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Time to be a hypocrite. :-/Follow

#1 Oct 31 2005 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
*sigh* I know I know... I always say do things the "adventurer's way", but I'm tired of Fenrir. LoL. I'm 0/7 on that damn dog and have had him as low as 3% health and still dropped. -.-. I know a couple people have offered to help but I would like to try to actually schedule a run. I hear SMN has more MND than WHM so I would love to keep leveling it and sub it for Chi. :-b. Not to mention I could help buff the PT some after a Chi Blast. LoL. Gogo MNK Aerial Armor! LMAO

Anyways, if there are any SMNs willing to help a MNK out, I would appreciate it! I'll be a good MNK and just sit back and Chi Blast. LoL
#2 Oct 31 2005 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
1,945 posts
You have my 75 SMN and Diavolo's 70 SMN. I'm off until Friday night. Unless I'm xping SAM, I will be able to go as soon as you let me know you're ready.
#3 Oct 31 2005 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Much appreciated. I can hopefully get 3 more SMNs, or at least 2 more and my 75NIN friend (who also needs it), and knock this out this week. :-b
#4 Oct 31 2005 at 1:33 PM Rating: Default
I'm a 71blm plzzzzzzzzzzzz let me come ingame name evilcaster
#5 Oct 31 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
No harm in that. I think this is becoming the common way of getting Fenrir now. I've read even the best setups still get wiped by him.

#6 Oct 31 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
304 posts
I got him thay way, I even killed him with Banish III XD Stupid Fraps wasn't running though. Even with 5 SMNs, one ended up dying and two were on the verge but we did it on the first try. Good luck! I don't know if SMN really has more MND than WHM though.

#7 Oct 31 2005 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Actually I found a calculator and SMN had 2 less MND subbing for a 75MNK. I would, however, be able to use Aerial Armor on my PT to help out a bit. It might be something interesting to try for a change.

Anyways, I'm wanting to level SMN regardless of subbing for MNK so I really want this puppy. ><
#8 Oct 31 2005 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
Leet... I don't understand why you need this pup soo bad. If you're subbing SMN, then the highest level you really have to take it is 37... but let's pretend you're taking it to 40 just to round things off nice and even...

BP's Fenrir will have:

1: Howling Moon (Astral Flow Blood Pact); keep in mind, as sub, this won't be an option for you as you cannot use Astral Flow with smn sub.

2: Moonlit Charge (lvl 1 physical attack BP); most likely do poor damage (if it hits at all) to an exp mob as a smn sub.

3: Crescent Fang (lvl 10 physical attack); also same deal as Moonlit Charge, especially when subbing smn.

4: Lunar Cry (lvl 24 BP); reduces accuracy or evasion of a mob depending on moon phase. However, at lvl 48 mnk/24 smn, any mobs you fight for exp will probably resist this BP.

5: Lunar Roar (lvl 32 BP); again, have a tough time getting this to stick with smn sub...

Finally, you don't get ecliptic growl (the +ALL STATs BP) until lvl 43 smn. So this won't even be an option for your mnk sub.

Now having said that, you might want Fenrir for your way to lvl 40... but for any reason besides the prestige of saying "I have Fenrir" when pt's are seeking, I cannot understand why. Sadly, if you have a pt pre-30 that wants a smn that has Fenrir, that is already an ill pt. As displayed above, Fenrir really doesn't seperate and elevate above and beyond any of the other avatar's until lvl 32. You state you'd like to have smn sub for Aerial Armor for your pt. Mind you, Aerial Armor costs losts of MP and wears off rather quickly on some pt members and remains on others till it wears off naturally over time. Finally, Aerial Armor is one of Garuda's BP's... so again, I neglect to see where your need for Fenrir comes in, other than bragging rights or prestige. If you'd like Fenrir so you can solo SMN up all by yourself, be prepared for a taskfull road ahead and become familiar with the MP costs and what levels they jump up. When you first begin summoner, for the first several levels, Elemental Spirits actually cost less than Avatar's other than Carbuncle..

You might think it's cool to whip out Fenrir for your PT... but fact is, he'll more than likely be more useless than carby while you're healing pt's in the dunes, or using Shiva's Blizzard II to MB distortion SC's... GL on getting Fenrir, I'm just shocked and surprised that someone who agree's with the fact the player makes the player, not the equipment that makes the player... is sooo worried about getting the avatar that he probably won't use very often, if at all. Perhaps that's why you said it's time to be a hypocrite.

Oh, and for the record, IMO, this makes smn's who don't have Fenrir look even worse because it just further's the hype of how great Fenrir is... and yes, most of it is hype. I'm not speaking from my own POV, those are words of those smn's who do have Fenrir... some who had Fenrir from lvl 1, and others that adopted him lvl 60+.

For the record, I'd be willing to help if I were not still too low a level and if I had a moon bauble. However, I still need to collect ALL my whispers before I get the moon bauble... so good luck to you Leet. Personally, I've gone 60 levels without the pup, a few more won't kill me...

Edited, Mon Oct 31 16:52:47 2005 by ElvaanKrem
#9 Oct 31 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Good
498 posts
Two Words Krem: Status Symbol.
#10 Oct 31 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Yes I'm a double hypocrite on this one.

In all actuality, Krem, I do intend to take SMN up quite a bit further. After seeing the ridiculous amounts of damage the level 70 BPs do, and how useful SMN is end game, I'm just shocked. LoL.

Yes, some of it is just saying I have it, some is to solo level, and a big part of this it's one of my personal goals. It has been for quite some time. I'm in complete agreement that Fenrir is far from the best avatar in all situations, but damnt I still want it. :-b
#11 Oct 31 2005 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
Fair enough... and good luck...

I just hate seeing Fenrir over rated and hyped up more than he should be... especially since he is so difficult to obtain and more so a status symbol than anything else... I'm sorry, just the whole thing of "I have Fenrir, I'm a REAL SMN now" upsets me... what were you before? Just a healer? Well, you'll still be a healer... you'll just be a healer with Fenrir now... Not your fault Leet... I just get heated when people judge me, as a smn, simply because I do not have Fenrir and assume that I'm half the smn I could be. Whereas reality is I feel I'm a good smn, perhaps better than half the smn's with Fenrir already. Knowing people and friends to help you get your puppy does not reflect your skills as a SMN, it meerely reflects how many higher level friends you know. So in short, because Fenrir is soo hyped, when people judge me due to the lack of Fenrir... I feel as tho they are cutting me short, not giving me a chance to prove my worth and instead judging me on the amount of higher level friends I know.. Then I see a thread like this and feel like fuel had been thrown on the fire. However, I am glad you see, agree, and said that you really want Fenrir just to have him... not because he's all mighty and powerfull like many people are diluted to believing.
#12 Nov 01 2005 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
This is actually how I got Fenrir, but I went 3 times before that with a proper party setup, and we wiped each time, despite coming very close.

I just got really tired of "{Fenrir} {Do you have it?}" "No" "Sorry no party" /kick Callista.

Thats the point where I wanted to quit smn, and it came around level 61. By then I was determined to get him, but its not easy, you could have a party of 75s, and still wipe. I'm coming close to 70 now, and I'm gonna expect a few requests to help Fenrir. And if I'm not busy I will help, because I don't want other smns to suffer because party leaders won't invite them because of one avatar, who I have barely used since getting.

I only seem to use him on THF style mobs, and even then I don't use him much, except for perhaps an Eclipse Bite on a berserked Dhalmel.

From 60+, SMN (in my opinion) is an official damage dealer, I've been outbursting Black Mages in some parties, the tier IV nukes can do some amazing damage when burst, but I don't mind healing when the occasion calls, but dealing damage is much more fun.

I just hate seeing Fenrir over rated and hyped up more than he should be

Yes, Fenrir is over rated, despite a lower perpetuation, and stronger attacks, he's just a physically stronger version of Carbuncle. I don't even bother with him in exp parties, except for the above mentioned attack.

Anyway, Nebz. When I'm 70 or over, I'll always be there to help you with the Fenrir fight, I need 2 items from him, Torque and Key for E.Ring. So just let me know, I hit 69 last night, and I'm at 31,400 ; ;
#13 Nov 01 2005 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
gogo Callista! Hurry up and level so you can do some bone pts with us. :P

Yeah Nebz, I know he's overrated. LoL. I just have some things I've wanted for as long as I can remember and he's one of them. I've quested brown belt, obtained asuran fists, will hit 75 this week, fought all the gods, done Dynamis (Windy on SUnday :-D), but I'm still 2 items short of Black Belt, and 0/7 on this damned dog. LoL.

IMO, a good SMN will be using Earthen Ward, Aerial Armor, Hastega, or a ton of others. LoL. Fenrir buffs are very nice if the mob is too high for the pt. I prefer power chaining VTs (about all you do in the 70s anyways) so the other avatar abilities are even better. And as you said, SMN becomes a powerful DD, especially post 70.
#14 Nov 01 2005 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
304 posts
My SMN isn't very high, so my opinion may not matter much at all, but I felt incomplete without Fenrir. Not that feeling that I needed his techniques, but it was an avatar I did not have. I know you can get the job done without Fenrir, I'm sure many have, but some people don't want a do a job without all the resources and stuff, I'm pretty close to one of those people.

I guess Fenrir is overrated, physically I've already noticed a melee dmg difference between him and any other avatar though. With bloodpacts however, Double Punch and Tail Whip and still doing loads more. Now that I have him, I'm fairly happy. I was still a SMN before, but now I feel different. It's just my feeling though. Me and Callista talked alittle when I was killing some things in Rolan as SMN (she poked me and ran away on choco ; ;) and I guess I may not fully comprehend about Fenrir till I get higher with SMN, so I guess I'll just have to keep training it. I don't think he's all mighty...but he's cool. (Heh, if thats a good reason).
#15 Nov 02 2005 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
433 posts
1. when?
2. 73brd/whm.
3. can't till i have the moon bauble, i reckon. of which i have 2-3 more avatars to kill.
#16 Nov 02 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
Fenrir makes one excellent tank. lol
#17 Nov 02 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
1/1 fenrir biotch!
#18 Nov 02 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
STFU TARU! Go play with your new boots! Better yet, go try to solo an Arch Corse again! LoL
#19 Nov 02 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
#20 Nov 02 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
LoL what, Nyru?
#21 Nov 02 2005 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
i've had the pumps for a very long time, i was just helping out yesterday. and i solo'd an arch corse earlier so i got my revenge :)
#22 Nov 02 2005 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
The STFU TARU part...

...and I wanted to get to 200 posts, lol

When do I get another star?

Edited, Wed Nov 2 23:48:46 2005 by Nyruu
#23 Nov 07 2005 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
1/9. Fenrir is now by b*&^%! :-b I'm going to work the hell outta him too for driving me nuts.

We also did it w/ 1 blm and 0 smn. O.O

PLD/NIN, MNK, THF, RDM, WHM, BLM. w00t Go YF! :-b

Edited, Mon Nov 7 13:41:32 2005 by LeetFade
#24 Nov 07 2005 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,945 posts
Congratulations, Leet.

I don't know about you guys, but Fenrir is probably my most used avatar. Yes, he makes a great tank and I can solo most things I never could with him out. It's a great feeling for me. He has a lower cost and his final BP is also cheaper for mp. Together with Spirit Taker, it just makes sense to use him.

So, to me, he's not a status symbol, but a useful tool to accomplish what I need.
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