Over the weekend I was quite disturbed I had lost 1200 exp from a lvl 6-8 orc in Ghelsba Outpost... maybe perhaps it was a multitude of orc's that linked over time. Either way, I decided there were enough people LFG to start a decent party rather than heading off to Ifrit's Cauldron to solo exp. Mainly cause the Cauldron is some what over camped at times by SMN's and BST's all with the same general idea. So my party and I head off to Gustav Tunnel to fight gobs and robber crabs. While on the way, 4 of 6 members are wiped out by some NM (maybe HNM) scorpion. Finally, after we get the PT rolling, we're having problems lasting past chain #1 and our tank is having a hard time with hate. Soo bad, infact, that I got hate once for casting Titan. There was more healing than damaging going on in this pt, so I'm guessing the mobs were still a lil too tough for us, but the exp they were dropping was "meh" at best.
Last night I got a PT offer and accepted. They were in Cape Terrigan with about three other PT's just infront of the SE zone to Valley of Sorrows. After a few battles, we decide "Enough with these crabs, let's go into Valley of Sorrows" as our puller was having difficulty finding mobs and exp was minimal. We get into Valley of Sorrows and things are OK at best. There's one other PT there and it is a very small space with few mobs to pull from. After a couple of kills, the other pt accidentally agro's or engages a Greater Bird and zones... so does my PT. At this point our puller leaves without prior notice... finally after 10 min, we have a replacement and I go back to jeuno to get him/her. I'm told by our blm he's only got 20 min left. I wouldn't be surprised if it took us 30 min to just get back to Valley of Sorrows with the rest of the PT. Couple fights later, the blm leaves... I have to go in 20 min now and someone else also has to go soon so we disband.
Both pt's have not been wide ranged levels just 2 levels... 56-58 for the first party and 58-60 for last night's pt. Chains have been slow, and frankly I feel I could have gotten more exp per time invested if I had solo'd bombs in Ifrit's Cauldron. Are there any good places to exp? any unorthadox exp zones that might have fewer pt's? Kinda like Behemoth's Dominion for lvl 32-36?