from long ago so i have no intentions of such. Im just a man about the facts, And I respect those of the same mindset. If u need to /tell me or PM some info get at me do so im friendly! Much Success to u! =D
#21 Jan 30 2006 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
my eyes..........
(press enter key here)
It's cool you want to defind your brother but only because hes your brother doesnt mean what he did was right sorry.
(press enter key here)
If you really want to solve something have you brother drop the AF he didnt earn and post a screen shot.

Edited, Mon Jan 30 14:15:17 2006 by RiseAgainstXhrta
#22 Jan 30 2006 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
We were in Dynamis-Sandy on Saturday night and we got to about the entrance to the tunnel that leads to the chocobo stables when the AF dropped... I had noticed earlier about the fountain that Goltana received an Infinity Core which is a money drop for LS...our rules state(and WERE mentioned before the Dynamis runs we do) you can only lot AF or Money, not both...i sent a /tell to Halflin and told him that Golt ahd received the core and it was left at that...later Maxemus had made an announcement that said something to the effect that if you lot on money items you cannot lot on AF and you know who you are.
So anyways, Halfin lots first gets about a 151, Golt lots a 690, and i lot and get a 605(numbers are approx.), so knowing that Golt had lotted on money item i was pumped, Max asked Golt to pass, Goltana said No and asked why...then was told that he received a money item and has forfeited his chance for AF... Goltana was upset because he thought we were being unfair to him, but i do not think its fair to lot on both types of items either... so no MNKS got any AF, went to another job....TBC
#23 Jan 30 2006 at 2:14 PM Rating: Default
1,309 posts
I had noticed earlier about the fountain that Goltana received an Infinity Core which is a money drop for LS...our rules state(and WERE mentioned before the Dynamis runs we do) you can only lot AF or Money

Hey Inka, how are you today man?

This clears things up for me now, but now my question is, did he lot on the infinity core? Or did it free fall on to him?
#24 Jan 30 2006 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
Really doesnt matter if he lotted on it or not.

He went against LS leaders wishes, that says enough about him. Defend all you want, but the bottom line is he ****** up and if he is so great why is he not on here explaining his side.

He's laying low because he knows he ****** over his ls mates. I feel bad for them.
#25 Jan 30 2006 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm... this is the exact reason i normally dont post, becuz of individuals that dont know the facts and are bent on their own view. But man really, i stated my post was not in favor for or against, believe what u will.

And also, I cant have my bro drop AF that he doesnt have... But you're so intelligent i thought u would have known that. Read the thread someone else got it smart guy. Might wanna know the issue before making a post that makes u look stupid and everything else you say following this invalid... npoktyvm {See you again!} >.>

~Line spacing is nice thx for the education! ^^ {.}
#26 Jan 30 2006 at 2:29 PM Rating: Default
1,309 posts
Defend all you want

I'm not defending what Goltana did when he lotted on the AF.

All I want is to figure out the exact order of events so I know what happened. Of course when I say I want to know what happened I don't want to hear "he did this" or "he did that," I wanted pretty much what Inka posted, a clear logical description.
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