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I know this isn't Killingifrit but...Follow

#52 Oct 20 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
441 posts
#53 Oct 20 2005 at 10:59 AM Rating: Default
Thrilla I really wasn't trying to direct my comments towards anyone in particular. I have just as much respect for members of your LS as anyone else. My comments had more to do with the people who don't come to the Aery to try for themselves and just avoid it out of rumor; who make their opinion soley on the experiences of other people. You have no foundation on which to criticize. For the months that WW was beating us to Fafnir pulls, we didn't just say **** it and leave, we showed up almost every day to try, so unless you're actually there to find out for yourself, perhaps you should put less fortitude in your opinions. I'm not trying overly hard to be an *** here, I'm not even trying to justify botting or w/e you think Deme's trying to do on KI, I'm just saying that before go and make a fuss here on someone else's observations, experience it for yourself. I respect for almost every linkshell and most of its members on this server, and it'd be nice to have some reciprocation once in a while :3
#54 Oct 20 2005 at 11:52 AM Rating: Good
1,072 posts
It has been kind of hinted at in these posts, but for the most part THE BOTS ARE BROKEN this week.

If you are in a medium sized HNM LS and have been curious about HNM, and wanted a piece of the action for a while now, why don't you head to Behemoth tonight after maintenance?

Fear of botting has kept many of the smaller shells away. But SE has blessed us with a narrow window where HNM can be claimed fairly. This is your chance to come and give the monopoly shells some fair competition. They sorely need it, for some of them have become rather complacent with their "daily chore" of killing the HNM they "own".

Behemoth domain is the safest of the three ground gods, since you are safe from MPK (A tactic that I have seen used twice at Fafnir last month by NA LS.) The turtle has a lot of agro links to deal with along with easy MPK opportunities. And fafnir, well, aside from the famous darter disasters this is by the far "dirtiest" HNM to camp in the game (aside from Serket maybe). Fafnir is also the nastiest of the three, with a very structured way of fighting it.

If you do rally some of your friends to head out there, DON'T let yourself get caught up in the drama. Camp quietly, and treat the other HNM LS with respect, even if you feel some of them don't deserve it. Don't get baited when they send you tells making fun of your lesser gear or laugh at you in general. Your provoke and flash are just as fast as theirs.

Its been said before... There are a lot of LS on our server that can kill ground gods, but they are kept away by fear of botting or abuse. But as Bani said, don't be critical of the HNM community if you haven't tried to hunt them personally. Get out there and try it a few times.

This is a limited time offer. The "botters" on our server don't write their own code, so they are eagerly waiting for someone overseas to write new cheating script for them to download and use. Don't fear or respect these guys as "elite hackers", because they are just the online equivalent of a kid with a gameshark code trying to get 99 lives in mario.

(And finally, some of the members in the botting shells are upset their reputations are "stained" by the color of the pearl over their head, even though they personally don't bot. They are using the bot to reap rewards, and clearly you are getting a share of that reward or you wouldn't be out there camping with them. Who would complain when an abjuration is dropped in your lap, without ever having to work for it?)

P.S On a personal note, I feel a little silly for buying the wyrm beard quest item from fafnir. At the time it was the "only" way to get it, as most monks on our server would concur. But I can kind of justify it as having worked hard to raise the million gil, and then spend 6 weeks sitting in dragon aery trying to buy it each day. My LS has had a beard drop since then, through an honest kill, and I was thrilled to see it given away to such a deserving monk like Leetfade ^^

Edited, Thu Oct 20 13:03:06 2005 by Thornn
#55 Oct 20 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
LoL /blush. I'm eternally grateful for that. I had already been in contact for a short while about potentially purchasing the beard myself (before I had joined an HNMLS) but was thrilled to join YF and see them claim and kill the beast! I just wish I could have inflicted some damage on him. LoL

I'm fine with sitting on the bench throwing out the occasional cures to the starting line-up if that's where I'm needed. It just sux running out of MP after two Cure IIIs. LoL

Yeah I do agree though, Thornn. Now would be a good time for people to experience the rush of HNM killing. I know the BladeSingers could easily kill Adamantoise and probably even a regular Behemoth if everyone stays focused (unlike the majority of our Dynamis run last night in YF. LMAO), but as our LS is more of a family style atmosphere, and the fact that I don't want to "bend" the rules of the HNMLS I'm in, I won't be taking them into such a battle. I'm sure most of them we'll see those battles soon enough. :-b

I'm sure some HNMLSes will frown upon a bunch of new LSes coming out to try to take "their" claim, but a lot I'm sure would be cordial and welcome the challenge. Good luck to anyone that takes on one of these mobs! It's a lot of fun!
#56 Oct 20 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Default
221 posts
It's an age old battle: Legit Players VS The 'Martyr' Hackers.

Justifying the need to use a hack is great. But the fact is that a hack is a hack no matter which way you splice it with your moral point of views and opinions. To violate rules deliberately is your own choice, weither you want to claim that SE gave you to the key, it's your choice to unlock the door.

For those who play Legit, I salute you.

Oh and Congrats Leet on your beard and YF's claim.

Edited, Thu Oct 20 14:00:48 2005 by OniNoKyuu
#57 Oct 20 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
God damnit Thornn .. you took the words right out of my mind..

/clap good stuff... good stuff indeed!
#58 Oct 20 2005 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
441 posts
Must MPK thornn and leetfade....die...monkey...die
#59 Oct 20 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
1,072 posts
Must MPK thornn and leetfade....die...monkey...die

You should just count yourself lucky that you wern't one of my victims when I got charmed and two houred in dynamis last night ^^

You feel kind of guilty when you sneak up behind a white mage and punch them in the spine. But you're grinning the whole time for some reason >.>
#60 Oct 20 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
I just wish I would have had FRAPs up then. LoL
#61 Oct 20 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,877 posts
I think my dead grandmother could beat regular behemoth right now. That day we killed it with that wierd group of 9 and no WHM was fun. Hurray for the SMNs!!

BTW >.> 7k into 69 suckers. With any luck, today is my last day of Tank party onry.
#62 Oct 20 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Default
The good news is.. there are still LS's that can win claims without cheating. :P


I'm sorry Leet but there are more ways to cheat than bots, mpk, etc etc etc.. Your beloved YF is not as clean and perfect as you and its members claim to be. I want it to be clear that this is not a point to make excuses why YF was able to claim FF over ww or dynasty but rather to clear the mentality that YF is devoid of actions which create an unfair advantage to its pullers (cheating). With that said, at the FF camps I watched on more than one occasion YF mages repeatedly cast 'Cure' magic throughout the pop windows on opposing linkshell pullers. To the end that is clear to be to create the necessary lag on those players during the pop windows. As any player who has had a spell cast on them just as they start an ability or action knows there is a few second delay before any action is taken. Repeated casting of 'Cure' on those members would render them virtualy motionless for seconds. Clearly this is not to even begin to establish one form of cheating as lesser or greater than another. My only aim is for the members of YF to realize that they do infact as a linkshell engage in actions which create an unfair advantage to its members.
#63 Oct 20 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Ok everyone that knows me knows that I'm the last person to get into a mud throwing contest. This, however, should be cleared up.

The reason YF members have used cures on other players is because it ruins bots. Everyone knows that. If you get cure casted on you, you target that person. If you don't remove that target (ie. your focus stays on who cured you) then you are either AFK or botting. I did this to botters on Hawkeyed Dnatbat (sp?) for a long time. If they want to cheat, I'll call them out. I'm not going to MPK them, but I'm sure as hell not going to let them cheat. LoL.

I was there in Dragon's Aery most of the week to try to help pull. I saw what they did and know why they did it. SE implemented a VERY simple command to eliminate that affecting you. It's hardly an attempt to keep you from pull. If that was their intention, it would have been done only during the pop windows, which it wasn't. It was done while the window was closed. As you yourself said, it keeps you from a /ja for a second (only because your now targeting the curing person) and that's sure not going to stop you from pulling when the window is closed.

No offense, but there are some more intricate details that people overlook. Trying to make sure that everyone is on a level playing field (ie. trying to find who is botting against them) is not cheating. I do agree, however, if they had set aside people to specifically go around and cure right before the window opened it would have been cheating. No questions asked. That, however, was not the case.

The people that magically show up at the mob and skip zones are just lazy. Learn some skill to pulling and play it the right way. If you're going to cheat, expect to be called out. Again, if you're worried about someone curing you outside of the pop window, use /blockaid.
#64 Oct 20 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Default
lol Leet i'm really not picking on you... seriously. From all I know your a great guy and good helper. I just had a question about what you said here:

Now would be a good time for people to experience the rush of HNM killing. I know the BladeSingers could easily kill Adamantoise and probably even a regular Behemoth if everyone stays focused (unlike the majority of our Dynamis run last night in YF. LMAO)

I have never heard of this BladeSingers linkshell or know how they rank in skill to YF. Is it true though that YF wiped to Adamantoise just a few days ago. My reasoning for this question is that I just dont like to take others hearsay on these things. I just thought that if YF wiped to a mob that we kill with 5 people; seeing in person how many members YF brings to camps; and the point that
BladeSingers could easily kill Adamantoise
would stand to prove that YF is weaker than these so called BladeSingers. Anyways.. I just wanted to hear it from you man, late~
#65 Oct 20 2005 at 4:23 PM Rating: Default
No I wasnt speaking about a target, i'm talking about not being able to move at all. For example at the start of a fight, if I get Haste cast on me right before the mob arrives I can't voke it. I can't move or do anything for 1-2 secs. I have the mob targeted the whole time. Target has nothing to do with what i'm saying. And to speak of stopping bots from working, I was under the impression that SE already made changes making the current bots not work, the very basis of motivation for LS like YF to try and camp, and therefore making your justification that it reuins the bot moot. You can't reuin a bot that is already not working.
#66 Oct 20 2005 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Well the thing about you name not getting dragged into the bad name of your LS is gonna happen because if a mob is botted and you take items from it then yes you are condoning it. Last weeka certian LS not gonna say who botted KT 3 days in a row. Its really sad that other LS's have to look for botting programs to just equal the playing ground. And yes KoN/Dynasty bought a botting program from WW. You won't see them going against each other for this fact. KoN paid $400 RL dollars for this program.

This has been getting way outta hand. The games not a game anymore its basically everyone trying to cut throat everyone.

Can't we all just get along?

BTW CAKE FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!
#67 Oct 20 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,877 posts
heh, YF didn't really "wipe" to Adamantoise. It was just a misjudgement of when it would go into "Rage" mode. It was fought with a single DRK using H2H to keep it in a good time for the next day. Hard to call a 1 person soloing with H2H a wipe.

#68 Oct 20 2005 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Adamantoise can be owned easily with pld, blm, rdm, whm.

Its been done I was the whm. lol
#69 Oct 20 2005 at 5:02 PM Rating: Default
1,577 posts
And yes KoN/Dynasty bought a botting program from WW. You won't see them going against each other for this fact. KoN paid $400 RL dollars for this program.

Proof? Just asking for for your source, I don't know either way. I've only been in the shell for a few months.

Edited, Thu Oct 20 18:12:38 2005 by Warf
#70 Oct 20 2005 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
1,072 posts
YF came to camp FF after the last server reset. That's nothing new. We didn't know at the time that your bots got nerfed. That only dawned on us after a few successful wins against you.

But it was clear that some of your 3rd party "movement enhancing" apps still work. No names, but some members of certain LS like to run right up the cliff of the one way path that is normally an exit from dragon aery. This was done day-in day-out, totally bypassing the boyoda tree.

If that app worked, we were worried your Mr.Argus bot was also working. An old school "urban myth" was that a cure spell would re-target the mr.argus bot to a player. Every time the well known botters would log off then on again, some people would cure them. As leet said, this was done outside the "pop window".

The cure was just meant to sabotage your bot. Sure enough, after being cured, the botters would log off then on again. (Why they never used block aid was beyond me). They said "you know the cure trick doesn't work anymore, right"? But they kept logging off when they got cured.

That behavior kind of hinted that there is still a 3rd party app your shell was trying to run, one that SE hasn't able to break yet. It didn't seem too effective, thankfully. I'm not sure if the cures helped or hindered, but curing is not against ToS. SE added "/bockaid" for that very reason.

So if your only evidence that "YF plays dirty" is that we tried to ***** up your auto-claim 3rd party app, I don't think you're going to get a lot of support in that argument (I'm sure Thin and Zoome and their flying/huangxiang friends will stand up for the likes of you though. They are frustrated when their bots fail too)

You know, we were half-hearted joking about this topic when it happened. "OMG... Watch KI tonight and see if they post about how YF ruined their bots". But we never thought you would actually post it.

And I've heard hints from your LS that you doubt our success this week was simple luck. We won each claim with a different puller, we agroed darters once or twice (even before it popped) so trust me, we didn't edit any dats. I'm sorry to say it, but our success last week was a result of a lot of effort but mostly just dumb luck.

The bots that you have come to depend on were broken, and we have pulled the way we always have. Tab or F8, pray its not a darter, and engage. Next week I doubt we'll have the same success I'm sorry to say. The playing field is level now, and the HNM are a free-for-all as they always should have been. Our luck can go as easily as it came. There is no skill in HNM claims.

Whats really sad is that your LS kills these ground gods upwards of a hundred times per year. Another LS upsets this monopoly for only one week and a server war starts.

(and to YF members reading this, I'm sorry for getting drawn in on drama. It's not something we seek. We never initiated any of these HNM LS bickering threads, but there's no reason we shouldn't defend ourselves from slander.)

#71 Oct 20 2005 at 5:13 PM Rating: Default
1,577 posts
The cure was just meant to sabotage your bot. Sure enough, after being cured, the botters would log off then on again.

Not everyone that logs off then back on is botting just FYI.
#72 Oct 20 2005 at 5:16 PM Rating: Default
heh, YF didn't really "wipe" to Adamantoise. It was just a misjudgement of when it would go into "Rage" mode. It was fought with a single DRK using H2H to keep it in a good time for the next day. Hard to call a 1 person soloing with H2H a wipe.

A 'misjudgement' ? Please do not tell your attempting to try and claim that a DRK wearing hand to hand weapons was able to hold turtle anywhere near 60minutes. As your statement implies he only 'wiped' due to it actually going into this mode. Which would mean your saying this DRK lasted that amount of time.
#73 Oct 20 2005 at 5:23 PM Rating: Default
If that app worked, we were worried your Mr.Argus bot was also working. An old school "urban myth" was that a cure spell would re-target the mr.argus bot to a player. Every time the well known botters would log off then on again, some people would cure them. As leet said, this was done outside the "pop window".

I'm sorry but your very mistaken here. I was there as a WHM, and I am no where near anything like a 'well known botter'. I had cure cast on me by wolftamer at the start and throughout each window. And I watched him do everyone around as well as other mages. So please stop misleading people of your innocence. That is the whole point... And I said nothing about it being done during the 30 min wait. I said
YF mages repeatedly cast 'Cure' magic throughout the pop windows on opposing linkshell pullers.
. Clearly I am not talking about when the mob is not expected to pop here.. So your whole crap about removing autotarget and doing it only when someone repops is not what i'm talking about. Wether or not someone was only casting on those 'well known' boters or whatever is not my point. They may be infact justified in doing so. But you casting repeatedly durning the actual pop window on those who are trying just like you to claim is my problem..

Edited, Thu Oct 20 18:47:08 2005 by SonofAeacus
#74 Oct 20 2005 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,877 posts ain't dragging my *** thru the mud.

I only did 2 Cures the entire time. I did Spliffy once, and Iggy once, nothing more. Don't you dare get on your high horse saying I was doing it the whole time. In fact, you can even ask the LS leader Fowler about it. I didn't even want to, I hate drama, and do my best to avoid it.

The only reason I did the 2 cures I did is because I also noticed the 2 said people were doing as mentioned. Approx 1 minute before window opened, they would log out, and come back. This became very noticable. And, as said, after other people would throw a single cure spell on them, they would immeadtly *****, complain, moan, etc. and log right back out and back on.

If that isn't screaming "I'm up to something" I don't know what is. So I did the 2 cures just to try to make the playing field even for all.

If our *** has to risk the darters and trying to get first sight/voke on FF, your *** is going to also. But you will NEVER, and I mean N...E...V...E...R see me trying to pull your target during the window. And to say otherwise shows what a cheap *** liar you are. So get your ******* facts straight or shut the **** up.

As I've always said, it's a ******* game. Why cheat? If you can't play the game as intended, why the hell do you play? What fun is it to realize you have something that someone else doesn't because some idiot programmer gave it to you. Fowler's M.Body is 500x better than Iggy's or Deme's. Why? Because she ******* earned it. We stuck it out a week, we took 3 wipes in 2 days. And it paid off, we got FF several times, and then finally got NH. And we didn't have to cheat to do it. Fowler can look at her Koeing and realize she rised above the "by any means possible" mentality, and stuck it out on her beliefs to earn it.

If you feel the need to cheat...there is some kindergarten kids playing Chute and Ladders, go play with them.

#75 Oct 20 2005 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
I'm sorry Wolf. My purpose is not to drag your name down. I have partied and talked with you over vent durning parties and would not call you a cheater.
I only did 2 Cures the entire time. I did Spliffy once, and Iggy once, nothing more. Don't you dare get on your high horse saying I was doing it the whole time. In fact, you can even ask the LS leader Fowler about it. I didn't even want to, I hate drama, and do my best to avoid it.

But this is just wrong. I am neither of these people and you cast on me. Unfortunately your flaming and hatred goes nowhere when you lie outright at the near start of your arguement. I'm not on a horse of any kind and dont want to be. The point everyone is ignoring is that actions that you guys did, and yet claim to do nothing but camp things straight up.

Oh and I can assure you that spliffy wont be voking on RNG/NIN anymore than you on smn. Fact is when its brought up all fingers always point to ww and dynasty and everyone else is without any wrong. You basicly addmitted acting in such a way to give your LS an advantage, and have the nerve to say we're cheating when we have been camping it straight up for sometime now.

Edited, Thu Oct 20 20:06:33 2005 by SonofAeacus

Edited, Thu Oct 20 20:05:09 2005 by SonofAeacus
#76 Oct 20 2005 at 6:57 PM Rating: Good
1,072 posts
Not everyone that logs off then back on is botting just FYI.

Very true ^^ The first time this was done was only against one particularly bad abuser. He was recently featured in a fun little video that circulated KI for a while. Teleports to KB and auto-claims it.

The next few fights this was expanded to other people who were shady, or even rumored to be shady. If in doubt, in an LS full of irreputable botters, and ones that tolerates (rewards?) their botters, we take no chances. It's a simple, single cure once per half hour to reset the auto-target on the bot.

No one was ever spammed repeatedly in the nights I came to camp. Most of our mages were out actually trying to claim the NM, not suppress botters. The cure was done before the window, unless a person logged out then back in DURING a window.

So yea, people do temp log for reasons other then loading bots. Some people, after illegally warping past zones or saying incriminating things, they need to log and purge their temp logs. GMs can check logs so if you are a shady person, you will have to log off a lot.

Others, who don't use windower, can log for legit reasons. (But if you're a well know botter, you definately have windower installed at the very least). Logging off is by no means bad. Neither is a cure spell used to kill a bot. If you dont have a bot, you recover 0hp and move on with your life. If that cure spell offends you, /blockaid.

So Warf, sorry to drag you into this. I've known you for a long time and we shared many LS. I know you don't pull stunts like that. It's uncomfortable seeing old friends defending their LS from a few bad seeds.

And SonofAecus, I have no idea who you are ; ; You arn't one of the more memorable people in your LS (but in an LS that has notorious botters and could care less with reputation, maybe being forgetable is a gift?)

As the old Texas Ranger saying goes, "You ride with outlaws, you hang with outlaws."

Edited, Thu Oct 20 20:09:48 2005 by Thornn
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